
It had been a month since Ray and Tessa escaped from London and landed in Chittagong. They were living in a government-run orphanage along with other refugee children who lost their parents in the hands of the entomorphs. 

One day in the afternoon, they were playing in the playground when a young Rohan approached them.

Ray and Tessa didn't notice Rohan at first. So when Rohan suddenly asked, "Can I play with you?" they were startled. 

Ray looked up and saw Rohan smiling at him. Ray said, "OK."

Rohan replied, "Yayy. Thank you."

Ray stood up, and Tessa followed. Ray extended his hand and said, "My name is Ray Foster. What is your name?"

Rohan grabbed the hand and said, "My name is Rohan Karim. It's nice to meet you. And you are?" Rohan looked at Tessa. 

Tessa gave a smile and said, "I'm Tessa Robson. Nice to meet you. Let's play."

Ray, Tessa and Rohan played together for hours.