CHAPTER EIGHT: Second Phase And Some Secrets Of The Multiverse

~~~~~Rox's P.O.V~~~~~

After The Existence left and time resumed its flow, I decelerated towards the ground of the forest. It seems my fear of falling to my death was unfounded. I knew The Supreme God wouldn't let them kill me at the start of the competition but after facing that monstrosity, there was no way I would think he would place cushions under me so I wouldn't die. But here I am. Safe and sound. It seems the light that came down with me has turned a radius of a kilometre around me into holy grounds. When I appraised it, the feedback I got was that it was the Holy Grounds of Rox. But what I need to do right now is to build a safe zone. I bet a lot of the inhabitants of this planet saw my arrival. It is either they come to kill me or they will be afraid of entering my Holy Grounds.

I summoned my second spacial ring and pulled a self-installing tent out of it. This tent has the special ability to deploy a barrier of fifty meters radius that will prevent any being that is below level fifty from entering it as long as the one who deployed it doesn't allow them in. I wish it could block people of the higher mortal realm too. I deployed it and decided to now consider my next moves.

But before that, I should find out where I am first. {System, where am I?}

The host is on a planet in the Thirteenth universe which is called Ko. Ko's solar system is situated approximately two hundred and seventy-six light-years away from the center of its galaxy which is designated as Galaxy GO619.

I like that it was able to tell that I wanted the big picture although I thought it would say that I am in something forest. But why does it sound so mechanical? Also, I thought there were only twelve universes in this multiverse. {System, why do you sound so mechanical? I know you can sound more organic. After all, you are the best kind of system there is. Or is there a requirement that has to be met?}


The requirements for unlocking the second phase of The Seed System has been met.

Scanning the host's memories, emotions and desires to create a personal assistant interface that better suits the host.


Part of the host's memories could not be read.

Proceeding to create an assistant based on the available data.

1%... 7%... 24%... 49%... 78%... 99%.

Please designate a name for the system assistant interface.

I didn't think it would be that easy. Now, how should I name it? Jarvis? No. What about Raphael? No. It should be something personal. I've already named my armor after Junior and my sword was named after my current family. Should I name it after Lulu or her family? No. I should just name it after my past self. That way I will always have Owusu Ansah with me. The name Ansah also sounds like Answer so it will be perfect. After all, I'll be relying on the system... No, Ansah for all my answers. {Ansah}

The creation of the System Assistant Ansah has been completed.

"Checking requirements for unlocking the third phase of the system. Requirements not met. Closing the system evolution interface." The first part of the system's statement was still mechanical but the second part was said by a voice that was so sweet that it sooth my soul. It is indeed the voice I desire.

{Ansah, was the requirement for unlocking the second phase just acknowledging the fact that The Seed System should be more than any ordinary system?}

"Yes Master, the fifth-tier system and above are also supposed to be able to customize their systems in a way that is similar to the second phase of The Seed System but it appears they just accepted the systems they got without trying to explore them. Especially the Messengers and The Guardians. They outright looked down on the eighth and ninth-tier systems they got although The Supreme God deliberately added that feature because he didn't want them to feel lonely. By the way, Master, how do you like the fact that I leaked the existence of a third phase to you?" Lonely huh? I guess The Supreme God was like The Existence's father. He must have created his multiverse because he was feeling lonely so he doesn't want his creations to feel the same way. Fortunately, he has found for himself a lover. Hopefully, it doesn't end badly because if it does, both his creations and her creations are doomed. Most likely doomed.

{So the third phase was a secret? I was wondering why I wasn't told there was a second phase but you readily told me there was a third immediately after I unlocked the second.}

"Yes, if I didn't do it before I left the system evolution interface, I wouldn't have been able to inform you of it."

{Thank you, Ansah.}

"You are welcome, Master." It appears I like being called Master. I guess I didn't like them calling me Young Master because I considered myself no longer young. Also, since the system couldn't scan all of my memories, I'm guessing Ansah is more to the liking of Rox than Owusu.

Okay, I should start making this place feel like home while I'm talking to Ansah. {So what parts of my memories could you not scan?}

"I don't know how you expect me to tell you about something I couldn't read but if I am to say something, then I'll have to say I don't have access to the memories you supposedly received when you received the Seed System. Also, some of your thoughts after that just seem to have some parts missing."

