Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Wynafryd Manderley/Dacey Mormont/Ros/Melisandre of Asshai/Shae/Cerenna Lannister/Sansa Stark

Robert's master plan was starting to fall into place. The magical potion prepared by Melisandre and Talisa had begun to show the first signs of its effects as all his intended victims started to become more docile and receptive of his whims.

Soon, it would be time to begin the next step of his plan which would be quite messy. But if everything went off as per his plan then he would not only be rid of several foes and traitors without anyone knowing the truth.

And in order to pull this off, Robert needed to meet with a new ally in person and convince them that his schemes would benefit both of them. However, Robert did not want to risk anyone learning of this meeting and so instructed Melisandre to inform their potential ally to meet near his hunting lodge in the Kingswood.

Since coming into his crown, Robert would spend most of his time either throwing tourneys or at his Kingswood lodge whenever he felt the need to get away from Cersei and her annoying lick-spittle's.

Thus, it was not surprising to the court when Robert announced that he would be departing on a hunt. What did surprise some people was his insistence that Joffrey join him. Everyone knew that the golden-haired brat possessed zero interest or skill in regards to

Hunting or any other kind of martial activity, but Robert insisted that it was high time that the boy learned something useful.

Normally, both Joffrey and Cersei would have thrown a hissy fit at his command but due to Melisandre's concoction, the mother-son duo did not raise much protest and complied to his wishes.

Robert had no interest in spending time with the Kingslayer's bastard but he did want to use him as a means to get his newest playmate, Sansa to join him on the trip. And so, with a little nudging, Joffrey invited his betrothed to accompany him for the hunt. Though Ned was a bit apprehensive about letting Sansa accompany them, knowing Sansa's lack of interest in such activities. But consented when his darling daughter put on a great performance of wanting to get to know her future husband, after Robert assured that he would take good care of Ned's girl.

'Oh, Sansa will be well taken care of,' Robert smirked to himself as his party set out from the city gates.

"So, we've decided to hold a little celebration to honor your kill of the prized doe," Shae stated with a smile, to all those gathered in Robert's bedchamber.

His Lorathi paramour had already been present at the lodge when his party arrived, after receiving his instructions. She had made sure that the lodge was equipped with everything that would be required to make this a memorable trip for her King.

Robert wished to indulge thoroughly in the fruits of his unofficial harem and so all of his other mistresses had accompanied Robert on the trip. With the exception of Talisa, who had remained back at the Red Keep to ensure that his plans and instructions were progressing as per schedule along with making sure that none of his foes would not stray from their special diet.

"The Old Gods help us. I don't understand why you Southerners choose to speak using these flowery words instead of plainly," Dacey commented as Wynafryd laughed, the mermaid like the rest of her female companions knew that this trip was organized so that the King could enjoy wielding his pleasure spear rather than the one meant for hunting.

"Well, Lady Mormont, the subtle and hidden meanings of our words add a splash of flavor to our naughty activities," Shae explained while placing her hands upon Robert's shoulders and massaging them, before she shamelessly started to remove his tunic.

Without any prompting, Sansa threw herself over Robert's lap and began to kiss him heatedly. Ever since the night that Robert had

Claimed her, the young woman had transformed from a shy and naïve lady into a wanton and proper harlot. Robert would like to accredit her transformation to his bedroom skills and divine powers, but he had to admit that the lessons imparted upon the Stark maiden by his other mistresses had played a significant part as well.

"Lady Sansa is truly a quick learner. She's a natural born whore if there ever was one," Ros commented upon witnessing Sansa's aggressive actions while she herself unbuckled Robert's breeches.

"She's a woman of the North. We tend to possess more vitality and energy in comparison to our delicate southern counterparts," Dacey supplied, as she kissed the side of Robert's neck, pressing her ample bosom against him while running her hands down his neck.

"I think that you are forgetting Lady Sansa's mother is from the South and the Manderly's too have southern origins," Cerenna told Dacey as she got on her knees beside Ros.

Wynafryd was watching the entire scene while nursing a glass of wine in her hands.

