CHAPTER TEN: Skills And Skill Creation Part Two

"What!?". I spat out the cookies I was enjoying, sat up properly and asked Ansah; {What is it? Is there a specific way I should act when accepting it? What did I even do for him to give me a reward?}. I didn't want to meet him until I was strong you know. What if he kills me because he doesn't like how I'll receive his reward? I can't rely on The Existence because he never said I could rely on him.

"The first one is ten skill points and the second one is five skill points with a note that reads, 'Congratulations on being the first and second person to try to create skills that exceed the threshold I've set for Supreme Skills. I decided to give ten points to the first, five to the second and three to the third individuals who will exceed the threshold. I wasn't expecting the weakest of the seeds to be the one to make these achievements. The Thirteenth Universe is filled with uncertainties, but you may be the wildest card. After all, you are the first to unlock the second phase of The Seed System. Keep on surprising me.'. There is no instruction on how you should act when receiving it. You met the requirements set for receiving the rewards. By the way, Master, there is already a reward that I wanted to talk to you about after you are done creating your skills.".

{Let's receive the skill points first. We'll talk about the other reward when I'm done.}. Even with the rewards, I can not create another Supreme Skill. The new skills that I'll create should be able to cover all my weaknesses while making me exponentially more powerful. {Ansah, can you determine just how many points you want to put in a skill and what effects it has? Also, can you create a passive skill?}.

"Yes. If a powerful skill is given inadequate skill points, it will become a weaker skill. In the same way, if a weaker skill is given enough skill points, it will evolve into a powerful skill. An example is giving fifty points to a normal fireball skill. The fireball will be able to evolve into a great fireball capable of annihilating everything in its path. You can create passive skills as well."

I really want to create a skill that can create the opposite of any skill that I'll get but considering the fact that it will try to make Supreme Skills, it will probably require fifty points which I don't have. {Ansah, use twenty points to create a skill that can create the inverse of any ability that I get.} Going straight for a skill creation skill will be overkill. It will probably need more than fifty points and it will still come with restrictions.

"Your request has been sent to The Skills Creation System... A possible skill has been created.

Skill Name: Loki

Skill Rarity: Legendary

Skill Type: Active

Skill Description: Depending on the experience points requirement, the user can create a resistance ability or a directly opposite existing ability. The skill creation ability of the skill can not exceed the skill's rarity.

Points Required To Forge Skill: twenty.".

The skill is very good but before I accept it, I should ask about the experience points requirements and see if it's not too much. {Tell me about the experience points requirement.}.

"It is the amount of experience points you need to create a skill using the [Loki] skill. Take for example. You will need 24 points to create a basic skill at mortal level one. 144 points for an intermediate skill of the same level and 5184 points for an advanced skill of the same level. After the advanced skill, you can simply use the formula;( A/2)^(x)=y where A=5184, x is the point required in creating the same skill using the skill creation system and y is the needed experience points to create the skill."

I don't want to be hearing any big numbers. {When talking about experience in the future, please give them to me in percentages if they are getting to the millions and above. Also, tell me how many experience points I need to advance to level two.}


{And the next level? Better still give me the formula for it.}.

"One hundred and seventeen point five eight. The formula is C^(1+L/4)=y where C is the number of experience points a creature needs to level up from level one to level two, L is the current level and y is the required experience points. As a lower mortal Seed, your C=24"

It feels like I am back in my high school classroom. I was only able to go to Senior High School because Free SHS was implemented when I was about to complete Junior High School. Eating from the dining hall really helped me but I couldn't get to Tertiary after Highschool. I should get back to my skills. According to what Ansah said, creating a level one basic skill at level two can bring me back to level one. I don't know if I'll die when I deplete all of my experience so I should be careful. I must not go into the negatives. Putting the fact that it requires a lot of points for creating high rarity skills it is excellent. {I approve.}

"You have received the skill [Loki] and gained the title [Master Of Trickery]"

{System, I didn't trick you.} I thought the fact that the skill was called Loki was just a coincidence but it seems the [Multiversal Language Comprehension] was doing its work.

"All the skills you have created so far make use of technicalities to trick the system into giving you more. The Title System wanted to give you the title [King of Cheats] but people who realize you have that title wouldn't trust you. That's why I made The Title System change it to [Master Of Trickery]. Also, the [Loki] skill is a skill that can turn black into white as long as it is a skill and you even get to keep the original too."

It's not my fault. I read a lot of novels and I just heard The Existence's story so I can't help but create cheat skills. Cheat skills? I guess the system is right. Each skill I've created so far helps me get more but the system would definitely give me the cheat title the moment it hears the next skill that I've come up with. {System, use ten skill points to create a skill that automatically levels up my abilities for me. I don't want any weird name so name it 'Leveller'.} Why bother training with each and every skill when I can let another skill do it for me?

"Master, I can no longer prevent The Title System from giving you the title [King of Cheats]. The suggestion has been submitted.".

{I was already aware I'd be receiving the title.}

"Possible skill has been forged.

Skill Name: Leveler

Skill Rarity: Unique Rare

Skill Type: Passive / Active

Skill Description: The skill can not level up.

Passive Skill Description; The skill has five skill slots. Each skill slot generates an amount of skill experience points equal to the amount needed to level up a skill from the user's level to the next in ten multiversal rays(Multiversal rays are the Multiversal equivalent of days). After catching up with the user's level, all skills will automatically level up with the user

Active Skill Description; The user can sacrifice ten per cent of the experience points needed to advance to the next level to raise a skill from skill level one to the user's current level.

Points Required To Forge Skill: Ten.".

It seems it has been made to only level up skills and takes time or experience but for a rare skill, it isn't bad. {Ansah, why is the skill not just a rare skill but a unique rare skill?}.

"The reason the skill is a unique rare is because, although it is just a rare class skill, only one individual in the Multiverse has it."

{I approve of it.}.

"You have gained the skill [Leveler].".

Well, I think it's about time I created my last skill. After that, I'll go out find some monsters, kill them, and level up like crazy. {Ansah, how easy is it to augment your skills?}.

"It isn't easy. When augmenting a skill, one needs to have two very similar skills or two skills that have common abilities under them and be very familiar with at least one of the skills in order to fuse them and increase the rarity of the skill the user is more familiar with. The augmented skill will have the capability of both fused skills but lean more towards the skill the user is more familiar with. Some individuals use the aid of skills to help them augment their skills easily."

{That's it! Use the remaining points to create a skill that will make it easier for me to augment my skills and other abilities easily. Name it Privilege.}.

"Your suggestion is being processed... A possible skill has been made.

Skill Name: Privilege

Skill Rarity: Unique Rare

Skill type: Active

Skill Description: Can be used to fuse similar skills to create higher rarity skills. The probability of success is ten times higher. The range of fusible skills is ten times bigger. Can be used to fuse spells and techniques as well with a higher chance of success. The probability of success increases with the increase in tier level.

Required Points To Forge Skill: Five.".

It seems I forgot about techniques but I think the skills that have 'ability' stated in them will consider them. {Approved. Also, I thought you said others have it. Why did it become a unique rare}.

"You have gained the skill [Privilege]. The reason it is a unique rare skill is that you are the only one who has named his skill augmenting skill, [Privilege]. Also, yours fuses not only skills but magic and techniques. One more thing. Although you didn't get cheat skills, it seems you have been able to create your own in the end".

I guess I can't give a retort to that. It's time to start a massacre. I stood up proudly from my sofa feeling proud of my skills and burst out laughing; "Kuahahahahaa! With these skills, I'm going to conquer the multiverse and no one can stop me! Kuaahahahahaa"