Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Asha Greyjoy

The storm continued to rage across the skies as the scattered remains of Ironborn ships were battered against the rocky shores of Pyke by the turbulent waves of the sea.

It felt as if the Drowned God of the Ironborn was throwing a futile tantrum of anger, a vain attempt to prove his power against the strong winds and raw power of the storm that had appeared out of nowhere from above them when the armies of the Crown battled the Ironborn forces.

Though calling what had transpired a battle was probably an exaggeration, it was more akin to a slaughter, Ned mused to himself as he was seated with the other lords and knights who had participated in their invasion of the Isles in the great hall of Pyke.

A surreal sense of déjà vu washed over the Lord of Winterfell as the current situation was eerily similar to the last time that he was in the keep of House Greyjoy, a little over ten years ago. Wise men learned from their mistakes while foolish ones were doomed to repeat them.

In the case of Balon Greyjoy and his fellow Ironborn, Ned was a bit torn about which category the now deceased Lord Reaper of the Iron Isles fell into. On one hand, it was easy to brand the Ironborn as fools and madmen for plotting and attempting another failed rebellion against the Crown despite the steep and bloody price that they had paid after their last rebellion. However, Ned had to admit that the Greyjoys had come up with an almost ingenious plan to fulfill their desires of a crown for themselves. It was equal parts of madness and ambitious, to say the least.

The recently appointed Hand of the King gave thanks to the Gods for watching over the realm and bestowing upon them their favor, which helped them or to be more precise, Robert discover the nefarious plot. Ever since the King's arrival at Winterfell, his old friend had managed to both shock and surprise him, with his new ideas and decisions. Robert Baratheon had changed a lot over the years since he took the crown, and yet had managed to stay the same in certain regards.

The King's lust for both life, women and battle had stayed the same as it was back in their youth. If possible, it had grown even more insatiable. But Robert's newfound political acumen and sense of strategy and subterfuge was an unexpected but welcome surprise for Ned, considering the circumstances.

Ned knew all the facts and yet he struggled to wrap his mind around the insidious plot of House Greyjoy, which had apparently been years in the making. It all started after the Greyjoys had realized the failure of their first futile rebellion when they had underestimated Robert's hold over the realm a few years after they had defeated the Targaryens.

Sane men would have yielded and tried to preserve what was left of their family and lands, but Balon and his brothers were anything but that. On the eve of their defeat, Balon's brother, Euron Greyjoy, a man whose cruel and insane demeanor stood out even among the most savage raiders and pirates of the Iron Isles, concocted a plot to ravage all of Westeros. With Euron's own exile from the Isles acting as the first step of the plan. After years of planning and careful scheming, the Ironborn were on the verge of victory and if it not had been for some strokes of luck and the King's ingenuity, they might have succeeded, leaving the kingdoms in a state of war and chaos.

Though Westeros had not remained unscathed despite Robert's efforts. In order to assert their dominance over the land, the Ironborn had planned to incite a war among the Kingdoms which would provide them with the freedom and opportunities to raid and reave unchecked. The Lord of Winterfell was loathed to admit it but Euron's

Scheme was genius in itself. The Ironborn had planned to orchestrate the murders of the King's younger sibling, Stannis Baratheon, the Lord of Dragonstone and Lord Tywin Lannister framing both parties for the other's loss by circulating rumors and misinformation that they were plotting against each other. It was not that far-fetched when one considered that until recently the Lannister-Baratheon alliance was hanging on by a few bare threads, given the royal couple's strained marriage, Tywin's ambitions and Stannis's own vocal displeasure regarding the King's good family.

While they had been able to save Lord Stannis, Lord Tywin had not been so fortunate and was found dead in his bedchamber with whores from Lannisport wielding the blades that ended his life. The whores in tandem with Euron's plan pointed the finger towards the Crown and House Tyrell for their actions when questioned by the Lannisters. The faint rumors of Robert replacing Queen Cersei with Margaery Tyrell would have pitted the Westerlands against the Reach, with the other kingdoms joining the fray not long after. After all of Westeros would have been left weakened and broken in the aftermath of such a great civil war, asserting their power and independence would have quite easy for the Ironborn.

