[Shows a scene of Colt and Luna sitting happily in their house in the dining room, eating]
About six months have passed, we found oil plants…we found more spices.. we were attacked by all kinds of mutated creatures. We were even attacked by a dragon…
[flash back]
[scene : Colt, Luna and Trea are walking around in an area with heavy long tree density]
*Suddenly, they hear rumbling noises*
Luna [getting worried, yet maintaining her composure] : "What's happening?"
*Tree leaves are shaking, they begin to fall, then some of the trees fall*
Luna : "COLT!!"
*The trees near them fall, revealing a giant dragon, blue scales, eyes like a snake's, a deadly gaze in them, it was hellbent on securing dinner*
*At the sight of the creature, Luna starts to stagger*
*The dragon lets out a deafening roar*
Colt [sarcastic] : "Wow! Strong vocal cords."
Colt [surprised] : "Seriously?"
"Graviol" 3 times gravity
*The dragon collapses on the ground, trying to raise its head, lets out roar after roar*
Colt : "Stay down you overgrown chicken *to Trea* can I kill it?"
Trea : "Please don't."
Colt : "I want to mount it in the lobby."
Luna : "WHAT?"
Colt : "Ooooh, I forgot, this will be bad won't it?"
It'll probably be uncomfortable and a bit traumatic for her.
She's usually very composed and strong, guess dragons are the real deal
Colt [to Trea] : "You know what.. forget it."
[end of flash back]
After that I started building things… I either extract what I want myself or make a machine to do it… next to the wheat field I planted spices… cocoa… oil plants… you name it… and growing plants with magic not only speeds up growth time… but also makes anything more delicious.
I couldn't generate electricity directly with magic though so the machines are manually operated.
One thing to note is what I found with Luna under the sea.
[flash back]
[scene : the two of them underwater, Colt's eyes suddenly widen, he de-mutates three oysters he found and uses a small version of water prison to contain them, points to Luna to surface]
*As soon as they get on shore, Colt laughs hysterically*
Luna [confused, looking at the oysters] : "What about them made you so happy?"
Colt [still laughing] : "I didn't find these anywhere near the other two continents… we've got oysters.. and look one of them is black-lipped … which means we now have pearls and black pearls."
Luna : "What are those?"
Colt : "Another type of jewels mainly used for necklaces and stuff … I'll make you one, it'll look so good on you."
[end of flash back]
And so, the plant continent was fully explored… and our happy little life became much sweeter… literally.
Luna[while eating] : "I didn't know fried potatoes could taste so good."
Colt : "Tell me about it… at first, the lack of cooking oils here was shocking… but now it all makes sense… this is just one of many recipes.. I'll be happy to teach you all of them."
Luna : "Will you teach me how to make chocolate cake too?"
Colt : "Uh, sure but we'll start after we have cocoa powder until I can explain the rest better."
Luna : "So, what will you do now?"
Colt [laughs] : "You ask that every time but, isn't there something you want to do??"
Luna [smiles] : "With you I saw the world, I explored an unknown continent, I learned a lot of new things, I'm really happy, so I want to see what else you have…"
Colt : "Wait, how do you know I have something planned?"
Luna : "You were hesitating to talk to me about something and it was weighing on you for the last month."
Colt : "I just didn't want you to think that I like not staying here or anything."
Luna : "I know but I am curious… won't you tell me?"
Colt: "Here goes… I'm thinking about joining the magic academy."
Luna [calm] : "Interesting…"
Colt [a bit surprised] : "Thank you for remaining calm… but I seriously expected a more severe reaction."
Luna [smiling] : "I know you too well… you're scheming something again, aren't you?"
Colt [looks at Luna for a second then laughs] : "Oh my angel, you know me indeed."
Colt : "I want to get inside their heads "If you know your enemy and know yourself you have nothing to fear" this was a quote from a master strategist , he was known for being cunning, and let me tell you, he knew what he was talking about… also I want to find out about the knowledge they're hoarding."
Luna : "Why do you assume they're keeping knowledge??"
Colt : "They're following a simple tactic really … the people are easier to rule if they are uneducated."
Luna : "But there are schools?"
Colt : "I'll put it simply… me or a thousand elf warriors, who wins?"
