Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Margaery Tyrell

Over the last year, Robert had heard enough about her, and the prospect of bedding a young highborn beauty was more than enough to gain his attention. And he would been happy to invite this beauty to court but the strings attached to this particular proposition gave the King of Westeros considerable pause at the time.

Nothing in life is free, everything and everyone has their price, it was one of the first and most important truths and lessons that Robert had learned in his life. But sometimes, one had to take time and truly give thought if the goods were truly worth the price.

Robert was not opposed to paying for enjoying his pleasure, be it in gold, lands, titles or favors. But a crown was too steep a price for a few tumbles in the sheets, no matter how great the pleasure promised was.

It had been all Renly's fault truly, pressing that locket into everyone's face and asking what they thought of her. His foolish brother even brought a portrait to his chambers and started to compare her with his beloved Lyanna in looks, despite never having laid eyes on his late lady love.

Initially irritated and annoyed upon hearing his idiot sibling compare some southern flower maid to his fierce and wild She-Wolf caused Robert to put an end to the entire scheme, with Renly choosing to stay silent in order to not further antagonize his Kingly brother.

Yet, the idea kept buzzing around in his head and every now and then, Robert would spare a glance towards the portrait stored within his wardrobe, contemplating a possible encounter.

'The chance to pluck the Golden Rose of Highgarden was a tempting proposal indeed. Especially, if she is anything like her mother in bed,' Robert mused to himself before discarding the notion by reminding himself of the cost for the said flower.

When she had shown up at court at his brother's invitation, however, Robert had found himself reconsidering. It wasn't any single quality, it was all of them, taken together. Somehow beautiful didn't seem like an adequate term for Margaery; he wasn't sure that any language had ever come up with a word that could adequately describe her body, which was perfect in every way. He found it hard to imagine that any language could do justice to Margaery's flawless skin, her gorgeous face, her big round breasts which made men drool or her ass that swayed enticingly without the need for any conscious effort on her part. She was visual perfection, and her impish smile and the dimples at the corners of her mouth had only added to that impression as she'd curtsied and introduced herself.

Her grandmother, 'The Queen of Thorns', was in negotiations with Ned now, trying to get him to back out of Joffrey's betrothal so that this girl could sweep in and take Sansa's place. A year ago, the Tyrells were planning to have Margaery take Cersei's place. Though to be fair, that idiotic notion seemed to be more the brainchild of his foolish youngest brother than the Roses in truth. But nonetheless, the image of having both her and Cersei, naked and writhing in his bed, competing for his favour was a mouth-watering one, if nothing else.

Now, Robert wondered what had happened to cause the Roses to change their strategy. Perhaps, the foolish flowers thought him to be weak and nearing his end, seeking to secure their influence into the future with his supposed heir. A fair and sound strategy from their point of view but it was deeply flawed and doomed to failure as the Tyrells did not understand how strong Robert had become or how weak Joffrey and the Lannisters in all truly were.

In the past, whenever Tywin and his brood had tried to go over his head like this in the past or threatened to cut off the steady flow of gold, Robert created a ruckus about legitimizing his bastard to quite the mewling.

Now, he pondered upon a way to bring the Tyrells under his sway while enjoying his pleasure without giving away too much or letting her anywhere near Joffrey. She was far too good to be wasted on the brat.

At his invitation, Margaery accompanied him for a walk in the gardens, her various chaperones milling around in the background. Both of them knew that this was no casual conversation but a subtle negotiation for what each side wanted and the price that they were willing to pay for it.

"Kind of you to make time to speak with me, your grace. Though I must confess that both myself and my family expected to speak with your councilors on this particular matter," Margaery said in a calm tone with a smile.

"And why would you do that, when you can speak with me directly? My so-called advisors are nothing more than a bunch of liars and lick-spittles," Robert overruled her indulgently.

"All of them thing they're terribly clever, and all of them think that the way ahead is to trick me and entice me, step by step, down their way. They know that all the power is in my two hands. I alone decide everything, so they know that the way ahead is to persuade me," he added while giving her a knowing look.

"You've certainly been active in the recent months. Ruling in favor of the Manderlys and the Mormonts in the North shocked a number of people. The marriage between House Tully and Frey brokered by you," Margaery stated conveying how impressed she was by his moves. "Not to mention, Lady Maegyr's appointment as the new royal physician."

Robert merely shrugged in response.

"A ruler must always reward good and loyal service. They have shown me great love and devotion and so have been rewarded accordingly," he replied neutrally, putting his hand on her shoulder. "There are not many who I can place my trust in and so I always ensure to reward my faithful subjects."

