Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Chataya's Brothel

It was a year to the day since his brush with death that caused him to re-evaluate everything, doing so much to help him to rediscover his zest for life and inspiring the resolution to spend the rest of his days pursuing the depths of carnal pleasure with the highborn beauties of the realm. Yet just as the thrill-seeking adventurer who traveled the world partaking in the exotic cuisines of his destination secretly longed and craved for a home cooked meal, Robert found himself dissatisfied - his carnal appetites were too large to be contained, and the King of Westeros had come to realise that despite all the pleasures that his new noble concubines brought him, he still craved more. Robert knew he'd never be satisfied, that he'd

always want more, and before his resolution he'd treated these feelings by visiting one of his favorite places in the city.

It was mid-afternoon when Robert Baratheon made his way to his favorite establishment on the Street of Silk. The posh two storied brothel was the finest whorehouse in the entire capital, with only Littlefinger's most select pleasure house coming in a close second. The owner and Madame of this fine establishment was a Summer Islander named Chataya, a tall dark-skinned beauty with eyes the color of sandalwood who unlike her girls was empathetically not for sale, though she had let him into her bed plenty of times anyway.

Robert's tastes had always been expansive seemed to grow with time, but Chataya had proven herself over the years in being quite able to accommodate even his insatiable kingly appetites, and anything that occurred to him that stretched beyond her means the Master of Coin had been able to arrange. It was the reason, after all, that he'd bothered to keep the little prick around.

Robert had sent word ahead, his squire Lancel Lannister that his wife had foisted onto him having gone an embarrassed red color and looking determinedly at his feet and mumbling. Robert wondered how the boy expected to become a knight when he looked like that when told to schedule an appointment with a whore. Every military camp Robert had ever been in had been full of working girls, but from what he'd seen of Lancel that would be the least of his problems.

'The weak Lannister whelp fumbles and starts shaking nervously in the presence of beautiful whore who strive to seduce men, how will he fare against battle-hardened knights in tourneys and wars,' Robert mused to himself, breaking out into a chuckle after imagining both scenarios in his mind.

As such, it was not surprising to Robert that Chataya herself had appeared to welcome him upon his entry into her establishment instead one of her trusted apprentices who would usually welcome her customers. It made complete sense when one considered that Robert had not only been her most valued patron over the years but

also one of the few men that the ebony beauty would allow into her own bed as well. Chataya and her girls had provided him with many a memorable night, always managing to make him forget his sorrows and worries, even if it was just for night.

His breath hitched a little at the sight of her, he couldn't help it. What a beauty she was, unusually tall and lithesome, both chin and forehead sloping sharply away from a thin curved nose and wide heavy lips, with great almond-shaped devil's eyes which could look strong and terrible in that delicate face. Tall, but everything about her was fine and fragile, from the high cheekbones and thin black hair bound tight behind her head to the slender ankles. She reminded Robert, not that he'd ever tell her, of a siamese cat, graceful and sinuous and probably far stronger than she looked, with long legs and magnificent breasts to go with it, and his eye in particular fell on to the fine black satin thigh thrust out and almost touching him. She'd dressed for the occasion, a tightly laced corset that pressed them all the way up to her chin, a broad collar of beadwork tight round her throat, hair coiled together and tied with ropes of beads, and he noticed that at her girdle there hung a collection of what looked like lion's claws. She wasn't wearing jewels and never did, though she had plenty to wear, he'd given her a few himself after particularly memorable nights.

At that moment, her age was at four and thirty but she looked no more than a maid of four and twenty.

She wasn't anyone's fool, of course, she must have seen he was a flawed man from the minute she laid eyes on him, king or otherwise, much less before he started romping her daughter whenever he took a fancy to it, which until a year or so ago had to have been three times a week if not more. What was worse, he'd only ever paid for it when her daughter had showed him something new, some trick or technique that he hadn't seen before, which wasn't often given the extent of Robert's own experiences, and given Chataya had taught her daughter, Alayaya, everything that she knew and Robert had been using her for ten years or more by then. Not that Alayaya ever

complained, or any of the girls did. Oh, he was sure they enjoyed it some, but being able to display the king's arms on the door, and the patronage it afforded was worth all that he cost them and more.

