CHAPTER NINE: Skills And Skill Creation Part One

{So, do I get any cheat skills that will make me overpowered?}


What? There is no way a system like this doesn't have any cheats. I sat on my sofa once more and started eating cookies from the sofa. {Ansah, what are the benefits of having a Seed System?} I asked trying to find out more about the system.

"First and foremost, users of the Seed Systems get access to multiversal language comprehension which allows them to understand any language in the multiverse.".

"Secondly, the growth potential of individuals with Seed Systems is higher than those with tier systems since they can absorb experience more effectively.".

"Thirdly, a level one mortal Seed is supposed to be ten times stronger than a level one tier one system user although a battle isn't only won by stats so if the Seed stands there without fighting back, he would surely lose.".

"Fourthly, A Seed System user also finds it easier learning skills and spells with the help of their system."

"Fifthly, a Seed has unlimited potential making it possible for them to grow past the level of The Guardians and become powerful enough to succeed The Supreme God."

"Lastly, each Seed has been given one hundred and twenty points that they can convert into skills. The skills that they can make range from basic to Supreme Skills. A Seed needs less than a point to create a basic skill and forty-five to fifty to create a supreme skill.".

Now ya talking. {You should have started with the fact that I can create my own skills.}.

"Sorry Master.".

{No need to apologize. I am not angry with you. Let's just say you got me there. Now, can you enlighten me on the different types or levels of skills?}.

"There are two main ways of classifying skills. Skill rarity and skill tier level. There are ten different ways of classifying skills rarity.










And Supreme which was only introduced when The Seed System was created.

Basic skills are the most common and easily obtained skills in the multiverse. After increasing the skills proficiency, one can increase its rarity from basic to elite. Rare skills are difficult to find but one can achieve a rare skill by continuously augmenting their basic to elite skills to make it differ from the norm. Through further augmentation, one can achieve both epic and legendary rarities as long as they are powerful enough. The mythical rarity is one reserved for Messengers and individuals with eighth-tier systems and above. Ultimate skills are for Guardians and Seeds only and the Supreme Skills rarity was only created for The Seeds. Supreme Skills do not level up.

An Ultimate Attack Skill in the hands of a powerful Guardian has the potential to destroy The Thirteenth Universe in one shot while an Ultimate Defense skill can block that attack. But in the hands of a level one mortal that same skill wouldn't be able to destroy an island since skills scale off of the power of the user. Skill rarities can also be referred to as skill classes.

Which brings us to the second way of classifying skills which is skill tier level. Skill tier levels are dependent on the realm of the user. Thus, a lower mortal can not advance their skills past the first tier. There are ten tiers in total which correspond to the ten different realms.

Lower mortal realm / Tier One

Higher Mortal Realm / Tier Two

Semi Spiritual Realm / Tier Three

Spiritual Realm / Tier Four

Lower Divine Realm / Tier Five

Higher Divine Realm / Tier Six

Immortal Divine Realm / Tier Seven

Supreme Messengers Realm / Tier Eight

Supreme Guardians Realm / Tier Nine

And the highest realm and tier which is The Supreme God's realm. Currently, there is only one entity in that realm with the highest tiers of skills. The only entity in the multiverse known to have the capacity to destroy all of creation on a whim."

I was talking about skills but now that I've gotten to know more about the realms, I can't help but want to know their lifespans.

{Thanks Ansah, but before we get to creating my Supreme skills can you tell me about the lifespans of the people in the different realms?}

"To a lower mortal, even a Semi Spiritual Realm being will appear immortal since they can not live past a hundred multiversal years.

A Higher Mortal can live up to five hundred years.

A Semi Spiritual Being can live up to one thousand five hundred years.

A Spiritual Being can live up to three thousand five hundred years.

A Lower Divine Being can live up to millions of years. From this point upward, procreation becomes rarer and harder since it is not necessary. Beings from this point upward can also refer to themselves as gods.

Higher Divine Beings can live up to billions of years.

Immortal Divine Beings and up have no lifespans. Ever since the creation of the systems, although Messengers can kill Immortal Divine Beings, no Immortal Divine Beings have been killed. This is how things have been ever since the creation of the tier systems."

That means the existence of The Seeds is going to bring a change to the way the multiverse works. This also makes me pity the inhabitants of The Thirteenth Universe who are not aware that they were created just to become our playthings. I'll do something about this if I become The Supreme God. {That means our existence is going to affect the multiverse negatively.}

"The Thirteenth Universe was created to prevent The Seeds from affecting the multiverse negatively."

{What about the inhabitants of The Thirteenth Universe?}.

"They weren't supposed to exist in the first place.".