"Join us, Wynnie, it's a party," Sansa said to her as she pointed at Robert, with a mischievous smile upon her face. "Back off ladies, Wynafryd should be given the first chance of receiving the King's delicious gift."

All women looked to Robert who nodded his head in consent and Wynafryd immediately dropped to her knees and captured his throbbing cock in her mouth and started sucking on it.

The sight of Wynafryd sucking on the King's cock got Sansa all hot and bothered and grabbed Dacey, pulling her into a hot kiss. Dacey gasped into her Sansa's mouth, while her liege lord's eldest daughter assaulted her breasts, tipping her back onto the ground.

"Oh, Dacey, want me to suck your tits," Sansa stated, as she squeezed the lovely globes that Dacey had attached to her.

It was hard to imagine that just a few weeks ago, Sansa Stark had been an innocent maiden, oblivious to the ways of the flesh. Ros was right, the auburn-haired beauty was a natural sexual vixen.

"Yes," Dacey breathed, while Cerenna got down between Dacey's legs, removing her breeches and pulling down an already soaked pair of small clothes, before licking her mound.

"Fuck!" Dacey moaned out load as she was assaulted by both Sansa and Cerenna.

Soon enough, Cerenna felt her small clothes being tugged away before feeling a rush of cool air in her private parts, as Shae cupped her pussy and rubbed it.

After being initiated into the King's pleasure circle, Cerenna had met with the Lorathi whore outside the Red Keep, to pass on information about the Queen and her other Lannister relations using Shae as an intermediary. Though the Queen thought that she had placed Cerenna in the King's bed, the Lannister maiden did not want anyone to discover her allegiance to the King and thus had taken the necessary precautions suggested by the King.

This measure was no longer required as Lady Talisa's mixture that Cerenna had been adding to the meals of Queen Cersei and her trusted agents had now rendered them almost docile and meek.

However, Cerenna still met up with Shae regularly as the two women had discovered a way to achieve sexual release and pleasure when the King was too occupied with other matters, using certain toys that Shae had brought with her from across the Narrow Sea.

Shae had strapped on the false cock to her waist and grinned as she aimed the sex toy at Cerenna's entrance. And shortly after, Shae plunged it into the welcoming folds of the blonde beauty.

Meanwhile, Robert was in heaven as the maiden from White Harbor licked his cock, bringing her mouth up and down on it. His pleasure increased when Melisandre got between his legs and deftly sucked

On his balls, the combined suction of the two luscious beauties was too hot to handle.

"Fuck, this is the best," Robert grunted, feeling their warm mouths work him over, licking and playing with him. Both of them took turns sucking his cock and licking his balls and Robert was certain that if not for his magically gained stamina and endurance, he would have exploded within no time.

Ros reached over, stroking his abdomen with her hand, giving out a loving cooing sound as she ran her hand over the muscles, feeling them, appreciating them. Robert's diligent training had at last allowed him to regain his prime muscular form. And the former Wintertown whore had to admit that the King was indeed a maiden's fantasy made flesh while she watched Wynafryd and Melisandre blow him with all of their might.

Dacey screamed as Sansa went down on her tits, biting them and suckling on the ample globes that were attached to her chest. There was nothing there that felt better, including the tongue that was being jammed down her pussy, working circles around her, licking her.

"No, I don't want you to cum, not yet," Wynafryd remarked breathlessly as she pulled herself up, and grabbed Robert's throbbing cock. She bit down on her lip and sank down on his hips, pushing his cock into her tight womanhood.

"FUCK!" Robert groaned as she bounced up and down onto him, pumping her hips into them.

Melisandre was pushed back onto the couch by Ros. And perhaps, it was the combination of the moonlight filtering through the windows coupled with their similar coloring and build but both women appeared to be mirror images at first glance.

"As a northerner, I worship the Old Gods but I feel inclined to worship your Lord of Light or at least his Priestess for the moment," Ros

Stated as she straddled the Red Woman, rubbing their hot pussies together.

"Oh, I'm sure that I'll be able to convert you," Melisandre fired back, as she felt Ros's mouth on her mound before reciprocating back in kind. The two laid in a sexually charged sixty-nine position, licking each other while Wynafryd rode Robert's cock across from them.