Displaying the King's arms had been what had turned it into exclusive pleasure haven for the rich and powerful of the realm. The cost of a single night at Chataya's was nearly equal to the cost of a warhorse or a new suit of armour, more than a common labourer or sailor would likely ever have in one place which is why her clientele usually involved lords and wealthy merchants while Petyr Baelish catered to the lowest common denominator. Not that anyone who ever spent coin at her establishment ever complained of leaving unsatisfied in any manner.

"Your grace, it's been a long time." The sexy madame greeted him in her throaty, deep voice, looking him up and down and clearly liking what she was seeing. "It's an honor and privilege to have you patronize us again. To be honest, I was beginning to fear that we might have lost your favor as it has been quite a while since your last visit."

"You've been often in my thoughts." Robert lied glibly. "But not in your bed." She replied, raising an eyebrow in a

challenging manner. Before she could say anything, else Robert swept her up in his arms. It was like play-acting, in a way, there was certainly nothing between them save affection, and a certain attraction and desire, but Robert would say this for Chataya, although she was like a wild beast in bed, she had always been damned good to him when he'd paid cal and not just due to the privileges afforded by his rank.

Anyone passing by might have been scandalized to see the King of Westeros, wearing his crown and everything standing in the street with his tongue down the throat of a brothel madame and his big hands pawing aggressively at her ass, if this hadn't become a relatively common sight since Robert had been crowned. Chatalaya was giving as good as he was giving to her, closing her eyes and giving an ecstatic back kick out of encouragement, her foot popping

up as she leaned into him, clutching him by the collar of his shirt. Deepening the kiss, her arms locked around him and pressed herself firmly against him as she kissed him hot and long. Kissed him with a blind, unchecked, neck-racking fury; kissed him so hard that the tissue of her upper lip split on the curve of his chipped canine tooth and began to bleed. The salt taste of her blood flared on their tongues, and only deepened the kiss.

When eventually he let her up for air, she ran her fingers down his torso affectionately before going between his legs, taking a handful and squeezing firmly - she'd never been shy about what she wanted. "I hardly recognized you - you haven't looked so good in ten years." She told the king affectionately, giving him another admiring gaze.

"I can't recall you ever complaining." Robert growled, leaning in as if to kiss her again. "That wasn't what you were interested in…" He trailed off suggestively.

She scoffed dismissively at that. "Save it, you scoundrel!" She replied, slapping at his chest, but despite herself she was pleased and didn't try very hard to hide it. She didn't believe him for a moment, of course, but Robert meant what he'd told her. It was one of the great truths which he'd learned young, that fine young pieces might get you hot-to-trot with a flick of their eyelashes, but they aren't in it where love-making was concerned, at least when compared with their mothers and aunts who have been about long enough to enjoy it. Robert had broken in more than his share of girls, and he'd enjoyed doing it too, enjoyed it immensely, but for the real thing, he'd rather have an experienced woman most of the time, with her eyes wide open and a mind of her own. But women, of course, never credited this. No better than most men. "Well, since you're here what are you in the mood for, you insatiable beast?"

"Didn't the boy tell you?" He asked her, glancing at Lancel, who if possible, looked even more humiliated after being addressed.

Chataya laughed. "He couldn't even look me in the eyes, much less tell me anything of the sort."

"Well, tell your girls to clear out any customers they might have. I mean to tumble every girl under your roof, one after another." He reached over and squeezed her ass again. "Starting with yourself, of course."

Chataya gave him a look that was partly challenging and partly assessing. True, Robert looked better than she'd seen him since the Greyjoy Rebellion if not longer still, but even at his best she doubted he'd been up to that. Still, she wasn't about to contradict the King. "In that case, your grace, I'll instruct them all to warm each other up."

He nodded before turning his attention to the still furiously blushing squire. "Well, Barristan is busy, so it's up to you to guard the door while I make my way through them all. Think you're up to it?"

