CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE: Sparring Matches; Lante

~~~~~Lante's P.O.V~~~~~

For as far as I can remember, I was an orphan. My caretakers told me they found me in a basket in front of the orphanage one day. With me in the basket was a locket that had the name Lante engraved on it so I was named Lante. No one including myself has been able to unlock the locket for me till now but I always have it on me. It is the only thing I have that is probably from my parents.

Living in the orphanage wasn't bad. I even made friends with some of the orphans.

When I was six Big Cycles old, our rations were reduced but it wasn't by so much that we would be starved.

A Big Cycle later, our caretakers informed us that The First Noble, the ruler of our country said the orphanage was useless to him so he would no longer support us. The orphanage was closed soon so we became street kids.