I stood up proudly from my sofa feeling proud of my skills and burst out laughing; "Kuahahahahaa! With these skills I'm going to conquer the Multiverse and no one can stop me! Kuaahahahahaa.". Haha, did I do it well? I tried to copy a certain boastful dragon from an anime I watched and I think I did pretty well.

I got out of my tent to find out that it was dark outside. Quite unfortunate. It is not advisable to go exploring a new location at night. Especially when you are a beginner. I should take my bath, eat and sleep first. I'll go monster extermination tomorrow.


I stayed in bed for hours but it felt as if morning was never coming. It feels like when I got my first bike as a kid on Earth. I couldn't sleep all night. When I checked the time only 2 multiversal hours had passed. I stepped outside and asked Ansah to check and tell me how long it would take to daybreak. It turns out the planet is tidally locked to its sun so it wasn't actually night. The planet most likely has many moons and one of them was currently blocking the sun's rays. Luckily it wouldn't take too long till it moves out of the way.

Since I had to wait for a while longer, I decided to test my strength, speed and other stats. According to Ansah, I should be ten times better in base stats compared to an average Holumni. Since an average level one adult Holumni is supposed to be equivalent to an average normal adult human, I should be ten times stronger than an average human. I asked her to show me my stats and this is what she showed me:

Hit Points or Health Pool (HP) = 13000

Durability (D) = 300

Mana Points (MP) = 2790

Strength (ST) = 1300

Speed (S) = 22.35

(HP) Stands for just how many hits I can survive and (ST) is the average of how much an individual can lift and how hard the individual can punch. The lift is in KG and the punch is in PSI but the digits are the same. Which means I can punch harder than Muhammad Ali. My lifting power isn't as high as the world record for the highest lift but I should get there when I level up since Ansah says my stats will increase whenever I level up. The experience I need to level up will be raised at each level so leveling up won't be easy. Luckily I have double experience points cheat. I'm supposed to get ten percent of the experience my victims have after killing them but since I'll gain twice the experience, I just need to kill 5 level ones to level up instead of ten. As I was checking out my speed with a magic item called a hover torch lighting my way, I saw a rabbit-looking creature with three pairs of limbs trying to get out of my barrier. It appears my barrier also kept some of the weaker creatures in. This means if there was any strong predator inside, it could have ambushed and killed me in my sleep. I immediately equipped Kuma and Xebec and asked Kuma to enter full enhancement mode. Everything around me slowed down to the point I felt nothing was moving. I asked Ansah how fast I was moving and she said; I was moving at 11,717,836.8m/s which is approximately three point nine per cent the speed of light on Earth. I realized just how stupidly powerful Kuma was and started pitying the rabbit. Since I had too much time because I was too fast, I took time to appraise the rabbit.

Name: ?????

Race: Ko Gale Rabbit.

Level: 3.






Because it has no resistance against appraisal, it was like an open book to me. I even found out It has only one skill which is [Gale]. It's a wind nature skill which raises the rabbit's speed by one point two times at the cost of a hundred (MP) per second. I haven't killed a rabbit personally before but it is survival of the fittest. Goodbye fluffy three-legged rabbit. I stabbed it in the head using Xebec. I successfully got the basic skill [Gale] but I got no experience. When I inquired about it, I was given two scenarios. One is that, after defeating an enemy, the experience is shared amongst the victors based on their contributions. The other is that if a very high level kills a very low levelled enemy, the experience gained is too little that it is approximated to zero. So according to the system, my equipment did all the work or my level was so high that the experience gained was insignificant. It's sad but I'll have to use my hands or my dummy armor and sword. I'll use no equipment if the enemy is too weak and my dummy equipment if I can't do it on my own. If the enemy is very high levelled, I'll use Kuma and Xebec.