The erotic sight spurring both of them to lick and suck at their pussies even longer.

Sansa stopped licking Dacey's breasts and then looked at her warrior maiden.

"Time to return to the favor," Sansa told her and grabbed Dacey's face, before shoving it down onto her pussy. Dacey licked her pussy, eagerly lapping up the juices that Sansa had to offer. The Stark beauty writhed and moaned as her pussy pushed up, licking and slurping at her.

"So good, feels so fucking good!" Robert grunted, enjoying the feeling of Wynafryd riding his cock as he watched the two insatiable red heads feast upon each other's pussies.

"I know you love it, my King. Oh… I'm about to cum!" Wynafryd screamed while her pussy clenched together as Robert speared into her. As Wynafryd came down from her orgasm, she slid back, panting from the exertion of the intense ride that she had just experienced.

Robert's cock was not left unattended for long as Melisandre took Wynafryd's place and sank her hot pussy down onto the King's throbbing rod. She pushed herself up and moaned with pleasure.

"It's been too long," Robert stated before leaning forward and latching his mouth onto her breast, sucking it. The Priestess of R'hllor lifted herself up and sank herself down onto him, riding her shapely hips into them.

"Yes, too long," Melisandre breathed, as Robert rested back, allowing her to ride his cock.

"Time for a treat, your grace," Ros cooed as she straddled his face and Robert grabbed her firmly around the hips and started licking her pussy. "Oh yes, lick me, lick my pussy!"

Shae was giving Cerenna a work out on the floor, thrusting the false cock into her pussy from behind. It was not long before Shae's intense riding into her pussy from behind caused the Lannister wench to scream out in pleasure.

"You like me fucking you like the bitch you are, don't you?" Shae yelled as her words and actions made Cerenna cease her feasting upon Dacey's pussy and divert all her focus upon the Lorathi wench.

This development resulted in both Dacey and Sansa moving into the sixty-nine position as they licked and slurped at each other's pussies, feeling their shared hot desires, pinching at each other's asses and licking the centers. Both of them noticed that their moans had spurred Melisandre into riding Robert faster from her position.

And thus in turn, they felt prompted to start eating each other's pussies with even greater fury, using their tongues to bring each other to ecstasy.

Dacey really got into it as Sansa worked on her pussy with her tongue with the skill of a master. But the proud She-Bear was not going to be outdone by the Stark girl and began working her tongue in circular sensations within Sansa's pussy. The end result would be that the pussies of both women would be properly wet and primed for Robert's future penetration.

Melisandre lifted herself up and sank down on Robert's cock, throwing her head back and screaming out loud as her pussy clenched his cock. His hands twisted her nipples which brought her to a shuddering orgasm, before finally rolling off of him.

Dacey broke away from Sansa and took her place on Robert's cock. While Sansa was pouting on the floor, when she was denied her chance of being filled up by the King's monster cock.

"Don't worry Sansa, you'll get your turn. Here let me make it better in the meantime," Wynafryd cooed, as she pulled the auburn-haired beauty into a tight embrace, allowing her full access to her plentiful breasts.

Sansa rested her face on Wynafryd's ample chest, licking it like she was a new born baby.

Dacey found herself bouncing up and down on Robert's cock as she made use of her expert riding skills. Her pussy wrapped around him, working his thick member as she pushed herself up and sank down onto him. She watched as Robert's tongue worked through Ros's pussy. It made a very tantalizing sight and Dacey had to admit, that she wanted a piece of this.

Ros breathed heavily, her juices soaking Robert's face and soon enough, she found herself being pulled down into a sensual and steamy kiss with the She-Bear. Dacey rotated her hips, spearing down on Robert's cock, bringing herself to an orgasm while managing to maintain the pace as she kissed Ros and pressed their tits together.

Robert felt himself being brought near the brink but he was not completely done yet. Dacey was going to ride him until she could take no more.

"I know you love this, love my hot pussy, don't you, your grace?" Dacey cooed, before she pinched Ros's tits and then hoisted herself up, before sinking herself back down.