"Of course, the chance to prove one's loyalty and devotion is open to all. Especially those so worthy of it as yourself." Robert added, his eyes helping to convey his not-so subtle proposition.

The rest of her party, her handmaidens, her ladies in waiting and her relatives looked at each other, by no means afraid but shocked at this candid display of royal favour, and revealed to them not only the difficulties of the kingdom, but also the character of the King. Was this their King who asked them for subsidies for his treasury, to whom they owed obedience in everything, and for whom their family were to risk their lives when he summoned them to take part in his wars?

"If I may, your grace, you're not at all what I expected," the Maid of Highgarden stated.

"And what did you expect?" Robert asked nonchalantly.

Margaery did not say a fat and drunken oaf with little sense of ruling, but the implication was there.

"I daresay it's that my appetites have changed a little." Robert said, and swatted her backside. She let out a yelp of surprise and protest

and fixed him with a glare, but he only stared back, unashamedly.

Much to his own surprise, Robert found that he'd had quite a good time with her despite how slowly it was moving. They hadn't done much more than walk and talk, of course, which somehow had made her impish beauty all the more tantalizing. Well, she was a lady, and even he, on such a short acquaintance, could hardly have taken her belly in one hand, her ass in the other, and fondled her flat on her back with passionate murmurs, as he would do in ordinary circumstances.

The blessings of the Gods might have enhanced what was already there, but Robert had always possessed a sense for these things, an instinct which got him into trouble but never steered him wrong, and knew that with the likes of Margaery Tyrell it was better to wait a little. Not that he wasn't tempted, almost from the moment that he laid eyes on her, and just once or twice, he wondered if perhaps… but he decided to make haste slowly, and play the game as it came down. Despite the warm gleam within her eyes as she swayed down the path or sat down on a seat, pressing just a little against him, just a fraction closer than propriety would have found acceptable.

She seemed to be enjoying herself as well, and he knew that politics wasn't the half of it. He could tell when a woman got that little flutter in her belly about him, and he watched her enjoying using her beauty on him and the fact that she could do that with a touch that anybody might have envied, made her all the more appealing to him.

He found her enchanting; she had the advantage of being young and rich and as far from being a Lannister as possible. Add to the mix the fact that she was clearly smitten with him as well heightened the attraction. Not that it was surprising, his perfectly chiselled figure and his royal title all but assured the attentions of any woman, noble and common born alike - it was a rare woman who wasn't his for the asking, and he'd had plenty of opportunity to take advantage of it.

Margaery's growing enchantment with him made perfect sense when one considered that she like all other noble women had spent her life

surrounded by men who acted respectful and polite while flattering their beauty but were completely blind and oblivious to the wit and charm they possessed. Such women were so used to these false smiles and patronizing words, that being greeted by Robert's shameless but honest approach was both scandalizing and enticing to them.

Most women resented it at first, but they liked it too, and most of the time that was enough of an in to tempt them into bed and show them what they've been missing. Well, like as not the they needed to be head over heels in love with him before he could proposition them.

So, why not the Margaery Tyrell? After all, no matter how many young knights she had enjoyed, Robert doubted any of them had a fraction of his style, or the benefit of his title. Not to mention, his divine powers and gifts.

Robert's intuition was soon proved to be correct as the duo spotted an upcoming turn, and with a spontaneity he was caught off-guard by she locked eyes with him then signalled her entourage to stay back as they as she turned the corner, disappearing from the line of sight of their followers.

Wasting not even a second of time, Margaery brushed up against him, running her hands over his muscled form. It was obvious that the Rose of Highgarden liked both what she saw and felt.

"Very impressive indeed." She murmured, mindful of her companions just a little up the path and almost certainly listening, hoping to overhear something.

"I do aim to please, my lady," Robert said as he wrapped his arms around her slender waist, pulling her against him, burying his face in her hair and inhaling her scent, like rain in a forest with the slightest hint of night-blooming jasmine

His big hands palmed her breasts, which she encouraged by the way that she shifted her shoulders to grant him better access. Any

pretense of propriety had long since vanished. "They're beautiful."

Robert stated by way of explanation, and she grinned, nuzzling her cheek against his wrist in response.

"You were staring at them the moment you saw me, your grace. I'm not surprised that you want to touch them," Margaery said in a teasing tone.

"You didn't seem to object too much. In fact, I would say that you did all you could do to catch my eye," Robert replied with a grin.

