An invitation

[scene : Colt, Luna and the Starleas in the academy…. Colt watching Robert walking in, taking a seat]

It's been 2 weeks since the Robert fun fest.

And this is the first time he's shown his face since.

*Robert glances behind him*

*Colt makes eye contact, smiles*

*Robert's face turns pale, he whips his head forward in fear*

Oh yeah... that's better.

He won't be bothering us anymore.

*Diana walks in*

Diana [smiling] : "Let's all welcome sir Robert back… he was sick for the last two weeks and he rejoined us as soon as he got better."

Interesting… I didn't actually think I'll see him again.

Clearly his father had something to do with it.

Well, I'm certain he didn't talk; he wouldn't risk it.

Not after what I did.

Not to mention his damaged "pride" he'll never talk about that.

*A month and a half later*

[scene : Colt and Luna coming out of a gate in their bedroom, Luna's carrying Edwin]

Colt : "And that concludes this semester. It was... disappointing."

*Luna puts Edwin on the bed*

Luna : "Why do you say that?"

Colt : "Other than some more work on the barriers, I didn't learn anything useful."

Luna : "Maybe you will in the next two years, for the rest of the students, they gained battle experience and improved their magic… so the academy isn't useless."

Colt : "Did you improve anything?"

Luna : "My earth magic got a bit better."

Colt : "We never trained that have we?"

Luna : "No…*goes to Edwin, speaks in a playful tone* but Edwin is the one who's improved the most… he can crawl now."

He began crawling about a week ago.

Now, he's 5 months and 3 weeks.

Most babies begin at 6.


It seems he does things as soon as he can. Bet he'll walk before we know it… and he'll probably talk early too.

Luna : "I can't wait to see him walk."

She became a doting mother knowing full well he's grown inside… but if that can help cure his PTSD, I don't mind.

Besides, I promised I would protect my son and that still stands.

I wonder how Mark would feel knowing the truth… that would be a laugh.

Will he feel the same way I do now?

Luna : "Don't forget.. we have to meet the Starleas in 10 days."

Colt : "I still don't know why you agreed to that?"

[flash back]

*The day of the Robert incident*

Luc [plenty of gratitude] : "No matter how you look at it… you saved us again. I still can't believe we made it out without serious injuries. It's a miracle… so please, come visit our domain."

No thanks.

*As Colt opens his mouth*

Luna : "We'd love to."


Lea : "Great! Now we can thank you properly."

Luc : "We'll meet 10 days after summer break begins so that we can travel together."

Luna : "We'll be there."


[end of flash back]

Luna : "I thought it would be nice for us… a change of pace, seeing the kingdom; ever since we've been married we either stay here or go to the academy."

Colt [mischievous grin] : "Ah, so in other words: you want to tour the kingdom."

Luna [laughs] : "You got me, I always wanted to see the world. And thanks to you I've seen a third and explored the other. Only the main continent is left."

Colt [whispers sweetly in her ear from behind] : "I'll make every dream you have come true."

*Turns her around, gives her a kiss*

Colt : "So, Edwin's staying with my parents?"

Luna : "He seems to love it there… he bonded with Clarice well enough."

I wonder why…

Luna : "So, what are we going to do for the next 10 days?"

Colt [carries Edwin] : "Spend them with our son of course… and give you some training."


*Edwin crawling around the castle, entering every room*

*Colt using search to find him*

*Colt and Luna find him, Colt carries him, they laugh*

*Edwin sleeping, Colt talking to Luna outside*

*Colt , Luna and Edwin watching the sea*

*Edwin smiling*

*Edwin in the war room observing the map*

*Colt carrying him and walking outside*

*Edwin smiling*

[end of montage]

[scene : Colt and Luna waiting outside the academy]

Colt [worried] : "Edwin's with mom, we brought the minimum baggage so they wouldn't be suspicious, no indication about our real lifestyle, you're in human form… did we forget something? "

Luna [takes his hand] : "It'll be alright… just enjoy yourself a little."

