Chapter 26

Catelyn Stark

Chapter 26: Catelyn Stark

After ensuring that all of Balon's supporters and any Ironborn lords who had lingering rebellious intent were thoroughly dealt with, Robert had not wasted any time before officially recognizing Lady Asha Greyjoy as the new Lady Reaper of the Iron Isles.

When Robert had informed him of the decision, Ned had raised issue stating that Balon's last son, Theon was still alive and well at Winterfell.

"I've raised him as my ward and not a hostage, Robert. Though Theon has a brash and crude attitude, I feel he would be a more loyal vassal to the Crown," Ned said to his friend.

"The Ironborn are not like us, Ned. A boy who has not been on the Isles for years and has more in common with us than his own people will never be completely accepted. Lady Asha is well-respected among the Ironborn and better suited to the task than her brother," Robert replied calmly. "Besides, Theon Greyjoy was kept as a hostage to deter rebellious actions. As we have seen, he was of no use in that regard which speaks volumes regarding his value among his own family and people."

The Lord of Winterfell knew that the reasoning was sound but could not help and worry about Theon's future. Robert was able to sense his thoughts and informed him that Theon would be joining the Nights Watch. The Crown did not want risk any chance of future infighting on the Isles and Ned agreed that under the given circumstances, it was the best outcome for Theon.

Lady Asha's appointment was explained as an apt reward for her loyal service towards the Crown, given her invaluable aid in crushing this second rebellion before it had even begun. It was a decision that no one protested against, since it was an open secret that Lady Greyjoy had become the King's latest mistress. And the thought that a bastard of the King could one day take power in the Isles pacified most of the Westerosi lords who viewed this as a way of having someone loyal to the mainland in charge. Not to mention, it was also meant to be a final insult to the rebellious and problematic natives of the Iron Isles who had been humbled and humiliated by them yet again.

Ned had tried to speak with Robert and share his long-held secret but could never find the opportune moment during their time on the Isles to broach the subject. If he was being honest with himself, thoughts of Robert's rage and the possible divine fury that would follow his revelation stilled his tongue most of the time.

During this period, they had received word from the Eyrie that Petyr Baelish had apparently gone mad during his imprisonment and jumped to the death from his sky cell. The former Master of Coin had become the latest victim of the mental torment that the Sky cells were famed to induce within its occupants. If Ned was being honest, the news was a blessing in disguise as it saved them all the ordeal of holding a trial for the traitor whose crimes against the realm warranted no mercy or leniency.

As the royal forces were preparing to depart from the Isles, they received word from Winterfell that the Nights Watch was requesting aid against the threat of a wildling invasion. Robert had promptly decided that he and Ned along with the Northern lords would head to Winterfell and rally the reserve Northern forces while Stannis and the other commanders would sail towards Eastwatch-by-the-Sea with a sizable force and secure the Wall.

The return to Winterfell filled him with equal amounts joy and anxiety. His sons and bannermen crowded the King as tales of Robert's divine feat and rumours of his supposed supernatural powers had

Spread quickly across the land. His friend who had always possessed a personality that was larger than life basked in their attention and adoration as he regaled them with narrations of the battle. Being reunited with Catelyn and his sons brought him great relief but at the same time, he dreaded the conversation that he must have with Robert before they depart to the Wall.

And thus, it brought him to this moment. Ned was seated across from Robert in the Lord's solar of Winterfell.

"What the matter, Ned? I have not seen you this dour and worried before. Don't worry, we'll deal with those wildling scum just like all other foes," the King said jovially.

Sensing his distress, Robert urged him to share his thoughts, causing Ned to let out a sigh.

Ned did not even know where to start as he looked into Robert's stormy blue eyes. Over the past moons serving as his Hand, the brother that he had known growing up in the Vale had returned. His friend had proven to him that despite his flaws and vices, he was a worthy ruler and as Ned willed himself to speak the truth, he hoped that the King he had chosen would listen calmly and show him mercy at the end of the conversation.

"I need to talk to you about Lyanna," Ned said firmly, deciding to get this over with quickly, there was no point slowly building up to it.

The Lord of Winterfell then proceeded to narrate the tale of his journey to the Tower of Joy in Dorne, his battle with Aerys's Kingsguard, finding Lyanna dying in childbed and the subsequent promise that he had made to her.

