It's been 2 months since the first hunt.
And Robert became even worse.
*Robert walking to Colt and co*
Robert [to Luc] : "Are you still hanging around with these unworthy insects?"
I'll kill him…
*Luna squeezes Colt's hand*
Luc : "Don't you get tired? We've done this many times already…"
Robert : "You can't look down on me anymore; my father was just promoted to a duke, which is two ranks higher than your family, and I … I learned silent casting."
Luc : "Good for you."
Robert : "You don't seem to get it. You are not stronger than me anymore. I can silent cast in 5 seconds like you, and during hunts, I had the most kills in this class. While you barely met the required amount…*looks at Colt and Luna*while these two drag you down, I'm getting stronger. and soon.. you'll bow to me."
Robert [to Colt] : "You'll bow as well, I'll enjoy seeing the look on your face then."
*Walks away before any of them responded*
Why did I let him live again?
I wish he would do something… I want a reason to kill him.
Then… I'll make sure I make him suffer.
Luna[sensing the murderous intent, whispering] : "Calm down, it's not worth it… he won't do a thing."
Well, we usually disappear as soon as we leave the capital… so there no time for him to try something.
Diana : "We'll go on another hunt."
[Near the forest]
Diana : "Today, you'll enter the forest for the first time, you'll be hunting an orc. You've gained enough experience to do it and you're students of the royal magic academy. This is what's least expected of you."
[scene : The four of them in the forest]
And that's why we're here… what a pain.
Colt : "Sense anything?"
Luc : "No, you?"
There's one about 400 meters, 10 o'clock
A 100 meter walk should be fine…
Colt [points] : "Let's try this way."
Luc : "Did you sense something?"
Colt : "Not really, but standing here won't do us any good."
Lea : "Why not use the food again?"
Did she seriously ask that?
Luna : "This place is dangerous enough, we don't want more monsters coming after us."
Colt [pointing at Luna with his palm] : "Thank you."
*After a little while.*
Luc : "I sense something… yes, it's an orc… wow Dolion good guess!"
Colt : "So, what's the plan?"
Luc : "I say we try sneaking up on it, surprise it, and hit it with everything we've got."
Lea : "Works for me."
*As they get closer, the orc enters their sight*
*Lea's breathing gets heavier*
Luna : "Lea, are you okay?"
Lea : "I'm… I'm fine.. don't worry."
*The orc calmly heads towards them*
Lea [starting to panic] : "It's coming towards us… it's-"
Luc : "Calm down, it didn't notice us yet."
*Lea involuntarily backs down a few steps, she trips on a tree root and falls*
*The orc hears the noise, and runs towards them*
Luc [shaking] : "ATTACK!!"
*Colt blows the bludgeon with a fire spell*
*Luna takes an arm with wind cutter*
Colt : "KILL IT LUC!!"
*The pain makes the orc an even more of a mindless creature, increasing its threat*
*Luc misses his shot*
*The orc uses his one arm to blow Luc away*
*Luc hits a tree and passes out*
Shit!! I need 4 more seconds
*The orc attacks Lea, Lea freezes with fear*
*The orc stops a few centimeters from Lea who passes out*
*Colt uses wind cutter to cut the orc's head off*
Luna [breathing a sigh of relief, heading to check on Luc] : "That was close… how did this happen?"
They haven't recovered, it's been 2 months… and yet…
The sight of that orc was horrifying for them…
Colt : "I should've known. I was an idiot. Damn it all. That was a major oversight on my part."
Luna[checking on Luc] : "Stop blaming yourself… Colt, I think he has broken ribs."
Colt : "I should've seen this coming…"
Luna : "COLT!!"
Colt : "What do you want me to do?"
Luna : "What do you mean what? Heal him."
Colt : "if I do that they'll catch on."
Luna [getting mad] : "It doesn't matter.. do you really want to do nothing?"
Colt [indifferent] : "Keeping our cover comes first."
Luna : "No, helping our friends comes first, I can't believe you can't see that. They stand up for us, they genuinely care ,they defend us and yet you don't want to help?!"
