[scene : eyes open, we see some obscure figures]
unrecognizable male voice : "Kol Clarissa mc ght ha".
What? oh right.. new world, new language.
[A few weeks later, the view becomes much clearer]
Thanks to the brain upgrade god gave me, I have a firm grasp on the language.. bet I can talk now if I tried... but that's too dangerous; what am I ? about 2 months old? No way that's gonna' fly.
*The baby is lifted from his crib. He looks at his new parents*
Let me introduce my new parents: Mark and Clarissa they're about 20 something.
[Mark is tall with blonde hair and green eyes. Clarissa is moderately beautiful, black hair, green eyes]
I'm as old as my parents, maybe even older.. talk about classic.
Clarissa makes clothes for a living.
As for Mark I don't know what he does yet. He leaves saying "I'm off to work" and that's it.
Based on their appearance I can guess what I look like ... if genetics here work the same way they do on earth, then, I have green eyes, black or blonde hair depending on mom's genes.
Now to introduce myself. I am Colt, ironic yes. It means " residing from a dark town with no source of light". Fitting, don't you think? Not that Mark would know.
Well that's about it, now I'm hungry.
*Starts crying*
[ a few months later]
I am now 1.5 years old or 18 months old.
Because of my earth knowledge I was able to time lifting my head, crawling, walking and speaking juuust right.
[scenes show him crawling, walking, sitting]
Lift your head at 4,sit at 6 with help, sit at 9 without, crawl at 9.5, talk at 14, walk at 15.
By the way, looks confirmed, green eyes blonde hair, not baad, heck, I look a little like (That perverted otaku who got reincarnated).
At this point I can use single or barely 2 words sentences. see you when I can talk better.