CHAPTER SIX: Kuma and Xebec.

~~~~~Rox's POV~~~~~

{System, what is the difference between a first-tier system and a ninth-tier system? Also how many tiers of systems are there and how and why did you give her a ninth-tier system?}

A first-tier system is the most basic system in the multiverse. It is mostly used by lower mortals and the probability of a lower mortal with a tier one system evolving into a higher mortal is miniscule whilst the ninth tier system is the highest tier of the system directly below The Seed System. The users of the ninth-tier system have the probability of becoming as powerful as The Guardians of the Twelve Universes. At their peak, they can both create and destroy universes. Currently, including the individual Nana, there are only thirteen ninth-tier system users.

There are currently nine tiers of systems and The Seed System. The System was able to grant a ninth-tier system to the individual Nana because the system was created with the ability to grant systems to individuals related to the host, provided all the necessary requirements are met. The reason the Individual Nana was granted a ninth-tier system was because the host acknowledged her as his partner. Thus, the requirements were met and the individual Nana was granted a ninth-tier system.

{What is The Seed System then?}

The Seed System is a system which the Supreme God recently created to aid him in choosing his successor. The Seed System is currently the most powerful in the multiverse which can aid a Seed in evolving into a Supreme God.

"Rox... Rox..."

"Oh, sorry dear. I was able to grant you the ninth-tier system because I now have The Seed System which has the ability to grant systems. Also, right now you have the potential to become more powerful than Aicis."

"Then, can I come with you?"

"No! Wait for me to go test the waters first. If it's safe then I'll find a way to bring you to me. I'm not done exploring my system so I can't teach you how to use yours so you should take the time you have to wait for me to explore your own system." Yes, I'll have to take time and completely learn about my system and how I can properly utilize it.

"Okay, my love."

"Yeah. Now let's go have our wedding ceremony."


Our wedding ceremony was successful. Of course, it would be. Especially when everyone around is in support of it. It turns out my parents also wanted me to taste the sweet nectar of love that comes as a result of the union of a man and woman in bed. It was beyond my wildest dreams and we went at it until about an hour ago. Since the planet has exactly twenty hours a day, there is enough time left to prepare. Thinking about it now, Owusu was quite pitiful. I turned to my left and sleeping there, still dyed in green is my beautiful Nana. Dark-skinned, white hair glowing green, dimples showing as she smiles in her sleep making her look even more beautiful to me. Well, I'm also dyed in green but she turned me into a man. And that makes me love her even more. After all, she made me experience the heaven I never experienced in my past life as Owusu. I caressed her face and she opened her eyes slightly so I said to her, "Thank you for turning me into a man tonight.". She smiled and closed her eyes once more. I must say, The Seed System has really boosted my stamina. I recovered from all that happened tonight by just sleeping for about an hour.

It's time for me to prepare for my journey. My father said he was preparing a gift for me so I'll go meet him first. I tapped on my terminal, which is but a bracelet on my wrist. One more difference between this planet and Earth. The technology here is far above that on Earth. The fact that they developed science on this planet by inculcating their powers into them makes it such that Earthlings may never catch up to us. Yes, us. I'm no longer an earthling and I like my life on this planet far more than when I was an earthling. And I died on earth so since I am no longer a human, I can not call myself an earthling. I informed the AI on my terminal to call my father and in no time a hologram of my father appeared above my wrist.

"Hey son, how was your night? I'm guessing you enjoyed yourself." What's up with this old man?

"Dad, she is here. I'm still in bed."

"Er, urm, good morning daughter. Hope you had a good night." Will he not take the hint?

Nana sat up and replied; "Indeed, I felt like I was in heaven. Hope your -"

"Welcome to the family and sorry for waking you up this early."

"Thank you, Father." I must stop this as fast as possible.

"Dad, where are you right now?"

"I'm at the lab right now adding some finishing touches to the gift I am preparing for you."

"Okay, I'll meet you there after I am done preparing... I'll meet you there in a while. Goodbye. I kissed Nana good night although it was dawn and went into the bathroom. I put my head into the tooth-brushing spot and my teeth were clean in no time. Then I went to the bathing area. That one too was automated. I could have also let the servants take care of me but it seems they are giving us some space. And this is Rox's first time having to dress himself. I stood in the changing room looking at the many clothes hanging around for a while and I couldn't make a choice. Rox never chooses his own clothes and Owusu only wore whatever he could get his hands on since he never had the luxury of choice.

Can I really survive out there? I mean I have the 'Wisdom' of many web novels to lean on but at the same time, this multiverse is completely different from my old world. But I am Rox. I can do it. Even if I can't I'll push through. I just have to win in the end. And I'll win with the help of Owusu's endurance and Rox's determination. Please don't ask me which of the two I really am because I don't know. I'd like to call myself Rox though. But seriously, what am I going to wear?

"Why don't you try this one Darling? It's part of the gifts I initially wanted to give to you." I turned around and standing there, holding a highly luxurious suit decorated with designs and jewellery was Nana.

"I thought you were sleeping.".

"I couldn't sleep so I came to help you. Then I saw you pondering on what you will wear so I went for this suit for you.". She is quite helpful. I could kiss her right now. It's quite unfortunate that I am going to have to leave her behind. One more reason I have to win or at least survive.

"Thank you, Nana. You are a lifesaver. Mwah!" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and took the suit. "Can you help me wear it?"

"I'm not that confident but as long as you don't mind the help of an AI, I think I can help."

"I don't mind. As long as I look my best in it. Frankly, I don't even know the fashion sense of the guardians so I don't know how it will go. Maybe, I should just wear armor."

