Freedom Almost


It was truly a long journey to the home of the young man who held her captive. Her heart kept hammering in her chest for what awaited her while Marc smiled slyly, his eyes focused on the road while he thought of what he would do with Meredith before the Siren Home knew he had taken her away. This would be such a brilliant night … he chuckled in his mind, as long as Cross didn't get in his way. 

With the view of his magnificent home in sight, Meredith was filled with an overwhelming sense of fear that prompted her to beg one last time for her freedom. 

"Please don't do this to me. You will be condemning me to a life I detest. I have done nothing wrong to you. Please, why not find a place in your heart to listen to my plea?"

"This isn't a life to despise; it's what most girls dream of. Can't you appreciate the wealth that surrounds you? Don't you see how much you could enjoy with me at your side? Then, when I've had my fill, I'll gladly return you to the Home."

"I don't want that! Let me out and let me go right now! I don't belong to you!" Meredith screamed with all her might.

"Really?" Marc asked, leaping from his seat and rushing to the back to forcefully pull Meredith out.

Meredith fought him by kicking and hitting him but he managed to catch her flailing hands and twisted them behind her. His Heavy breaths on her beautiful face. He kissed her long and hard before saying. 

" I am not the old man you can play games with. Do you understand? Tonight I shall have you till I tire" he dragged her out of the seat and into the house. 

Meredith couldn't see the beauty of the magnificent home they had stepped intoto, not when her tears blocked her sight and her pounding heart echoed in her ears. What was she to do now? She asked herself as it dawned on her that Marc was never letting her go. He was simply a wicked soul and there was nothing she could do about it. 

He unlocked the glass door of the home and flipped the switch on before turning to face her. His eyes roamed all over her pretty body and he couldn't just contain his hunger and desire. 

"This would be a perfect night. I cannot believe I have you right in my arms after you rejected me" he buttoned his chiffon shirt, revealing his rocky chest. He approached her while she backed away, almost tripping and falling. 

"I know you think I am evil but you don't understand what it feels like to be a guy like me deprived of everything I have ever wanted because I am not wealthy enough. Well, now I have the money and even though I didn't purchase you, I feel like I own you" 

"I don't think you are evil. I know you are evil for taking away my freedom when I almost had itm And I detest you for it!" Meredith's eyes burned with anger. 

"Your eyes are burning with anger and hatred for me but soon they will be burning with desire for me" he said

"Never!" She spat and he grabbed her immediately to lead her into the room when they saw Cross coming down the stairs. 

Marc didn't know how to feel when he saw the brooding face of his cousin staring at him with contempt. And Meredith saw it too and she hoped the new guy would save her from Marc. 

"I had no idea you were home. Well, when did you get back?" Marc asked, still holding Meredith possesively. 

"What are you doing Marc, isn't she the girl from the home?" Cross asked, his disdainful look on Meredith. And she wished the ground could follow her then instead of being remembered as the naked girl at the auction house. 

"She is but she is mine for now"

"How do you mean? You could never buy her. So, how is she here?"

"Quit asking me these unnecessary questions. I need to go with my prize to my room. Excuse me!"

Marc said but Cross refused to step an inch from the stairs that led to the room. From the look on the girl's face, it was pretty clear she didn't want to be here. And even though he wanted to rescue her from his vicious cousin, he didn't want a fight with Marc. He was his only friend for now. 

"What are you doing Cross? Get out of the way!"

"I don't want to stop you. But this feels really wrong. You are still what belongs to someone else. He paid for her time and you get to be with her instead. Do you think that organization will take it lightly with you? Come on Marc, think with your head. We need to take her back!"

"No, I don't want to go back. Please don't take me back" Meredith pleaded

"Shut up! You are going nowhere until I have had my mark on you"

"Marc, let her go!" Cross grew angry from the terrible way Marc was treating the poor girl. 

"No! What are you doing about that?" He stared deep into Cross's eyes, challenging him to stop him.

"I don't want a fight. I simply cannot let you steal what someone else has paid for."

"And how is that any of your concern?"

"I am not a commodity for goodness sake. Let me free!"

"Shut up!" He screamed in Meredith's face. 

"You know what you either take her back or I will! You will not be the reason whoever bought her comes after us for revenge or anything like that"

"He does not know. He lost her!"

"Just let her go!"


A call came into Cross' phone then and it was his security head informing him that some strange men were asking for him. 

"This late in the night?" He wanted to ask but he knew who they were and why they were. 

"They are already here for her! Don't fight it! We need to take her back!"

Marc Clenched his teeth in anger while Meredith wondered how whoever was at the gate had tracked her there. 

Marc reluctantly let her go as Cross led the way out the gate for them to meet the men. From their look, it was obvious they were from the secret club Meredith had been taken from. The men introduced themselves to Cross and Cross rudely told them he was taking Meredith back to the Home. 

Marc stayed back out of fear that the Club security would attack him for stealing Meredith while Cross drove off with her. 

With just the two of them in his car, Meredith hoped she could convince him to let her go. With his cold eyes staring at her through the front mirror of the car, she knew he had no compassion for her. 

But contrary to what she believed, Cross felt sorry for her. But he refused to interfere in what wasn't his business. He would take her back to where she belonged. But as he watched her weep uncontrollably at the back of the seat, he wished he had made a better decision by choosing to help herinstead. 

He pushed that thought aside immediately and focused on taking her back with the two men driving behind them. 

She was never going to be free! Never! Meredith wept, feeling sorry for her poor self.