Thankfully, Tyrion Lannister had managed to calm his kin and help expose the lies perpetuated by his father's assassins, after being informed of the plot by the King.

Another startling discovery regarding the Old lion's death was of the man who had played a vital part in that scheme and it was was none other than the Master of Coin, Lord Petyr Baelish. Due to his prolific influence in the flesh trade across Westeros, Baelish had discovered Tywin's secret habit of indulging in whores along with the secret tunnel between the Rock and Lannisport that he used for such encounters. From that point on, it was relatively easy for a schemer like Littlefinger to mastermind the assassination plot.

When Ned had questioned Robert about why Baelish had allied with the Ironborn, the King explained that with the help of their new allies, they had uncovered evidence that the Master of Coin had been

Embezzling from the royal coffers for years. The great debt that the realm was facing was largely due to Baelish's illegal activities and theft. If the Ironborn plot had succeeded, Baelish's crimes would have gone undiscovered.

However, the fact that had sealed the weasel's fate was Robert's discovery of Baelish's involvement in Jon Arryn's illness and subsequent death. The whore-monger had apparently been slowly poisoning their foster father for years in order to cover his tracks and spread his web of influence in the Vale by making subtle attempts to woo Lysa and become the de-facto leader of the Mountain kingdom through her and Robin Arryn. Thankfully, evidence provided by both Lysa and Lord Royce helped to expose Baelish's involvement in the plot along with his other crimes. Though Lysa's aid had come about only through the combined efforts of his daughter, Sansa and Lady Myranda Royce who had worked tirelessly to free the Lady of the Vale from Baelish's toxic influence. By the end of it, the traitorous Lord of the Fingers had been imprisoned in one of the famed Sky cells of the Eyrie despite his futile and pathetic attempts of feigning innocence and pleading for mercy.

After making sure that the Eyrie and the Vale in general had been purged of anyone who was still to loyal Baelish's cause, it was decided that Lady Lysa and her son would be accompanying his daughter back to the capital where young Robin Arryn would begin his fostering as a ward of the Crown. Lord Royce had been appointed as the Warden of the East and de-facto leader of the Vale until Robin came of age.

With these matters settled, he and Robert departed from the Eyrie to meet up with their forces and plan the attack upon the Iron Isles. All the while, they took great care to ensure that the Ironborn remained unaware that their plot had been discovered by the Crown as they worked to neutralize the threat.

The recent reconciliation of the royal couple and alliances formed by Robert aided greatly in this effort as his foster brother had managed to convince all the aggrieved parties that the Ironborn were

Responsible for this treachery using the evidence provided by the Sistermen who had been contacted by Euron to aid in fueling the chaos once the initial attacks had been carried out.

Thankfully, the Lords of the Sister Isles had chosen to aid the Crown in lieu of favors and promises from Robert after Asha Greyjoy, Balon's own daughter had convinced them of the folly of her family's plans. It seemed that Balon's daughter was the only Greyjoy who had learned from the past and sought to lead her people into a better future. According to Robert, Asha had tried to convince her father to abandon these disastrous and foolhardy plans but it was all in vain.

Thus, the young Lady Captain had decided to reach out to the Crown in order to save her house and people from complete destruction.

That word 'Destruction' carried such finality and gravity with it that he seldom used, but given the current events, Ned could not come up with any other word that could do justice to what had transpired during the battle that had occurred on the Isles a few hours ago.

The combined naval might of the Reach and Westerlands coupled with the element of surprise had made quick work of the Iron fleet, thanks to the aid provided by Asha Greyjoy whose own ships had keep the Ironborn scouts oblivious to their attack and helped in sabotaging her father's forces during the battle.

