Chapter 15

Sansa Stark

Chapter 15: Sansa Stark

After his successful recruitment of Cerenna Lannister to his cause, Robert had begun to devise a plan to deal with all the traitors present in his realm without anyone being aware of what was truly happening.

Melisandre and Talisa had become his trusted confidantes and accomplices in this undertaking. The mystical powers of the Red Priestess and Talisa's medical skills and knowledge would prove invaluable to his plans.

Robert often sequestered himself away with both women so that he could ready his plans. To those on the outside, it appeared that the King was simply enjoying his new playthings which provided them with perfect cover.

Ever since that fateful night at the Isle of Faces, Melisandre spent most of her time learning the secrets and knowledge stored within the ancient tome gifted by Lord Reed. And any free time left was spent either staring into the flames for guidance or keeping Robert's bed warm. A most sacred duty and honored privilege, the Red Priestess had termed their passionate encounters. In her mind, Robert was her God's chosen and pleasing him was her prime duty and purpose.

Meanwhile, Talisa shared with both Robert and Melisandre, the ways in which she could combine the magical knowledge provided by the tome with her scientific skills that would be of great use in their plans.

Another important development was Melisandre informing Robert of receiving visions involving krakens and a stunted lion who would play vital roles in the future. It did not take long for Robert to figure out that the visions referred to the Ironborn and Tyrion Lannister. But he was puzzled as to how they could be of service to him as the Ironborn hated him with a passion after he crushed their rebellion and though Tyrion was a man after Robert's own appetites, the King knew that the dwarf was loyal to his family despite the poor way they treated him.

The missing pieces to this query were provided by the Weirwood trees and the visions that the Old Gods shared with Robert as he snuck off in secret to train and test his new powers.

And with a plan in mind, one evening Robert summoned the dwarf to join him for a drink, while making sure that Cersei was kept occupied with the help of Cerenna who fed his wife with the lies and information that he wished to give her. His foolish whore of a Queen thought that she had placed her cousin in his bed when in fact Cerenna was now truly Robert's pawn.

After partaking in a few drinks, it became obvious to Robert that the dwarf was not only aware of Cerenna being in Robert's employ but apparently had used this invitation to ascertain the King's motives. This realization only further cemented the value of having Tyrion as an ally in Robert's mind.

And so, Robert decided to share with Tyrion one of the biggest secrets within the Lannister family that concealed a betrayal so heinous that after learning of it, the Dwarf of Casterly Rock swore vengeance upon his deceitful kin and pledged himself to Robert's cause in exchange for appropriate compensation.

They spent the next few days meeting in secret where Robert introduced Tyrion to Melisandre and Talisa officially and worked out the plan to exact vengeance upon Lannisters and the Starks. In the end, they all agreed that Robert would need to return to King's

Landing while Tyrion would need to head back to Casterly Rock to pull off their plans.

With a stroke of luck, an outrider arrived from the capital at Harrenhal later in the day to inform Robert of Jon Arryn falling gravely ill and there was a chance that the old lord might not be long for the world.

Though perturbed upon learning of his foster father's condition, Robert did not fail to make use of the opportunity and promptly ordered the caravan to make haste for King's Landing. Tyrion's departure back to the West was quite easy to pull off as no one paid much attention to the drunk dwarf and his actions. In fact, Cersei was pleased to hear that she would not have to endure her youngest brother's presence for a while.

Upon his arrival at the Red Keep, both he and Ned promptly made their way to Jon Arryn's chambers to check up on their shared foster father. The Lord of the Vale was in a sorry state and the Grand Maester Pycelle had concluded that he did not have much time left in a tactless and doddery manner, infuriating Robert.

Due to his new powers, Robert now knew that Pycelle was not the fumbling old fool that he pretended to be. But in fact, one of Tywin's most loyal lackeys who had looked out for Lannister interest since the days of the Mad King. Thus, he quickly dismissed the traitorous fool and asked for Talisa to take charge of Jon Arryn's care and announced the Volantene healer's appointment as the new royal physician.

Both Cersei and Pycelle had voiced their protests and concerns but Robert quickly shut them up, stating that the Grand Maester was far too old and feeble to properly care for those who ailed in the Red Keep. It was a clever move to use Pycelle's own mummery against him while assuring the traitorous grey rat that he would still retain his title and be in charge of the Red Keep's correspondence and ravens.

