Their new life

*Colt's eyes twitch*

Luna : "Good morning."

*Colt opens his eyes*

Colt : "Good morning… how lovely… that your face is the first thing I see when I wake up."

*Luna blushes*

Luna : "The day hasn't even started."

Colt : "I love it when you get like this."

*Luna smiles*

Luna : "You seem happier than usual today."

Colt : "How can I not be… we're together now."

Luna : "Feels like a dream…"

Colt : "It is a dream… one that came true."

*After they get dressed*

Luna : "So, what would you like for breakfast."

Wait, does she know how to cook?

Colt : "Wait, you're a princess, so how?"

Luna [smiles] : "Like I said, elf society is different, besides, I had one year to prepare for our wedding."

Colt : "Makes sense… but *smiles* do you know where the kitchen is?"

*Luna freezes and blushes, looks at Colt*

Colt[smiling] : "We were so worn out last night we went straight to bed, let me show you our home."

Colt : "This is the living room."

*Shows a big room with comfortable sofas and chandeliers, colors elegantly balanced and room design makes full use of the space*

Colt : "There are many bedrooms."

*Shows a room with identical design to their room, except there are two beds instead of a large one*

Luna : "I know you built this place, so why place several bedrooms?"

Colt : "It was mostly a hypothetical scenario : What if your family wanted to move? They'd need a place to stay until I'm done building a place for them."

Luna[touched] : "You put this much thought and effort for my family?"

Colt [hugs her] : "They're your family… and you're precious to me."

Luna[a bit saddened ] : "I'm so happy."

Colt[looking at her] : "That's not what it looks like…"

Luna : "I'm just thinking it must've cost a fortune… I didn't want to be a burden."

What the! How should I respond to that? I have no clue what to say… fine.. I'll improvise.

Colt : "To me... your happiness is more valuable than this entire world's gold."

Luna [clings to his clothes] : "You can't say that… I want you to be happy too… don't overdo it for my sake."

She's willing to give up this much for me? I … she's going to keep beating herself up about it… I have to do something.

Colt [princess carries Luna, walks the hallway] : "You know, when I was 3 years old… I got sick … my parents stayed several days with me without sleep. I appreciated it… but I also thought it was naïve, that they didn't think things through, because if they collapse… who'll take care of their child??"

Colt [stops in front of a door, looks at Luna] : "Listen to me… I promise I am not going to collapse on you…we'll live a happy life together… is that good with you?"

Luna [still concerned] : "I'd love that… but what about all the work you put in?"

Colt [smiles] : "Allow me to put your mind at ease… we're here*in a dramatic tone* the war room."

*the door opens*

*Colt lets Luna down*

*Luna steps in*

*shows a big room with a large conference table and many chairs and a huge map of the world taking an entire wall, the three continents are arranged in a triangular shape, marked on the main continent the five kingdoms that reside there and on the wasteland continent is marked every metal and jewel mine as well as Colt's castle, as for the third continent, no marks*

Luna [worried] : "WAR! Why? Who do you plan to go to war with?"

Colt [laughs] : "Easy, I just call it that because of this giant map."

And because it sounds cool.

Luna [calms down, looks at the map] : "Why would you call it war just because of a - *stares at the map*"

Colt : "You see it now? I know everything about this continent, what you see are jewel mines."

Colt : "I also have something to show you, wait here for a second."

*Rushes out*

Luna [yelling] : "WAIT! THIS MAP IS…"

Luna [in a low tone] : "Completely wrong."

*Colt comes back in with some charcoal*

Colt : "I'm back."

Colt [excited] : "Tell me, what am I holding?"

Luna [seeing the excitement on his face, decided to not tell him about the map] : "It looks like charcoal."

Colt : "Now watch carefully."

change the structure.

*The charcoal turns into a diamond*

Luna [rubs her eyes in disbelief, in awe] : "What?!! How?!"

Colt [smiling] : "Here, for you*gives her the diamond*"

*Luna looks at Colt with shock*

Colt [laughing] : "Charcoal and diamonds are made of the same thing, that's the true reason behind my power… I know things other people don't."

Luna [still shocked] : "Why? Why tell me? Why now?"

Colt : "I told you because I love and trust you… and because you were going to keep blaming yourself… now then, shall we go eat?"

[scene : Colt and Luna are in the kitchen, dishes are floating around, every step Colt does is done with magic, until the meal was prepared]

Scene : [they are walking towards the dining room and the dishes are floating behind]

Luna : "Why do you use magic for everything? These are only 2 dishes. We can carry them."

Colt : "Why do you not use magic? It's a major blessing, but it seems people aren't aware of it."

Luna : "Magic has always existed… it's natural… besides, most humans don't have your endless capacity."

Yeah, that's fair… but I'm not going to stand here and let her take magic for granted.

*They reach the dining room and take a seat, facing each other, the dishes land in front of them*

Colt : "You're right. But believe me… magic is the greatest gift this world has…"

Luna [concerned] : "I sense pain inside you… are you… speaking from experience?"

Colt [looks at Luna, then looks down] : "…Yes."

Luna : "Do you want to talk about it?"

Colt : "Not yet…"

*Luna goes, embraces his head and whispers in his ear*

Luna : " Then I won't ask any further… tell me when you're ready."