In addition, she had also informed the Crown that Euron was not on the Isles but hiding with a substantial force of Essosi sellswords and sell-sails at a hidden cove near the Arbor Isles, preparing to launch an attack on the Reach.

At that moment, Euron still believed that his plan was working with the Westerlands and Crown preparing to wage war on each other. They had been very careful to maintain Euron's illusion, so that the Royal navy under Stannis's command could perform a surprise attack. Though the gambit had worked, victory did not come without cost. The Kingslayer had insisted on accompanying Stannis's forces so that he could avenge his father and he had, but his vengeance

Had cost him his own life as the madman Euron had managed to land a fatal blow during the battle.

"That was fucking something!" Greatjon Umber exclaimed as he took a seat next to Ned interrupting his musings, placing a pitcher of ale on the table along with two cups.

"Well, looks like the King has truly become the demon from his moniker, eh Ned," the Greatjon said jovially as he poured them both two cups of ale.

Ned still did not want to dwell on the events of the battlefield on Pyke as his mind was still reeling from what he had witnessed on the battlefield.

Once they had made landfall, it should have been relatively easy since the Ironborn were pitiful warriors without their ships. The reavers should have surrendered after understanding the overwhelming odds that they were facing. But it seemed that Balon's men were just as stubborn and foolish as their lord and launched attacks from fortified positions across the Isle; hindering the progress of the royal forces as they made their way to the Castle of Pyke.

To their credit, the Ironborn had fought with every ounce of strength and determination they possessed. It was a valiant and commendable effort but a futile one nonetheless.

However, the event that had surprised if not shocked Ned and if he was being honest their entire assaulting force were the actions of Robert himself. His foster brother had always possessed a great lust for battle with a strength and prowess to match it, but the King's performance on today's battlefield had possibly eclipsed his great fury that the realm had witnessed all those years ago at the Trident.

Over the last few moons, the Lord of Winterfell had heard plenty of rumors and stories regarding the fact that Robert had been chosen and blessed by the Gods when he moved across the city of King's Landing. Initially, Ned had no paid it much attention as most rulers

Were viewed as representatives of the Gods by the common folk since the dawn of civilization. When one added the presence of the Robert's Red Priestess and the growing popularity of her Red God, it was obvious that the foreign Priestess was doing her best to spread her faith and earn the King's favor at the same time. The fact that the High Septon was preaching acceptance and tolerance towards the foreign religion while re-enforcing the notion of the King being blessed by Gods was surprising but welcomed. He did not let it trouble him too much as anything that cemented Robert's rule and favor among the people while keeping the peace was of benefit to the realm. And as he followed the Old Gods himself, Ned was content in ignoring such nonsense.

Only now, the words and preaching of the Red woman no longer seemed so outlandish. Perhaps, the signs were always there but like many Ned had been blind to them. The storm that had appeared out of nowhere as their forces stormed the beach could certainly be viewed as one such sign. But it was Robert's duel with Victarion Greyjoy and his fellow raiders that had forced Ned to re-assess his beliefs.

As Ned, Robert and other lords along with a score of soldiers and bannermen approached the gates of Pyke, they were met by a defending force of reavers led by Balon's younger brother and Captain of the Ironfleet, Victarion Greyjoy.

Victarion was a large and powerful man, dark of hair which was flecked with grey and blessed a bull's broad chest but a boy's flat stomach. He was known as being not the brightest among the members of House Greyjoy, with phrases like 'a dullard and a brute' and 'dumb as a stump', often being used to describe him.

But it was said what he lacked in mind, he made up for in strength and resolve. And Ned had to agree with the assessment as he took in the sight of the towering and muscular Ironborn as he wielded a massive battle-axe with such skill and ease, that it seemed capable of splitting a grown man in two with a single swing.

Without any warning, Robert charged ahead wielding his massive war-hammer, leaving Ned and the others behind. Despite his great size, Robert had always possessed speed and agility that had baffled many an opponent on the battlefield. But in that moment, it seemed that his brother in all but name and blood, moved as if he were the wind itself. The raiders barely had time to react before Robert powerful swings swiftly ended many of their lives, with most not being able to even block the incoming strikes.