Within a short time, Talisa proved her worth to the royal court as Jon Arryn's condition improved significantly under her care along with a little aid from Melisandre magic added to her remedies.

Robert was pleased by his Hand's recovery and decided to throw a celebratory dinner in the Great Hall, inviting all the nobles present in the Keep. He surveyed all those seated at his table and in the hall, engaged in dining and conversation. He was brought out of his musings when Ned called out to him.

"Robert, I'm glad that Lord Jon is recovering but I'm sure that he would not approve of throwing such frivolous feasts and wasting coin," Ned said to him from the seat beside him.

"Oh, Ned, stop counting coppers and just enjoy the feast for once," Robert replied with a gruff laugh that concealed his rage of having to make conversation with his traitorous friend.

Robert decided to steer the conversation into another direction before Ned got on his nerves and inquired as to how he and his children were adjusting to the capital. As well as Ned taking advantage of Jon's recovery to learn about the affairs of the realm and aiding the Hand in his duties.

"Yes, there is a great deal of work to be done. Especially, in regards to the realm's finances," Ned said in a serious tone. "I've been locked away in meetings with Lord Jon and Lord Baelish, searching for the best way to address this issue."

"I do wish that you would attend a few of these gatherings instead of spending your time instead if being engaged either with your companions or training in the sparring yard," Ned added.

"You don't need me. I'm sure you, Jon and Littlefinger have things well in hand," Robert answered, waving away Ned's concerns.

Little did Ned know that Robert was using this time, making preparations and moving his pawns across the realm in secret to

Punish all those who had wronged him.

'Soon, Ned, you will learn the true meaning of my house words. I will take all you hold dear and destroy the Stark legacy for good without anyone even realizing what was happening. And tonight, I shall make my first strike upon House Stark,' Robert wickedly mused to himself as he spied a look upon his target, the innocent and naïve Sansa Stark.

He had been laying the groundwork for tonight for quite some time. He noticed the young girl steal a glance at him while she was seated next to his supposed heir, Joffrey, who acted to be bored. The spoilt golden brat did not even notice the way his betrothed was looking upon Robert.

Years of experience in seducing maidens had marked the Stark girl as easy prey for him. Robert did not even need to use his powers on her, as the girl's naïve dreams and desire for the life of a Princess had already primed her for his seduction. All that was required was a little gentle maneuvering and manipulation from Robert's mistresses whose subtle whispering had planted the necessary seeds into her young and impressionable mind.

He had promised to make Sansa a royal Princess in front of his beloved Lyanna's tomb. And though he was not aware of Ned's treachery at the time, he would not break his word. However, Sansa could be both a Princess and his whore as well.

The fact that the little shit that she was promised to was not his true son, caused any trace of apprehension in his mind to vanish away. And he discreetly signaled Talisa to confirm if the special ingredients had been added to the meals of all his special guests, namely Ned, Cersei, Baelish, Varys and that brat Joffrey.

His talented physician nodded in confirmation and he smiled. He decided to burrow a trick from Littlefinger who had been drugging Jon Arryn's meals over the years to enjoy nightly rendezvous with Lysa Arryn. The slimy weasel was truly cunning and no one would

Have ever found out including Robert if not for his new priestess and divine gifts granted by the Gods.

'Your time will too come, Baelish. But tonight, I have other goals in mind,' Robert thought to himself as the feast winded down and everyone gradually retired back to their chambers.

Later that night, Robert headed off to the Godswood where Melisandre and Talisa were already waiting for him.

"Are you certain that your little concotion will yield the desires results?" Robert questioned Talisa.

"It is a slow acting agent but most potent. The effects will begin to show so slowly and naturally that no one will ever suspect any kind of foul play," Talisa answered.

"With the aid of Lady Melisandre's sorcery, my drug will slowly erode away the will and thoughts of your foes, rendering them docile and pliable fools that will be easy to manipulate and bend to your will," Talisa said. "They will be no more that puppets who will dance to your tunes, my King."

Robert smiled, all of them had made a fool of him over the years. They thought that he was pawn to be moved according to their whims. But now, the tables will truly be turned.

"As per our plans, I've used the other devout believers of the Lord of Light that I had recruited here in Westeros to make the necessary arrangements to carry out the next steps of our plan," Melisandre informed him.

"Though our new associate might require some personal convincing from you, before agreeing to our proposal," the Red Woman added and Robert nodded his consent to her.

