A new journey begins

[scene : Colt comes out of the gate in the living room, finds Luna holding the baby…]

Colt : "And with that… the first semester is over, we have about a month before we have to go again."

Luna : "Don't you think it's strange they're letting us off like that?"

Colt : "Nah, every attempt to chain us has failed, so they're keeping us happy until they can strangle us."

Luna : "They're… terrifying."

Colt : "You have no idea…so, how's Edwin?"

We decided on that name early on.

It means happy, rich and friend…

Consider it a prophecy, I'm not letting that kid have the same scars as me.

I won't let the world get him down… I won't let him be scarred, I'll prepare him well enough.

Luna [looking at Edwin] : "He just ate… he's fine, but he doesn't cry, if I couldn't sense what he's feeling this would be much harder."

*Colt freezes, looks at Luna and Edwin for a second*

Colt : "Where are Zenon and Lana?"

Luna : "Watching the sea."

It's been 2 weeks since Edwin was born…

And as much as it fills me with joy to see Luna holding our child like this…

My brain can't stop thinking…

Colt[getting serious] : "Good… I want to talk a little… can we?"

Luna [a bit surprised] : "Sure, what's wrong?"

Colt [sits down] : "You can sense what he's feeling… so can you tell me?"

Luna : "I don't know.. at first I didn't sense anything. I held him… and when he touched my ears, I sensed disbelief. Then we got out of the elevator, he was terrified by the noise… once you dealt with it, he was calm again."

Colt : "Wait, how can that be? What you're describing is too complicated for a newborn… at this stage he should only feel hunger or fear so how?"

Luna : "I don't know.. maybe giving birth affected my ability?"

Colt : "What am I feeling?"

Luna : "Utter confusion."

Colt : "Go on…"

Luna : "You're getting suspicious, yet you want to protect him…"

Colt : "Your ability works just fine."

Colt : "Well either way, thinking about it too hard won't do any good… you taught me that… for now…*sighs* we need to get mom and dad here."

Luna [smiling] : "I don't know why you're so worried?"

Colt : "Every time something awkward happens, remember last time?"

Luna [laughs] : "Come on, it was funny."

Colt[sulking a bit] : "I want to know what they told Clarice."

*Luna laughs harder*

*After gate*

[scene : Colt, Luna and their families are in the living room, Clarissa holding Edwin]

Clarissa : "He's too cute, he has his mother's eyes."

*Tries with various ways to make him smile, none work*

Clarissa [disappointed] : "Looks like I lost my touch."

Lana : "No, no it's not you. He doesn't smile …or cry."

Clarissa [still a bit disappointed] : "It's okay *her voice suddenly is filled with hope* if he turns out like his father I'll be happy."

*Colt stares at Clarissa*

Lana : "What do you mean?"

Clarissa : "Colt never smiled either, he hardly ever cried too."

*Colt and Luna freeze, exchange glances*

*Lana and Zenon did the same*

No way, no… it can't happen… it's impossible.

*Clarissa keeps trying to make Edwin laugh*

*Colt snaps out of his thoughts by-*

Clarissa : "… water ball"


*Edwin lets out a small whimper*

Clarissa [grinning from ear to ear] : "I knew it! Like father like son, when Colt found out about magic he couldn't stop talking about it."

Pretty sure that's not how it happened…

Mark : "Let me try…"

Let's see how Edwin reacts…

Mark knows… oh no…

Mark : "…fire flower"

Colt : "DON'T…"

*The spell manifests*

*Edwin starts squirming violently *

*Slips out of Clarissa's grasp*

*Colt casts float before Edwin falls*

*Fire flower vanishes*

Clarissa [holds the floating Edwin] : "Colt, I'm so sorry."

Mark : "No that's on me , I'm sorry."

Colt : "It's okay, it's not your fault."

Damn it all… I didn't want to believe it… but, it all comes together…that's very strange… oh my god… this is a new one.


*Luna holds colt's hand, and gives him a look that says "later"*

*Colt nods*

 The rest of the day went by… Mark, Clarissa and Clarice had a good time.

Luckily, she didn't ask again where babies came from.

[scene :Zenon and Lana are with Edwin in the living room, Luna and Colt cuddling on their bed]

Luna : "What did you figure out?"

Colt : "I don't know how to tell you this…*takes a deep breath, speaks fast* Edwin is probably the same as me."

Luna : "If he was like you I wouldn't have sensed anything."

Colt : "Ouch, no, I meant he is another reincarnation… if I had to guess… probably a soldier."

Luna : "I don't know what that means."

Colt : "Oh, right. How to put it… he was a knight."

Luna : "What gave you that idea?"

Colt : "He never makes a peep, he reacts violently to fire and loud noises. Back in my old world humans did a lot of work to find out how other people feel. If I had to guess… he suffered a horrible experience in a war or something."

Luna [confused] : "Colt, no, wait a second.. you're telling me… that the baby I carried for months… is actually a grown adult?"

Luna [in denial] : "No, there must be another explanation… it can't … there must be *her breathing starts to accelerate* another.. explanation"

Colt : "You need to calm-"

Luna : "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!! *her tone settles down* I can't believe it…I…"

Colt : "Deep breathes, deep breathes."

*Luna does as he says*

Colt : "Good, good, keep going."

*After a while*

Colt : "How are you now?"

Luna : "Not better."

Colt : "Why did you panic like that?"

Luna : "What do you mean why? You suddenly tell me that my baby is a full grown adult inside and you expect me to remain calm?"

Colt : "You seemed calm enough when you heard my story."

Luna : "It's… not the same."

Colt : "I know. I know. I'm just as confused… but."

Luna : "But. What?"

Colt : "No matter what, and no matter how much you fight it… he's still our son.. and I.. want to help him. The same way… you helped me *kisses her*"

*Luna calms down a lot after that*

Luna : "But, what about being parents?"

Colt : "You know, I'm older than my parents… and yet, even the way I am, I consider them my parents… even to this day."

Luna : "So, it's alright?"

Colt[hugs her tightly] : "Yes, it's alright."

*After a while*

Luna : "So, what do we do?"

Well, he probably suffers from PTSD so…

Colt : "We pretend that we don't know a thing. We keep him away from loud noises and fire. We give him space when he needs it. To us, he's our son, nothing more, nothing less."

Luna [smiles] : "What would I have done without you?"

Colt : "Lived a happy life."

Luna : "As a slave? Nah."

Colt [laughs] : "You win, I'll try not to put myself down so much from now."

Luna : "Good, because you're a daddy now."

Colt : "Yeah… I am."