Light in the darkness

*Colt watches Robert run with a smile, starts laughing*

*Uses float on Luc and Lea, starts walking, Luna silently follows behind him*

Colt : "Ah that was refreshing… I haven't had this much fun in a while…oh, the look on his stupid face."

*Luna holds Colt's sleeve*

Colt [turning around] : "What's wrong?"

Luna [looking down] : "Was that… necessary?"

Colt : "He had it coming and you know it."

Luna [looks him in the eyes, her eyes are full of tears] : "Why are you so proud? This isn't what we agreed on."

Colt [staying silent for a few seconds, hugs Luna, feels her trembling body] : "What we agreed on was that I wouldn't harm him unless he tried something… and he did."

Luna : "I could feel his pain, and your pleasure… you enjoy doing this… how are you better than him?"

Colt : "You're the one who kept saying I'm not a monster."

Luna [clings to him harder] : "THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT…you're not… I just don't get it… how can you do something like that?"

Colt : "I gave him a whole semester to back off, he didn't. Once he got some power… he tried to kill us. Didn't you sense his killing intent?"

Luna : "I did."

Colt [dark tone] : "But what really infuriated me the most.. was that he dared to threaten you. I told you before.. I don't care about the people of this world. My family is all that matters… anything else… can burn to ash."

Luna : "You can't keep living like that… you said I was your light… so, don't-"

Colt : "You really don't get it. If it wasn't for you, his entire family would be dead right now. You are the one person keeping me from taking the easy way out."


Colt : "He said that his father knows… which means he's good with all of this… so his family has everything to do with it."

Luna : "Colt, please."

Colt [looks her in the eyes, pats her head] : "I never wanted to make you sad.. or angry. You are precious to me, your happiness is what matters,, but know this: if anyone tries to lay a finger on you, this is the least they'll get. You don't have to do anything, leave all that to me… let's go."

*Takes her hand, walks with the Starleas floating behind*

I think I overdid it… as much fun as that was…

Luna is more important… I'll need to try to control my temper.

I can't be proud if I cause her grief.

*They exit the forest*

*Colt puts the Starleas on the ground and-*

Luna [with a firm demeanor] : "Colt, we can't do this anymore."

Colt : "Don't tell me you're-"

Luna [with determination] : "No, I promised I would never hate or leave you… but I don't want you to protect me anymore, not like this."

Colt : "Then.. what?"

Luna : "Teach me to be strong like you… no matter what.. I won't be so weak as to need your protection."

[internal gentle smile]

 Is that so…

Colt : "I don't know what to say to that…"

Luna : "Say yes… if I am to stand beside you then."

Colt [smiles] : "I really can't say no, can I?"

Luna : "No."

Well, if she desires power this much… I know what it's like to be weak.

Colt [laughing] : "Your training resumes after this semester is over. But be warned… manipulating hydrogen and oxygen will be the least of your worries."

Luna : "Fine with me."

Colt : "Then pay attention, what I'm about to make is called ammonia, its smell is horrible… but…"

*Conjures ammonia in front of Luc's nose*

*Luc wakes up, practically springing from the ground*

Luc : "What happened?"

*Luna and Colt laugh*

*Does the same to Lea without Luc noticing*

*After they calm down*

Colt : "The orc hunt was successful."

Luc : "You mean you two killed it?"

No getting out of this one.

Colt : "We, killed it, all four of us"

*Luc and Lea exchange glances*

*Later that night*

[scene : Colt, Luna and Edwin are under the moonlit stary sky, it's a full moon]

Colt : "Look at that…"

Luna : "The moon?"

Colt : "It's… almost as pure and beautiful as you are."

Luna [blushing] : "Where did that come from all of a sudden?"

Colt : "What happened today… reminded me that I was doing it wrong."

Luna : "Doing what wrong?"

Colt : "Living… thank you … my sweet Luna… today you reminded me that I should enjoy these moments…these fleeting moments of happiness… are the essence of life."

Luna [smiles] : "What sparked this welcome change?"

Colt : "You. You made me realize, that I was too focused on getting back and breaking that idiot, I forgot what was most important *smiles*It's funny… you're like a moon in my dark starless sky, the one beacon of light , that's keeping me in check."

Luna [with a red face and ears] : "Please stop saying sweet things like that…I'm still not used to this…you suddenly just go like this every time."

Colt : "I think… I want to take you on another date… can I ?"

Luna : "I would love that, but what about Edwin?"

Colt : "He'll come too."

Luna : "Where are we going?"

Colt : "Up."

*Colt casts "float" on all three of them… they rise slowly so Edwin wouldn't react*

*They reach a height with a much better view*

Colt [using a warped soundproof barrier so Edwin doesn't hear]: "Back on earth…"

[Scene : The streets of a city are lit by the lights of shops and screens, hiding the light of the stars]

Colt : "We couldn't see the stars… our advancement hid this marvelous scene from us."

[scene : People looking at their phones or watches, walking hastily in the streets]

 Colt : "We never looked up… all we could do… was look down… we were too focused on living, we forgot to live."

[scene: Back to Colt looking at Luna's face, her white hair shines with the light of the stars]

Colt : "Guess I still didn't change much… but, with you… maybe I can."

[shows a panoramic view of them in the sky and a shooting star in the far distance]