"Excellent work, ladies. Both of you will be greatly rewarded," Robert told them. "Now, I'll take your leave as an important task awaits me."

Sansa Stark could not believe what she was about to do. What if she had misread the signs or if Lady Wynafryd's advice was wrong, she was about to subject herself to great embarrassment and scandal.

The young girl wondered if it was too late to back out but her musings was cut short as she heard a knock on her door.

Sansa opened the door hesitantly to find the King of Westeros standing before her. The fact that he was not accompanied by her father or any of his guards for the matter was a comforting sign.

"Lady Sansa, I received your message from Lady Manderly stating that you wished to discuss an urgent and private matter with me.

May I come in?" Robert said in gentle and calm tone.

His conquest of Sansa Stark was much akin to the hunt for a beautiful doe. One had to approach the creature slowly with gentle steps and patience, so as to not spook the prey.

"Yes… Thank you for coming, your grace. Please come in," Sansa replied. "I know it's late, but it is a matter of great importance."

"Would you like a glass of wine?" she added, looking unsure as her eyes dropped to the ground for a second.

Robert did not need to use his gifts to tell that the girl was all nerves. Her lifelong education in the principles of the Faith coupled with her northern upbringing was now conflicting with her desires and ambitions. He needed to handle this very delicately and so he nodded to her as they both took a seat at her table where a decanter of wine was laid out, along with two glasses.

"Sansa, do not be afraid. Tell me, what troubles you?" Robert said reassuringly in a gentle tone as they both sipped on their wine.

"Say, did I compliment you on your lovely dress tonight? Is it new? The southern style suits you well," he complimented her causing her to blush.

«Yes.» she replied, «I made it myself.»

Robert shook his head a bit at that, though he managed to restrain himself from scoffing. The daughter of a Lord Paramount, who makes her own dresses. If that was a poor jape, he did not know what was. Though in truth, he should be thanking that northern fool, Ned, his humble and sparse lifestyle made his daughter an easy target for Robert's seduction.

"Your hair looks lovely too,» Robert added as he reached out, and took a curl of her hair, unwinding it from the braid deftly, then rolling it around his finger, before letting it hang loose. «But better to keep one strand free, I think it looks more beautiful that way. I'm sure that southern styles would only enhance your natural beauty.»

The red blush spreading across her features conveyed how delighted she was by Robert's words. The girl was vain and a compliment from the King certainly gave a significant boost to her pride.

Robert got to his feet in order to top himself up after draining his glass when suddenly Sansa spoke up.

"Father means to send me away,» she said at last. «I was hoping…»

Robert was the one who planted this idea in Sansa's head with the help of his Northern mistresses who had bribed a few of the Stark servants to add weight to the lie.

«That's surprising. Though Ned is your father and I shouldn't interfere in family matters,» the cunning King told her seriously, not that he

Had any intention of ever letting her leave. It was all part of Robert's ploy to lure Sansa into his bed.

«But I don't want to leave! I don't want to go back to Winterfell! I want to be queen, to marry Joffrey, and…» Sansa started to whine pleadingly.

«You know,» Robert interrupted her. «I think you might be even prettier than your mother was at your age.» he said in low voice as he gently stroked her long-braided hair, easing it to one side while exposing the sides of her long and graceful neck to him.

Robert's touches yield the desired effect as Sansa experiences a tingling sensation to spread across her body while a warm wetness begins to pool between her thighs. Perhaps, it's the effect of the wine, Sansa tries to reason to herself. Meanwhile, Robert kissed her cheek and ran his thick tongue up and down the side of her face and into her ear.

"Relax. I'm here for you. And we're not going to do anything that you don't want to do." Robert whispers into her ear.

Sansa's eyes close for a second, feeling something build inside her body. Her mind is overcome with the fierce determination to take control of the situation as she finds herself being wrapped around by the King's strong arms.

And then the words that come out from the King's mouth, forcing Sansa to make the most monumental decision of her life.

"You want to stay in King's Landing. You want to marry a Prince and become Queen someday. You want dresses, jewels, and all the greatest luxuries and comforts of this life,» the King says to her, as if he could hear her inner most thoughts aloud.

"The real question is what are you willing to do to earn it all? Sweet Sansa, nothing is free in life. Everything comes at a price," he tells her. "So, are you willing to pay it?"

It was a loaded question which made Sansa feel like she was hit with a mace in the head.

