The third continent

*A few days after Colt told Luna about the third continent*

[scene : Colt and Luna talking mid-flight]

Colt : "I'm proud of you… mastering wind magic like this… you were great with it already, but now you can control your flight perfectly."

Luna : "I wanted to surprise you a bit… *lowers her voice*also, I didn't want to be a burden."

Colt : "What was that?"

Luna [speaking normally] : "It's nothing… so how did you know about the third continent anyway?"

Ooohhh, how to explain satellites.

 Colt : "I have eyes in the sky far above us… that's how I knew."

Luna [looks at him with confusion] : "How does that work?"

Colt : "They're not real eyes but are very similar… they fly around and tell me what I want to know."

Luna : "I don't get it but… I believe you."

She has no clue. And yet she believed me?!!

Just like that? She's perfect.

*The third continent becomes apparent… the sea below them is full of whirlpools*

*As they get closer all they can see are plants… so dense… and untouched plant life*

Colt [as they land] : "I have a bad feeling… stay close to me at all times, Luna."

Luna [in awe, forgetting Col's warning, takes a few steps forward] : "Wow, I've never seen plants like thi-"

*Her view suddenly gets dark as a plant is about to eat her*

[In a bit of a panic]


*The plant stops, barely leaving room for Luna to get out into Colt's arms*

Luna [totally freaked] : "WHAT'S THIS... I WAS... I WAS… thank you."

*Cries to let out her emotions*

It's probably her first time getting this close to death… and she was excited about coming too.

Colt[gently patting her on the head and back, in a calm tone] : "It's alright… I'm here with you."

*After a while Luna starts to calm down*

Colt : "Are you good now?"

Luna : "Yes, thank you… but, what is this thing?"

Colt : "Let me see…"

*Goes to investigate the plant*

Colt [in shock] : "This is… a mutated Venus-flytrap."

Luna : "You know what it is??"

*Colt de-mutates the plant*

Colt : "This plant is supposed to eat insects to grow."

*Touches the soil*

Colt [in shock] : "WHAT THE!!! The soil here is the polar opposite of the wasteland continent… it's too fertile."

These stupid plants… harming my dear sweet Luna.

Colt [looks at Luna, pissed] : "You know… I think I'll clear us a path."

*Looks at the plants… water starts to form*

Compress and shoo-

A mysterious female voice : "Please wait, otherworlder."

Otherworlder??! Who dares?!

*Starts to panic*

I think Luna heard that.


Colt [pissed as hell] : "You'd better show yourself this instant."

*A being suddenly forms, a female human like creature with green hair, glowing green eyes, a faint green glow*

Colt : "Who or what are you?"

The creature : "I am Trea, one of the guardians of this plant haven, I am one of the dryads."

Dryads??!! Seriously? What else does this world have?

Colt : "Yes, very nice to meet you. I am Colt and this is my wife Luna… what do you want with me?"

Luna : "Um, excuse me, but, what are dryads?"

Wait.. I thought elves and dryads were naturally friends… WHAT'S WITH THIS WORLD?

Trea : "We are a race of semi-spiritual beings, our task is to guard this life haven."

Colt : "Semi-spiritual??"

What does that mean?

Trea : "Yes, we have physical forms as well. We're no different than you in this regard."

THE HECK!! I thought dryads shouldn't have physical forms!! My plan was: destroy the plant, destroy the dryad if it came to it.

This can get real bad real fast.

Fine, if they try anything, I'm burning this place to the ground.

Colt : "Again, what do you want with me??"

Trea : "We implore you, otherworlder, do not bring harm to this place."

Colt : "I said my name was Colt, and your plants attacked first."

Trea: "It was a mistake on our part... still, please do not use your powers here."

Luna [touches Colt's shoulder] : "I'm fine, you saved me, remember?? No harm done, please go easy."

Colt : "If that's what you want…*looks at Trea* now then… I have a few questions for you."

*Trea suddenly freezes in place*

Colt [in a dark, slow, ominous tone] : "How do you know what you know?? You appearing before us, asking us not to bring harm… instead of just attacking, shows you know you don't stand a chance… how long have you been spying on me?"

Trea[trying to maintain her composure] : "W-We did not mean any offense; we sensed that there was life in the forgotten place three years ago. We rushed there to see how could it happen and we found you. We've observed you for a long time, debating whether we should reveal ourselves. But it was deemed too dangerous…but now that you're here… I was chosen to greet you."

*Colt looks at Luna, Luna nods meaning the dryad was telling the truth*

So they sensed the plants I grew in the wasteland continent… and since she referred to it as "the forgotten place" they didn't think it was even possible. They must've been observing me for a while… they saw the satellite launch, the tablet I keep in my item box, the amount of mana I had, my unique ability to manipulate monsters and golems and most importantly, the secret-

Luna : "I'm curious, how can you observe Colt in the wasteland continent??"

Colt : "It's probably not just me… wherever there are plants the dryads can go, right?"

Trea : "As expected of you other-"

*Colt conjures fire*

Trea [getting flustered] : "Uh... sir Colt."

*Fire disappears*

Luna [noticing this… deciding to change the subject, in a tired tone] : "But how can they cross the sea?"

Colt : "There is actually an abundance of plant life under the sea… seaweeds, coral reefs, they can easily use those."

Trea [disappointed] : "You won't let me explain…"

The sun is setting in the wasteland continent… Luna must be tired.

*Looks at Luna, she can barely stand*

That settles it.

Colt [to Trea] : "We're leaving now… but we'll be back."

Colt [to Luna, his tone softens] : "Come on, you must be tired *princess carries her*"


*They cross the gate, the gate vanishes*

*They appear in their home*

*Colt looks at Luna, finds she fell asleep in his arms*

How adorable.

*He puts her in the bed*

*Lies next to her, thinking*

She didn't ask… she must've known I was panicking… that I was angry… that this was what I was hiding… and yet… she didn't ask…

What kind of a pathetic excuse for a husband am I?? Do I still not believe in her enough?? But if I tell her, will she leave me? She wouldn't… not her… I should- no, I will tell her tomorrow… I can't bear to look her in the eyes anymore.

What am I feeling right now? Is it … guilt?

I didn't regret a thing since I came into this world.

But now…