She smirked and ground her backside against him, making him moan despite himself.

"And some things, you just can't miss." He added, then kissed her again, turning her around and wringing a delicious moan from the daughter of the Reach. "Flattery, my dear, will get you everywhere…"

She purred and pushed him onto his back, again showing a startling ability to catch him off-guard, and slid off to sit alongside him, still laying on his chest.

"Oh, where will I get if I do this, my king?" Margaery said as she reached down, pushing past his belt, and slipped her hand quite unceremoniously into his breeches, squeezing him with a smile.

"Agghh… anywhere you want, I expect…" she grinned in response, pleased that he was playing along and flashed her pearly white teeth, before pulling his manhood free of his breeches, letting out a soft gasp as she saw the size.

"By the Mother," she gasped as her eyes were wide as she held the massive member in her hand, the thick, heavy length of flesh, hot and pulsing against her fingers.

"It's… so big," Margaery commented with a gulp.

"What did I say about flattery?" Robert said while smirking softly, tilting his head.

She barely seemed to hear him, stroking the massive, throbbing length slowly.

"That it'd get me everywhere, I recall," she replied.

He leaned back against the tree, reaching up to run his fingers through her chestnut coloured hair, tugging the tie out gently to let the tresses fall free. She smiled and stroked him more firmly, her free hand pushing open his tunic and wandering down his chest, a soft sound of approval coming from her throat.

He was surprised and delighted so far by the unexpected turn of events, but when her mouth sealed onto his neck, he was past caring that anything had happened before Margaery had crawled into his lap and kissed him. Her hot, soft lips and tongue toyed with his throat, his collarbone, and slowly crept down, tracing the curve and swells of his muscles. He opened his eyes as her tongue trailed down his abs, lower and lower. Surely, she wasn't.

She reached down, giving him an enthusiastic squeeze.

"Fortunately for you, resisting temptation has never been my strong point," Robert moaned quietly, pressing into her touch, garnering a smirk from the beautiful lady.

"Seems to be a common ailment, no?" Margaery playfully commented before pressing her mouth to his hungrily, her tongue tracing his lower lip, demanding entrance and getting it swiftly. Their tongues duelled fiercely for a moment as he savoured the sweet- spicy taste of her mouth, his hands sliding down her hips to give her beautiful ass a squeeze. She moaned her approval into the kiss and slid her hand around him, gripping him and squeezing lightly. He could feel her smile into his lips as she moved back.

"You're ready for the next step already. So incorrigible," she said and gave him a firm stroke, pushing on his chest lightly.

He got the message and laid back onto the ground slowly, Margaery moving with him, never letting go, her hand working up and down his rather impressive length.

"Margaery," he gasped out her name, and her predatory smile grew a bit.

"So shameless, moaning my name with just a little touch out here where anyone can hear you. You'd think you didn't have any concern for my reputation or any self-control at all," she stated with a giggle, and punctuated it with a firm, twisting stroke, pulling him completely free of his breeches.

"Self-control can be very overrated…" Robert cooed, watching her stroke his cock with a rough, almost unconcerned motion.

There was a certain severity to her touch, as if she simply wanted to feel his cock sliding between her fingers for her own sake, rather than his, and cared slightly less for his pleasure than the sensation that she got in return.

Margaery purred to herself as she leaned forward to kiss him hungrily, her free hand coming up to rest against his cheek. She smirked into the kiss as she felt the thick cock settle between her breasts, the tip bumping against her chin softly.

She pulled back, holding it there, nuzzling her cheek against it. "Mmmn… So much to play with, and all mine…" she moaned sexily.

He was beginning to feel a bit played for a chump despite himself, and didn't miss the renewed vigour of her smirk. He was aware that he was very, very big, but something about her tone of voice began to think that she was setting him up for something. She chuckled and

stroked it, looking at the veiny length with a playfully arched eyebrow.

"And I can't quite close my fingers around it… I suppose I have to try a different tact…" she stated with a devious smirk.

The look in her eyes reminded him of that cat that ate the canary, and his stomach fluttered a bit. By the Gods, she was incredible.


That word blasted through his mind again as she pushed her already scanty top out of the way, and squeezed his massive member between her gorgeous breasts, wrapping the delicious, creamy- skinned mounds around him and stroking him slowly.

"Sweet merciful fuck, Margaery… You're… incredible!" Robert hissed and gripped the ground beneath him.

She chuckled dryly, leaning her chin down and taking a swift lick at the head, gathering a bead of his pre-cum onto her tongue and making a show of savoring it.

