chapter 10

Chapter 1 Chapter 10

Allen took Anna out of the school building somewhere more private where they could talk

"Are you okay?" He let go off her hand , Anna couldn't reply she felt so stupid like why in the world was she even fighting over a guy, something she has never done before, she covered her face with her hands and cried silently "can I hug you?" Allen asked unsure of how to react to the situation, Anna leaned in and buried her face on his chest,she was like that for a while she finally cleaned her tears "are you feeling better now?" Allen asked

"Yes" she nodded slightly

"Can I scold you now?"

"Please don't...I already feel so awful"

"I was at the party and I saw what sorry I couldn't do anything"

"Am glad you didn't I would have felt much worse"


".....cause you're a jerk.....can you help you out with something?"

"What's that?"

".....Kiss me"

"Right now..." Anna stretched herself and placed her lips on his and gave him a soft kiss , Allen was speechless as he glared into her eyes, he dropped the bag he was carrying healed her waist pulled her closer and kissed her harder

Colina and Cole went looking for Anna they entered the girls room but she was not there

"Where could Allen have taken her too?" Cole asked

"Am sure they're still around the school.. maybe they're just talking somewhere" colina said unsure

"That was a huge fight...I kinda felt sorry for her"

"Yeah....and it's possible Allen might make it worse"

"Allen is not that type of guy" Cole said

"You act like you know him so we'll"

"Maybe I do or maybe I don't...but I can tell when a person is good or bad"

"What about me can you tell how I am?"

"'re a good person infact too're caring and overly nice to everyone and cute" cole kept complimenting without realizing how awkward it was getting in the room "uhm...I" before he could say anything else colina kissed him just then Anna barged in she rushed towards her bed and jumped on it she didn't notice what was happening in the room

"Anna where were you I was worried sick!!?" Colina questioned

"Allen kissed me"

"What!!" Cole and colina shouted

"Yeah...and then he asked me out"

"Why are you so happy? Have you forgotten what he did last time?"

"Yes I have" Anna replied turning around in the room

"Am happy for you Anna...Allen is a good guy"

"Would you shut up!...his going to repeat the same thing know how he is"

"He only did it once and he already apologized"

"Did he give you a reason why he did that in the first place"

"I don't need reasons should be happy for me instead"

"I am happy.... I just can't shake off the fact that this guy once went cold on you for no reason"

"There you guys are!!!...why did you all leave me behind" Elizabeth said walking into the room

"Allen kissed Anna" Cole announced

"What!! Oh my God!!!" She hugged Anna "am so happy for you...we should celebrate your first kiss!!!" Elizabeth said smiling, she was really really happy for Anna

"Did he even know it was your first kiss Anna?" Colina asked

"There was no time to tell him"

"Well whatever he kissed you you kissed him there's no big just happy you broke one virginity so now we can move on to the next level"

"Are you crazy Elizabeth next level?.... come on you're not going to move that fast are you"

"Colina what's your deal?"

"My deal is she doesn't know Allen well enough to sleep with him"

"Who said you have to know someone that well before you could sleep with them"

"Well not everyone is like you Elizabeth"

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"oh you know what I mean Elizabeth!!"

"Guys guys that's enough... please no fighting"

"Colina you were the last person I expected to be judgemental you know that" Elizabeth stormed out of the room

"Well am not sorry okay!!!....and I wasn't being judgemental I was stating facts!!!" Colina knew she was a little out if line but she didn't care.

Anna was summoned into the principles office she walked in and saw brivail sitting there with her arms folded

"Mrs Harper"

"Have a seat Anna" she pointed towards the chair Infront of her, Anna adjusted it and sat down "am sure you can both guess why you're here"

"No I have no idea why I was called I did nothing wrong" brivail denied

"Was it because we fought in school?" Anna asked pointing out the obvious reason why she would call them

"Thank you two fought and that is against the school rules...I know you're both big girls but you still have to serve punishment for breaking the school rules"

"We're really sorry miss Harper we promise it won't happen again" Anna pleaded

"I know Anna but I still have to punish you if I don't other students will break the school rules and think they can just beg their way out of it...I promise the punishment won't be hard....normally I would have you both run 1000 laps but because Anna pleaded I'll reduce it to 100 that okay"

"Yes Mrs Harper thank you so much"


"Of course...and brivail?"

"Thank you so much" she said biting her tongue

"Okay then... you'll both run 100 laps tomorrow may leave....wait brivail why has your boyfriend not resumed?"

"His not coming until mid test"

"Well that's not good...I have to call his parents may both leave" they both walked out of the office

"Are you happy now you finally ruined my student record" brivail said once they were out of the office

"I should be asking you serving punishment at my first semester at school because of you"

"Well get ready to serve more punishment cause I'll make sure you get in a lot of trouble"

"Do as you not afraid of you" Anna walked away

"You will be" brivail said to herself.