The scriptures of the Faith, Septa Mordane's teachings and all her lessons on the conduct of proper lady told her that what the King was suggesting was immoral, sinful and shameful. And she should immediately raise protest, asking him to leave.

However, the girl within her that had grown up dreaming about the beauties and splendors of the South told her that this is was her chance to ensure that all her dreams and ambitions came true.

Another voice in her head told her that if she refused the King, not only would she be sent back by her father. But it was also possible that her rejection might cause the King to dissolve her betrothal.

She recalled the wise counsel of Lady Manderly when Sansa spoke to her regarding the rumors of her father sending her back. Both Lady Wynafryd and Lady Mormont had the King's favor, resulting them in having a good deal of influence at court. Surely, they could help her.

"Sansa, there is no shortage of maidens at court who are eager to take your place by Joffrey's side. I fear that if you leave, the Prince might be swayed by them and you may end up losing him. As a northerner, I'm eager to see my lord's daughter on the throne that she rightfully deserves. Which is why I suggest that you speak with the King on the matter," Wynafryd said to her. "If you have the King's support, your place is assured and not even Lord Stark will be able to send you away."

The King loops a hand around her lower back and causes her to grow even more impatient with the conflicting emotions and thoughts raging within her.

'I was born to be Queen and I will cease my destiny by any means necessary,' Sansa tells herself, after concluding that morality was a small price to pay for a crown.

Slowly, but firmly, Sansa moves in and plants a firm kiss on the King. His hands caress her lower back while her mouth is invaded by the King's tongue.

Robert spins her around and backs Sansa against the wall. "Sorry about the dress," Robert says and before she can

Comprehend his words, he tears the fabric off her body leaving her stark naked.

Sansa Stark was a true beauty with her fair unblemished skin, flat stomach and full pair of breasts with erect nipples. Her alluringly shaped thighs concealed a slight tuft of auburn hair that concealed her delicious, wet pussy.

"You want me to touch you lower?" Robert asks her after his hands roam over her pert tits and belly while breathes in the scent of her auburn locks.

"Mmm hmmm!" Sansa responds, unable to form any words owing to Robert's masterful caresses.

Robert guides his hand down to her sex and he can feel her wet juices seep into his fingers. He turns his finger inwards and slides it deep into her pussy. Her hips push up into his grasp and Robert cups her pussy causing her to give out a sound of pleasure.

Meanwhile, Robert places his other hand on her chest and alternates between squeezing each breast. Right to left and back to right, each squeeze resulting in a jolt of pleasure shooting down Sansa's spine. She curls up against the wall with Robert holding her back against the wall.

Sansa throws her hips up to meet his strokes. He pulls away from her and leaves the young woman panting against the wall. She slides down almost to one knee watching with wide eyes as the King of Westeros disrobes himself.

Sansa's mouth fell open from the shock when she laid her eyes upon the King's massive manhood Even though she had no prior experience with men or the act itself, she could not help but come to the conclusion that it was far too large to fit in her. She tried to put her worries and fears into words but once again her voice failed her and all that came out from her mouth was a needy moan.

She managed to regain her composure and took in the sight of the man who was about to take her maidenhead. She was often told that she was quite tall for her age but the King still managed to tower over her. Sansa could not help but admire his powerful build, with wide shoulders, broad chest, and long arms that rippled with thick, powerful muscles. Though his belly bore a layer of fat, she could make out the outline of abs and pecks that were emerging from beneath it.

Remembering the scandalous tales of Theon's conquests that she and Jeyne had overheard when he spoke of them with Robb and Jon, she decided to act as the King's member stood before her face. Slowly, her soft hand began to caresses his cock but she soon realized that she would need both her hands to handle the King's massive cock. Sansa clamps down onto him and leans down to put her lips down onto his cock head.

"Go ahead. Let's see if you can get it all in your mouth," Robert tells her as he guides her.

Eager to prove herself, Sansa practically growls as she practically swallows his massive cock. She doesn't know what she's doing but the pleasurable grunts given out by the King serve both as guidance and encouragement to her. Soon enough, the young woman managed to give Robert a pretty good workout of his cock.

'Wow, it seems that young Sansa is a natural born cock sucker. Much like her mother,' Robert thinks to himself. If memory serves, Catelyn too required a little incentive before she managed to give him one of the best blowjobs of his life.

And it seems that little Sansa will outdo her own mother as she takes him deep into her throat and squeezes his cock.