Lancel only nodded. Robert raised his eyebrows. "I'm going to need an answer."

"Yes, your grace. I'm up to it." "What are you up to?" "Guarding the door." "Guarding the door because?"

"Because you're inside… fucking all these…"

"Fucking all these whores, yes." Robert grinned. "So, if anyone asks you why you, Lancel Lannister, are guarding this door, you'll tell them it's because the King is inside, fucking everyone. See? He can be taught."

Taking a deep breath, Robert followed after the madame, already alive with electric anticipation.

"All of them?"

"I did it once." Robert replied defensively. "And fought a battle too." And it was broadly true, though the establishment at the Stony Sept wasn't a third of the size of Chataya's.

"The girls have missed you." She mentions, as a few of them prove it, some waving shyly, some posing provocatively, some opening their tops to let him know what he was missing. One of them even threw her top at him - he caught it, sniffed it and sighed in appreciation, to yet more catcalls and boasts. Despite his long absence, they were all familiar, he'd had all of them at one point or another, though he could barely remember most of it. For years, the succession of women had blurred into an endless, forgettable parade, with only a few truly exceptional cases standing out.

Robert let out a sigh, "Ruling the Seven Kingdoms is a tiresome and time-consuming affair, Chataya, it rarely leaves me with much time for myself." He confided, lying with every word. "But never think that you or your ladies could ever displease me."

Chataya was nobody's fool as he'd observed over the years and she had a pretty good guess as to exactly what business Robert was engaged in. Servants talked, after all, and secret passages might preserve decency but when the woman in question screamed her head off, every time you used her causing word to get out, and swiftly, about his new highborn mistresses. Bedding highborn girls might be a thrilling prospect but those prissy noble women could never hold a candle to her girls, who had learned from the best, Chataya herself, who'd been instructed at the Isle of Love.

Like all the women on the Isle of Love, she had gone into service for the Goddess at thirteen, but not, like the rest of that year's intake of pubescent virgins, to spend all that time training in the art of lovemaking just to spread her mat inside the temple and offer her maidenhead to the first comer who fancied her. Chataya was determined, even then, to carve out a life on her own terms, and chose her own mate where and when she wished.

She'd excelled at her training, and when her time had come her eye had lit upon a visiting magister from the free cities, who'd been married, but she hadn't cared and before long neither had he. He had sired her eldest without ever knowing that he had; she was all of fourteen when she bore him. Her first son had belonged to the Prince of Pentos, and the father of the third of her children, that had been Alayaya, was a handsome nobody guiding a team of oxen in a caravan across the Isle. After that Chataya had hung up her girdle and devoted her energies to bringing up her boys, and once they'd come of age, she'd left her home to seek her fortune, which had eventually brought her here.

She'd broken tradition further by instructing all her girls in the mysteries of the Goddess, and taught them all that pleasure was not just their business but a form of worship as well. And the dark- skinned Madame was determined to remind the King of this truth and fact as she led him towards a private chamber that had been readied especially for him.

Despite his stated goal, Chataya anticipated Robert would get through a few girls and then give up, so decided she would be first herself, and had brought out a few of his favorite girls to join them. Robert was pleasantly surprised to see Marei sitting there, waiting for them. The green-eyed blonde was not just a gorgeous beauty but also one of the most flexible and limber girls that Robert had ever known. Marei had always displayed her great acrobatic ability in their prior encounters, making a fuck with her a truly memorable experience. Her eyes lit up when she saw him, and she bit her lip at the changes a year had made. She was dressed in lacy black lingerie that barely covered what needed to be covered. Her breasts overflowed from the cups of the bra; her smooth stomach was ready for him to run his hands over. He saw the hints of her pussy lips out from behind her thong styled panties. She wore black stockings and a seductive smile stretched across her face as she licked her lips.

And she was not the one beauty on the menu tonight, apparently.

