*Luna looks at Colt*
He looks so peaceful right now…
*Looks at the sea again*
It's been almost a year and a half since we got married.
I don't think I'll ever get tired of this view.
I'm so happy... and it's all thanks to him.
I just wish I can make him as happy as he made me.
To think he can love this much despite his pain…Colt, you truly are a loving kind person.
Ever since I met you.… my life has been nothing but blissful.
And to think I was terrified when I first saw him.
[flash back]
[scene : A little Luna looking at Zenon and Lana]
My power manifested at the age of 3.
So I always knew… my parents were afraid of the outside…I always wanted to go… to see what's out there.
They always said that humans were dangerous… yet they didn't make me hate them.
[scene : A 5 year old Luna in a dark room looking at the open door with a light coming from outside]
The village felt like a small room… where we all just stayed…
But I wanted to open the door… and see what's outside.
[scene :5 year old Luna talking to Zenon and Lana with teary eyes]
For many years I pleaded with my family to go outside… just once.
Lana : "When you grow up."
But I knew they were too scared.
[scene : Liam and Levi casting a powerful fire spell]
After my brothers honed their magic,
[scene :The three of them dressed in cloaks]
I was allowed to go outside for the first time.
That was when I met Colt.
[scene : A battle between the bandits and the twins with Luna's description happening on screen]
We exited the forest and I was just enjoying the sights. A group of humans showed up. Once they realized we were elves , they attacked… Liam was heavily injured and Levi was next.
[The scene from chapter 14]
The boss : "Kill them! They won't do as slaves."
When I thought my life was over… and that my brothers will die... he showed up.
Colt [turning visible, calmly stepping into the scene]: "Hey, hey, hey, what's all of this?"
And it was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life.
[scene : Colt appears from Luna's eyes, a dark figure surrounded by a massive dark aura]
His aura was massive. And even though he had no ill will toward us, just seeing him was enough to paralyze us with fear.
And worst of all, the unimaginable amount of hatred and killing intent emanating from him … it was something I've never seen before.
[The replication of the "graviol" scene in chapter 14]
[All the speeches are background voices]
He just... toyed with the humans, scared them until they fainted.
Colt [sadistically enjoying this]: "Hahaha, that waste of space actually fainted, and so did his men, this is too funny."
And he was enjoying it.
Witnessing that, I was even more scared.
Liam: "Princess! You have to run, we're no match for him, leave us!"
Then Liam told me to run. I did.
Colt [sighs]: "Static"
And all of a sudden, I was frozen in place.
I could only listen to what was happening behind me.
There was no room for reason.
Colt [examining the elf emotionlessly]: "Let's see here, a sword wound near the heart, broken ribs, as well as a few burns here and there... wow, you're practically half-dead already."
He just… kept naming Liam's injuries
He was indifferent, cold… yet, he saved his life.
He healed Levi as well. Then he came to me.
We were all unable to move. He just stood by my side, taunting my brothers.
Colt [yelling so that the two elves can hear him speaking in a sarcastic tone]: "Oh, look at that, I have your precious princess, and you're powerless to stop me... how unfortunate."
I thought I was about be taken, or worse.
He carried me, left me standing in front of my brothers, and asked…
Colt [ sighs ]: "Now do you understand that I'm not your enemy?"
At the time.. I couldn't understand.
*The princess runs to hide behind one of the elves*
Why? What does he mean by this?
And when I looked past that aura, he was... just a boy.
*Colt makes a cabinet with earth magic*
Colt : "What are you three waiting for? Let's talk inside."
*After they all are seated*
Colt : "First things first, my name is Colt, I am a merchant apprentice."
Colt : "The pleasure is all mine, and please drop the formalities I am merely 9 years old."
how does he talk like that?
How can he be the same age as me?!
What is he?
Colt [ a bit confused] : " Yes , you two aren't exactly lacking in power either."
He can see our auras?
What is he?