During the entire tale, Robert had remained eerily calm and no emotion had passed across his face. This lack of response and the silence that followed after he ended his narration, made Ned squirm anxiously.

To be honest, Ned had prepared himself to witness Robert's temper tantrum with the King shouting denials and curses while destroying furniture to temper his famed rage. However, his friend's calm demeanor fueled his worries greatly.

"Well, better late than never," Robert replied with a hollow chuckle.

Ned Stark was paralyzed in his seat with feelings of surprise and fear flooding his body as his foster brother informed him that he had known the truth for quite some time.

"You see, old friend, the Gods have blessed me with knowledge along with their powers. Do not fear, Ned, I will not have you or your family executed for this most egregious treason," Robert stated calmly.

His friend proceeded to explain that from the moment he learned of the truth, he had experienced a myriad of emotions. But after letting his feelings temper and giving the matter a great deal of thought and advice from his trusted councillors, he had decided that publicly punishing House Stark would only serve to harm his own reign.

Thus, he had decided to wait and see if Ned would ever confess the truth on his own or if he would have to take steps to rectify the situation.

"I was certain that after witnessing a display of my power on Pyke, you would be compelled to confess your sins to me. I'm glad that you told me the truth. By doing so, you have given me the option of showing you mercy. For if you had failed to do so, then upon our return to the capital, you would have been forced to face the very dire consequences of your lie," Robert said as he got up and poured himself a cup of wine.

"I have given a great deal of thought to your punishment and come up an acceptable solution. So, here is what will happen, as far as the world is concerned, nothing has changed. You will remain my Hand and Sansa will marry Joffrey. But our friendship no longer exists.

From this moment on, you are nothing more than my puppet. You

Have no views, no thoughts, no ideas, in short, nothing of your own. There is only my will and you are the instrument that carries it out without any hesitation or thought. You are my servant and nothing more," Robert stated coldly as he made Ned look into his eyes to convey the seriousness of his words.

For a brief moment, Roberts eyes were crackled with lightning and any lingering doubt in regards to his former friend's divine powers vanished from Ned's mind instantly.

"Give thanks to your late sister and the memory of our now dead friendship, for they are the only reasons that you still possess your life. But for the rest of your days, you will live with the shame of being a traitor and a fraud,"

A great sense of shame, fear and regret filled him upon hearing his friend's words and in that moment, Ned would have welcomed Robert's fury and judgement to escape this torment.

"But keep in mind, if I get so much as a whiff of treason from you in the future, be assured that what happened to House Greyjoy will seem like child's play compared to the fate that will befall House Stark. Go on Ned, get some rest. We'll be heading to the Wall soon enough," Robert told him as he pointed him towards the door.

"Oh, and by the way, Ned. I take it that you have not shared this truth with your family as well," Robert inquired to which he merely nodded in response.

"Tell them, they have a right to know, since their lives are at stake from now on as well," his former friend told him, before he exited the solar and headed to speak with his family. Feelings of despair and shame filling his being as he imagined their reactions and anger to the upcoming revelations.

Later that day, Robert decided to pay a visit to his late lady love and made his way towards the crypts of Winterfell. Along the way, he looked back on his long overdue conversation with his traitorous friend, wondering if not taking his life had been the right choice and recalled a past conversation.

"People curse death for the wrong reasons, Robert, it is life that brings us suffering," Cersei had said to him when he had revealed

Ned's treason to her, seeking her advice on the matter. "Strip him of his pride, his honor, everything that he holds dear and trust me, the shame and guilt will be a far worse fate than death for someone like Ned Stark."

Ever since their reconciliation, his relationship with Cersei had made great strides forward and transformed into a truly fruitful and pleasurable partnership. A fact that was proven by her sound council regarding Ned's punishment. His Queen possessed a natural talent for being cruel and spiteful, and in this particular instance, he was grateful for it. The defeated look upon Ned's face as he had rendered judgement upon him had brought him more satisfaction than his death ever could.

As Robert stalked towards Lyanna's tomb, he was pleasantly surprised to discover that his late beloved already had a visitor. It was the Lady of Winterfell and the next proverbial nail in the coffin of Ned Stark's honor and pride, Lady Catelyn Stark. The lady seemed to be engrossed in thoughts of her own while gazing towards Lyanna's statue that she did not even notice his approach until he was right next to her.