"You're such a good little cocksucker, Lady Sansa. There is no way, I'll let you be shipped back to that frozen wasteland. I think that I shall undertake the task of preparing you for married life, so that you and Joffrey will have a pleasurable marriage," Robert tells her.

Sansa is not that naïve and understands the King's intentions. But for now, all that she cares about is gaining the King's favour and fulfilling her dreams. She deep throats Robert and slurps on his hard cock. Her hands cup his ass to bring him deeper into her mouth. The strange but intoxicating taste of the King's cock, add to the pleasurable build up within her loins as Robert drives into her mouth, ramping up her lust.

A warm feeling spreads through Robert's loins as well, the deeper that he pushes into her. Sansa grabs his balls and looks up to him. Her beautiful blue eyes that contain the perfect combination of innocence and mischief stare up into his own as she sucks Robert's cock, nearly causing him to lose it.

"We're getting closer. Good job, sweet Sansa. A very good job," Robert says encouragingly as he wraps his fingers around the back of her head and spikes his hard cock into her mouth. She makes sure to suck him all the way through until Robert's groin muscles discharge and shoots his royal seed into her mouth.

Sansa drinks the cum from his balls and is careful not to waste a single drop of precious fluid. He coats her throat with a precious and tasty liquid. Her lips close around Robert and releases him just long enough for Robert to paint her face with the last few spurts of his seed.

Robert has to admit that the sight of Sansa with his cum dripping down her face is incredibly arousing. An arousal that is heightened even further Even more so when the northern maid rolls her fingers

Down her cheek and sucks the cum off of her face while eyeing Robert with a grin on her face.

"Why don't we begin my education tonight itself, your grace?" Sansa says as the last shreds of shame and inhibition are completely shed away.

The King had awoken a lusty and wanton harlot within the prim and proper young lady. And she demanded to be thoroughly sated in every way possible.

Robert helps Sansa up to her feet and marches her over to the bed. He turns her around so she presses against the bed with her legs spread.

"This is one of my favourite positions, Sansa. You won't believe how many maidens scream out in ecstasy when I take them in this manner. Between you and me, however, I love the power that I can hold over women when I have them in this position. Knowing full well that I'm responsible for any and all pleasure they receive," Robert informs her.

A drifting hand between her thighs sends the lovely lady almost over the edge. Her pleasure builds as Robert rotates his finger back and forth between her opening. His cock slides down her leg and a small trail from his still dripping cock comes down her leg.

Robert presses his hands firmly against her body. He can easily slide into her from behind and take her. But the moment has not yet arrived, Robert feels and he barks out a command to the young maiden.

"Get on the bed."

Sansa obeyed Robert without a second thought. He then motions for her to turn around and she does, sprawling out on the bed. Her beautiful body drips with sweat and arousal as Robert climbs on top of her and guides his cock against her entrance for a minute.

She nearly loses it when Robert almost moves inside of her. He squeezes her firm breasts and makes Sansa's chest rise and fall from the pleasure. He pulls away from her and slaps his cock first down on the firm flesh of her belly. She turns ever so slightly and presents her ass for Robert.

Robert climbs behind her and stands up on the bed. He wraps his arms around her waist and grabs a handful of Sansa's auburn hair, which is now completely sprawled out.

"Most maidens are like wild mares and I'm the stallion who has broken in more than I can remember," Robert tells her. "It might be a little painful in the beginning but just hold on and the pleasure will soon turn into the most sublime pleasure that you have ever experienced."

As rough and brutish King Robert appeared to be in actions and appearance, Sansa had to acknowledge that she had felt a strange sexual attraction to him from the moment she had first laid eyes upon him at Winterfell. Her rational mind and proper judgement said that Prince Joffrey was the man of her dreams but her primal side and pure sexual instincts yearned with the gruff and virile King.

Perhaps, it was the fabled wolf blood which her father had always said to have run in their family. Her father had always chalked up Arya's unruly and wild antics to it and thanked the Gods that none of his other children had inherited this trait. Though, in hindsight now, maybe Sansa had been blessed with the wolf blood in her own way as she contemplated her base desire to be dominated by the King.

"Do it," Sansa practically growled.

Robert lined up his cock with her entrance and gently began to move forward between her thighs. Initially, Sansa felt the tip of his meaty spear enter her moist slit.