Chataya's daughter, Alayaya was wearing a sheer piece of wet silk, that was almost transparent, but not quite, clinging provocatively to her beautiful young body, her rounded ass and ripe breasts displayed to their best possible effect. She wasn't merely exotic, she was unique, and Robert had known the young black beauty since she was girl at her mother's knees. In most ways, the King was the closest thing to a permanent male fixture that the girl had ever known in her life, possibly even the closest thing she had to a father. But that fact had not bothered Chataya, Robert or Alayaya herself when her mother sold her maidenhead to the Stag King upon her flowering, and Robert had broken her in. Since then, Robert had enjoyed many a night with the young whore, with her mother joining them in bed on a few occasions as well.

Robert could not take his eyes off of their nubile and sexy bodies, he felt halfway in a trance as he pushed himself forward numbly. They giggled and beckoned him closer, until he was close enough to grab them around the waist, pulling them into each other, where they cooed in appreciation and fondled him enthusiastically.

"Ladies, shall we begin our celebration?" Robert asked them with a smile, at which point they shook their heads and slipped away, and he looked up as Chataya approached, swinging her hips even more than usual as she pranced over and Robert pulled her over towards him.

"I think you're overdressed," Marei commented as she helped to strip her off the clothes of her employer.

"Why don't you warm me up?" Robert asked Chataya who nodded her head in response, with a lustful smile crossing her face as she dropped to her knees before him and dug his cock out of his breeches. Already hard, she clenched her hand tightly around his throbbing manhood and slowly pumped up and down him, alternating pressure as she did and causing him an immense amount of pleasure.

Chataya pumped his length into her mouth and it tasted wonderful. No matter how many times, she had served the King, the taste of his royal member always managed to be a pleasant surprise, like it was their first time all over again. It was clear that the Gods of her people had blessed the King well in attributes pertaining to the bedroom, in her own homeland a blessing like his would be treated as it deserved.

"Oh, Marei," Alayaya breathed as Marei found herself down beneath Alayaya's legs and she licked her pussy. The ebony beauty felt waves of pleasure going against her as the blonde used her tongue to stimulate her. Alayaya placed her hands on the back of Marei's head and pushed her face into her dripping wet mound.

Marei turned herself around and Alayaya pulled her panties down. With a deft movement, she stuck her tongue deep into Marei's dripping wet cunt, using her tongue to work into her. The blonde's expression was one of sheer amazement and passion, as both hot girls worked their tongues into each other's dripping cunts.

"Damn, Chataya, suck me, oh so good, so fucking good," Robert panted as she worked her lips around him and kept pushing her mouth down him. His throbbing cock hit the back of her throat as she pulled back and continued to drill her throat down him. He reached around and grabbed her hips.

Chataya's pussy dripped and hungered for his cock, she felt that she could hardly live without it. She pulled her mouth off of him and Robert scooped her up.

He swung her in mid-air, slammed her onto his cock, and fell back, allowing her to ride him. He entered her without ceremony, not gently, but with a smooth thrust. He was huge, thick as well as long, bigger than anyone she had had before. She was consequently very tight on him and stripped back his foreskin effortlessly. And he was rough, but amazingly adept.

"YES!" Chataya yelled as she speared herself down onto Robert and her thighs tightened around him. She rode up and down on his throbbing cock as Robert reached over and cupped her breasts as she continued to pick up the pace while establishing a steady rhythm.

"Work me with that cunt, Chataya," Robert growled as he grabbed her breasts and kissed her hard on the mouth.

He began to work his own hips in time to hers, thrusting into her, with a hard, driving rhythm and now her cries were loud and unrestrained. Chataya returned the kiss eagerly as her tight cunt worked around his invading cock. The dark goddess of love was causing him even more pleasure than ever before as she pumped herself up and down upon his member, riding him for everything that he was worth.

Marei and Alayaya had progressed into a sixty-nine position and continued to lick each other out, using their tongues to work the juices out of each other and they were extremely into it. The two had always been very close, and between them it was an informal competition to get the other to cum the fastest as both of them intensified their licks.