"Mmmn, I should think that was obvious. Or haven't you been paying attention?" she said and slid her dark, lush lips around the head, giving him a tortuously slow suck before letting him free.

He gritted his teeth and moaned, restraining the urge to buck his hips. He didn't think that she'd appreciate a black eye that would appear from his motion.

He laid his head back and hissed softly as her lips sealed around the tip of his fat cock-head, her tongue working against the underside as she stroked him firmly with both hands. Her hands seemed tiny wrapped around the shaft, and her lips looked strained to cover what they did, but the silky pouty red lips slid down over the bloated, plum- sized head, her heavenly mouth sliding down further. Those plush,

pretty lips didn't stop until they had wrapped around the halfway point of his shaft, and he was pulling up the grass in his fists.

He could feel the upper reaches of his cock in her throat, and her tongue toyed lovingly with this heated flesh as she worked it with both hands. Even Shae hadn't managed this much the first time that she'd tried, and she'd had the benefit of many years of experience and a determination to impress. He had clearly misjudged Margaery on so many levels that he was starting to doubt his analytical powers.

She smirked down at him, flicking the tip once more, and sending shivers through his form as she stroked her heavenly breasts up and down his shaft. Robert felt that at some point who was the hunter and who was the prey had gotten mixed up.

That suspicion crept up again as she abruptly moved away, the wonderful warmth of her mouth and cleavage suddenly gone, making him groan in frustration. She sat back, adjusting her clothes and fixing him with a dark, teasing smile.

"You're going to leave me like this?" Robert stated, aiming a glare at her that lacked any real venom or anger. His words, too, lacked any spite, and the pleading tone they came out with only made her grin and laugh.

"Oh, don't worry. I think I heard one of your paramours approaching, she'll take care of you I'm sure," Margaery said with a vexing smile.

Robert was sorely tempted to use his powers on her and simply take her right there by force if necessary. Not since Lyanna had any woman managed to get him this riled up. Perhaps, Renly's comparison of the Reach maid to his lost love was more apt than he had realized. And so, Robert allowed her to have the upper hand for now.

"You want something, and there's not really anything I could refuse about now, so go ahead…" Robert said as he let his head fall back

with a grunt.

Margaery leaned over him, her predatory smile not fading in the least.

"Oh no. That's quite enough for now - always leave them wanting more. But…" she said while glancing around. "Well, since we're getting along so well, what do you say we pick this up later tonight?"

"If you were to come to my chambers tonight, perhaps we could come to some arrangement. Regarding how this is going to work. How does that sound?" she said in a husked tone while leaning so close to him that she could touch his engorged member.

Robert couldn't bring himself to reply and only nodded.

Margaery beamed, and then squatting down, she removed her wet panties, tossed them at him, and then flounced off, her bottom moving enticingly beneath her skirts as she did.

Falling back, Robert let out a frustrated groan.

Later that night, Robert discreetly made his way to her Margaery's chambers. The Tyrell guards were obviously informed about his visit and promptly granted him entry to their Lady's chambers while moving to take positions with his own guards along the corridor, ensuring that there would be no unwanted visitors or interruptions for the rest of the night.

Robert stepped into the chambers and found Margaery dressed in a night robe, kneeling at the side of her bed, offering her nightly prays. Considering how strong the Faith's influence was in the Reach, it should not have been a surprising sight. Though, he did wonder whether this prayer session was just a nightly ritual for the young maid or was she seeking forgiveness for the sins that they were about to engage tonight.

His thoughts soon shifted to how should he approach his intended conquest.

Should he wait and allow her to make the first move, a strategy that made sense when one considered how forward she had been with him in the gardens. Though the current visage of a dutiful maiden immersed in pray caused him to doubt this approach.

Perhaps, this was another one of her games and she wished for him to ravage her. However, this wild and gruff approach presented its own set of problems. Not only would it create the wrong impression but could also convey a number of unspoken commitments and promises. The Tyrells were expert schemers and he was not about to play into their hands so easily.

"Forgive me, your grace. I did not mean to keep you waiting," Margaery stated as she stood up and greeted him with a warm smile.

"No apologies necessary. I am the King but even I come second to the Gods," Robert replied with false humility.

"I thought it best to seek for forgiveness for all my impure thoughts and intentions. Are you a strong believer of the Faith, my King?" Margaery inquired.

