[scene :Zenon and Lana walking through a gate]
The next day, Lana and Zenon left, they haven't been to the elf village for half a year at least.
So, it's only Luna, Edwin and me.
And it's time to formulate a plan.
[scene : Colt and Luna are in their room, Edwin is asleep in a crib]
*Colt points at Luna to talk outside, they leave, close the door, walk a few steps*
*Colt uses a soundproof barrier*
Luna [looking at faint yellow glow] : "What's that?"
Colt : "A soundproof barrier, we learned about them in the academy…but that's not an issue right now. We'll train later. I noticed when mom used water ball, Edwin let out a whimper. How was he feeling?"
Luna : "Give me a moment*closes her eyes* disbelief and… excitement."
Colt : "Knew it! What about the fire spell?"
Luna : "He was… terrified."
Colt : "Makes sense. Very well, we've got something to work with."
Luna : "What's on your mind?"
Colt : "No one from Earth, -that was the name of my old world- can resist magic. It's a mythical mysterious concept. So the plan is: every once in a while we show him a water spell, or float or something. What matters is it mustn't involve fire or be violent, that should speed things up."
Luna : "Is that really all it takes?"
Colt : "Not at all, but it's something. What we need is to surround him with love and calming things, I mean just having him look at the sea and the scenery outside will help tremendously… magic is just a way to distract him from the memory that's causing this."
Luna : "But, what about the magic academy?"
Colt : "My parents will be happy to take care of him until we return… isn't this the usual in this world?"
Luna : "Not sure, I mean we don't go anywhere usually, so parents are always with their children."
Colt : "It'll be fine, but for now, let's use the month we have."
And so it began.
[scene : Luna holding Edwin and Edwin holding Colt's finger]
*Colt casts a small water ball that begins to take shape slowly*
*Edwin lets out a whimper and puts his finger inside, lets out another whimper*
[scene : The family is watching the sea under their favorite tree]
*Colt gets up, speaks closely to Edwin*
Colt : "I'll show you something good."
*Colt uses float and wind magic to lift himself very slowly then starts to turn upside down, Luna, seeing this, couldn't help but laugh*
[scene : Edwin is asleep in their room, shifts outside to show Colt and Luna training on barriers]
[scene : Luna holding Edwin and singing a calming song, Colt falling asleep next to them]
[scene : Colt and Luna and Edwin visiting Mark and Clarissa]
[scene: a close view of Edwin's face, finally smiling]
*end of montage*
It took the whole month to get a simple smile, but progress is progress.
And that little smile… made it all worth it.
And then, it was time to go back to the academy.
[scene : Colt and Luna (human form) in Mark's house and Clarissa's holding Edwin]
Colt : "Sorry to ask this of you dad, but we need someone to take care of Edwin."
Mark : "What kind of grandpa wouldn't want to spend time with his adorable grandson? Besides, you never asked for anything after becoming an apprentice so I'm happy to help… no, even before that*stays silent for a few seconds* You seemed … like you never needed us."
Well, I can't deny it; I was already carving my own path before they realized it.
But.. now, I see that I did need them… and that they helped heal me.
Colt [smiles, hugs Mark for the first time] : "No, I did need you, I wouldn't have made it this far without you. Thank you.. for being a great father."
*Goes to hug Clarissa as well*
Colt : "Thank you, for being a great mother."
*Turns to Clarice, goes down on one knee, pats her on the head*
Colt : "Be a good girl now."
*Colt opens a gate*
Colt : "Remember, keep him away from fire and loud noises."
*Colt and Luna go through the gate*
[scene : Colt and Luna walking in the royal capital]
Colt : "I think I got a little carried away there."
Luna [taking Colt's arm] : "It was heartwarming.. I'm happy for you."
Colt [smiles] : "Yeah, I'm happy too."
*They reach the magic academy*
*They enter the classroom, they sit in the back where Colt and the Starlea siblings usually sit*
*The Starlea siblings enter, they find Colt and Luna, they go and sit with them*
Lea : "How are you doing Laverna? We haven't seen you since the entrance exams… are you well?"
Luna [smiles] : "Yes, I was well taken care of."
Luc : "And is the baby alright?"
Luna : "He's healthy as can be."
Lea : "Happy to hear it, let's hope our time here is nothing but good."
Luna : "I'm sure we'll have fun together."
She seems to be having fun. They're not enemies then. I missed having her here.
*Robert comes towards them*
Oh dear…
Robert [to Luc] : "I see you got yourself a new toy."
Luc : "Didn't we agree you have to choose your words?"
Robert : "I'm not insulting a noble , quite the opposite, I'm admiring your pets is all."
Good to know he's still the same.
[internal demonic grin]
That way, I won't feel bad when I tear him limb from limb.
I'm getting bored. I've been ignoring hm hoping he would stop but.
I don't want to do that anymore, not with Luna here.
Colt : "Thank you sir Robert, we're trained enough to silent cast… so they did a good job.. you're strong enough without our tricks… that's the status difference I guess."
*Lea and Luna barely contain their laughter, Luc smiles*
*Robert , noticing what Colt did, gets furious*
Robert : "You dare you little peasant?! I will hunt down your family and-"
*Diana enters*
Diana : "What's going on there?"
Robert : "It's nothing ma'am*turns to Colt, menacing* this is not over."
*Heads to his seat*
He finally said it ! now… he's a threat…
Threats can't exist.
Eliminate ..threat.. kill.. kill.. threat …not allowed.
*Luna senses his murderous intent*
*Subtly holds his hand*
*Colt tightens his grip*
*After classes end, as Colt and Luna head out, Diana stops them.*
Diana [smiles] : "Laverna, welcome back, I see you're well, we missed you the previous semester."
Luna : "I wanted to be here, but now that I am, I'll work as hard as I can."
Diana : "I have very high expectations… I see a bright future."
Luna : "I'll do my best."