~~~~~ Rox's POV~~~~~

I should be screaming right now but this is not the first time I've found myself in space. The only difference is that I am falling yet I don't know which way is up. I am moving so fast in space that all I can see is a blur. Perhaps, describing it as a tunnel vision would be the best way to describe it. Luckily, there is a certain barrier protecting me from external forces otherwise I would be dead a million times by now.

Let's go back to how it all started. After I got Kuma and Xebec, I went to visit my Mom who gave me months' worth of meals. She first put them in a normal spacial ring but after confirming that I could put a spacial ring inside my soul space as long as it is soul bound, I let her change the ring and I got my first soul-bound spacial ring. After that, I was led to a giant hall that had so many gifts than I can count in it. They were all gifts from the people on the planet who were wishing me well. Not just my subjects but everyone. I know not all of them were accepted because if that happened I don't think our mansion could hold them all. Probably, the ones that were accepted were from people with status because all the gifts were properly packaged. I got a second soul-bound ring and put those that I thought would be useful inside it. It would be better if I had a spacial skill but since I was pressed for time, I had no time for levelling up and gaining more skills. I also picked armours and swords that were similar to Kuma and Xebec. After picking the things I wanted to take with me there was a large celebration that was broadcast worldwide to send me off. Guess after this great sendoff, nothing bad will happen, right?


After the celebration, I met with Aicis and Baartu who put me in a protective barrier and we started our journey to The Supreme God's Domain. During our journey through time, space and dimensions, I tried to get to know my escorts more and I found out that the messengers were created with their personalities at the beginning of the universe. Which was ten trillion multiversal years ago. I don't know how it will translate to Earth years but that would be more than twenty trillion Soyzy years. Although they have stayed alive for this long, none of them has been able to change their personalities. I felt a little sorry for Aicis but I'll do just what I said and maybe I will forgive her afterwards.


In time, we found ourselves in the domain of the Supreme God. Ten Seeds including me, Twenty Messengers and twelve Guardians were those who I recognized were in the throne room of The Supreme God. Even if The Supreme God was around I didn't see him. But, for someone that powerful, there is no need for him to be physically around to know what is going on. He may even be in his girlfriend's universe by now enjoying himself. I don't know exactly who out of the two Creators is a male or female but I can make my own assumptions right?

We had to look up at the guardians who were seated on their own thrones in their own elevated mini rooms looking down at us. I couldn't see them all properly except for one. The presences they were emitting were too powerful that I couldn't properly see them. The one I could recognize was probably the leader or at least he was respected enough by the other guardians to be allowed to address us all. He brought down his oppressive aura that almost made me pee in my armour before coming forward to address us. He started by telling us about the reason why we have been chosen as Seeds. According to his story, The Supreme God just wants to retire. I don't know if the guardians are aware that he was abandoning them just because of a girl. As I said, I don't really know the gender of The Supreme God but He should be capable of assuming any gender he wants. I wonder how beings of their level would mate. As he was addressing us, he looked down at us and said. "Two mortals? Two mortals in the hallowed halls of The Supreme God? And to think The Ice Queen of Destruction would bring a mortal to The Domain of The Supreme God." Looking around, I knew I was the weakest even while wearing Xebec. Probably, the weakest person apart from me is also a mortal. Probably a higher mortal judging by his aura. The barrier around me protects me from the pressure from their presences that would surely kill me but still allows me to feel just how powerful the monsters around me are. The individual who I think is also a mortal looks like a goblin but he is blue. To think I am even weaker than a goblin.

It felt as if The Guardian's statement was directed at me so I wanted to say something. I wanted to tell him it was by the order of The Supreme God or something but before I could say anything, I heard him say "Shut up" and I lost my voice. The fear I felt was so great that I should have pissed myself but I couldn't. Maybe I felt that I would suffer a fate worse than death if I dared to piss myself there. After observing my terrified face, He made a hole appear in the ground under my feet and I fell. As I was falling I heard Aicis' voice in my head saying; "I am sorry.". It was unexpected but I guess she has a good heart.

That is why I am here and still falling. I will never forget that insect, mammalian abomination who called himself Lord Vishkashiska Vonakan. Lord my ***. At least The Guardian who was just a cube had a regular shape. I mean how does this work? Imagine an elephant and a centipede fused together because that is the best way I can describe him. And he was wielding a staff too. Even the staff is more beautiful than him. I will show him that mortals are not weak. After I become the Supreme God, I'll turn him into an eternal mortal. I will let him live and die so many times as a mortal while keeping his trillions of years of memories. And I'll make sure he wouldn't be able to evolve past being a mortal. Killing him or erasing him from existence will be a mercy. Maybe if he gets reborn as a slave a thousand times he may learn to appreciate the struggles mortals go through.