Before they knew it, Robert had slain many raiders single handedly and was now moving to engage Victarion himself. Ned and the others finally snapping back to senses, rushed to the King's aid, only to be signaled by Robert to not interfere.

"It's been a long time since I have a decent fight, Ned, stay back and watch as I crush this overgrown squid," Robert had proclaimed at the time.

The King's arrogant comment heightened Victarion's rage and he charged towards Robert with his battle-axe in hand. Despite the great skill and speed with which the Lord Captain of the Iron fleet moved with as he swung his weapon at Robert, Ned could not help but rank Victarion's prowess to that of a green boy in that moment when he witnessed the great ease with which Robert dodged and evaded his attacks.

The duel went on for few more minutes with Victarion not being able to land a single strike, no matter how hard he tried. Eventually, the King grew tired of the Ironborn's futile attempts and moved to end the fight.

And it was an end that no one would be forgetting anytime soon.

Robert's first strike connected to his opponent's battle-axe with such force that not only did the Ironborn's mighty weapon shatter into pieces but Victarion himself was thrown back several feet, before he landed on the ground near the closed castle gates.

What happened next could only be described as divine intervention and nothing else. Robert triumphantly raised his war hammer towards the heaven while beseeching the Gods for their blessing.

And the Gods had unanswered; a bolt of lightning shot downwards from the stormy skies upon the head of the hammer infusing the weapon with its heavenly might. Not wasting a second, Robert hurled his mighty weapon towards Victarion and the barred gates.

A loud explosion accompanied by a blinding flash of light rippled across the entire Isle as the King's weapon collided with Victarion who was flung backwards towards the gates.

After recovering their vision, the sight that greeted Ned and the others was shocking to say the least. The strong and massive gates of Castle Pyke were completely destroyed, with fragments of wood and iron now littering the surrounding area. As for Victarion Greyjoy himself, all that was left was a charred corpse whose clothes and skin had almost completely been incinerated. Upon closer inspection, they later learned that several if not all of Balon's younger brother's bones had been cracked if not completely shattered as well.

After witnessing that feat, the remaining foes have swiftly surrendered to them. Not long after they found Balon Greyjoy's corpse upon the Seastone chair along with the bodies of his youngest brother, Aeron and his wife, Lady Alannys Greyjoy. It seemed that Balon had decided to end his family's life before consuming poison himself in order to spare himself from facing the wrath of the King.

A decision that Ned could not fault him for, after all he had witnessed on this day.

"The Old Gods are the only ones that I follow, Ned," Greatjon stated. "But I'll be a fool if I did not admit that it is all but clear that King Robert clearly has a higher power watching over him."

"Aye, you're right, Jon," Ned replied as he felt the sliver of doubt that had been gnawing within him since the end of the rebellion vanish at last.

'I made the right choice all those years ago. Robert was always meant to be the King of Westeros. And the time has come for me to share my greatest secret with him,' Ned thought to himself, steeling his resolve.

'I only pray that the Gods have blessed him with their mercy and understanding along with their power.'

Meanwhile, back in the lord's chamber of Pyke, Robert intended to complete his domination of Iron Isles or more precisely, his domination of his newest ally and now the Lady Reaper of the Iron Isles, Asha Greyjoy.

Unlike Robert's other conquests, Asha was not a beauty in the typical sense. She certainly did not fit the description of a proper maiden, often spoken of on songs and stories by bards, like Margaery, Cersei and Sansa. But a beauty she was, a rough and untamed maid whose sharp wit, cunning and bluntness bore a great resemblance to his beloved Lyanna. The King of Westeros was certain that beneath that coarse sea stained tunic was a generous bosom, her form fitting black breeches emphasized her long and athletic legs.

"Well, Lady Captain, I believe now that I've won, your sweet,… what's the word, ah yes, 'booty' is all mine!"