The blonde was determined to make her fellow curly black-haired harlot cum, as her face was buried firmly between Alayaya's thighs while she kept licking and slurping at her.

Robert watched this erotic sight as Chataya continued to ride his cock. The erotic dream riding his cock was also amazing, her tight pussy snugly wrapped around him as she raised herself up and lowered herself onto him. She kept bouncing rather hard onto him and Robert reached around, cupping her breasts. Despite herself, she was amazed. The King's transformation was a lot more complete than she'd realized, not just in looks but in strength and stamina as well. The fat and lazy Robert of old would never have been able to lift and move her around like that.

"Yes, Robert, into me," Chataya breathed as she felt the sensations of his thick cock burying into her dripping pussy. The sexy ebony Madame was riding him for everything that he was worth before bending down to capture his lips into a burning kiss that caused him to light up.

"Keep it up Chataya, oh yes, my love, squeeze me with your…. yes," Robert grunted as her tight pussy wrapped around him while he kept burying his cock up into her snug pussy.

Marei twisted her position, both hers and Alayaya's pussies were dripping wet. Both the blonde and the young summer island girl started to rub their pussies together, causing a delicious amount of friction. Their hands clamped against their asses and Marei rammed her tongue into Alayaya's mouth. Both of them, however, had their eyes on the king.

Alayaya returned the heated kiss and she saw the King being ridden by her mother off to the side. She watched his talented hands all over her breasts and wished that it was her turn. She attacked Marei's lips and continued to drive her tongue into her mouth, the dark-haired beauty was assaulting the mouth of the blonde, pushing their lips against each other. She gripped her ass cheeks and slowly slid a finger into her which caused Alayaya to squeal into her mouth.

"That's really…. fucking hot," Chataya commented upon witnessing both her daughter and Marei's erotic actions.

The Madame had started to wobble but had managed to hang on onto Robert, continuing her ride. She teasingly rubbed his abs but he grabbed her and pushed his head forward, to suck on her nipples.

They tasted delicious and Robert could not get enough of them in his mouth as he licked and suckled at the wonderful dark flesh that was going in and out of his mouth. She began ascending to a second climax, and just as she felt its contractions engulf her, she felt the flood of thick, hot, viscous semen shoot into her womb and fill her.

He kept pounding at her in short stabs for another minute before he slowed and stopped. He withdrew gradually and she felt his thick

cum slowly sliding down her thighs like lava. Her fingers fluttered down and she felt herself wet from belly to lower thigh.

"Yes, it really fucking is," Robert told her. "Gives me an idea as well. Up on your hands and knees."

"You don't need a breather?" She asked, a bit spent herself. "Not at all. We're just getting started."

She presented herself, wiggling her posterior invitingly and he then knelt in front of her ass, pulling her hips up and spreading her legs, lifting her rear towards his face - then his hands spread her firm buttocks and his tongue dove at her anus.

Chataya hadn't been expecting that, and she moaned in delight and her legs nearly failed her as the sensation took hold of her. Breathing deeply, she settled more comfortably onto her spread knees and forearms, and looked over her shoulder to stare at the King as he tongued the puckered anal sphincter, spreading his saliva and her vaginal juices on the rosy rim of her back passage, then gasped again as his tongue forced its tip past the tight entrance to her anus.

"Oh… OH!" She encouraged him, as without taking his tongue out of her ass he also slid one thick finger along her still-moist labia and without preamble pushed it partially inside her sex. She cried in shock, even as a violent shudder of powerful, unbelievable pleasure ran up her back.

"OH!" she moaned louder yet, closing her eyes as tongue and finger began to carefully slide back and forth, thrusting into both her openings, as the penetration of her sex was made sharper and more intense by the simultaneous anal stimulation, and she went into orgasmic convulsions. A high cry escaped her gritted teeth, and her hands clenched violently. It just felt too good.

She gasped, running one hand through her disheveled hair, as her whole body rocked back and forth slowly, in time to his twin probing

of her depths. Pleasure was not remotely an adequate word for the delicious things he was doing to her. She was feeling like an eternity would not be long enough to explore this remarkable, exciting man, to touch him, taste him, love him, discover all that was this kind of hunger which only grew stronger when fed.