Luna : "Certainly you."
Colt : "Exactly, the people learn very basic magic, hardly enough to do anything… mages are under the nobles' control, adventurers are busy providing for themselves, and even if they revolt… nobles will overwhelm them, and then they will be executed."
Luna : "I never thought about it like that before… how does nobody see it??"
Colt : "Since I lived my life in a world full of lies and double standards… where those who say they want peace make weapons and then rule over others .. where everyone wore a mask… this is child's play really…"
Colt : "Remember our first date? I told you I loved this world because I could see light and darkness clearly."
Luna : "Then.. I'll go too."
Colt : "No way!"
Luna : "Why not?"
Colt : "Luna, you will be an elf in human territory… this isn't going to work"
Luna : "I don't care, I'll find a way."
Colt [starting to get irritated from worry] : "Why do you insist on putting yourself in danger?? This won't be like the plant continent… "
Luna : "I can't leave you there alone."
Colt : "You can't be serious… they can't win against me."
Luna [ with tears in her eyes ] : "I can't let you face your demons alone … I … after last time…I can't…"
So I am the reason she wants to go?
How could I be such an idiot.
Colt [goes to embrace Luna] : "I'm sorry , I was an idiot…"
Luna [smiling through her tears] : "I think that was our first argument."
Colt : "Indeed it was…"
*After a while*
[scene : Colt and Luna are in their room, in front of a mirror]
Colt : "If you're going… then we have a lot of work to do… watch the mirror closely now."
*Luna's ears are apparent through her hair, suddenly her ears vanish*
Luna [trying to touch her ears] : "How did you?"
Colt : "The same way I turned you invisible… now those beautiful red eyes and white hair aren't common among humans… what do you want to look like?"
Luna : "You can change how I look?"
Colt : "Just your appearance… but your hair and eyes remain the same similar to invisibility."
Colt [whispers in her ears] : "Besides, who would want to change those beautiful eyes and that lovely hair."
*Luna blushes*
We agreed that her new form will be black hair and blue eyes.
*A while later after Luna regained her usual form*
[they're sitting on their bed… Colt embracing Luna]
Colt : "We have about 2 months to prepare… and I want to make you stronger… what do you think?"
Luna : "How exactly?"
Colt : "I'll teach you some of what I know… but, this power is tempting… and … from my viewpoint… some people out there are begging to be killed. It's a heavy burden to bear"
Luna : "Then let me bear it with you… *whispers trying to lighten the mood* besides, I'd like to see how grandfather reacts."
Colt[laughs] : "Isn't that the truth…"
Colt [forming an atom shape with light magic, red nucleus and blue electrons are spinning in their orbits] : " See… this is an atom… everything is made from atoms…"
*A month later*
[scene : air gathering in Luna's palm, the scene expands to show Luna outside the castle walls igniting it, and creating a massive, strong fire spell, Colt watching from behind]
I kept my explanations as simple as can be… but Luna actually mastered manipulating hydrogen and oxygen to enhance fire magic… she's a genius.
Colt [facing against Luna] : "Now try attacking me."
Luna : "Are you sure?"
Colt : "Do it."
*Luna tries but none of her spells work*
Luna : "What's happening?"
Colt : "I call it "magic disrupt" I send concentrated magic energy into your aura to disrupt it… now you try."
Luna : "But, you're hiding your aura?"
Colt : "Exactly."
*Colt lets his aura out*
Luna : "I forgot how big it was."
*Several days later*
Colt [pats her on the head] : "You mastered "magic disrupt"… I am proud of you… my Luna."
*end of montage*
Luna [happy yet hesitant] : "But I can't completely hide my aura."
Colt : "It'll come … besides I didn't see anyone hiding his aura except me… it must be really hard… but you're suppressing it to a minimum… that's a feat worth celebrating."
Luna : "You mean?"
Colt : "Yes, let's take the rest of the day off and celebrate… what do you want to do."
Luna [thinks for a while] : "I want to bring our families here."
Colt : "Oh yeah, how long has it been?"
Luna : "Since we got married."
Colt [laughs and embraces Luna] : "All of it happened in about 9 months?! Feels like a lifetime."
Luna : "I know… and we'll have many more lifetimes together."