«Oh… Slowly. Gently. Yes… Ow… Gently! You… You're so big. So damn big…» Sansa's voice caught as her tightness yielded

Reluctantly against the King's invasive action. Soon enough after briefly pulling out, Robert drove his cock into her in a single push.

Sansa pressed her mouth into the covers of the bed to cover her screams as the King's cock stretched her pussy. Sansa was now being well acquainted up close and personal with what being taken by a real man feels like, with the bed shuddering violently as the King animalistically thrusted into her. Her flesh sizzled from Robert's long pumping while he picked up momentum and crashed his big balls against the back of her thighs.


Screamed into the sheets.

The exploration of her soft flesh makes Robert smile as the alluring scent of her hair only prompts Robert to go in deeper. His caresses move closer and around every inch of her body. He pulls back and spikes his cock deep into Sansa's warm center. He pulls almost all the way out of her with his cock rolling against her wet slit and then slides back into her with one more fierce push.

Robert tugs on her nipples as a surge of energy and pleasure flow through Sansa's body, ultimately being channeled into her future orgasm.

"Is the pleasure too much for you, my dear? Tell me, I would understand. After all, you still quite young, only a true woman could handle the pleasure bestowed by a King's cock."

Robert's words only served to fuel Sansa's determination. She was meant to be Queen of this realm one day and she would prove to the King that she was no less than any other woman at court.

Another wave of pleasure floods through her body as Robert pushes inside of her again and makes her cum in a spectacular fashion.

Robert pulls away from her and motions for Sansa to turn around and the two lovers sit face to face, with Sansa's chest crushing

Against Robert's.

"You will be my son's wife and a Princess of the realm in the future. But from this moment on, you are my woman for the rest of your days. Do you accept?" Robert tells her as a smile flashes across his face just as he presses a sensitive spot on her back.

"I accept and promise that I will never leave you," Sansa replies. "Not until you tire of me, my glorious King."

Robert knows for a fact that he'll never tire of a beauty like Sansa. Due to the blessings that the Gods bestowed upon him, the lusty King knew that no maid would ever ne able decline his wishes. But even without them, Robert was confident that his royal position and skills in bed were more than sufficient to recruit Sansa as his loyal mistress.

When this encounter had first began, Sansa had submitted herself to the King, solely to ensure her place at court. But now, she knew that would rather spend her days as the King's mistress instead of Joffrey's wife if she were forced to choose between the two.

The young maiden will never tire of his touch and the movements that he makes against her body. Her nipples keep pushing over Robert and her body lights up with even more erotic energy. Robert pushes a finger against the back of her neck.

"I'm not… never will be… sick of you… of this!" Robert tells her as she drops down onto his cock and fills herself up with so much that her nerve-endings just flare up with the pleasure. Along with Robert holding onto her, kissing her, and making sure she feels something she never thought possible.

Sansa soon came to the bitter realization that while she was now pledged to the King for the rest of her days, the King would no doubt take countless other women into his bed. And soon reconciled herself to this truth by reasoning that Robert was indeed like the

Stallion he had earlier spoken of, whose purpose was to breed with several mares and produce strong and mighty steeds.

Though, she could not bear him a strong child till she was officially wed to Joffrey, Sansa was determined to make a lasting impression on him. She channels all of her inner strength into her pussy, using it to tighten her pussy muscles into a death grip on Robert's throbbing cock.

"You show great promise, Sansa," Robert comments.

His words fuel Sansa's determination and she bends back, grabbing the oaken post of the bed while her legs slide up and down Robert's body. Robert holds her and buries deeper inside of her body. Sansa bottoms out on his cock, bites down her lip, and lets out a scream of pleasure.

Robert slides a finger deep into her tight back passage, in order to loosen it up for future use. Her eyes look at him with a mixture of reluctance and intrigue as Sansa realizes his intent.

"You may act like a proper little lady, but at heart you are a filthy whore, aren't you?" Robert teases and Sansa has to admit that he might be right.

Sansa imagines his cock in her most taboo area and soaks Robert's lap in response. She bounces up and on Robert, riding him like a prized horse.

'Now, this is the kind of ride that I enjoy. I wonder if Arya felt a similar rush when she raced with their brothers across the fields of

Winterfell upon her pony,' Sansa wonder to herself.

Sansa grasps the side of Robert's face and kisses him deeply while they enjoy their carnal coupling.

"Get ready, Sansa." Robert tells her and she squeezes Robert's cock to show how ready she is.

