
It had been 5 days since Ray had finally avenged his friend's death. He was sitting on a helicopter now, making his way to Tokyo from where he would be taken to Lost Eden.

The whole time of travel, both Ray and Sakura were silent, Sakura just talking only when she needed to give instructions. Ray couldn't help but take a glance at the two body bags lying on the helicopter floor before him. Even though Ray felt relieved after killing the puppeteer, he still couldn't shake off the deaths and horror he had witnessed in the last year. The dead bodies of Conrad and Yuri kept reminding him of the time he wanted to forget.

But on the other hand, Yuki, Katarina, and Sky talked the whole journey. They were acting like nothing had ever happened.

As the helicopter started descending on the airfield, Sakura said, still in that ever-so-calm voice, "Get ready. We're landing."

Ray nodded.