*Three carriages approach them Luc and Lea are inside the middle one*

*The middle carriage stops in front of them*

Luc : "Get in."

*After they got in and the carriages move*

[scene : Inside the carriage, it's a bit bigger than normal carriages and fancier, the four of them are sitting comfortably. Luc's facing Colt, Lea's facing Luna]

Luc : "So, how have you been?"

Small talk… I'm still not good with this.

Colt : "We've been well, thank you for this invitation… it'll be a good experience."

Luc : "There you go, talking all formal again."

Colt [smiles] : "It's a force of habit… so, why three carriages?"

Luc : "They're our guards."

Luna : "Guards?"

Lea : "Sometimes bandits attack nobles on the road, so having guards is necessary, not to mention the monsters."

Uh, huh.

FINALLY!! something normal in this crazy world.

Well, the monsters are kind of expected since humans don't stay on the road for long… so the mana flow isn't regulated which attracts monsters… but the average mana concentration here is nothing compared to the wasteland continent.

So it's rare to see a monster of a high threat level leave their territory to attack people.

So, we'll be dealing with goblins… or orcs at most.

What they don't know is that if there is a bandit hideout nearby, the mana concentration will be less than usual.

*Later that night*

[scene : Luna and Lea are asleep in the carriage, Colt and Luc are around a campfire and the guards are posted around]

Colt : "So, why are you still awake?"

Luc : "I could ask you the same."

Colt : "I'm just not sleepy."

Luc : "I stay with the guards part of the night; they work hard to keep us safe and as a powerful mage it's my duty to help them."

Wait what? Did he seriously say something so gracious?

A guard who was standing nearby : "We're all willing to die for sir Luc if that's what it takes."

The guards seem to like him.

Luc : "My life isn't more important than yours, you have a family right?"

Did he just?

[internal smile]

Luna was right… you are a good guy.

Found another one… a good noble.

The guard : "Yes, but-"

Luc : "No buts. We all make it. Like every other time."

[internal laughter]

Lucky us.

*On the second day of their journey*

*Colt's asleep in the carriage*

*He wakes up to the sound of screams*

A guard : "BANDIT ATTACK!!"

*Colt looks at the carriage door*

Luc : "Stay here.. I'll go."

*Before Colt can respond, Luc opens the door, jumps outside, closes it*

*After a little while the sounds of battle die out*

*Colt steps outside*

[scene : Some guards are tying the bandits with ropes, Luc and the others are gathered around that guard… the injured guard, leaning on a tree, talks to Luc]

Luc : "You're going to make it… you have to... you have a family."

The guard [in a weak tone] : "Not this time, healing magic can't save me."

*The sword wound on his chest becomes apparent… a sword had broken through the leather and mail armor, piercing his lung*

*Lea and Luna walk out of the carriage*

Luc : "Lea, we need healing... now!"

*Lea runs to the guard, tries to heal him, the guard spues blood.*

I didn't know Lea was a healer… I'm never out of surprises in this world.

*Lea starts crying in frustration.*

Lea [with tears running down her face] : "I can't … it's not working."


*Luc's voice echoes in Colt's head*

Luc : "You have a family right?"

Ah, damn it, fine.

*Luna looks to her side, Colt's not there*


Good thing they're all focusing on that dramatic tragedy playing over there.

*Colt goes next to Lea, uses magic disrupt on her, while healing the guard himself*

Luc : "Lea, you're doing it! It's working… keep going."

*The guard heals, opens his eyes*

The guard [surprised] : "I'm… healed? I'm…. alive?"

Luc [with a voice shaking from happiness] : "Yes… yes you are."

*Hugs Lea*

Luc : "You did it Lea, you did it."

*Colt re-appears next to Luna*

*They both watch as the rest of them celebrate*

*Luna takes Colt's arm*

Luna [whispering] : "I know what you did."

Colt : "I have no idea what you're talking about… Lea's the one who healed him."

Luna : "Thank you."