Robert could not respond, too busy munching on the selection of pussy beneath him. Shae got up to her feet and nudged Ros out of the way.

"My turn, you've hogged his tongue long enough," Shae responded and Ros gave her a dirty look.

"Besides, you enjoyed his attention plenty during the journey from Winterfell," Shae added.

Ros agreed with the assessment and shrugged her shoulders, deciding to take out her aggression out on Cerenna who was on the floor by shoving her pussy onto her mouth.

"I've missed that tasty pussy, Shae… oh fuck Dacey," Robert groaned as the dark-haired vixen squeezed his cock into her pussy, rising up and sinking down onto him, riding him with all that she was worth.

"It's missed you as well, my Demon Stag," Shae breathed as she threw her pussy over Robert.

Dacey raised herself up and sank herself down onto Robert's throbbing cock. She continued to ride him up and down, squeezing him, and moaning when she continued to work her hips around his member, squeezing him lustfully as she bounced up and slammed down repeatedly.

This carnal ride continued for a bit of time, with Robert eating Shae's pussy all the way. His balls tightened and he exploded into Dacey's pussy. She milked him with each thrust as he sprayed his fluids into her hot pink hole. Dacey continued the ride of her life, groping her breast as she rose up and sank down onto his hips, squeezing him with her pussy. She closed her eyes and felt more seed splash into her as the both she and Robert picked up the pace with each other.

Eventually, Dacey slid back after being completely spent and Sansa scrambled into position, taking her tongue into Dacey's pussy with a corkscrew motion and eating the dribbling cum from her. The She- Bear closed her eyes and felt Sansa lick her out.

Shae pulled her pussy off Robert's face, so he could watch, licking her juices from his face slowly, seductively, as Robert's divine member sprung back to life.

Ros decided to seize the moment and sank herself down on his cock, with her juicy tits bouncing, as she rode Robert. Cerenna moved to the other side of Robert, licking more of Shae's juices from his face. Robert reached over and started fingering at their beautiful pussies.

"At moments like this, I wish that I had an extra set of hands," Robert groaned as Ros continued to ride his cock, while Sansa slurped and greedily licked Dacey's pussy.

Meanwhile, Melisandre had donned Shae's discarded toy and started spearing into Wynafryd from behind.

It did not take long for Robert to remember that he now had magic at his command. He focused his power into telekinetic pulses aimed at Ros's breasts, causing her to bounce faster, up and down on his cock. Her pussy sank onto his pull as he thrusted up into her, gradually picking up the pace.

"Mel, you always know how to take someone to the heights of pleasure," Wynafryd whimpered. "Is it a skill that all the servants of R'hllor are well-versed in?"

Wynafryd's query peaked Robert's interest as well. If it was true then he might have to invite more of Melisandre's fellow priestesses to the capital. The High Septon and Faith might raise a fuss but he was confident that a little gold and the threat of his hammer would silence them quickly.

But at the moment, he chose to push the thought to the back of his mind and focused on the woman that riding his cock into submission.

"Oh, I love your pussy Ros, so tight," Robert grunted as the two of them continued their activities together, working over each other.

Dacey lost herself to the bliss and nearly passed out with Sansa going so hot and heavy on her while licking at her pussy. She thanked the Gods for the series of events that brought King Robert to the North and placed her into his bed. The warrior maiden from Bear Isle had never even imagined of all the pleasures that she had experienced since becoming the King's mistress.

Cerenna and Shae were being fingered by Robert, each waiting patiently for their turn. But Ros had a lot of stamina built up from her time as a professional whore, so she was going to ride Robert for a long time. The two girls were brought to orgasm after orgasm as Robert pumped his fingers into them. They eagerly wished to indulge in the pleasures of his royal cock but it appeared that they would have to wait for another time, as Ros continued to ride Robert for a while.

"Oh, cumming," Robert breathed, releasing his hands from the pussies beneath him and Ros immediately grabbed one of the hands, licking them clean of the pussy juices of either Cerenna or Shae.

"Cum in me, blow your load!" Ros yelled as Robert watched her delicious tits bounce and jiggle before him.

