I Can Have You Here

The Siren Home 


Chapter 14 

Meredith smacked her lips and batted her eyelids just as Valerie had taught her, trying her best to be flirty even though her hands were fidgeting. This was her one chance at freedom and she couldn't mess it up. 

"And here we are" The man smiled at her as soon as the car stopped in front of his elegant house. "A night of pleasure awaits us! I know you will be as succulent as you look!" he said before the door of the car swung open and Meredith stepped down. 

"You shouldn't worry about opening doors when my driver could do that for you. Beautiful things like you shouldn't stress yourself. " he rushed to Meredith's side to help out of the car. 

She was nervous as the chilly air of the night caressed her almost naked body while she scanned around the compound to see if there was a dog or anything to stop her escape. 

"You don't seem to have a dog?" 

"Oh, you finally spoke to me. The voice of an angel. I would love to hear that voice moan my name" 

Meredith's face contorted with disgust as she cast a disdainful gaze upon the repulsive old man. If only he were aware that he'd never have the chance to touch her. If only he knew that she would be the catalyst for the downfall of the Siren Home and the wicked, affluent men who treated women as mere commodities, she thought bitterly.

"I don't have any dogs. Can't you see I live in a lavish and secure residence? Come, let me escort my 'prize' inside," he insisted, resting his hand on the small of her back as he guided her into his luxurious abode.

As she entered, she racked her brain, trying to recall Valerie's advice on seducing older men. The men urged her to make herself comfortable in the sitting room, but the idea of making a swift escape danced in her mind, her silver high heels tapping nervously on the opulent flooring.

Before she could decide whether to flee, he reappeared wearing a robe and a sinister grin. Without waiting for her consent, he pulled her towards a room. Meredith desperately searched for the pill she had stashed in her bra, knowing it was her only hope.

"Here… I can have you here until I tire of you" he said, and as Meredith stared at the mighty bed, she felt like vomiting when she pictured him lying on top of her. She must act now! 

"All in good time… I may not be experienced but a thing or two about seducing a man. Let's make the night even hotter than you imagined" She had no idea where the words came from nor the courage with which she used to caress his old body while he stared at her like he was lost. 

She slid her white gown down and asked him where his wine was so they could make the night even more fun. When he tried to protest, she shut him up with her slender finger while she bit her lips just as Valerie had taught her. The man was obviously enchanted with her and couldn't stop her. 

"Let me get the wine!"

"No, let me… Just show me where you keep them" she suggested, licking her lips. 

He pointed it out to her and she walked over to where it was, away from his sight, and added the pill to his own cup. The old men were indeed as easy as Valerie had said. And her freedom was near. 

The man gulped his glass of wine because he couldn't wait to have Meredith. 

"Now come here! Let me have a taste of whatI paid for. No more playing gs with me, beautiful one. " he said, drawing her to his gummy old body. 

"Wait!" she panicked but he wouldn't let her go. 

Why would the damn drug work? She screamed in her head. His hands were on her slender thighs, dragging her to his body. 

After enduring his dirty hands all over her body for some minutes, the man began to doze off. All she had to do now was find her way out of there. She prayed nothing would get in her way as she tiptoed to the gate. Her mind wanted to rejoice but she reminded herself that it was important not to celebrate yet until she was safe at home. 

The gate was locked when she strolled out to the large compound but there was no one around to see her leave. The tracker? She remembered it then as she wondered how true Valerie's claim of it not working far away from the home was. She didn't care for now! All she had to do was find a way out. Hurriedly she climbed over the fence that had thorny metals with the help of the flower pot close to the fence. And then, there was free road of the estate and her way home, she rejoiced within her. 


Marc had been keeping a vigilant eye on the house, contemplating how he could gain access. He was growing increasingly frustrated with himself, aware that breaking in was practically impossible. But then, a moment of unexpected fortune struck when he spotted a woman gracefully leaping over the fence. It felt like a miraculous turn of events, and his heart leaped with joy as he observed her cautiously scanning the street, as though she were a thief making her escape.

"My opportunity!" he chuckled softly, watching her sprint down the road. Without hesitation, he accelerated down the street, blocking her path with the blinding glare of his car's headlights.

Meredith's heart raced as the light bore down on her, fearing that the Home had captured her. Yet her anxiety surged even higher when she recognized the determined young man, who had pursued her relentlessly, stepping out of the car.

"No..." she cried out, attempting to flee down the road, but he swiftly caught up to her and forcibly bundled her into the car before locking the doors.

"I warned you, didn't I? I always get what I desire. You belong to me now!" he declared with a sinister grin as he drove away.

"Please, just let me go! Don't take away my freedom! What have I done to you?" Meredith pleaded with desperation in a hushed voice.

"Don't shed tears, my dear, for they won't change what's to come. It's better to be with me than that old man, don't you think? I simply must have you since you rejected me! What a pleasant night this would be" 

Meredith shook in tears because she had gone from frying pan to fire. There was no more pill to use on the young guy and even if there was, he would be too hot-headed to reason with.

"Please!" she pleaded in a low voice. 

"I am taking you home and possessing you completely" 

Marc said more to himself as he drove to the building he shared with his cousin. He just hoped his cousin wouldn't be home or even try to get in his way of having the young teary-eyed girl.