[scene : Colt is occupying the view]
I'm 3 years old now.
Since god said this is an isekai then magic is guaranteed.
Question is… what type is it ? Incantations, Circles ? Silent? Based on imagination?
In order for me to answer that question(which I only care about because I do not want to make a commotion unlike every isekai MC who lacks common sense).
[scene : the view expands to show Colt sitting on a small table. Colt shifts his body weight to fall, starts crying]
[internal evil grin]
Now what will you do, dear mother?
Clarissa [comes, gently carries the child tapping on his back] :"There, there that's my good boy *sits him on a chair, gives him a kiss *"
Wait, is that it? Bummer, guess healing magic is out .
Not (The NEET's isekai Adventure) oh well ..
We have 2 possibilities: 1, mom does not know healing magic.
2, it's rare and this world has affinities.. not that I would know since I am unbound by such things .. thank you god.
Plan 2: watch dad very carefully 24/7, except when he's at work of course.
*Keeps following him everywhere in the house until *
[scene: Mark standing in front of the fire place]
*Mark's lips move as Colt listens but we only hear the last part of the incantation*
Mark [in a calm and deep tone] : "…May your light give us warmth and life, fire flower."
*Fire suddenly appears and starts burning the wood.*
[internal evil grin]
Show time.
Colt :"Dad.. what.. that."
Since I can only use three words comfortably now this is the best I could manage. now then, give me an answer !
It shouldn't be suspicious if I ask after seeing this; especially since I made sure I never saw this before.
Mark : [warmly]"Ah, Colt, you've finally asked about magic! Well, magic is the power we use to create fire, control water, shape the earth, and manipulate the winds. "
What kind of an explanation for a 3 year old is that?!!
Colt : [ eyes widen and he smiles at his dad trying to put as much excitement in it as he can fake] : "Teach me magic ?"
Mark : [laughs and says gently] "Everyone can learn magic but I think you are a bit young for that."
Colt [with the innocence of the most innocent thing there is] : "Everyone make water?"
Mark [ grinning from ear to ear] "Yes. you just need to learn the spell. But you're too young."
Colt [looking down] "Oh, okay."
*Lifts his head*
Colt [smiling] :"Thank you, dad…grow, learn, magic."
Mark [happily after watching Colt smile ]"Yes you surely will."
[internal evil grin]
Nailed it… got all the info I need, I have to say talking that way is extremely inconvenient since I have a three word limit.
But now we know that there is no affinity here and all you need is the spell.
(The NEETs isekai Adventure) is back on the menu.
Now then, start trial and error.
[ a few days later]
[scene : Colt in a room alone]
Escaping my parents' watchful eyes was a hassle ..not that I don't understand the concern, but I honestly still don't feel a thing toward them, they're my parents and that's that.
[scene : Colt in the room, with a small wooden bucket filled with water]
Thanks to my enhanced memory I have the incantation. Thank you god.
*Colt lips move but we only hear the last part*
Colt : "…May your light give us warmth and life, fire flower."
*Fire appears in Colt's little hand, falls into the bucket of water, gets extinguished*
Interesting… so even a 3 year old can do it.
Let's see if..
Colt : "Fire flower."
*Nothing happens.*
OK, try a different approach.
Fire is simply a byproduct of the fuel reacting with oxygen when it's heated to the ignition temperature.
[scene : Colt closing his eyes, the view is black]
Imagine it..
*Sparks appear to light the darkness.*
Imagine the light.. imagine the heat.
*Fire appears in the darkness.*
*Colt opens his eyes to find the fire glowing and floating on his hand.*
[External triumphant dark grin]
Guess that means I do not need incantations.
[Scenes show Colt repeatedly silently casting fire flower]
498, 499..
Imagine it.
The fi-
*Colt senses the heat on his hand.*
What in this world and Earth?!!
*Colt opens his eyes to find that the spell worked*
A fluke maybe?
Or is it…
*Colt keeps casting about a dozen times.*
No more molecular imaginations.
This.. is gonna be fun.
Confirmed.. easy silent casting is a thing.
I have 2 theories : either it was engraved in my subconsciousness which is highly likely. Or, that 500 is the magic number before it comes naturally.
If the 2nd theory is right then is it just 500 or does each spell have a unique number? Or are the numbers unique to each class of spells? If it is then does it go higher or lower?
Oh well, guess I'll find out when I find out.
I'll call it a day here.
[scene : Colt in the room with the wooden bucket, this time it's empty]
I don't have any incantations for water magic…
But if I've learned anything from fire flower, it's that I don't need 'em.
One oxygen, two hydrogen, 104.5 degrees, imagine it.
*Scene shows molecules of water, the view expands to shows a droplet, expands again to show a waterball*
*Colt thinking in the background*
Molecules combine to form a droplet, droplets combine to form water
*Slowly opens his eyes to find a small water ball floating in his hand.*
This. Changes. Everything !!
[scene : Colt in the room alone, no bucket]
Air is all around us so..
*Colt opens his palm, air gathers in it creating a small tornado.*
Not bad..
*Colt tries making a bigger one on the floor, it sucks dust from the room.*
*Colt keeps coughing.*
*Colt stops the spell, waving with his arm to get rid of the dust.*
OK, careful with the vacuum cleaner.
But, we learned wind magic and that means…
[scene : Colt in the room with a wider bucket]
Water prison.
*A big water ball forms, spinning around slowly*
Finally mastered it !!
Other spells such as water bullet and cutter require shape, pressure and velocity parameters.
But this one, I needed to do something completely different to master it…
[scene : Colt sitting in his room, eyes closed, his hands on the wooden floor]
We've got three out of four basic elements…
What's left is to master earth magic.. except I have no clue how to do that.. I'll just focus.
*Colt keeps breathing in and out, in, out*
*Suddenly the view shift to greyscale.. the ground is filled with glowing dots.*
*Colt stops, everything turns back to normal.*
*The glowing dots re-appear.*
This is absolute insanity !!
I can sense them.. every single atom..
I'm guessing the only reason my brain isn't fried is because I don't focus on them all.
Even with a brain upgrade, too much input isn't good.
I need to test this.
*Colt gathers some atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, puts them in the shape of glucose*
[shows glucose shape and formula]
It worked! this is the most OP skill in my arsenal! it's power is incomprehensible… along with earth's knowledge this can be dangerous! Thank you god.
So what do you think happens if I touch the ground outside? What kind of elements will I get and what will I do with 'em?
This is what happens when magic and science combine.
[evil grin]
Though we're just getting started.