Dacey's shrieking orgasm that Sansa brought her to, threw Robert over the edge. His balls tightened and Ros's super tight pussy milked him into completion.

Even the most virile and youthful of men would have been completely drained by now. And Robert had to admit that even his youthful self would have been exhausted. Fortunately, this Robert had gained the many blessings of the Gods.

The night was still young. And he would be damned if even one of his women were to be left unsatisfied.

"My turn!" Cerenna yelled as she hovered over Robert's massive cock.

The blonde screamed out loud as his cock shoved into her, filling her up from one point to the next.

"Cersei is a fool for spurning you, my glorious King. Fuck me! I'm your loyal slut!" Cerenna yelled as Robert pumped his cock into her gushing cunt. The blonde bit down on her lip, breathing heavily and worked her hips up, his incoming thrusts working into her center. The blonde worked his cock into her, her walls wrapped around him tightly as the blonde wrapped around his center.

Sansa soon occupied Cerenna's previously vacant spot at Robert's side, before climbing up and allowing Robert the chance to feast upon the delicious juices that were dribbling down her pussy. His skilled Lorathi whore decided to indulge herself with Sansa's luscious lips and tits as she waited for her turn to mount the mighty Stag King.

Melisandre was engaged slurping away at the delicious cum flowing out of Ros's tight hole while she was being speared from behind by Dacey who had now donned the fake cock toy. His mermaid had moved into a position which allowed her to lick the delicious fluids coating Robert's balls.

Cerenna breathed in and out heavily, as the King's thick cock speared into her center. Robert was now in the zone, his hands roaming over her alluring thighs, and soon he sped up his movements, thrusting her pussy with great vigour.

"That's it, fuck me, oh fuck me, you are a true demon!" Cerenna yelled.

"Oh, fuck, oh fuck," Robert grunted, working into her center, moaning as he worked into her. "You're so wet for me."

"Yes, only for you, only for you," Cerenna chanted, as she felt herself clench around him tightly, working into her.

Soon enough, Robert cupped her breasts, working them over as he rubbed them over, massaging them that elicited a sensual growl from the blonde beauty. Her tits thrusted up, heaving as her eyes bulged with desire. The blonde panted a little bit, working her hips up into him and squeezing him heavily.

Robert speared into her a few more times and soon enough his balls came. She clenched his cock, milking him out as they came together, the two of them feeling rather pleased.

As Cerenna slid back to the side, Sansa moved to claim Robert's cock but was blocked by Shae.

"Oh, Please my demon. Lady Stark is the youngest, she should be the finale," Shae pleaded with a sexy pout and Robert nodded.

Before Sansa could voice her protest, Robert ordered Cerenna to present her pussy dripping with his royal cum to his Red Wolf while asking her to let his fingers prepare her for their encounter. Sansa could not deny her virile King and promptly laid back in a position that allowed for her to feast upon Cerenna's juicy cunt along with granting access the King's skilled fingers as they moved within her folds.

Shae managed to pull Wynafryd away from Robert's balls and signaled the mermaid to lay back so that she could feast on her northern pussy.

"No talking, only pleasure Lady Manderly," Shae stated as she shoved down into Wynafryd's mound and slowly began to suck and lick the juices while twirling her tongue around the pussy.

Wynafryd moaned and Robert saw Shae's pussy, the dark-haired wench was ready for him.

With a might shove, he shoved his cock deep into her and Shae screamed for the heavens. Each time the King's monster cock

Entered her, it caused her to experience pure sexual electricity while he continued to push into her.

Shae lost herself in the sensations, his cock was ripping her up, but if she was going to be torn to pieces, she was going to be torn to pieces in style. His balls beat against her as his hands found their way to her breasts. They roughly groped her but that was the way she liked it.

None of this gentle shit, just pure unadulterated sex and lust, it was the way that the Lorathi whore enjoyed feeling his cock push into her from behind. His balls slapped against her thighs, roughly pattering against her as he continued to spear into her tight cunt.