Colt [ saddened ,speaking slowly, lowering his head ] : "I am truly sorry, we : humans have wronged you, if there is anything I can do to atone ,please, name it"
Those words… were sincere. He doesn't feel a thing yet, he is sincere.
Why would someone this strong… ask for forgiveness?
And for something he just saved us from?
He isn't the type of human my parents talked about.
*Noise from outside *
Colt : "Ah, excuse me for a minute, I'll go put the trash to sleep."
There it is… he doesn't plan on showing mercy.
How can someone... be so cruel and so kind?
Colt [responds calmly]: "These are all good questions, nicely done, you earned my respect. I heard the last words Liam said and since he seems to trust me, and Luna is too young and innocent-how old is she anyway?- I assumed you were suspicious as someone who's guarding a princess should be, as for the next two questions I'd rather keep that to myself for now. Now then, do you really want to know why I'm helping you?"
*the twins look in anticipation*
Colt : "The reason is : I like elves is all"
Not a single word was a lie.
[internal smile]
Did he just... treat me like any other girl?
I can't believe it... he's the only one who ever did that.
Colt [ looks at Luna] : "Nine, huh, if that's the case then I can't answer here."
Is he… trying to protect my innocence or something?
Why does he bother?
The hatred I just felt from him… how?
Colt [ flustered] : "How could you ask such a question in front of a 9 year old? What's wrong with you?"
[internal smile]
So he was trying to protect me…
Not even my parents did something like that…they would always tell us the harsh reality.
Colt : "…so why not make good use of them?"
That's his plan? He's ruthless. Yet…
Colt : "Of course, do not breath a single word about this to anyone even Luna , agreed? "
He did it again. He tried to protect me again.
How can someone so scary… be so kind?
I want to see him again.
Luna [ with a teary voice] : "Is this the last time I'll see you"?
Colt [ smiles] : "No, no ,tell you what, I'll come back here in two years how's that?"
Does he feel sorry for me?
Luna [ nods] : "mmhm , two years, you promise?"
Colt : "Yeah, I promise"
*Colt's aura is suppressed*
Did he just... do that for my sake?
Colt: "How do I look now?"
Luna : "You're not scary anymore."
*The twins exchange a glance in awe *
Colt : " Thanks, Luna, goodbye… see you in 2 years."
[end of first flash back]
*Colt holds Luna's hand, still sleeping*
Luna [smiles, whispers sweetly] : "I'm here. I won't go anywhere."
And in two years, he came… just as he promised
[flash back]
We were three in the room, yet I could sense 4 people.
Liam : "Yes, which is exactly why I don't want to make him angry."
Colt [ suddenly appears behind Liam] : "Thank you Liam, I really appreciate it."
[internal laughter]
Now he's acting like a kid, at least on the inside, he enjoys a good surprise.
Levi [ a bit scared] : "Of course, I will make sure to punish Agnar properly."
Colt : "No need; he only did his job, nothing more."
No, he's holding a grudge. What did Agnar do to make him so angry?
* Agnar rushes in*
Agnar : "Excuse me chief, I'll teach this little brat a lesson."
He's been leading Agnar to this all along; he wanted to get back at him himself.
Agnar : "I'll crush you with my magic, weak human."
Now he's even angrier… just for being called weak?
Liam : "Why can't Agnar cast a spell?"
Levi [ in awe ] : "That's probably Colt's doing, I don't know how though."
He's stopping the spells?
Luna [ impressed] : "Wooow, Colt is amazing."
He's toying with Agnar... if he were serious he would've used that magic.
Agnar lost, but he crossed a line. He tried to attack again.
Colt : "…the only reason you're alive is because I don't want to kill you ,you are not the strongest , and I can say the same about me, there will be someone stronger, always."
He says that with all his power?
What is strength to him?
Zeno : "Thank you for being so considerate towards our Agnar, I apologize if it caused you any inconvenience."
Colt: "Don't worry, I'm over it."
He's lying, he's still mad. Did he fake it for me? Again?
Levi : "But you're strong and yet, you don't misuse your power or look down on others."