Hmm... Frankly, I don't think I can do it. The beings I saw there were monsters in the real sense of the word. All the beings I saw over there can kill me in their sleep. I was in over my head.

Oh, it seems I am slowing down. The barrier Baartu put around me has also disappeared. I have most likely gotten out of his range. For some reason, I am not dead yet. I can still breathe although I am in space and I can now see the stars around me. Is it because of the divine light that's around me? No no no no no! Am I going to crush? So he wanted to kill me from the start? Is that even allowed? I closed my eyes and while waiting for the impact, I prayed in my head (Please help me Your Existency.).

"That was funny. Unfortunately, you didn't piss yourself, otherwise it would have been even more hilarious." Did I hear The Existence's voice right now? Am I dead again or what? I slowly opened my eyes and saw a very beautiful green-haired woman staring at me. She is even more beautiful than Aicis and I thought no one could ever surpass Aicis in beauty. I rubbed my eyes and slowly opened my eyes once more. What I saw hovering above me was the owner of the voice that I heard. I... Naa, I must not have rude thoughts about him. It's true he may have played some tricks with my mind or eyes but he is The Existence. I mean if not for the barrier that was protecting me in The Supreme God's Domain, I would have died just by being there. The pressure in that domain was so domineering and this guy who acts like a normal middle-aged man created the one who created all this. I should first thank His Existency.

"No need to thank me. He couldn't have killed you even if he wanted to. He just wanted to put the fear of death in you and make your journey a little harder for you." Yes, he can read my mind. But that means he knows what I thought about the very beautiful green-haired woman I just 'dreamt'. I imagined it right? But what if that is actually the female form of The Existence? I'm doomed. I knelt down in the sky and started begging His Existency to forgive me.

"There is no need for that. I liked you better when we first met."

"That is because I didn't know just how insignificant I was to you. Frankly, I thought I was dreaming when we first met and although I came to realize you were powerful, I didn't know just how powerful you were. I was faced with reality today.".

"Yes, I liked the look on your face when you realized just how weak you were. Even the difference between you and the higher mortal was large enough for you to feel despair. I should commend you on not wetting yourself. But you shouldn't despair. Just learn from it and stand proud. You still have the potential to become the next Supreme God." That's what he is saying but he has never been in my situation before.

"You do remember the story I told you right?"

"I do, Your Existency... Sir" I can't help but tremble. But who wouldn't?

I wonder how I can kneel and stand on nothing but air. But I have accepted that with him, nothing is impossible. I looked down and there was a great forest beneath me. But it seemed nothing was moving apart from the two of us. He has probably stopped time again. I unequip my armour and sword and go back to wearing the suit Nana gave me. It seems whenever I equip Kuma, all that I am wearing is sent into its hyperspace. I thought hyperspaces were used for travelling in space but what can I say? After getting my head straight, I said; "So, are you going to tell me the second part of your story?".

"Indeed, I thought you would never ask. Two thousand years after I sealed Vara on the continent that sunk .... " We talked for so long although time had stopped. I didn't get hungry during the period I was listening to his story but he materialized my favorite drink for me to drink halfway through listening to him. At long last, he ended it with "So I defeated Vara after realizing who I truly am. I bid farewell to my father, left his multiverse and started creating my own. I named myself after the concept that I embody and that's the end of the Story of Powstrava Stravapo."

"That was a great story. The greatest I've ever read or heard. I may copy you a bit too."

"I don't mind you copying me, just don't overdo it. Now, let's get back to you. The reason why you couldn't level up was because of me. I wanted you to start with a clean slate. I can make it such that you can gain more than ten times the experience the other Seeds will gain from the same activity but that would make your journey too easy so I'll make it just twice. Also, I'll make it such that The current Supreme God wouldn't be able to take away any power that you will gain even if you fail in the end. And lastly, you have the highest form of a system you can imagine. Explore it. Also, I'm not the only Demiourgos watching you so keep it entertaining for us."

"Thank you very much Your Existency. I'll do my best. Thank you for giving me a second life filled with love and affection. Also -"

"Yes, I am the most powerful but my father is a tricky one. You can now get back to your previous position so that I can resume the flow of time. As for meeting your friend, Emmanuel and his family, Let's just say that I'll think about it. Goodbye. I'll see you when you do something great "