"I think you should strive to look your best for us instead. I know myself, our families, your subjects and the whole world would like to see you off when you are looking your best and brimming with confidence that you will come back victorious. We will be praying for your victory as well." This girl really knows just what to say.

"Your words are like nectar to my soul dear." After hearing my words, her hair glow fluctuated a bit. In a short while, we were done and I went back to our bedroom to find that the proof of our first was no longer on the bed. Did the maids come inside or did she take care of it herself? Well, it's time to go meet Dad.


The moment I stepped out of my chambers, my personal guards came to surround me. "You do know that I am no longer disabled right?" I feel as if I am ten times stronger than I was though I'm still level one.

"Of course, My Lord, but a lot of people want to see and touch you now that it is known all over the world that you are a Seed." It seems the 'My Lord' has now stuck and they are no longer calling me Young Master. Is it because of how I commanded them yesterday or it's because I am now an adult? I was already a celebrity from birth and now that they have made this news public, I don't know just how much of a star I am now. Why did they even make it public in the first place? Don't they know it will be an inconvenience to me?

"Okay, take me to the lab.".


Why are all the scientists looking at me like that? I'm not a god yet you know. It seems they stayed awake all night preparing something for me. Here comes my father. "Greetings Father." We've already talked but the courteous thing to do right now is to greet.

"Come come come my son, and let me present to you the most powerful armor ever made on this planet. Made from the best materials that can be found on the planet and the previous best armor. Infused with your very own genetic code and enchanted by the best magicians on the planet. This armour will be able to evolve with you no matter how powerful you get as long as you make a soul bond with it. Although it's supposed to be for a level ninety-nine plus, you can use it to fight regardless of the fact that you are a level one and defeat the strongest on the planet. Except for the ones who just arrived yesterday. You can also summon and dismiss it whenever you want. As long as you make a soul bond with it." My father was pulling me towards a pedestal that has both a sword and armour mounted on it. "Go on, son, touch and name it and it will be yours forever."

I was expecting his gift to be something along the lines of a sword or armor but he has still been able to surprise me. Now, how do I name it? Should I pick a name from an anime I've watched or a web novel? Naa. I should name it after Junior. He did a lot for me in my past life. If I meet His Existency, The Existence once more, I'll ask him if he can let me meet my friend, Emmanuel Ofori Junior and his family one last time so that I'll be able to thank them for all that they did for me. But before that, "You shall henceforth be called Kuma. I hope you will protect me from all who will wield their weapons against me." Yes even if we don't meet again I'll forever have you in my heart and wear you as my greatest armour. I wanted to name it Ofori Emmanuel but it was long and Junior is just too common. That's why I chose the Akan equivalent of the name. I know it reads the same as bear in Japanese but it is pronounced differently and means Junior in Akan.

The host has formed a soul bond with the armour Kuma. The armour shall henceforth dwell in the host's soul space and be nourished by it based on how powerful the host gets. The host can summon and use Kuma whenever and wherever as long as external factors are not going against the summoning.

The moment I was done naming it, Kuma got absorbed into my soul and disappeared from in front of me. Normally, a soul-bound artefact wouldn't be absorbed into the owner although the owner can always summon it. Because of what just happened, everyone was looking at me with surprised faces.

Just as I thought of equipping the armour, I found myself wearing it and my clothes were gone. Although I knew I was wearing the armor I only felt as if I was wearing my own skin and nothing more. Except that, I felt exponentially powerful. {System, how powerful am I now?}

The host's pseudo level after equipping Kuma is seventy-seven. You can defeat all the mortals on this planet with this armour as long as you don't die from fatigue while doing so.

That is crazy. This is the best trump card I can ask for. It looks majestic on me too. "Thank you, Father. This is the best trump card gift I can wish for."

"Hold your horses. I am not done yet. Now, let me introduce to you the sabre that was wielded by your great great great great great grandfather, Xebec Ben Kal. The one who created the noble family of Xebec to which the both of us belong. This sabre is the one he wielded when he ascended to the transcendent realm. He called it 'The sky splitting, dimension slashing sabre tooth tiger' although it no longer has a name. A word of caution, this sabre has a will of its own and thus, chooses its wielders but I know it will submit to you, son.". My ancestors naming sense is awkward but what can I say?

I went close to the rusty sabre and just before I touched its grip, the picture of an old man cowering in a corner flashed in my mind. Is the sabre afraid of me? I touched its grip, pulled it out of its hold and asked it in my mind {Are you afraid of me?}.

{I have always chosen people with high potential as my masters but although your level is far too low to wield me, your potential is far too high that I am afraid I may be crushed under it.}.

If its way of judging potential is based on what tier of system an individual has, then it means some of the people born on this planet are lucky enough to get a second-tier system. If so then that would explain why my ancestor was able to evolve to a higher realm which I think was the higher mortal realm. These are the things I am supposed to ask my system but I have a lot of things to do now and I'm running out of time. I'll try to learn more about my system after I meet the Guardians. {Don't worry, I'll bring you to the top of the multiverse. Now what do you think about the name 'Xebec'? I'd like to name you as The Sabre of Xebec since your first master had that name and that you have protected his bloodline for aeons.".

{Although my first master wasn't the best when it comes to naming, I would be very glad if you would grant me his name.}.

{Then henceforth, you shall be called The Sabre of Xebec.}.

The host has formed a soul bond with the sword [The Sabre of Xebec]. The sword shall henceforth dwell in the host's soul space and be nourished by it based on how powerful the host gets. The host can summon and use Xebec whenever and wherever as long as external factors are not going against the summoning.

Since I didn't want Xebec to disappear, it stayed in my hands. The rust on it started peeling off and disappearing and in no time Xebec appeared in all its glory.

Its will also became a handsome young boy. {It's been a long time since I regained my youth. Thank you, Master. I'll be under your care.}.