The true heir of the Storm God, Robert Baratheon exclaimed as he grabbed Asha around the waist. The Ironborn beauty's eyes drifted towards his strong, muscular arms which pulled her in. Her heaving

Breasts almost popped the buttons of the shirt that she was wearing. Soon enough, Robert's hands moved down to cup Asha's firm backside to give it a squeeze.

It could not be more plain what particular booty Robert was after. Asha decided to go all in and kiss the handsome King on the lips. Robert returned the kiss with favour and aggression. He tore out her clothes, and she did so a little bit at his. It did not take long for the two soon to be lovers to be left in tattered clothes.

"I was wondering where you kept that great hammer of yours. A weapon blessed by the Gods, all are saying," Asha commented. "But of course, you don't need it here, not with the huge spear that you're packing down there."

Slowly, but surely, Asha unsheathed Robert's cock. Many women were tamed and many other women were broken by it. The tails of Robert's mighty endowment reached her ears and Asha knew one thing to be plain. She needed a piece of that, right now.

"Sadly, my prized weapon was badly damaged when it was infused with heavenly power. I doubt that they will be able to repair it," Robert said with sigh.

"Now, that's a true shame. Here, let me help soothe your loss," Asha said sultrily.

Slowly, Robert smiled, as this beautiful woman played with his cock and balls. He swept her off her feet and onto the bed. The rest of the clothes came off. Asha's luscious breasts, capped off by dark nipples popped out. While Robert loved plundering the 'booty', what was booty without a nice supple chest, he mused to himself.

Asha cried out in pleasure as Robert groped her tits. He was rough, but efficient, and she loved it for it. Her hips bucked up even more as he squeezed Asha's breasts hard. She was moist around him and the tip of his cock edged against her pussy.

"Now, time to make you, my salt wife," Robert growled.

Robert pinned his conquest down by the hips and slammed deep into Asha's warm pussy. Those hungry walls enveloped Robert's cock. The deeper that he pushed into her, the more Asha's hips just moved back and forth, to engulf him. She looked up at him with lustful eyes as Robert pushed all the way into her.

Slowly, but surely, Robert made her submit to him. Oh, Asha found herself just burning with desire. Robert cupped her breasts and made her cry out in pleasure.

"Nothing has ever felt this good," Asha moaned. "Mmmm, that spear is just as good as advertised."

Robert repeatedly speared Asha's tight and wet hole while she clamped down onto him. He spread her legs and kissed all the way down her legs. Slowly, Asha tightened around him and squeezed Robert hard the faster that he plunged into her. He drove her completely wild with a never-ending ride of lust. His balls slapped down onto Asha and made her hips jerk up to meet his thrusts.

"No other man can grant such pleasure, Asha. But then again, I'm no mere mortal," Robert growled. "And here you cum."

Asha squirted all over the place, coating his member with her juices. He slowly slid into her and buried himself into her. He buried the real treasure into her tight, deep, wet moist cavern. Robert rocked her body, and drove Asha completely wild with pleasure.

"Make me your personal cock thrall!" Asha moaned. "My holes are yours."

"Oh, and speaking of holes, that reminds me."

Robert slid his fingers against Asha's tight back opening. She had let her guard down and thus left her rear unguarded. Which was a

Mistake that Robert intended to exploit to drive her completely and blissfully mad. Robert pulled out of her and flipped Asha over.

Oh, her ass looked nice. Nice and supple, the perfect booty for him to plunder. Robert ran his fingers down her and slipped a few into her pussy to collect the juices. Juices, which he would need to lubricate her tight asshole.

"All holes were given. And you better believe all holes were taken, my pet."

Asha closed her eyes and enjoyed the amazing feeling of a finger burying in and out of her hole sent tingles down her spine. Oh, she wondered how it would feel to get a cock all the way inside of her as well. Asha saw stars the moment he pushed into her tight ass hole from behind.

"The perfect, perfect hole for me to slide into," Robert said.