Colt : "You're giving me too much credit here… so , how have you been for the past two years?"
He's sincere this time, he really believes he misuses his power. And yet, I don't feel regret from him. Not even a bit.
Zenon [trying to test Colt] : "So, let's drop the formalities , tell me Colt, Luna says you're very powerful, but how do you think you measure to our strongest warrior, you can see auras and estimate your opponent's power right?"
Colt [a bit flustered] : "Well, from what I've seen it'll be a tough battle to win."
He's not bragging?!!
Then why did he overwhelm Agnar? He's not making sense.
Luna [a bit annoyed and pouty] : "What are you two talking about? I want in on it too."
Colt [ smiles] : "We were just talking about the gift I've prepared for you and madame Lana."
Lana : "Please, dear child , don't call me that, you can call me Lana or… mother."
Don't tease him like that.
[end of flash back]
That cotton candy he gave us… it was like nothing we've ever seen… and the taste was a surprise
But what was more surprising is that we returned to find dad with 2 arms.
I couldn't believe it... HE DID IT!!
He did what we thought was impossible.
Just like he said he would.
It was then that… I started to fall in love.
He was gentle, kind, he gave my father who harbored animosity towards him his arm back.
And my words… made him happy.
Then the attack happened.
[flash back]
Colt [ sighs, sitting with his head on his hand] : "What a pain… I'll deal with it."
There it is… the anger, the hatred.
[end of flash back]
After he left that day, I was told he ended the battle in few seconds, made my brothers look like heroes, and he healed all the injured.
*Looks back at the castle, then the hidden elevator of the lab*
I still can't believe he built this place on his own.
Then a year later, he showed up again.
I decided I was going to reveal who I really am, my power, all of it.
I was worried he wouldn't accept it. That he'll fear me.
But it went far better than I hoped it would.
And then he gave us another gift.
[flash back]
*Colt uses fire magic to launch something into the sky, blue flames spread when it exploded… that was the first fireworks display that world has seen*
It's beautiful
Colt : "We're pretty deep in the forest, so I don't think anyone will see, enjoy the show."
*Colt launches one after the other, fireworks changing color mid-air, it was a spectacle to behold, the entire village stepped out to witness, to everyone who was there… it was a day they'll never forget*
He did all that... for me?
He went out of his way… just to make me happy?
Luna [knowing what's next, comes closer to Colt] : "Come back safely."
*Colt starts to leave*
Colt : "I'll be back, someday."
*Walks away*
Safe travels... come back to me.
[end of flash back]
[flash back]
[scene : Luna looking out the window, to where his gate usually opens]
A month has passed, two moths, half a year.
With each passing day, my concern grew.
Especially because he said he didn't know when he'd return. Last time he said 2 years and he kept his word. But this time…
[scene : Luna looking at her reflection in the window, tears run down her cheeks]
A month before he came, we were convinced he's not coming back.
It was devastating... for all of us.
Liam and Levi lost a friend, my parents and grandfather lost the one human who was good to us.
And I... I lost my love. Or so we thought, until he showed up again out of nowhere.
[flash back]
Luna [still crying responding to his confusion] : "You never said when you'd come back .. we had a feeling you were about to do something dangerous we… I …*sobs*"
*Colt pats her on the back*
It's so gentle..
Colt : "There, there.. you trust me right? I said I'd be back."
Zenon [mad and relieved] : "Where were you? You had us all worried about you, especially Luna."
Lana : "We actually thought you were dead."
Zeno : "Answer us!!!"
Colt [with a bright smile] : "The place known as : the wasteland continent."
He's serious. He's enjoying this. Does he realize what it means?
And why... is he so satisfied? Didn't he tell his parents?
And what I feel from him now… it's…
Luna[whispers in Colt's ear] : "You can't see me as a little sister anymore can you?"
Colt [whispers back] : "No…what about you?"
Luna [still whispering] : "Same as you."
So that's how we end up… I'm so happy.
Zeno : "That's your logic !! What if we do?"