Colt : "….. Ah, fine, but only because you asked.. and I don't want to make you angry."
*Starts to heal Luc*
Colt [smiles] : "You know? You never got like this before… guess you can be tough when you want."
Luna [in a low sad tone] : "I don't want to abandon our friends, we'll regret it one day.. we'll be even worse than Robert.*speaks normally* Besides, you're the one who taught me to be firm."
Colt [pats her on the head] : "And you've learned well… I'm proud of you."
Luna [smiling] : "Is it done?"
Colt : "Yeah, he should be fine."
Luna : "So why isn't he waking up?"
Colt : "How to explain it…. When you get hurt too bad, your brain puts you to sleep, even if you heal, you still need rest to recover your strength."
Luna : "How does that work?"
Colt : "It's a long explanation and it might take you years so, it's better to wait for summer break."
Luna [a bit disappointed] : "If you say so…"
*They hear movement nearby*
*They look at the source, they find that it's Robert and one other student*
*Robert takes a look at the scene, smiles*
Robert : "This is…."
Robert [his smile getting wider and creepier] : "…very fortunate"
Ohhh.. boy.. he had to show up now of all times…
What now?
Robert : "Well well, it seems your masters can't help you…*his tone is filled with arrogance* bow before me and I'll let you go. If you don't, then that orc was too much for you. I barely managed to save the Starleas but you two weren't so lucky… how sad."
The student : "Sir Robert you can't-"
Robert : "SILENCE! I decide what I can do. Or do you want to put your family against mine?"
*The student looks down*
The student : "No sir."
Robert [smiles] : "Good, now get out of here."
*The student runs away*
Robert : "So what will it be insects?"
*After a while of silence, Colt did the last thing Robert was expecting… he started laughing maniacally*
Colt : "hahaha, Oh dear, you've done it at last… tell me why can't I just say the same?"
Robert : "If you think you can kill me , go ahead and try… but my father knows about this… and your so called friends will suffer."
Robert [getting even more arrogant] : "You know, I was willing to let you live, but I think I'll kill you. And after a while your wife will join you."
*Starts silent casting*
*Colt uses magic disrupt*
*After a few attempts Robert realizes what's happening*
Robert[getting scared] : "What did you do?"
What would any isekai MC do?
I know.. explain it in about half an hour…
And then let him run…
*Colt casually walks to a helpless Robert, grabs him by the neck, letting his dark intentions become clear*
Colt : "Don't make me laugh…*smiles* this was never about superiority, you enjoyed killing those monsters and you wanted to enjoy killing us… I know the feeling*his tone turns into a threatening dark tone* you bit off more than you could chew and I'll make sure you suffer. Since I can't kill you yet, I'll make you wish you were dead. You thought you were hunting us? You're nothing but a weakling, you don't even serve as prey."
*Robert is petrified with fear*
Colt [looks at Luna, with an innocent smile] : "Laverna my love… look away."
*Luna complies, knowing it's too late to stop him.*
"Soundproof barrier"
*Colt tears Robert's limbs off, then regrows them again, next it was the kidneys, the lungs*
*Robert's screams of agony could not be heard and right before his mind broke, Colt stopped*
Colt [enjoying this] : "I'm surprised you endured this long. Nothing I did will cause permanent damage to your body…in fact, you're fully healed. But here's my final gift."
*Stops the soundproof barrier*
Colt [to Luna, smiling] : "See, he's alright… I didn't leave a scratch on him."
Luna [knowing exactly his true nature, her body shaking] : "Don't … just don't."
Colt [to Robert] : "You thought you could lay a hand on my wife?"
*Crushes his balls*
*Robert's final scream echoes through the forest*
Colt : "Tell everyone we bowed to you… if you don't, I'll kill your family in front of your eyes before I kill you… and about your lost manhood…*smiles*have fun with that. Don't show your stupid mug around me again…*lets him go* scram."
*Robert turns tail and runs outside the forest followed by Colt's laughter*