She felt empty for a moment as he withdrew, but then felt him lining himself with her. Even the very tip of his head completely eclipsed her tight little balloon-knot.

Chataya didn't even think of backing out now. She pushed herself back, biting her lip as she felt him grinding against her asshole. She felt her hole stretch, the fluids helping as they began to press him into her. She felt her body react against the intrusion, but bit down on that response, and harder on her lip as she pushed back again. She heard him groan, and pushed back further, wiggling her hips, her tunnel stretched to what felt like it's limits against that swollen head, as she felt his huge hands on her hips, fingertips digging into her curves, and her eyes widened. He pushed forward, and there was a popping sensation as the head delved into her rear, completely vanishing into her body. She let out a ragged moan, half pleasure, half pain at the immense intrusion into her backdoor. He froze, concerned, and she pushed against him impatiently. The super-tight ring of her ass gripped tight just behind his cockhead, the deeper depths of her hole hot and welcoming, despite the twitches of her rear trying to adjust to him.

Somehow, he seemed so much bigger than ever before, but effortlessly she accepted him, taking him deep into her center, somehow waking and then connecting with every nerve ending in his pulsating shaft. When his hips met her plump rear, they both groaned out at once, him with triumph, her with sheer pleasure. She glanced back over her shoulder, biting her lip again at the feeling of being completely full of him, the pain just made it better. He gave another groan, his cock jumping inside her, his body showing its approval. He reached forward and wrapped an arm around her ribs, lifting her until her back was against his broad chest. His fingers

sank into her perfect breast, his other hand going south, two fingers circling her clit. His fingers squeezed her until she'd acclimatized to his size, then moved to take hold of her flared hips. Following his guidance, she leaned forward again, hands bracing her on the trunk as he began to move inside her. He was moving in earnest now, strong hands holding her hips as he began to pump that powerful shaft in and out of her incredibly tight rear. Every forward push left her feeling incredibly full, then wantonly empty once again. It was like he was reshaping her body with every stroke, training her holes to need him. Each stroke was faster than the last, harder and stronger. Soon he was slamming his hips into her again and again, pushing her forward hard, slamming into her ass each time with enough force to make her body jump.

She cried out hoarsely, and bucked and twisted as Robert kept thrusting into into her. And then she came.

He did not stop. Her cunt was now soaking wet, but her anal passage was still tight and hot on his huge dick. She was begging him to take her now and then felt herself rising to another climax. 'Yes… yes… YES… YES!! YES!!' she was saying in a continuous litany that rose to a crescendo. As she began to come again, he erupted, pumping hot, viscous semen into her a second time through half a dozen pounding thrusts.

Letting her collapse, dazed, he looked at the other two, who had been so taken in by the sight that they'd actually forgotten what they were doing.

"I'll take over, mother," Alayaya commented quickly, her eyes on his unflagging, seemingly indefatigable cock, immeasurably glad that she had Marei tied up with silken laces.

"Hey, no fair!" Marei whined.

Alayaya smiled as she threw her arms around the waist of the King and straddled his lap. Her lips met his to give him a nice and long kiss, the flaming passion between the two of them could not be

matched. She wrapped herself around him, tightening him into the embrace. The young dark beauty allowed his cock to be teased between her stomach, brushing against the taut flesh, rubbing him was pleasurable for both of them.

"Oh, I've missed this a lot," Alayaya commented as she pulled herself up and sunk down onto his cock, as Robert rested his head on her amazing breasts.

"Yes, it's missed you… too," Robert panted as her hips worked a path around his throbbing cock, raising up and sinking down onto the rock-hard cock that was between his legs, wrapping herself around him.

Marei pouted for a brief second as Chataya regained her senses a little, before the madame smiled and spread her legs for the young whore. "Gives you something to do, before you wait your turn," Chataya commented in her husky voice.

