CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR: Sparring Matches; Urch And No Sparring?

Although Rox thought his battle with Ache was lacklustre, the audience thought it was a great fight. Since they moved slowly the audience could properly see what was going on and judged it to be a good fight although Ache couldn't hurt Rox. Well, most of them couldn't hurt Rox so it is understandable.


Rox didn't even rest before calling Urch outside the barrier.

Urch was born the only son of a rich merchant. His father was a very busy man so he couldn't make time to properly raise his son. As Urch was growing, he started spending his father's money on girls and enjoying himself.

Urch is a very handsome man so he found it quite easy picking up girls. He also takes time grooming himself everyday so his appearance is elegantly polished.

His father realised his way of life and asked him several times to stop but he wouldn't. Urch really liked enjoying himself at the brothels.