chapter 1 1

chapter 1 chapter 11

Later that night Anna snuck out of her room to meet Allen he took her to the top of the building they came to the last time, the place was set up so beautifully, there was a big duvet on the floor and pillows, candles were lit and flowers was placed around the floor anna was speachless she couldn't believe Allen would put in so much effort for her

"It's not much but I hope you like it" he said as they sat on the cloth

"I love it...did you do all these yourself?"

"Yeah....I wanted to apologize for acting like a jerk"

"So... we're just gonna sit here and..."

" want to know more about you Anna"

"Things like what?"

" can tell me things from your high school or middle school....your childhood?"

"Hmmm... there's nothing much to say my middle school was amazing and high school was childhood was great cause I had the best parents in the world they were my everything...I only ever loved them and I spent half of my life with them....not until my dad died....that was last year it was the most horrible year of my life...I wasn't able to live normally anymore cause I kept seeing my dad everywhere even though he wasn't there...I had to under go therapy session for was hard for mom to finally be able to move on and I made it worse for her....I just want to live the best life I can for her sake" Anna said feeling a little emotional she had no idea she was already sharing too much

"That is so sweet of you am sure your mom wants you to live the best life for yourself....she wouldn't want her emotions to tie you whatever you do you should try and stay happy for yourself"

".....okay I'll do enough of me what about you?"

"Me?....oh no... you've probably heard about me and brivail? Aside from that I don't think have ever been through something heartbreaking...even when my parents got divorced because my dad cheated on my mom I didn't feel that bad....I choose to stay with my mom cause I love her... that's me"

"Your mom is a very sweet the way have been dying to know, what was it about brivail that made you fall for her cause no offense but apart from the beauty she's not know" Allen chuckled

"She wasn't always like this....she and I lived in the same neighborhood for years...have known brivail since she was born, there were lots of things about her that made me just...she knew how to make me smile, she and my mom didn't mix that well though she understands me fully well I guess that was why...I don't know"

"If she loved you that well then why did she cheat?"

"Truth be told I can understand why she did....but I just didn't expect her to actually do it....I mean Andrew is so hot..fuck! I can't believe I said that" they both laughed

"I thought he was your childhood friend or Something?"

"Yeah he is...can I share a secret with you?"

"Sure" Anna moved her body closer

"Am a little jealous of him" he whispered

"Oh!....I don't think you should be you're good looking as well Allen" Anna said with straight face

"Thanks...your turn tell me about your exes and your romantic fairytale I want to hear everything"

"Uhm...I.. there's no exes.....have never dated before, have never been touched by a guy before infact the kiss we had earlier was my first time" she said pulling the edge of her top

"Oh...I didn't know....I should have been more gentle"

"Oh no it's fine..I didn't mind"

" say you've mean you've never had... you've never had sex?"


"So you're a virgin?"

"You made it sound like it's a bad thing"

"No no it's not... it's actually very sweet..I just...I find it a little weird"


"No not you!!...have never had a virgin after brivail so I find it weird"

"Are you saying you don't do virgins?"

"Am saying you're too good for me...I think you should find someone else"

"Are you trying to blow me off again?"

"No I would never...I just don't think I can"

"Why was brivail that special to know you can't move on if you don't get over her"

"I am over her....I just don't want to hurt you"

"You don't want to hurt me?"

"No!!!...I shouldn't even...we should leave"

"Uhh!! Really right now?!"

"Anna....your virginity is precious you should give it to someone else" Anna was speachless she didn't know how to react she wanted the night to go better than this but it's just ending so awkwardly, Allen is trying to be sweet but something about what he says just kept annoying Anna, they both got into the car he drove them back to school the car was quiet the whole way there.

The next, colina and Elizabeth wasn't on speaking terms so they kept ignoring each other the whole day but most importantly colina was avoiding Cole the most, he kept trying to talk to her about what happened in the room yesterday but colina herself didn't understand why she did that, and she didn't know the excuse she could give him

She could ignore him the whole day but she couldn't ignore him during lunch time, they all's at at the same table except Anna she wasn't at the cafeteria

"I thought you would seat at another table" colina said to Elizabeth

"Why should I?...I don't feel ashamed of anything so why should I stay mad"

" sorry i did not mean to say any of that" colina apologized, she was really sorry

"Yes you did"

"No I didn't"

"Admit it you hate that am good with boys and you're not"

"Why would I hate that...I just don't like the idea of you going around with so many guys you trust them so easily" colina said ignoring Cole who came to seat with them

"You're right I do trust boys easily...fine then you're forgiven"

"Should I be grateful"

"Colina can we talk?" Cole asked


"What do you want to talk about?" Elizabeth asked

"Nothing!!! know Cole so annoying" she said and laughed awkwardly

"Colina why are you acting so weird?"

"No am not...this is how I act" she said and continue laughing awkwardly

"There's something fishy going on here" she squeezed her eyes "just so you know if you both end up dating you don't have to hide it?"

"Dating??!! Oh please Elizabeth like that would ever happen"

"Okay colina you're definitely acting weird Cole fix her" she left the table, leaving the two to stare at each other awkwardly

"The kiss was a mistake right?" Cole asked


"Okay...I get it you don't have to avoid me"

"Are you sure you're okay with it?"

"Yeah... it's not the first time it happened to me.....we're still friends and we can act like nothing ever happened"


"Good" he said and continue to eat his food.