CHAPTER TWELVE: A Brawl With A Cheetah

This is the first time I have seen a cheetah and no one has to tell me how menacing it looks. The first thing that came to mind was to check its stats. If it is stronger than me, I'll bolt. [Advanced Appraisal]

Name: ?????

Race: Ko Pink Cheetah.

Level: 7.

Health Points = 8745

Mana Points = 1409

Strength = 908

Speed = 47

Durability = 370

Skills= [Hasten][Intimidation Aura][Killer Bite]

Now this is a beast. It is about two times faster than me and it has an advanced skill called [Hasten] too. I am doomed. Should I summon Kuma? If I do so, I don't think I'll get experience too. What should I do? Should I run away with Kuma and come back later when I am strong?

"Master, just so you know. You are stronger than it ."

{Stronger? Did you not see its level? It's level seven for crying out loud.}

"And you are now a level four Seed. Your base stats are higher than any mortal you will see so a little difference in level shouldn't scare you."