"Surprise visit"

As I stood on my porch, adrenaline and determination flowed through my veins. I can't let them kidnap Akane and had their ill, perverted, vile intentions towards her fulfilled.

Armed with the intention of saving Akane, I rushed into one of my neighbors motorcycle and hotwired it. It's an act of crime to steal but I knew I had to act fast, Akane's life depend on it.

I revved the engine of my neighbor's motorcycle, the roar cutting through the stillness of the night.

As I started to drive away from my home, I heard the scream of the owner of this motorcycle, screaming and cursing the hell out of me.

Filled with urgency and determination, I tore down the streets, my eyes fixed on the taillights of the black SUV in the distance. The streets of Tokyo blurred around me as I pushed the bike to its limits, my mind focused on only one thing, saving Akane.

As I sped through the city, my thoughts were a chaotic mix of murderous intention, anger, and a burning resolve. I had faced many challenges in my life, but this was different.

This was personal and I wouldn't stop until Akane was safe, no matter the fucking cost.

I weaved through the narrow streets, my bike is a blur in the night. The wind whipped againts my face, but I barely noticed. My mind was laser-focused on the black SUV ahead, and the thought of Akane in danger fueled my determination.

The vehicle then took a sharp turn, and I followed closely, the tires screeching as they gripped the asphalt.

I remembered the times me and Akane had spent together as kids, running through the fields and laughing under the summer sun. Those memories now felt like a lifetime ago. Seeing her so terrified, so vulnerable, stirred something deep within me. I couldn't let those scummy bastards get away with this.

The SUV headed towards the outskirts of Tokyo, where the streets became less populated and the buildings gave away to industrial complexes. I knew this area well, it was a place where few ventured at night, a perfect setting for nefarious and scummy activities, Yakuza activities to be precise. I had to act quickly.

As the SUV slowed down near an abandoned warehouse, I took my chance. I accelerated, closing the gap between me and the vehicle. I needed to create a diversion, something to make those fucking, scummy kidnappers lose focus.

My eyes darted around swiftly, searching for anything that could create diversion.

A pile of wooden crates stacked by the side of the road caught my attention.

I swerved my motorcycle towards the crates, kicking one over with a well-aimed boot. The crate tumbled on the road, smashing into pieces and scattering debris. The SUV swerved, trying to avoid the obstacles,

giving me the opening I needed.

I pulled up alongside the vehicle and pounded on the window with my fist.

"Let her go." I muttered, my voice cold and deadly.

The driver glances at me, his eyes filled with anger and surprise. The vehicle swerved again, trying to shake me off, but I was relentless. I grabbed the door handle with my strength and yanked it open, destroying it, the wind whipping into the SUV.

Inside, I saw Akane, her eyes wide with fear, her hands bound.

"Ray-kun!" She cried out, her voice filled with fear and desperation.

"Hang on, Akane-chan." I reassured her.

One of the kidnappers lunged at me from inside the SUV, but I was deadly, swift, and ready. They had no idea who they were fucking with. I swung my fist, connecting with the man's jaw, and sent him sprawling back. With a swift motion, I reached in and cut the ties binding Akane's hands. She scrambled towards me, her body trembling.

"Hold on tight. We're getting out of here." I uttered as Akane clung to me, her arms wrapped around my waist.

Just as I was about to pull away, another motorcycle screeched around the corner and blocked our path. My heart knew something was up, but before I could react, a figure emerged from the shadows.....

It was Izanami.

Her movements fluid and precise. In one swift motion, she hurled a dagger, hitting the driver of the black SUV squarely in the neck. The man slumped forward, the vehicle swerving uncontrollably before coming to a halt.

I watched as my sister-in-arms moved with lethal grace, taking down the kidnappers with ease and without mercy.

She approached the first man who had lunged at me, disarming him with a flick of her wrist and a well-placed kick that sent him crashing into the side of the vehicle. He crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

"Who the fuck is she?" One of the kidnappers shouted, panic evident in his voice.

"Doesn't matter! Kenji-sama is waiting for us. Take her down!" Another ordered, charging at Izanami with a knife.

Izanami sidestepped his attack, grabbing his wrist and twisting it until he dropped the weapon with a cry of pain. With a fluid of motion, she drove her knee into his stomach, sending him doubling over. She finished him off with a deep stab to the back of his neck, and he fell to ground, killed.

"Get her, you fucking imbeciles!" The leader of the kidnappers yelled, his voice tinged with fear. He motioned for the remaining men to attack.

Two more men emerged from the SUV, trying to flank her. Izanami didn't hesitate. She darted towards them, her movements a blur. She blocked a punch from the first man, using his momentum to throw him over her shoulder and into the path of the second man. They collided with a grunt, giving her the opening to strike. She delivered a killing dagger stab to the second man's head, sending him dead, and followed it up with another deep stab to the first's man stomach, killing him instantly.

I stood there, questioning Izanami's sudden appearance and arrival. Izanami moved with deadly efficiency of a seasoned Queenswoman, her face a mask of calm determination.

"Who the fuck are you?" The leader standing demanded, backing away slowly.

"A Queenswoman." Izanami replied coldly. She took a step forward, her eyes locked on the man.

"What the fuck is a Queenswoman?!" He frantically asked, his face mix of fear and puzzled.

"I don't give fuck whoever you are. I'll kill you, you foreign bitch!" The leader shouted, pulling out a gun and aiming it at Izanami.

But before he could fire, I was already in motion. I leaped forward, knocking the gun out of the man's hand with a swift kick. The leader stumbled back, and I followed up with a nasty punch to his gut, making him double over in pain.

Izanami seized the moment, delivering a fatal slash to the leader's throat. He dropped on the ground, and bled intensely. Seconds over, he was dead due to blood loss.