That's sadness, great pain and... killing intent.
Luna : "We won't put you through it… don't worry."
Colt [sad smile] : "Can't keep anything from you huh?"
Luna : "I don't know when, but you've suffered enough."
The amount of pain inside him… it's greater than anything I've ever sensed.
[end of flash back]
Then we got married. He did everything possible to make sure I was happy.
And I couldn't be any happier. He even told me the secret behind his power.
He knows things other people don't.
[flash back]
Colt : "For starters my Luna, no one sold me this map. I made it myself and I assure you, the third continent is as real as us."
Luna : "Then how come we've never heard about it?"
Colt : "I'd like to know that myself. Actually it's what I wanted to tell you. I want to go explore it."
Not again, the last time we thought he died. I can't do this again.
Colt [hugs Luna and starts gently stroking her hair] : "It's because I am so happy, I wanted to ask if you would come with me. I want to do it with you… It's just… I wonder what I could find."
Luna [calming down a bit] : "You mean I can go with you?"
Colt : "Wouldn't have it any other way."
[end of flash back]
And the green continent changed our relationship forever.
After being called otherworlder, he decided to tell me everything.
He was worried I'd leave him. Yet, he told me.
And as he talked, the pain inside him was growing. he was reliving those memories.
But knowing what he went through, I was happy. He'd finally opened up, shared his burden with me. He said he couldn't do it without me.
Hearing that made my heart flutter.
I had already decided that I'll stay with him forever.
And now, I know I made the right decision.
Despite the suffering he went through, he's gentle, loving, kind. But the pain never stopped.
[scene : A flash back to them returning from the green continent]
*Colt's legs gave out on him, he fell to the ground on his knees with Luna still embracing him*
*Colt's voice's in the background as Luna's thoughts are focused on*
Colt : "I know what will happen… the dryads will die."
It was then I realized.
Colt : "Then another war will start over the monopoly of spices… and then-"
His head was always filled with the darkest of thoughts.
Colt : "If even one of the five kingdoms develops magicians strong enough, or discover a tiny bit of the knowledge I have, they're going to explore the wasteland continent."
Worst possible endings.
Colt : "And if they find and learn to use the resources here."
Colt : "Eventually, they'll be able to fly."
Colt : "Then they'll spot the plant continent."
Despite saying numerous times that he doesn't care, when it came to things like this, he bears the weight of the world in his mind.
And I had to alleviate his suffering.
Luna : "Then let me carry it with you, you're not alone, we're not alone. We have our family to lean on, you don't need to think so hard about this."
Colt[in a broken tone] : "It's in our nature… they did it before."
His scars didn't fade. His pain was not gone but he keeps pushing forward.
Colt [with determination] : "You helped me realize that I was just overthinking and overcomplicating things, that my scars were getting the better of me, that I was staring too much into the darkness of the abyss. So no, the plan didn't change, I still want to know what else we could find."
[end of flash back]
And he keeps coming up with new things.
[flash back]
Colt: "I'm thinking about joining the magic academy."
Most are dangerous. But I wanted to always be with him. No matter what.
Luna : "Then.. I'll go too."
To see him worry so much about me, it was so heartwarming. But I didn't want him to go alone.
And when he knew I was not staying back, he entrusted me with his knowledge.
Colt [forming an atom shape with light magic, red nucleus and blue electrons are spinning in their orbits] : " See… this is an atom… everything is made from atoms…"
Little by little, I understood how he sees the world, how the world works.
I felt closer to him the more I learned, but I also started to feel the weight he carries.
[scene: Colt and Luna in the war room, Colt explaining things using light and earth magic]
I sometimes ask myself: knowing him, he knew the burden he would bear, so why choose the world's knowledge?
Why did he choose to take that on, knowing it would torment him?
But he was too focused on the academy, I decided to ask when I feel it's right.
[end of flash back]
That time never came though; it's been one thing after the other and I saw something new in him.