I unequipped Kuma and Xebec and went back to wearing my pyjamas. I considered leaving the rabbit behind or storing it and ended up picking it up because the appraisal says it's delicious. As I was going back it hit me. How fast was I thinking when I was enhanced by Kuma? Turns out I was thinking 10485760 times faster than a normal human being. The System makes me think twenty times faster than a normal human in battle and Kuma enhanced it. I'll automatically go into fast-thinking mode whenever I find myself in danger or whenever I initiate a fight. I can also turn it on and off whenever I want so I wouldn't constantly be in fast thinking mode.

When I got back into the tent, I pulled my all-purpose automatic cooking machine out of my second spacial ring and set it up. I put the rabbit inside and sat down on my normal chair. The one with a table and pulled a spell scroll out of my second spacial ring. It was a basic fire spell from Soyzy. As I was learning it, Ansah asked me to learn a water spell too since fire and forests can spell doom. Turns out learning spells was not that easy. Even with my fast thinking, it took me a while before I learned how to perceive mana, how to manipulate my mana when casting a spell in general and how to visualize magic before learning the two spells. I wanted to skip the bases of mana manipulation and get to casting spells but I had to go back. Before I went out to try out my spells, I had my roasted rabbit and it was indeed delicious. I picked a tree as my target when I got outside and started practising. Testing water first is the better idea since it won't lead to any wildfires and I can use it to put out fire too.

You need two point two-five (MP) to make one point two-five liters of water. You can increase the amount of water by adding more mana. How fast it will move when you are attacking is dependent on the additional manner you will add to it and your control over the spell. The water will turn back into mana in time so it isn't advisable to drink it. The spell's name is [Water Ball] and I was asked if I wanted to create a resistance skill for it but I declined since I had no experience.

You need one point two-eight minimum (MP) to cast a head-size fireball that is two hundred and forty degrees Celsius. When putting in more mana, you can decide if you want it hotter or bigger. I used half of my mana in experimenting with the two spells and found out that I regenerate two point six five (MP) a second. That means I recover zero point zero nine five per cent (MP) a second and five-point seven every minute. This means it will take me more than seventeen Earth hours to recover my (MP) from Zero to one hundred per cent. Since the planet that I am on doesn't experience days and nights like we do both on Earth and Soyzy, I'll be using Earth time which I am most familiar with when calculating time. By the way, I don't know how Multiversal time is calculated but it seems two multiversal hours are equal to five hours twenty minutes. Learning how they calculate days, weeks and months will be a bother. That's if it is even calculated in days and weeks in the first place.


By the time I was done testing my spells, the eclipse was almost over. I put on my dummy equipment, drank one low (MP) potion to recover my lost (MP) and started searching inside my barrier for the unfortunate creatures who got stuck in it with me. I found another level 3 Gale Rabbit and decided to try my [Gale] skill on it. According to its stats, it was weak but far too fast, being capable of reaching speeds of twenty-point-seven one meters per second. I was a little faster than it but it could get faster by using its [Gale] skill. By using my own [Gale] skill, I almost caught it before it went under an elevated root making me crush. I hate it when the terrain advantage goes to the enemy. Out of anger, I burned the roots of the tree together with the rabbit and gained only one point three four five experience points. That was too small for a level three. Ansah told me I was supposed to get only zero point six seven three points because it was a weak creature with little intelligence. The experience gained from each creature is based on their base stats and intelligence which determines the experience they need to level up from level one to level two. Whilst I need twenty-four to level up from level one to two, they only need two experience points. Which means I was supposed to get only twenty per cent of three point three six four. When Ansah asked why I got double the experience, I told her, it was a privilege from the one who created The Supreme God.

I got damaged when I crushed. Based on how slow I was healing, I realized it would take me thirty minutes to get healed from 3900 damage. It was too slow for me and Ansah told me my self-regeneration would take even longer to heal me if I suffered damage to my bones and other parts of the Holumni body that take long to heal in general. Unless I get external help, losing an eye or a limb will be permanent but that could be remedied if I got a powerful regeneration skill. I asked how a normal individual gets skills and I was told it was through repetition or it is hereditary. Some people are also luckily born with special skills. Same as I can grant skills to my subordinates using the [Ruler's Reach] skill, some people gain skills that way. If someone is lucky enough to get a skill monster core, (A monster core that has a skill imprinted in it.) they can absorb the skill. There are some skills that you automatically get while leveling up too. These skills are usually racial skills but there are some skills that are universal.