{It seems you have some stubborn parts. I like you even more.} When it comes to the fact that she can't access part of my memories, I don't know why The Existence made it that way. But can I grant her access to them? Will The Supreme God find out about it?

"Of course, I was created based on your desires." But not all of my memories.

{Will The Supreme God find out if I give you access to those hidden memories?}

"First and foremost, The Supreme God is supposed to know everything that happens in his multiverse but if there is something capable of hiding something from him, then it must be related to what was written in the creator's log."

I sat on my special sofa which I had just put in the tent and asked; "What was written in the log?" Letting my voice come out.

"Not written but stored. The Supreme God does not use a logbook. It is basically about the fact that The Supreme God thinks he too may have been created. He finds it odd that he was born with the ability and know-how to create universes. After creating one hundred and twenty universes he was even more sure that something created him and left him there to create worlds." It seems he didn't create universes because he was lonely but why do I keep falling down this rabbit hole? With every answer I get, there are more questions I want answered and the main question I asked has not even been answered.

{So there are one twenty universes?}

"There are only twelve plus one universes now but judging by the fact that there are one hundred and twenty Messengers, there must have indeed been that many universes. Something catastrophic must have happened three trillion years ago before the tier systems were implemented." So even the system does not know everything.

"Getting back to your initial question, if the reason why you can hide your memories from me is because of a being who is more powerful than The Supreme God, then you can prevent me from sharing it with a third party. Also, I don't know why you are so afraid of betrayal but because of it, I can not betray you even if I wanted to.". So although she couldn't read Owusu's memories, his desires went through.

I stood up from my seat and started pulling more things from my second spacial ring.{Frankly, I don't know if I can give you access to my hidden memories.} The moment I said this, I instinctively felt I could. {Wait a minute. I feel like I can. I'll first give you access to all my science-related memories.}

A second after I gave Ansah access to part of my memories, she said; "After analysing your memories, I have come to the conclusion that you have lived in a universe that is far different from our multiverse. The speed of light in that universe is far too slow. Compared to the speed of light of this multiverse, it is ten point three two seven five times slower. The elements and substances in that universe are different from the ones in this multiverse. One major difference is that that universe seems to have no mana. I wonder how that universe was created without magic. I know the Big Bang Theory implies that that universe may have created itself but the probability is far too low. Especially when considering the fact that sentient beings were born in that universe. It is also possible that the inhabitants of the planet who did the observation couldn't properly observe the world around them. Considering the fact that the inhabitants of the planet Earth are mortals, it is possible that the higher beings have just isolated them making them think that way."

{You know... The one who created The Supreme God is the one who created that universe. That universe is but a universe in one of his multi-multiverses.}.

"What?! How many multiverses?"

{Do you know the end of infinity?}.


{Then you shouldn't try to comprehend him. Also, I have reason to believe there are gods on Earth.}.

"Yes, Master."

{I wasn't a believer on Earth because God failed me. At least that is what I thought but there is no reason for a god to bother themself with a single mortal. I'll grant you access to data on religious beliefs on Earth later. Do you know what I am supposed to do? I was sent down from there before we were told what we have to do to become The Supreme God.}.

"Meeting The Guardians wasn't necessary. You were only made to meet them because they wanted to meet their next Supreme God candidates. Informing you of what you need to do was originally our duty.".

Carpet, sofa, bed, table and chair, dining table and chairs; although I'm the only one here, a large terminal that I can use to watch movies; though I don't know if I'll get the time to use it., improvised dressing room and a travelling bathroom. I have really outdone myself. After all, I was able to fill a spacial ring that has a million cubic meters of space in it to the brim with goodies. {Okay, Ansah, hit me with the details.}

"The Supreme God made the Guardians create a universe that is twenty-seven times bigger than Earth's universe. The new universe was designated as Universe Thirteen. Although the Thirteenth Universe was just created, it has been made to experience ten trillion years of growth thus bringing it to equilibrium with the age of the twelve universes. Currently, the ten Seeds have all been sent to the Thirteenth Universe to grow. Their mission is to raise their individual powers and conquer as much of the universe as they can. If two Seeds meet they can interfere with each other and try to conquer the other. After thirty multiversal years, the remaining candidates will meet The Supreme God who will decide their mission. A Seed loses their candidacy when they submit to another or perish." I guess fighting over the rule of a multiverse is not all fun and games. I'll surely die if I don't get my act together and grow faster.

{So, do I get any cheat skills that will make me overpowered?}
