A celebration, a mock battle and final preparations

Luckily, today happens to be Mark's and Clarice's day off

We used gate to get inside the house… they were happy to come

Same goes for Luna's family

And so here we are…

[shows a scene where the families are waiting in the dining room]

*Colt and Luna enter with plates full of recipes floating around*

*The plates elegantly land*

*Everyone enjoys the feast*

after that Clarissa and Lana went to talk elsewhere… they became really good friends… Luna was talking to her family… and I was about to talk to Mark…

Colt : "Clarice… come here for a second"

*Clarice Comes, Colt hands her some cotton candy and honey*

Colt : "It took a while but, I promised I'd get you lots of things remember? *pats her on the head* go eat those in the sun… it'll taste better"

*Clarice leaves*

Colt [looks at Mark] : "You seem to have questions… we can talk freely here"

Mark : "I'm just so proud… you accomplished many feats thought to be impossible… I want to know what you're up to…"

Colt : "These days… I'm just training Luna… we plan on going to the magic academy"

Mark [whispers in shock] "How do you plan on getting an elf inside?"

Colt [speaking normally] : "No need to whisper, besides, that's what I first said, when she insisted on going… I found a way to alter her appearance so she can go"

Mark [stares for a second, then laughs] : "I should have known, I really should stop worrying so much"

Colt [smiles] : "I actually appreciate the concern… I'm happy and thankful you care"

*Luna comes, hugs Colt from behind, Colt looks up to talk to her*

Luna : "My grandfather agreed to have a mock battle"

Colt : "Wait, I thought you were kidding, are you really going to fight Zeno?"

Luna [smiles] : "Are you worried about me?"

Colt : "No, I'm worried about him"

Luna : "How mean! I'm just a delicate princess, and he used to be the strongest in the village"

*They laugh*

Colt : "Will our mothers watch?"

Luna : "No, they were too happy talking, same with little Clarice, she's captivated by the sea"

Colt : "Perfect"

Colt [to Mark] : " You don't want to miss this, come with us"

Mark : "If you say so…"

*As they walk*

Colt [whispering to Luna] : "If he used to be the strongest then… if you are in a bind use "it" "

Luna : "Not against grandpa"

Colt : "I assure you it will be fine if you don't use it for too long, besides he might go too hard…"

Luna : "He won't, it's just a mock battle"

Colt[ unconvinced ] : "If you say so…"

*They reach an open space near the fields*


*As Luna and Zeno take their positions*

Liam [worried] : "Why did you let her do this?"

Colt : "What do you mean? It's fine"

Levi : "Our grandpa is very strong, the only one who managed to beat him was Agnar and it was a fluke"

Colt [calm] : "I didn't know about that"

Liam : "Luna doesn't stand a chance, we never beat him… and she never challenged him before…"

Colt [smiles] : "Is that so…look it's starting"

*Goes next to Mark*

Colt [touches his shoulder] : "I'll give you the power to see what we see, as always, don't tell anyone"

"magic sight"

Mark [in awe] : "What am I seeing right now?"

Colt : "Magic auras… they indicate their capacity and spells used"

*They are interrupted by Zeno's voice*

Zeno : "Ready child?"

Luna : "I'm ready"

*Zeno casts fire magic*

*Luna uses "magic disrupt"*

*After three failed casts*

Zeno [suddenly getting serious] : "You are using the same trick Colt used on Agnar aren't you?"

Zenon [looks at the smiling Colt] : "SHE'S WHAT?"

Colt : "Oh yeah"

Luna : "Very perceptive grandpa, what now?"

Zeno : "You forgot one thing dear child… magic isn't everything"

*Moves to attack at tremendous speed*

Colt : "He's fast!!"

*Luna barely manages to dodge a punch*

*Zeno goes for a kick*

*Luna uses wind magic to gain distance*

*Zeno doesn't let up and goes after her*

Levi : "We told you she didn't stand a chance"

Liam : "The old man is still strong"

*Luna uses fire wall to force him to back down*

*Zeno turns around her and throws a punch to the back of her head*

*In the very last second Luna pushes him away with wind magic*

[internal sigh of relief]

 All those flying lessons paid off

Damn! Zeno is powerful, I underestimated him a lot

Zeno : "You can't stop my magic if you can't follow me can you?"

Shit!! He figured it out! Luna is still slow, and following his movements is taking all she has

*Zeno uses water lance and earth lance*

Colt [concern] : "This is too much… he's going too hard"

Zenon : "He's never been challenged like this… I think he forgot the rules"

*Luna blocks with earth wall*

*Zeno comes from behind using fire lance*

*Luna counters with hydrogen and oxygen enhanced fire spell*

Luna [in fear] : "Stop, this is too much"

*Zeno conjures a spear and surrounds Luna with walls*

*As he moves in for the final attack, he stops a few steps away from Luna, drops the spear, and holds his neck*

Colt [running towards Luna] : "ENOUGH"

*Zeno recovers*

*Colt hugs Luna , quickly examining her face and body*

Colt [worried]: " Are you hurt? Show me, I'll heal you, no burns, scratches, what else?"

Luna [saddened] : "I'm fine , I just can't believe I used it"

Colt [holds her cheeks, looks her in the eyes] : "I told you it's fine… you did well… *looks at Zeno* damn it! I told you not to overdo it"

Zeno [in shock] : "What just happened?? I felt like I was suffocating, it stopped me dead in my tracks"

Colt : "Luna could've ended this duel before it started… she's just too kind… it's a new spell… ironically, it's called "suffocate" "

Colt : "When you went too far you triggered this reaction…"

"suffocate" a spell I came up with as a last line of defense for Luna since she can manipulate hydrogen and oxygen now… I told her to take away the oxygen from her attacker

A deadly spell… one that should be used for a short period of time… unless you actually want to kill someone

*Everyone notices Liam and Levi dragging their feet*

Colt : "What's wrong with you two?"

Liam [sulks] : "The one we used to guard…"

Levi [sulking as well] : "Is now stronger that we are"

*Colt and Luna exchange glances*

*They laugh*

*A month later*

[scene : Colt and Luna are standing in front of a gate]

Colt : "It's time, are you ready?"

Luna [in human form] : "Let's go"

*They walk through it*