What I understood from what she said was that if I keep getting myself injured and heal from the injuries continuously, there's a chance I'll get a regeneration skill. I decided I'd let it heal normally and started my search once more. I saw a bird but I chose not to go after it since I was not ready to fly. I don't want to fall from a tree. I killed two more rabbits. A level three and a level four. I also killed a six-legged blue flying squirrel creature at level four and got the skill [Glide]. It was a lucky shot. I threw a [Fireball] at it the moment I saw it and it hit. I kept on burning it until it died. Appraisal showed it was slower than the rabbit but more durable. It wasn't as tasty as the rabbits according to appraisal so I left it. I put the delicious rabbits in my first spacial ring which was almost filled to the brim with food from home though. I don't think the [Glide] will be useful for me. After rushing through the forest for a while using [Gale], it levelled up. The (MP) requirements came down to ninety-five.

I found one more rabbit but decided I'd let it out of my barrier. Then I tailed it to their hideout. I kept on gulping down low (MP) potions while I was charging up a very large [Fire Ball] burning at six hundred Degrees Celsius and thrust it unto their warren. In a short while, I had levelled up to level 3. Then two level eight rabbits and a level nine rabbit came out of their burrows. They were still losing [HP] due to burn damage but they were furious.

Instead of running away, they wanted to avenge their family. I gulped down an (MP) potion and was about to throw more powerful [Fire Ball]s at them since my (MP) capacity had increased when I realized I should rather try fighting them with my dummy sword. I may get a sword skill from it. After all, I got an [Advanced Appraisal] skill by just looking at some guards. Ansah explained that I got it because before I got the Seed System, I kept on trying to appraise things around me so all the accumulated experience was used in making the [Advanced Appraisal] skill. She went on to explain that all the experience I was supposed to gain before would be granted to me as long as I keep levelling up. Which means I was able to get to level three that fast not because I got enough experience from the rabbits but because I got more from The System.

The level nine rabbit has [Gale] at level four and a second skill called [Rabbit Kick] at level three. It must really like kicking. The two had the same skills but at levels three and two respectively. It seems they all have the skill [Sense Predator] at levels equivalent to their own levels.

The level nine rabbit rushed at me and although it was fast, it was hurt so it couldn't reach its peak speed. If it did, I wouldn't have been able to cut the leg it was using to kick me using the [Rabbit Kick] skill and go on to cut its neck. I even got the [Rabbit Kick] skill before I killed it. I don't know if some of the ones in the holes had it. It probably just suffocated to death or it was because of the burn. I wonder if I'll look like a rabbit girl in a certain Chinese anime I watched with Junior if I use the rabbit kick.

The other two tried to run when I killed the level nine but it was too late. I gained a level nine [Basic Swordsmanship] skill after dealing with the last two. I guess my practice with the sword wasn't enough to get me a higher rarity skill but why did it give me a skill that was already at level nine? Ansah said although my skill with the sword wasn't enough to get me an intermediate swordsmanship skill, I had enough experience to reach that level in basic when I asked her. I gained the title [Rabbit Hunter] after that.

I waited for things to cool down and started collecting the dead Rabbits from their holes and putting them in my first ring. I didn't hunt them because they were delicious you know. The first ring got full in no time so I had to put some in the second ring.

As I was pulling a rabbit out of its hole, I saw something moving at the corner of my eyes. I lifted my head to find a pink six-legged cheetah-like creature at level seven looking at me. It was twice as big as any cheetah I've seen on TV.


When I was writing chapter twenty-one, I realized that I messed up when it comes to mana conversion to nature magic, (Nature magic is what is usually elemental magic in other stories. Examples are; Fire Magic, Water Magic, Earth Magic, Ice Magic and so on.), so I came back to fix things and changed a few things in this chapter.