Robert squeezed Asha's cheeks and then moved down to lick her asshole. She came all over Robert's hand while he steadied her. He loved the feel of those nice supple cheeks pressing against him.

Robert had to devour her hole and get it nice and wet. He lined up his spear with the entrance of her ass. Slowly, he pushed the tip of it into her ass.

"No one has ever claimed your booty before, Lady Captain?" Robert asked.

"No, I have kept that area well guarded," Asha moaned. "Oh, my King, take it! You've taken everything else."

Robert viewed her ass and pushed all the way into her from behind. The reflection of her lust ridden face in the mirror gave him the best of both worlds. Asha's delicious cheeks jiggled when he pushed into her tight, warm, ass hole. Robert leaned all the way into her and claimed the Captain along with all of the treasures that she offered.

Asha's toes curled and she trembled. Oh, she could not believe this was happening, and yet she was bent forward. A huge cock sliding all the way into her ass from behind and driving her completely wild with lust. Slowly, Robert worked her, slowly, but surely edging her completely wild with pleasure as she came.

Then, Robert scooped her up. He left her ass for a moment, only to impale Asha down onto his cock ass first. Robert clapped her booty and reached in to cup her chest. He sucked Asha's tits and made her cry out the deeper Robert pushed into her body from underneath.

"And now, she pops like a wine bottle," Robert teased her.

Sure enough, Asha squirted all over the place. The dresser, the wall, the bed, Robert's probing fingers, all of them got a splatter of her pussy juice all over the place.

Her supple cheeks nestled around Robert's prick as he pounded her anus. His hands moved down to Asha's plump tits and he squeezed them hard. Her eyes shifted back as Robert felt her soft, beautiful skin. Knowing that she would now be a loyal part of his ever-growing harem, who succumbed to only one vice in life and that was getting the Robert's cock into their holes on a repeated basis.

"Go ahead, and cum for me," Robert said in a husky tone.

She squeezed down onto him and groaned. Robert bottomed out inside of her wonderful ass and rocked her all the way to the finishing point. Her ass clutched him and squeezed Robert the faster he rocked all the way down into her from underneath.

"One more time," Robert breathed in her ear. "Mmmmmph!" Asha cried out in pleasure.

She was going to cum and cum hard. All thanks to this mighty, stiff spear driving all the way down into her ass at the right points and making her just lose it completely. Robert touched her in all of the

Right ways and never in her life did Asha feel so devoted to a man such as this.

Robert pushed himself to the breaking point. So close, but he wanted to hold out a little bit more. His hands ran down Asha's body and stroked her. He tugged on her nipples and got her to cry out a little more. His big balls slapped against her.

"Store your treasure with my booty!" Asha cried out, practically begging for him.

Oh, Robert intended to. Her cheeks sang for him and demanded a release. Robert pushed himself into her, rocking back and forth between her snug, supple cheeks. He leaned pretty much all the way in and rode Asha's ass until he was ready to pop.

She came and Robert came, without any hesitation whatsoever. Her anal muscles clamped down and milked every single last drop of Robert's cum out of his balls and deep into her welcoming and inviting asshole. Robert pushed her down and drained the contents of his balls.

Every single last drop poured into Asha as she collapsed in Robert's arms. He milked this moment, along with her breasts, to make her smile in pleasure. He smiled; the sweet pleasure of release visited Robert.

"You can board my vessel any time," Asha breathed.

Robert cupped her face and dominated Asha with a kiss. His hands roamed against her tenderly fucked ass and nice round breasts. It would only be a matter of time before the two got into it with some wild, hard fucking once again. The lust of these two hot-blooded lovers could not be contained for long and the night was young.

"Don't worry, Lady Reaper, we'll have plenty of fun for the rest of our lives. But for now, I have a task for you. If you succeed in it, you will be greatly rewarded," Robert told his latest conquest and proceeded

To inform her about what she had to do, after the royal forces departed from the Isles.