"On, your grace, my apologies, I did not notice your presence," Catelyn said after Robert let out a false cough to gain her attention.

The usually prim Lady Stark who took great pride in her immaculate and proper appearance, now bore a look of anguish and despair that was reflected by her disheleved auburn locks and the poorly wiped tears that stained her fair cheeks. However, it was blood shot blue

Eyes that informed Robert that her husband had shared his greatest secret with his wife at long last.

"I take it that your husband told you the truth, Catelyn," Robert stated, to which the lady merely nodded her head in response. "Well, I understand that it must be a great shock that will take time to recover from. But rest assured that both you and your children have nothing to fear as long as Ned stays loyal and obedient to me from now on."

"What was it about her?" Catelyn asked him as she looked towards Lyanna's likeness. "You, Ned, Rhaegar Targaryen, all of you, fought wars and made untold sacrifices over her. I recall that she was quite beautiful but was she truly worth all the destruction and suffering that the realm has endured from the moment that she was taken all those years ago."

Her question was filled with conflicting amounts of genuine curiosity and bitterness. Catelyn had always been a simple woman who at a very young age had understood her place and role in the world. The eldest daughter of Hoster Tully had always strived to live by the words of her house.


Thus, Robert could understand the confusion and conflict raging within her person at the moment. Catelyn needed to blame someone and since she could not go against anyone living, the dead were the only viable targets for her anger.

"Lyanna was so much more than just a beautiful maid. Her personality, her thoughts, her passion for life, even after all these years I cannot find the words to do her proper justice," Robert said to Catelyn. "All I know that she left behind a void within me that no amount of lands, titles, victories, wine and even women for that matter could not fill."

"Gods, she must have been some enchantress. To think that she holds such sway over men even years after her death," Catelyn said in a tone that was laced with a mixture of bitterness and awe, as she tried to come to terms with the current circumstances.

For a brief time, both of them simply stood in front of Lyanna's tomb, gazing at the stone visage of the She-Wolf of Winterfell in complete silence as they reigned in their thoughts and emotions.

The silence was finally broken by Catelyn who started to make apologies towards Robert while making reassurances regarding her own innocence in her husband's treason, only for Robert to gently calm her.

Over the next few moments, Robert tried to lighten the mood and set Catelyn at ease by promising her that both she and her children still had his trust and favour. He went on to add that he would be counting on Catelyn to ensure that Ned did not stray from the path that he had laid for him.

"I swear upon the lives of my children, your grace, I will not allow my husband to place our house and family at any further risk," Catelyn said vehemently.

"I know Catelyn, you have always been loyal and dutiful. It's a shame that fate has always bound you to men who were not deserving of it," Robert said, reminding the Lady of Winterfell of both her late betrothed Brandon Stark and current husband's betrayals.

"You know, Catelyn, if you wish to truly prove your loyalty and devotion to me then there is a way to erase any trace of doubts from my mind," Robert stated as he inched closer towards the Stark matriarch and began to rub her shoulder in soothing but suggestive manner.

It did not take long for Catelyn to understand his intent and she promptly backed away. Expressions of shock and disgust filling her beautiful features.

"Moments ago, you spoke of your great love towards Lyanna and now you make such an indecent proposition to me in front of her resting place. Do you have no shame? Or perhaps, you think that I am one of those women with cheap morals who will readily jump into your bed to earn your favor," Catelyn stated as outrage filled her voice.

"Come now, Catelyn, talk of morals and virtue does not truly suit you. Perhaps, you have forgotten our moment of passion back at Harrenhal all those years ago," Robert replied with a mocking smile and watched the self-righteous woman's face fill with shame as she recalled their encounter all those years ago.

"And as far as my love for Lyanna goes, it is as strong as it was all those years ago. The safety of your husband and your family despite Ned's treason is a testament to that fact."

"You asked me what was so special about Lyanna? Well, for one, unlike you and other noble women who shun and abhor thoughts of passion and pleasure in public while secretly fantasying and dreaming of those vices in private, Lyanna was always honest about what she wanted and did not begrudge me the same," Robert told Catelyn, whose look of scandal and shock, increased steadily as Robert disclosed many past secrets regarding his relationship with Lyanna.