"Not in the past, but I have recently had experiences that have caused me to reaffirm my belief in the divine," Robert answered as he took a seat near the desk within her chambers. "Though, I think it best to ask for forgiveness after indulging in the sin rather than before."

Margaery let out a chuckle and took off her night robes. As the robe hit the floor, Robert took in the sight of Margaery dressed in a sheer black set of lingerie paired with stockings.

Robert gaze traveled upon her beautiful form, admiring her ample bust, flat stomach and sexy legs. He was fucking her with his eyes

but was determined to keep the power and control this time.

"As a daughter of the Reach, you may know you way around a garden, Lady Margaery. But the bedchamber is my forest and the Stag runs wild and free in it," Robert stated with a confident smirk. "Do you think that you can tame it?"

The challenging words had their desired effect and Margaery walked over to unbuckle Robert's breeches. She pulled them down and Robert lifted his hips, to aid in their complete removal. Margaery smiled and pushed her fingers down onto Robert's standing cock, as it stretched proudly before her.

"I'm not one to shy away from a challenge," Margaery said before she dropped to her knees, took Robert's length into her mouth, and started to suck on it.

"You certainly have a mouth fit for the task," Robert said as warm mouth of the beautiful maiden wrapped around his cock, with her face pressed against his crotch.

Margaery knew, and she had been aching to get Robert's manhood in her mouth ever since their little tease session earlier that day. The deeper, the harder, the better, and oh Margaery's throat just ached to have him all the way down into her mouth.

Robert, wrapping his hands around Margaery's hair, undid the hair band and allowed her brown locks to flow freely. All while cupping her face and rocking deep inside of her mouth. The pleasant humming of the back of Margaery's throat, hitting him at all of the right angles, sent Robert just a bit closer to the edge. He came back just enough and rocked inside of her, sending Margaery completely over the edge.

"A very perfect mouth for this," Robert groaned. "I'm getting so close… I can feel it."

Margaery sped up her actions, knowing precisely all of the ways to get a man to explode in her mouth. And Robert was a bit tougher to crack than most. Margaery, dipping down to cup his balls, milked them very vigorously. The heat, warming through her mouth, threatened to bury Robert all the way down her throat, and several steps beyond. Margaery's wide eyes, grew even wider the faster she bobbed her mouth up and down on him.

"So close," Robert hissed in Margaery's ear. "I'm so close, I can feel it."

Margaery did want to feel him as well. Wrapping her tongue around him, Margaery pleasured the entire length as it slid between her lips and more importantly all the way down into her throat. Margaery, humming very eagerly around his cock, bobbed even faster and surrounded his hard rod with moisture, from the tip, all the way down to the base.

Finally, Robert lost it deep into Margaery's mouth. Like a sexy goddess, Margaery refused to squander a single drop. Robert's seed, being the precious commodity it is, pumped deeper inside of Margaery's mouth, filling her completely up, with a heavy amount of cum just releasing itself on a constant basis all the way down her throat.

Margaery, pulling away from him, smiled, and casually licked Robert from the cock head, all the way down to the base, savoring this particular moment. Pleasure so pleasant, and so wonderful, wrapping around him.

"No bounty of the Reach can compare with this heavenly nectar," Margaery commented as she turned around, casually unclipping her bra, and then rubbing her firm ass all over Robert's manhood.

The cheeks, first covered in panties, and then released them, rubbed up against Robert, until he stood up and helped Margaery out of her bra the rest of her way.

"You're obviously asking for it," Robert said. "Aren't you?" Margaery flashed him a sultry little smile over her shoulder.

"Yes, I am," Margaery said with a hot breath echoing through her body. "Take me like I was always meant to be taken…. hard and fast."

Robert, slipping his finger deep into Margaery, stretched out her very warm hole for a little bit. He savoured the feel of his lover, wrapping around his finger as he slid into her. Margaery, moaning lightly, pressed up against him, butt swaying in a very teasing motion.

At least until Robert slapped it.

"I haven't been spanked since I was a child," Margaery said.

"That would explain your naughty and devious nature. Prayer is not enough, you need some punishment to truly repent for your sins," Robert explained and spanked her again.

Margaery closed her eyes, and the juices flowed. To add to it, Robert stood behind her, grinding his length down her inner thigh brought certain feelings of pleasure coursing through her. It would not be too long before Robert was deep inside of her.

"We should really take this to the bed," Robert said. "But I'd like to fuck you when you're bent over… your hands touching the carpet."

"You mean like this?" Margaery asked as she assumed the position described by the King.