I know that but it isn't easy. I now know how the Multiverse works but I know the Owusu Ansah in me will be distraught to find out that his whole existence was to be a plaything for others. Rox already knows about hierarchy so he would find it easier to accept his fate. Me? It's sad but it's how the world works. I'll do something about it if I can. If I can't, I will not bother. Only the strong can decide their fate and the fate of the weak. That's why I must get stronger. It's about time I started creating my skills. {Tell me the points that I need in order to create each class of skill.}.

"For Basic, Intermediate and Advanced skills, you only need one point. I wouldn't advise creating any of the first three. Two to four points for Elite and five to ten points for Rare. Eleven to Seventeen points for Epic and fifteen to twenty-seven points for Legendary. Twenty-three to thirty-nine points for Mythical and twenty-five to forty-four points for Ultimate Skills. Supreme Skills require forty-five to fifty points. No one skill creation can use more than fifty points."

{Does the fact that some lower rarities share common points with higher rarities mean that some lower rarities can be more powerful than one that is in a higher rarity?}.


{Okay, create this skill for me. It should be something like a food chain where the one at the top, say the king can gain access to all the abilities his subordinates have and be capable of granting abilities to his subordinates including systems of higher tiers. The subordinates shouldn't be able to betray the ruler. The ruler should be capable of passively growing powerful based on the experience gained by the subordinates. Something like a tax system.} This is a skill I saw in an anime and web novel that I have altered to suit me. And for my second skill, I'll be copying Powstrava's ability to learn any magic or skill he sees and his ability to steal the skills of those he defeats in battle.

{For my second skill, make it such that I'll be able to copy any skill or magic I see and be able to copy all the abilities of anyone I defeat.}.

"Accepted... I have passed it to the skill creation system.

It appears the required points for creating those skills exceed fifty. The Skill Creation System will have to alter the skills. Do you agree?"

{Yes. But I'll have to approve it before it is finalized.}

"Okay, here is the altered first skill:

Skill Name; Rulers Reach.

Description; The user of the skill will gain copies of all of the abilities of anyone who agrees to serve under the user. Upon becoming the user's subordinate, the subordinate will automatically gain a fifth-tier system. Based on the user's power, he can bestow titles onto his subordinates which will further increase the tier level of their individual systems. Depending on the subordinate's compatibility with a skill, the user can bestow the skill on them. Since the skills gained are copies, the user and subordinates will have to level the skills up themselves. The user will gain two per cent of the experience gained by the subordinates. The subordinates can not betray the user. The user will have to decide the penalty for thoughts of betrayal.

Points Required To Forge Skill; Fifty.".

That is perfect. Although I'll have to go through the trouble of having to level up each and every skill that I gain, it is better than having to learn the skills myself. Also, two percent may seem small but I will get more and more experience as long as my subordinates grow in numbers. {I approve.}

"You have gained the skill [Ruler's Reach]. Would you like to designate a penalty for thoughts of betrayal?"

{No. Not yet. Show me the altered second skill.}.

"Skill Name; Ability King Sirus

Skill Description; The user is capable of learning a skill or magic by observing it. The user has to see the complete skill or learn it completely to copy it. The user after killing an individual can copy all of the individual's abilities including the individual's form.

Points Required to Forge Skill; Fifty.".

I didn't know the system considered an entity's form as part of their abilities but if you consider the fact that there are shape shifters then it isn't that far-fetched. Also, I think Ansah deliberately included that so that I would know that the abilities that I can copy are not just skills and spells. I'll take that one too. {I approve.}

"You have gained the skill [Ability King Sirus]".

So what will I create with my remaining points? It seems it has been made in such a way that one can not make three Supreme Skills.

"By the way, Master, why did you not create a defence or attack Supreme Skill?"

{Consider this, what will happen if I kill a person with a Supreme Skill? Also, what do you think will happen if a Seed submits to me?}

"You will gain copies of their Supreme Skills.".

{Yes. So there is no need for me to create one myself. Since skills in general are dependent on their users, I just have to grow more powerful than they are before I meet them. Even if their supreme skills are very powerful, I just have to let them run out of the mana or stamina that they are using to fuel it. After that, they'll be sitting ducks. Did I outsmart you?}.

"You may have done as you say. But based on the data that I have about you, you are not supposed to be this smar... creative when it comes to skills and skill creation. But the fact that you can copy other Supreme Skills must be the reason why you needed fifty points for each skill of yours."

{Yes but I wasn't expecting that I'll be able to outsmart the system.}.

"Although I am part of the system and I can use the system to solve problems millions of times faster than any supercomputer that has ever been created in the multiverse, I am but a consciousness created from your memories and desires. As such, I am flawed and you can not scale me to the problem-solving capabilities of the system."

{Sorry then. I confused you with the system itself. I like you just the way you are.} Yes. This way I can sometimes feel like I am smart. Not that I am stupid though. Haha. That means Ansah used the system when she was analyzing my scientific memories.

"Master, you have just received two gifts from The Supreme God"