Marei would have to agree with that and found herself burying her face between Chataya's lovely thighs, getting a taste of the warm and tasty juices that dribbled down her thighs from both her holes. She worked her tongue deep into Chataya, working out even more of the sexual tensions than she could while eagerly munching on Chataya's pussy.

Alayaya was having a grand old time as she raised herself up and bounced herself down on Robert's throbbing cock. He allowed her to pin his arms to the bed as she rode his cock. After allowing Alayaya to have her fun for about a minute, Robert reversed the position.

"Oh yes, your grace, pound me into the bed," Alayaya panted as his lips violently attacked hers with a kiss. His tongue invaded her mouth and the Madame's daughter greedily returned the favour as their two tongues clashed with each other.

"You are mine," Robert stated as he pushed his cock up and out of her at great speed, a blur passing between the two of them as their

centres met each other. Alayaya squealed loudly as her pussy tightened around his throbbing manhood while he worked into her.

Marei patiently waited for her turn, making Chataya shudder in pleasure while eating her out.

"Damn Alayaya, I love this pussy," Robert told her as he squeezed her breasts.

"Yes, yes, I want to ride you again," Alayaya begged him and Robert pulled out, allowing her to spin around.

His still hard cock inserted into her pussy, and she squeezed him while sinking down. Her walls stretched as his length buried inside her, her moans got even louder as Alayaya rocked herself up and down onto him, her hips burying his cock inside her and the woman was having the time of her life.

She pressed her lips onto Robert's and started to bite down upon it, scratching his chest, adding intensity to their savage fuck. Her dark skin coated with a sheen of sweat as she worked her body down his throbbing cock was an incredible sight.

'Oh yes, Alayaya, work it with that pussy,' Robert thought to her as he felt her orgasm and drain her juices all over his probing cock. The young whore had always displayed a great level of enthusiasm and energy during their fucks but Robert had noticed that her passions seemed to soar to new heights whenever her mother joined her in their bed. Perhaps, she is trying to prove that she is every bit as skilled as her whore mother, if not more. Perhaps it was that to be desired so wantonly by a king was a heady pleasure to her, sweeter than any wine… she got drunk on him, if given a chance.

The rutting Stag did not truly care for her reasons as long as he continued to outdo herself when with him. Alayaya used her pussy muscles to milk the probing cock that was going in and out of her, grabbing his shoulder to help balance herself on his cock while trying to ride him as much as she could.

Her eyes closed as she bit down on her lip and offered a lustful moan as she continued to work his cock, going up and slamming herself down onto him, her ass cheeks hitting his thighs as she hit him.

Robert lifted his head up and he rested them on Alayaya's supple breasts and began to lick and suck on them. It was a great feeling as he continued to lick and slurp at the breasts that were pressed up into his face. He used his fingers to skim her stomach muscles as all of him pumped into her sopping wet pussy.

'Oh, I can't wait, I'm next,' Marei thought while panting as she furiously rubbed her clit and closed her eyes, biting down on her lip as she did so. The blonde's eyes rolled her head and moaned a few more times, getting more lustful by each moan as she continued to pant with heightened bliss that went through her body.

Marei tasted herself and she had to admit, she tasted pretty fucking great and she used her hand to cup her pussy. She returned to Chataya's folds after some time and began to lick her again. She tasted pretty good as well, even when she wasn't full of Robert's cum.

"Damn, you're so good," Chataya panted as she used her hands on the back of Marei's head and threaded her fingers through the young blonde's hair, forcing her face down between her thighs as she continued to pick up the pace. Her legs tightened around Marei's head, but she could handle it, she could handle all of it and the blonde kept slurping the juicy insides of the woman that was giving her so much pleasure, more pleasure than she could ever have during her entire life.

Meanwhile, Alayaya was having a grand time riding Robert's throbbing length and making sure his head rested firmly on her breasts, as he licked and sucked at her. Her center squeezed him in the most pleasurable manner as she rocked her hips back and forth, going up and down. Her eyes screwed shut as she threw her head back in a sensual moan.

