"Four Angels or Four Devils?"

At the Queen's Palace in London, England, Queen Charlotte is, of course, currently engaged in her duties as Queen of England just like every other day. However, she is about to receive an unexpected visit from someone she knows.

Suddenly, a royal messenger approached the busy Queen.

"Your Majesty."

He bowed in front of the beautous and elagant Queen.

"You called?" The Queen responded

"I hereby announce that you have a guest waiting for your presence, your Majesty." The messenger quickly spoke

"Well, stand up and let them in." The Queen calmly ordered

The messenger bowed his head once again and stood as requested by the Queen.

The messenger then went to the royal guards guarding the door and gave them the nod.

The royal guards open the door as ordered.


A feminine yet mature, attractive voice filled the quiet palace room with noise.

Queen Charlotte turned her head and saw a mature, tall, and beautiful woman standing near the palace door with a radiant smile on her face.

This woman, in her early 40s, is tall, with a long curly hair colored like dark crimson blood. Her eyes are color of wondrous light hazel but darker than the bright, oceanic soulful eyes of Charlotte. Her lips thin and not full like Charlotte's but it shaped like a heart and as pink as a bloomed rose under the sunlight. Her body exudes of sex appeal with how shapely and plumpy her breasts are and her waist shaped like an hourglass. Her posture signals unbreakable self-esteem and self-confidence.

"Tristana!." As Charlotte excitedly called out.

As they approached each other, they quickly gave each other a warm and tight hug.

"Madam Tristana, welcome!" Charlotte's bodyguards quickly greeted her in unison, and Tristana greeted them back with a nod.

After a minute of hugging, they finally broke apart, with smiles on their faces.

"To what do I owe this unexpected visit from you, sister?" Charlotte happily asked Tristana.

Tristana didn't respond to her but she has something to say to Charlotte's bodyguards.

"Queensguards, would you mind leaving me alone with my sister for a moment?" Tristana asked them with a serious tone

All the bodyguards nodded at her request and hurriedly left them alone for privacy.

Tristana then took a deep breathe

"Sister, didn't you know?" Tristana's smile faded as soon as she asked this question

But Charlotte's smile remained with naivety.

"Know what, sister?" She asked softly, with innocence

"It's about Ray."

Charlotte quickly furrowed her eyebrows

"Ray? Ray Shigeyoshi?" She asked again with naivety and innocence

"What about him?" Charlotte added

"He's family, Charlotte!"

"He's your nephew and my nephew, for christ sake!" Tristana answered with determination

Charlotte quickly widened her eyes with bewilderment

"But, but...I didn't.." Charlotte couldn't find her words

"The first time I did a background check on him as you requested, it stated that he's full Japanese. His father is Japanese, his mother is Japanese." Tristana explained

"But recently, I had to background check him again, thoroughly, due to personal reasons, and it turns out she's the son of one of our sisters, Risa." Tristana added

"But Risa didn't tell us that he has a son, Tristana." Charlotte protested

"Yes, she didn't."

"Because Risa abandoned Ray when he was a teenager." Tristana said with a somber look on her face

"Oh my god." Charlotte emotionally expressed

In Tokyo, Japan, after five years, I'm back from where I was born and raised. Come to think of it, I feel like I've missed many big things here at Tokyo, even though it looks like this city hasn't changed one damn bit.

Oh well, as they say....never change Tokyo, never change.

But God, I really miss this city so much and, it's good to be back.

After successfully setting foot on the ground, I quickly booked a taxi through an app on my phone. These days, people don't tend to hail taxis anymore.

After a half-hour of silent taxi drive, I finally saw our old home, the home where it all began.

Wait...our home with a strange black SUV parked in our front yard, and alongside it is a pink Ford Mustang GT? This is new.

Dad must've bought a new car for himself, huh? Looks like the old man finally knows a good vehicle...and a new wife or girlfriend perhaps, who has a great taste in cars.

I just shrugged it off due to jetlag and kept approaching our front door.

As I opened the front door, what I saw suprised the hell out of me.

Four mysterious yet gorgeously angelic, alluring and fully-tattoed women are sitting like queens on our old coach.