Sansa throws her body firmly against his and they never leave each other's general area. Robert grabs her butt cheeks to encourage the sinking down onto the base of his cock. She mewls into his ear with an explosive burst of pleasure.

Robert pushes into her one final time and it happens. He spurts right into her sopping hole. Their juices intermingle together with Robert ramming his cock repeatedly into her, until he fills it up. She hangs on to milk Robert all the way until their mutual completion. Stars flash in her eyes and Sansa realizes that she has truly turned into wanton and promiscuous whore who willingly and knowingly would take Robert's cock deep inside of her hole until he finishes.

And she wants him to have his fun with all of her holes. As it turns out, there's just one untouched.

Robert is of a like mind and grabs a bottle of oil kept at her bedside stand. He smears the lubricant all over his cock and grabs her. He leans down to make sure that her asshole is ready.

"Make me a complete woman tonight," Sansa moans in a tone that is equal parts, demanding and pleading.

Robert lines himself with Sansa's very tight looking rear entrance. Her firm cheeks part for Robert to slide into her. As the first couple inches of his cock slide into her, Sansa's eyes begin to water.

Robert eases into her and then after ensuring that he has a good foothold, starts fucking her ass. Robert slides into her back passage, both hard and fast. Sansa crushes her asshole against him and grabs onto his leg while her nails rake against Robert's torso and back, the further that the King penetrates into her.

Sansa's deep breathing escalates as Robert continues to bury himself into Sansa further, making her close her anus around Robert's cock. Each push drives her body over the edge with greater pleasure. He touches her in ways which drive her completely over the edge with pleasure.

Robert senses the reaction of her body and tempers it just enough to make Sansa feel every inch of what's going on. Fingers caress her pussy and send sparks flying through her just as seamlessly as Robert drives himself as far into her ass as possible.

"Please! Don't! Stop!"

Sansa's pleas are unnecessary as Robert has every intention to keep going until both of them are thoroughly satisfied. Every inch of her body becomes a lightning rod for pleasure. And Robert uses his years of experience to drive her wild with pleasure.

Robert grabs her firm cheeks and spears into her again causing her to let out another scream. The eldest daughter of Ned Stark hopes that the walls and doors are thick enough to stifle her screams as her ass endures the constant barrage of Robert's meaty cock sliding deep inside of her.


Sansa's passionate cries make Robert smile and he drives into her, with his fingers dancing all over the writhing woman underneath him. He is about to blow in her asshole as the tightness of her ass around him drives Robert further into her. Robert grabs her and spears her rectum as hard as possible.

The position of her balancing on Robert's lap while a cock drives into her ass makes things just that much better. Her lust is increased several folds as sweat and arousal soak Sansa's body.

"Go ahead. Just let everything go," Robert' words cause Sansa to squirt like a geyser all over Robert's hands.

Meanwhile, Robert thrusts further into her, stimulating the pleasure center of the young woman. His balls tease her with the giant load churning within them.

Robert pushes a few more times into her warm hole while also groping and spanking her ass. The sound of smacking flesh and her moans, serve to drive Robert ever so closely to the edge while a nibble of Sansa's hardened peaks causes her to just lose it.

And after a few more minutes, Robert loses his load in inside of her ass, turn her hole into a sopping wet deposit of cum and the sweat coating her fine body serves as a finishing touch to his carnal work of art.

Robert leaves her ass with a solid pop, causing Sansa to experience disappointment despite being sore all over.

"Once you recover, we'll talk about further arrangements. You are now the King's mistress. And as such you will be granted all the luxuries and comforts befitting this position," Robert informs her. "Although my gifts will be granted as that of a good father to his best friend's daughter and the future Queen of Westeros."

"Of course, I will have my other paramours reach out to you so that you can educated and trained to perform all the duties of a proper mistress," Robert adds.

"As long it involves me receiving your royal cock regularly, I'll be satisfied," Sansa states with a smile.

"My sweet girl, tonight was just a taste. You are about to embark on a journey of passion and pleasure that you could never even imagine," Robert tells Sansa, causing her eyes to sparkle with wonder.

'Oh Yes, Sansa, once I'm done with you, the histories will forget all about the great mistresses of Aegon the Unworthy. Your name will

Go down as one of the greatest harlots of all time along with so many others,' the devious thought runs through Robert's mind as he basks in the success of the first step of his plan for vengeance.