Robert gripped her ass and this caused her pleasure to be doubled, no tripled. Regardless of what it was, it must have been ten times more amazing now that Robert buried himself into her, his length pushing in and out of her in a rhythmic fashion.

"Give me your cum, lover," Alayaya moaned as she felt the King's probing cock work her over.

"You've got it, my young harlot," Robert breathed as he pumped his throbbing manhood into her over and over again.

Alayaya's mind exploded with pleasure, it was like she experienced the power of three or four orgasms at the same time. Robert's best years had seemed long behind him during their previous trysts, though he'd never failed to make her orgasm, but something had clearly changed in him. It was not just that he had reverted back his handsome and muscular self that she remembered from her childhood. She could feel a strange power emanating within him as it surged through her entire being.

"Fuck me, fucking cumming," Robert grunted as he continued to use his massive cock to drill into the tight pussy between Alayaya's legs.

"Yes, I want your seed, love, give it to me, I lust for it," Alayaya panted as she made sure to make Robert lick and suck her sweaty globes.

With another pump, Robert spurted his juices into her as Alayaya's tight pussy clenched him and milked him to completion. She took all of his delightful essence in her and her eyes clenched shut as her pussy clenched around him.

Robert pumped into Alayaya's cunt and causing his essence to spray into her centre. She squeezed him as she pumped herself up and down onto him. His stormy blue eyes were full of so much pleasure and she loved all that she could give him.

"My turn," Marei breathed insistently as she stepped over and did a handstand, giving him perfect view of her juicy pussy, ending their moment abruptly.

Robert's smile widened as Marei did a somersault and landed on her feet as she swayed her hips. The blonde had clearly not lost any of limberness and dexterity since their last encounter.

"I've been good. I've waited my turn. Now give me your cock," Marei commanded in a breathy voice as without further discussion she jumped up on his now erect cock and pushed herself onto it, impaling it into her pussy.

Marei's pussy wrapped tightly around his cock as she kept riding him up and down like his cock could cure all of the ills in the world.

"Fuck, mmm, that's it," Marei panted as Robert removed her bra and exposed her nice breasts, the creamy globes and nice erect nipples.

Robert reached forward and placed his lips around her nipple and sucked on them, as he ran his fingers down her smooth stomach. Her tight cunt wrapped around his throbbing length and the blonde was rocking back up and down him, using his cock to give her pleasure.

The pleasure was mutual as Robert gripped her ass and squeezed it. The blonde's expression flooded with lust and passions as Marei continued to ride him until his cock was engulfed by her warmth completely. She breathed lustfully as she worked up and down on him and continued to treat his cock.

'Cumming, so hard,' Marei thought as the orgasmic pleasure washed through her body and he grabbed her tightly around him.

Alayaya was waiting for another round, pumping her pussy with her fingers as she watched Robert pump himself into Marei's dripping wet center.

Robert pushed her over and exerted his dominance, kissing her heatedly and pumping himself into her, causing juices to drain from her pussy. He was going to fuck her brains out and he placed his hands on either side of her face. Marei dug her nails into his arms and encouraged him, slamming into her tight pussy once more, again and again, his cock sliding through her body and causing her body to tingle with greater excitement.

The blonde's pussy wrapped around him tightly, squealing into his mouth as Robert ran his hands down her soft and smooth legs. The two of them went at it hot and heavy, and the blonde used her center to work his throbbing length into her. The blonde bit down on her lip and she continued to hammer onto him. The blonde's hips worked up as they matched each other stroke to stroke.

After several more moments of action, Robert rammed into her and both shared an explosive orgasm. It was an intense feeling as Robert pumped his throbbing cock in her and unloaded himself into her, spraying her inner walls his fluids as he kept pumping into her.

When he was done, he lowered her gently onto the bed, and then got to his feet.

"Take a rest, I'll circle back to you after I've finished with all the others, and end the night with you. But for now.…"

And he marched out of the room. The rest of the night was spent in a haze of pleasure and excitement as Chataya and her girls continued to remind their King of the value of their establishment and his need to return to them on a regular basis.