[flash back]
[scene :Zenon and Lana are with Edwin in the living room, Luna and Colt cuddling on their bed]
Colt : "I don't know how to tell you this…*takes a deep breath, speaks fast* Edwin is probably the same as me."
Luna [in denial] : "No, there must be another explanation… it can't … there must be *her breathing starts to accelerate* another.. explanation"
Colt : "You need to calm-"
At the time, I couldn't understand… how can he accept it so easily?
Luna : "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!! *her tone settles down* I can't believe it…I…"
Colt : "Deep breathes, deep breathes."
Whenever we speak about Earth, he'd speak a lot about "adaptability" and "the will to not run away" but it was my first time experiencing it.
I had to learn to accept things as they are and I'm glad he was there to help me.
And then, I was reminded how he gets when he's mad. What happens when he lets loose.
[flash back to Colt, Luna and Robert in the forest.]
Colt [looks at Luna, with an innocent smile] : "Laverna my love… look away."
He hates being looked down on more than anything. He despises it. I knew he'd do that eventually.
*Luna complies, knowing it's too late to stop him.*
[scene: Colt in the barrier torturing Robert, Luna looking the other way]
But neither me nor Colt knew what would happen. And I can't tell him. I can't make him suffer anymore.
*Colt cuts an arm off*
It hurts… it hurts…
*Luna's tears involuntarily spill*
looking down on me? … it hurts… it hurts… Aren't you above human?
*Colt uses an earth lance to stab Robert in the kidney*
The pain… it hurts… it hurts… it hurts… it hurts… it hurts… it hurts… it hurts… it hurts
Colt [to Luna, smiling] : "See, he's alright… I didn't leave a scratch on him."
Don't let him notice, wipe those tears.
Luna [knowing exactly his true nature, her body shaking] : "Don't … just don't."
*Luna holds Colt's sleeve*
Colt [turning around] : "What's wrong?"
Luna [looking down] : "Was that… necessary?"
Don't say anything.
Luna : "I could feel his pain, and your pleasure… you enjoy doing this… how are you better than him?"
Stop. That's enough!
Colt : "You're the one who kept saying I'm not a monster."
Luna [clings to him harder] : "THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT…you're not… I just don't get it… how can you do something like that?"
Stop it.
I was hurting him with every word and yet he-
Colt [looks her in the eyes, pats her head] : "I never wanted to make you sad.. or angry. You are precious to me, your happiness is what matters, but know this: if anyone tries to lay a finger on you, this is the least they'll get. You don't have to do anything, leave all that to me… let's go."
I decided then and there that I can't remain a burden anymore.
I wanted to get stronger, Control my powers better, so this doesn't happen again.
Luna [with a firm demeanor] : "Colt, we can't do this anymore."
Colt : "Don't tell me you're-"
Luna [with determination] : "No, I promised I would never hate or leave you… but I don't want you to protect me anymore, not like this."
Colt : "Then.. what?"
Luna : "Teach me to be strong like you… no matter what… I won't be so weak as to need your protection."
Though what I said did hurt him, he managed to get something good out of it. I love him for that. As much as he can see the dark side of things, he does his best to learn, to improve.
Colt : "What happened today… reminded me that I was doing it wrong."
Luna : "Doing what wrong?"
Colt : "Living… thank you … my sweet Luna… today you reminded me that I should enjoy these moments…these fleeting moments of happiness… are the essence of life."
Luna [smiles] : "What sparked this welcome change?"
Colt : "You. You made me realize, that I was too focused on getting back and breaking that idiot, I forgot what was most important *smiles*It's funny… you're like a moon in my dark starless sky, the one beacon of light, that's keeping me in check."
[end of flash back]
[scene : Colt wakes up, slowly sits]
Luna [with a smile] : "Did you sleep well?"
Colt [yawning] : "Yeah, sorry. I got too exhausted and fell asleep."
Luna : "You looked so peaceful there."
Colt : "Did I? huh…"
I won't remain a burden.
I'll stand by his side, always.
Because, I'm his wife and I love him with all my heart.