The King of Westeros then proceeded to inform her of his past liaisons with her younger sister as well his current affair with her eldest daughter along with several others. To say that Catelyn was shocked would be an understatement, her mind still trying to understand the new immoral and sinful social structure that had been formed back at the capital, without anyone being wiser to it.

"Look, the way that I see it, you have a choice to make. You can either wallow in misery and bitterness and try to rebuild your passionless marriage with a man who has proven repeatedly to be unworthy of your trust and love and stay trapped within this frigid and barren wasteland with no power and authority of your own."

"Or you can accept my offer and enjoy the fruits of power and passion with me while basking in the warmth and luxuries of the capital," Robert said confidently presenting her with her choices.

"Personally, I think you already know which path is in your best interests based upon our shared past," he added as he walked away. "I'll be in my chambers, awaiting your reply."

After a short while, the shock had worn off Catelyn and she turned towards Lyanna's statue, staring longingly at it. It was like she almost hoped that stone visage would come to life and her late good-sister would offer her guidance to her current predicament.

The eery silence and darkness of the Stark catacombs only heightened the struggle raging within her mind as she heard two voices debate each other, both of which belonged to her.

"The King is a sinful lecher whose soul is steeped in vice and darkness. He is one of those tempting devils that the scriptures warned maidens to beware off, as their only goal is to steal one's piety and innocence and condemn your soul to hell. He has corrupted your innocent child with promises of power and turned her into a whore," the first voice proclaimed. "Do not give up your virtue and honor for fleeting pleasure and earthly rewards. Stay true to lord husband and gods and you shall be rewarded in time."

"Stay true to a husband who deceived you and caused your great pain during your entire marriage. Ned's actions are responsible for your current position, it would be foolish to offend the King out of some misplaced sense of loyalty and fidelity towards him," the second voice countered. "You are old and wise enough to understand the true nature of the world. The ideals of the Faith sound good in books and stories but they have little resemblance to reality. Power and influence are what truly run this world and the King is offering you the chance to earn a great deal of it. Sansa is your true daughter as she had seized the opportunities presented to

Her and secured a crown for herself. It is time that you start acting for yourself and the good of your children."

The arguments continued between both voices for a while before the second voice began to grow stronger than the first. By the end of it, Catelyn's mind traveled back to Lord Whent's tourney all those years ago when she had sought comfort and passion with a young Robert Baratheon.

Her tears would not stop despite her best efforts to quell them. She took another swing from the wine skin, hoping the spirit within would help relieve her sorrows. It worked for men; it should work for her as well.

'How could he say those things? Was the love that I saw in his eyes, an illusion of my mind?', Those questions along with a thousand others whirled around with Catelyn's mind as she was seated upon her bed, inside her tent that had been erected on the grounds of Harrenhal.

Catelyn's musings were interrupted when she heard a voice call out to her from the entrance of the tent. It was the young Lord of the Stormlands and Brandon's future good brother, Lord Robert Baratheon.

"Pardon my interruption, my lady. But I heard your sobs while passing by and thought it best to check and see if all was well," the young Stormlord said gently as he slipped inside the tent.

"Yes, urgh… , yes, all is well," Catelyn stammered out while trying to compose both her mind and appearance. It would not do well, for the eldest daughter of Riverrun and future lady of Winterfell to be seen in a drunken state by anyone, much less a Lord Paramount and future family relation.

However, her poor attempts to conceal her sorrow and inebriation did not fool Robert, who promptly poured her a cup of water and offered it to her, in an attempt to soothe her frayed nerves.

"Here, drink, Lady Catelyn. Personally, a cup of wine soothes the nerves better but you seemed to have consumed more than you can handle already," Robert said japingly and managed to elicit a smile from her.

"You know in my experience sharing one's troubles often helps to make one feel better," he said kindly.

"I give you my word that what you share with me will stay between us," Robert added after sensing her hesitation and after being convinced of the sincerity of his words, Catelyn decided to voice her worries.

The handsome and muscular lord sat with her in silence, listening patiently as Catelyn narrated the events of earlier that day. After breaking her fast, she had left to seek out her betrothed Brandon as they had plans to spend the day together. Eventually, she found him in one of the halls of the castle seated with his fellow Northmen as they broke their fast.