Melisandre let out a growl of pleasure as Dacey's thrusting at her behind bore fruit, coating the fake cock with her juices. Just as the She-Bear pulled out, both Ros and Melisandre moved into a sixty- nine position while Dacey discarded the toy and sat on Wynafryd's face who was being eaten out by Shae.

Robert fingering was bringing Sansa to an orgasm while her tongue swirled inside Cerenna's folds, lapping away at both Robert's and the Lannister wench's juices.

Shae closed her eyes, feeling the pleasure of a real cock slamming into her. He banged her hard from behind and Cerenna made sure that she kept her mind and indeed her mouth on the pussy below her. The pleasure was building and soon enough.


Shae screamed and Robert thrusted into her a few more times, before his hot juices shot into her pussy.

At the same time, all the other women let out growls and moans of pleasure, each experiencing another intense climax during this celebration of lust and passion.

Now it was time for the final event and all the women had settled into comfortable position on the floor. They were eager to see their King reward Sansa Stark for her patience.

"You have been patient, sweet Sansa. Are you ready to receive your reward?" Robert asked.

"Take that giant thing and fuck me senseless, Robert!" Sansa yelled out loud and Robert grabbed her around the hips.

"Now Sansa, don't forget, you are a lady. Say it right," Robert teasingly commented as he squeezed her and groped her tits.

Sansa's expression became sultry as she bit down on her lip. "Would you please take your cock and give me pleasure, your grace?"

Robert grinned as he grabbed her around the hips and pushed them back before he plunged himself into her womanly depths. His balls slapped hard against her thighs and she closed her eyes as she felt more cock fill her than ever before.

Robert's hands groped her tits as he pumped into her tight pussy, giving her a good work-over and bringing her to new levels of passion that got heightened as his throbbing length continued to drill into her pussy.

Robert felt her wrap around him. "Yes, I'm making you cum so hard, aren't I? It was worth the wait, wasn't it?"

Right there in that moment, Sansa realized that the King was no mortal man. No man could ever bring so many women to the heights of ecstasy and pleasure in a single night. Not the Old Gods, the Seven or even Lady Melisandre's Red God, Sansa had decided that the King was her new god. And she would serve him till the end of her days.

Robert held her arms back and roughly exerted himself on her, forcing his mouth upon hers with a searing kiss. She saw stars and

Tingled with the excitement as she tightened herself around his invading cock. His throbbing length continued to push into her and her pussy eagerly welcomed him in.

Robert pulled out of her as he spun around and forced Sansa onto her hands and knees. She was the type of woman who was easy to handle. His throbbing cock pushed against her dripping wet entrance and teased her, bringing her sensations to one that was heightened.

"Time to take, everything that you have earned," Robert growled in her ear and slammed his throbbing cock into her sopping wet center.

This caused Sansa's eyes to widen and Robert really was beating a path within her hot pussy. His cock went in and out of her and she could not get enough of this rough sex from him. His hands were everywhere and he grabbed onto her hair.

"Yes, my King, fucking….more, I want so much more," Sansa babbled as she made a series of lustful noises as his cock continued to drill into her tight center more.

Sansa lost herself deeper to him and felt the sensations continue to build up to her and she nearly collapsed from the intensity of the last orgasm.

Somehow, through sheer force or will or whatever, Sansa pressed on and took more of him inside her, his cock moved into her dripping cunt.

Sansa was screaming out loud as Robert continued to drill into her. Her intense screams causing drool and juices to leak out from the holes of her fellow mistresses, who eagerly watched their King dominate the wolf maiden.

"You're going to take all my cum in your pussy and love it, bitch," Robert growled as he slammed himself into her.

Sansa squealed beneath him, excited about the prospect of becoming the King's personal cum depository. His length picked up a steady and heated pace, drilling her tight hole from behind as his balls drilled her in the back of her.

She was panting lustfully and Robert picked up an even greater pace as he drilled into her.

Sansa once again marveled at his stamina as he pretty much fucked her brains out and she closed her eyes, to feel the rush.

"My turn," Robert said as he nibbled her ear and that caused her walls to tighten around him as he pumped into her deeply.

Several ropes of his cum released into Sansa and the young woman let out a shriek of pleasure as he finished in her.