"Are you sure about that, Captain Smoker?"

Sengoku asked while looking at Den Den Mushi.

"I am certain, Fleet Admiral. Crocodile is the one behind all the things happening in Alabasta right now. And also, the Strawhats are supposedly going to confront that man."

Sengoku was quit after hearing that, as he glanced that Garp who is sitting on the sofa, listening to their conversation.

"Let the Strawhats deal with Crocodile, meanwhile you gather the troops and wait, whosoever side falls, immediately apprehend them. We will discuss about the matter after that."


There was silence from the Smoker's side.

"Captain Smoker, do you hear me!?"

"Yes sir, I understand.... I will do as you say."


With that the line was cut, Sengoku sighed and looked at Garp, "How are the new recruits doing!??" Garp looked at Sengoku with deadpanned look then sighed too, "They are doing fine specially that boy Coby... he has a strong sense for justice, a right type of justice. He just needs little makeover and he will be fine." Sengoku nodded at that, "That is good, atleast the new generation of Marines are at right track."

With Crocodile, he looked at the bound King Cobra who looked at Crocodile in disgust, "Why are you doing this?" Crocodile smiled at that, "I will cut straight to the point.... You see, all I wanted is one thing, Pluton" Cobra's eyes widen, "I don't know what you are talking about?" Crocodile chuckled, "Then let me explain it more thoroughly, Pluton, it's said a single blast from it can destroy an entire island without leaving a trace.... the ancient world's most fearsome weapon which carries the name of a God! It should be lying somewhere within this Kingdom...."

Cobra greeted his teeth as he listened to Crocodile, "That was my real objective from the beginning. With weapon like that, I can establish the world's leading military power here in this land! Once I become the King of this land, it'll only be too easy to bring all the pirates in nearby regions under my control! With such influence, I'll have the power to surpass even the World-Government's authority itself! And at last, I will have my utopia!"

"Do you really think the World-Government will just let that happen?" asked Cobra, "Oh, of course not. That's precisely why I need something to tip the scales in my favor.... Pluton." explained Crocodile. "I don't know where you managed to learn that name, but I'll have you know that I have no clue to its whereabouts, nor am I even sure if such a thing really exists in this kingdom." replied Cobra to which Crocodile just smirked, ".... I see. I expected as much. Even I realize just how dubious the existence of such an incredible weapon is... in any case, the bulk of the royalist forces are currently gathered around the city square, but at 4:30 P.M..... that is to say 30 minutes from now, they'll be engulfed by a massive explosion."

"Are you out of your mind?" yelled Cobra, "A special-made explosive with a blast diameter of 5km. The scenery viewable from here will undergo quite the 'renovation', I'd assume.... now then King, I have an alternative request for you. Where is the Poneglyph?" Cobra sat in silence for few second and then looked at Crocodile, "If I tell you where it is, will you.... never mind.... I will guide you to it." "That's more like it. You sure live up to your reputation! You understand your situation quite quickly!"

With Strawhats, "Looks like we are little late." commented Zoro as he and the others can clearly hear the fighting going on. "Nah, we can still make it.... we just need to take care of those B.W agents first, like these two." said Luffy while pointing towards Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas who lay unconscious on the ground badly beaten. "Hmph.... that's what they get trying to destroying Vivi-chan's home." snorted Sanji. "QUACK...." Carue cried as he came running towards Vivi followed by a man who looks like a half falcon.

"Vivi-sama.... thank God you're safe." the man descended from the sky and landed near Vivi, "I got your letter from Carue, but it was too late.... that bastard Crocodile had already kidnaped the King and now everything is in chaos." "Pell...." Vivi stepped forward and hugged the man. Pell patted Vivi's back, "Don't worry Vivi-sama, Chaka with the royal soldiers were trying to hold off the rebels but we need to do something quick." Vivi nodded and then looked at the Strawhats, "Please safe my father---" Luffy stepped forward, "Don't worry, we promised to help you and we'll never break our promise. You go with the birdman, we'll handle the rest."

Vivi nodded and with that, Pell transformed into full falcon form and carried Vivi towards the palace. Seeing this, Luffy took Sanji with him and ordered the rest of his crew to take care the remaining Officer agents. Knowing it won't take much now that his crew is stronger than the original, he and Sanji headed towards the palace underground.


"A hidden staircase!?" Robin asked seeing the stairs leading down to the underground chamber, "The poneglyph is housed deep down in an underground chamber." replied Cobra. "Most aren't even aware of its existence." "The criminal world is far bigger than you might think. Even if you are the king of one alliance state in the World-Government, you're not the only one aware of such secrets." Cobra looked at Robin, ".... Can you.... read the poneglyphs?" " Yes... that is why Crocodile partnered up with me, and why he cannot kill me... you're not at fault, however. I'm sure you hadn't the faintest idea that there were still people on this world who could decipher those runes."

She then looked back at Cobra with a smile, "The poneglyph in this country most likely holds the location to Pluton, am I wrong?" " I do not know... It has been the duty of the royal family of Alabasta for generations to protect this thing. That is all it means to us." "Protect...? Don't make me laugh!" Cobra was quite as they finally reached the underground tomb. "Tell me Nico Robin... do you really believe that a man like Crocodile will keep his words." Robin stopped and looked at Cobra with straight face, but there was some doubt in her eyes.

Suddenly they heard footsteps as Crocodile descend into the tomb, "A fitting place for a state secret." he walk towards a giant blue cube with writings on it, "So is this a poneglyph, Nico Robin? Can you decipher it?" Robin nodded at that, "Then read it aloud. Read this poneglyph..." Cobra looked at Robin as she stepped towards the poneglyph, "Alabasta is conquered by Kahira, in year 239 of the Heaven's calendar... In year 260, the Bitein dynasty of Taymar begins. In 306, the great Taph temple of Eramalu finishes its construction. In 325, Mamudin the Hero of Oltea, is--" as Robin was reading, Crocodile suddenly interrupted her, "Hey now... hold up! You think that's what we've been wanting to know!?"

"I couldn't care less about this country's history! Just tell me where the world's most feared weapon resides in this country!" "That is not recorded here. There is only history written here." explained Robin. "The name 'Pluton' isn't mentioned in this passage even once." Crocodile greeted his teeth, "I see...what a shame." he then grabbed Robin by her neck, "You were a most capable partner, but I'll be killing you here." Robin's eyes widen in shock and Crocodile raised his hooked hand to deliver the killing blow to her, but a sharp kick connected with his face sending him flying.

Robin was freed as she gasped, then she looked to see that someone was holding her bridal style. She looked at a very familiar Strawhat, "Well then, Robin.... we meet again." Luffy gently helped her to stand, she looked at him with a strained smile, "You sure know how to make an entrance, Monkey D Luffy."