Just before, she could announce herself, she heard one of the Northmen ask Brandon about his experience of bedding a trout, causing the table to erupt in laughs. The statement caused Catelyn to freeze in the spot as her voice died out in her throat. And so, the eldest Tully maiden stood there near the door, hidden within the Alysanews as Brandon narrated not only his successful bedding of her, but also regaled his friends with the details of the many times and ways that he had enjoyed her company during the tourney.

"By the Gods, I'd never have thought the prim and pious Lady Catelyn capable of such acts," one man commented at the end of Brandon's narration. "Guess that under the visage of a would-be Septa, the Tully maid is no better than a randy whore."

The statement caused another round of laughter to break out around the table. To her shock and sorrow, her beloved Brandon did not only fail to come to her defence but applauded his friend for his mocking of his betrothed.

"I had thought for sure that the gorgeous Lady Dayne would be the one to end up between your sheets when I saw you leave the hall with her last night," a Northman, who she later learned was a Ryswell said to her betrothed.

"That was the original plan but Catelyn appeared out of nowhere and caused Lady Ashara to excuse herself," Brandon replied with sigh. "But the night was not a total loss, it turns out a trout can be quite lively when on its back,"

A round of laughter and lewd whistling broke out at the poorly disguised jape made at her expense. Catelyn could not bear it any longer and rushed back to her tent without drawing much attention so that she could hide her shame and humiliation. Once she was safe in the privacy of her tent, she broke down into tears and took a swig from her uncle's wineskin that had been lying on the table to drown her sorrows.

"I truly believed that he loved me, otherwise I would have never yielded my maidenhead to him. He said that we were betrothed and he wanted us both to know each other in every way possible. And I being the love struck foolish maid, abandoned the teachings of the Faith and my own good sense due to misplaced notion of love and intimacy," Catelyn said in a drunken slur and started to sob again.

To his credit and her surprise, there was no judgement in Robert's eyes. He urged Catelyn to not waste another tear on someone as undeserving as Brandon Stark. The gentle and soothing words that spilled from the lips of the young Stormlord were surprising to say the least. After all, the Baratheon lord's reputation in regards to women was well known across the realm. So, to hear him chide Brandon's actions seemed a bit hypocritical.

"Do not misunderstand me. I understand Brandon's impulses all too well since we have a lot in common considering our status as heirs to great kingdoms and the duties and burdens that accompany such roles," Robert replied after Catelyn shared her thoughts with him.

"Not to mention, I share Brandon's weakness for beautiful maidens as well."

"However, I do criticize the Stark heir for not showing the good sense to avoid making japes in public regarding any lady who shares his bed, especially if the lady in question is his own betrothed."

In that moment, Catelyn realized that Robert was a just a smarter and more sensible version of Brandon. The Baratheon lord loved to indulge in sinful pleasures but unlike her betrothed, he at least possessed a good sense of social etiquette and political understanding to keep the details of such activities to himself, let alone proudly boast of them among his peers.

A part of her even admired Lord Robert for the level of discretion and propriety that he employed in regards to such matters. Soon enough, her admiration shifted towards his beautiful and muscular form and the strange sensation that had stirred within her loins when she was in an intimate setting with Brandon, began to flare up within her.

Perhaps it was the wine or her own suppressed desires, but Catelyn felt a strong attraction towards the handsome lord. Slowly, she inched closer towards, unable to deny her base instincts that craved to be near this man who was a maiden's wet dream come to life.

Her proximity caused Robert to feel uncomfortable and he began to get up, only for Catelyn to grab his hand and pull him closer towards her. Robert had been taken off guard by Catelyn's uncharacteristic brashness that was a great contrast to the proper and refined Tully maiden persona that she projected to the realm. Although, Robert soon figured that beneath every proper maiden, an insatiable harlot was waiting to be unleashed.

His theory panned out rather quickly as Catelyn kissed Robert hard on the lips, with Robert responding in kind with a kiss of his own.

Perhaps they should not be doing this, after all he was the intended of her future good sister. But Catelyn could no longer deny the

Animalistic urge that had taken hold off her at that moment or perhaps it was some vindictive part of her that wanted to punish Brandon for hurting her feelings, she could not truly decide and ultimately chalked up her actions as one of those things that sort of happened every now and again.