That was the one-word response before Robert slammed deep into Margaery, taking her extremely hard from behind. The deeper Robert stretched inside of her body, the hotter she got, and the snugger she wrapped around him. Oh, Margaery felt amazing, with her warm walls wrapping around him.

Robert bent the Rose of Highgarden over on the carpet, enjoying her body, in all of its splendor. Those fingers, pressing up against her body caused Margaery to cry out.

"Oh, Margaery, I've wanted to do this all day," Robert moaned. "I know," Margaery breathed. "I know."

The wait just made it even sweeter. Robert exploring her body while bending Margaery up against the floor, with her head almost bumping up into the desk. Thankfully, Robert spared Margaery from such an incident, pulling her back all the way and slamming inside of her body hard.

Several more times, Robert rode into Margaery, rocking her up and down. He pulled out and caused Margaery to almost stumble and fall from the surprise. Robert caught Margaery around the waist and hoisted her up, before pinning her against the wall. Margaery and Robert aggressively made out, their tongues finding each other, just as much as their bodies.

Once more, Robert sank into Margaery. Her legs, just as fine as her ass, wrapped around Robert. Robert played with Margaery's legs which really got the juices flowing deep within her. The friction increased every time Robert buried himself further into her body.

"Margaery, you can feel yourself cumming," Robert said. "Can't you?"

"Mmm, I can't help myself," Margaery said. "Your cock is so perfect… it touches me in all of the right places."

Margaery's breasts, also a fine part of her which could not be ignored, got full attention from Robert. Namely his mouth and hands, caressing and cupping them multiple times over. Margaery, breathing in and breathing out, felt a building of lust coming over her body. Her loins, well stretched and dripping wet, took Robert. The warm, snug fit of her hole threatened to drain Robert of the last drop.

A squeeze of Margaery's nipples hit that sweet spot inside of her. Robert pulled Margaery away slightly, so he can grab onto her ass. Margaery, responded in tight, squeezing Robert's firm ass with the soles of her feet, dragging him deeper inside of her for the process.

"Is this the reward that you bestow upon your loyal servants? This pleasure is worth more than any amount of gold and titles," Margaery asked. "Have I proved my devotion, my King? Do I please you?"

"You are loyal vassal without a doubt, my lady" Robert answered. "And yes… you are making me feel good."

"Cum for me, Robert," Margaery purred in her ear. "My nasty little pussy is empty, it needs cum… lots of cum… it would be quite the sight, me laying on the bed, my legs spread, with it dripping out of my well fucked hole. Wouldn't that be something?"

Using his enhanced powers, Robert took Margaery's breath away as he moved them both onto the bed in a split second. Her mind could barely comprehend what had happened and how she ended up on the bed before Robert resumed his pounding of her, ramming himself deep inside of her. He slid between Margaery's legs, like one well refined sex machine.

Oh, Margaery's breath had been taken away. And the girth of her man, along with his plump balls, threatened to make Margaery lose it completely. She channelled all of the aggression inside of Robert, squeezing him.

"I still want to feel your seed in my garden," Margaery said. "You're not going to disappoint me, are you?"

Margaery squeezed Robert's bicep and he increased the depths, plunging inside of her body. The ride just increased, with Robert slapping his balls against her hard. Every time Robert planted inside, he could feel it, the tightening up. Robert prepared to spend his load.

The two rocked up against each other, passionately leading the other to the orgasm of their lives. After the teasing earlier, Robert intended to smash his cousin until she had been reduced little more than a pile of dripping humanity on the bed and Margaery intended to let him.

"Almost there, my Stag."

They came together, with Robert spilling load after load, spurt after spurt, inside of Margaery. Margaery, grabbing onto him tightly, moaned aggressively when pushing down onto him.

Margaery got her wish, Robert's balls drained into her. The aftermath allowed Robert to rest his head on Margaery's heaving bosom.

Smiling, at the satisfied sigh coming from his lovely maiden. "That was amazing," Margaery said.

The minute Robert pulled away, he saw Margaery, lying on the bed, panting. The river of cum he shot in her, flowing between Margaery's sexy thighs. Every bit of her, just screamed sex, and that was why Margaery Tyrell was so desired.

Margaery turned around, crawling, and kissing up the side of Robert's legs. She took his length into her mouth one more time, with a loud, savory pop. Margaery greedily slurped on him, tasting their combined juices.

"You little minx," Robert said.

They had a long night ahead of them, and Margaery intended to use every single moment of it to convince Robert of her value in every way possible. He would have to grant her desires and ambitions.