Despite her limited experience in such matters, Catelyn managed to get Robert out of his breeches in little to no time.

"By the Gods, you're bigger than Brandon, much bigger," Catelyn said with a gulp as she eyed the Stormlord's massive manhood.

"I'm all for having a good time, Catelyn. But are you sure that you wish to do this?" Robert asked.

"Actually, on second thoughts, let's just agree to enjoy the moment and see where it leads," he later added with a wink.

His playful words caused Catelyn to break out into a drunken giggle, before she placed her warm mouth on his cock. Soon enough, all other thoughts were pushed out of their minds and Robert decided to focus on the depths of pleasure evoked by Catelyn's skilled oral ministrations.

Despite being a maiden until very recently, Robert soon learned that Catelyn possessed a natural talent for cock-sucking. A natural, born cock-sucker, if there ever was one.

As for Catelyn herself, she did not regret her actions for a moment. Normally, the thought of doing something like this would never have occurred to her, even in her dreams. But Brandon's hurtful words, the crude laughs of the Northmen and the knowledge that she was Brandon's second choice as a partner spurred her to cast away all her inhibitions and give in to temptation.

"That's so amazing," Robert said. "Where did you…."

"I'm a self-taught girl and based on yours and Brandon's reactions a natural talent for sure," Catelyn replied. "Now, just sit back and enjoy yourself, Lord Robert"

And Robert did enjoy the himself, he enjoyed it immensely. Catelyn hummed onto the back of her neck. Robert closed his eyes for a second, burning this image. The second that he opened those eyes, Catelyn stared up at Robert. Every shift, every moment of warm savory lips wrapping around Robert's member just made him get closer. The explosion which followed sent Robert over the edge.

Catelyn deep-throated Robert and got her money's worth as his rapid-fire thrusts buried the seed deeper and deeper into her throat until Catelyn drained him completely.

With a loud pop, Catelyn gave Robert a parting kiss on his member's head. She cupped Robert's balls for a second and looked up at the young lord, with supreme adoration dancing in her eyes.

"That was incredible," Robert complimented her, causing her to swell with pride. "Now, let's move on to the main event."

Catelyn nodded enthusiastically and skillfully removed her small clothes and threw them at Robert, who inhaled the clothing erotically. The scent of her undergarments drove Robert completely wild with desire.

Catelyn proceeded to undo the laces of her dress seductively, before letting it drop to the ground and allowed Robert to admire her generous cleavage and curvaceous figure. Robert had to admit that the Tully maiden had a body that was made for sin. It was no wonder that the Ironborn kings of old who had ruled over the Riverlands before Aegon's conquest, often chose daughters of House Tully as their salt wives and mistresses.

Catelyn crawled onto Robert's lap, trapping his erection between their bodies. The eldest daughter of Riverrun worked in a little bit further, ready to engulf Robert inside of her body. Catelyn's folds

Opened up, parting a little bit, and then pressing down on Robert. Oh, Robert could just feel the moment.

"You are the gift that keeps on giving, Cat," Robert exclaimed. "You've learned to be the wolf's bitch, and now you'll see how a Stag ruts with its mate."

Despite Robert's blunt, crude and matter of fact that statement, Catelyn could not help herself from feeling a surge of excitement run through her entire being. The warmth of Catelyn's loins, spread out as Robert's tool sank within her, rocked her entire body. Oh, Robert could just feel it, the pleasure of Catelyn slipping all the way down onto him, and taking him inside.

"Let's fuck… all day long," Catelyn purred in Robert's ear, completely abandoning any shred of shame and propriety left within her.

"Mmm, yes," Robert groaned. "OOOH YES!"

Robert slipped inside of Catelyn, her pussy practically gobbling up his member the moment that he went inside. Spurred by her body's response to him, he grabbed onto Catelyn's body. His fingers clung to her ass, making Catelyn to cry out in pleasure. Robert grabbed and released with Catelyn doing the same to Robert's cock on the inside.

"Lyanna is one lucky woman," Catelyn purred. "Oh, keep on going… my lord… I can ride your big cock all day long… hopefully it last as long."

Hoster Tully's eldest daughter tightened her grips around Robert, flexing and releasing. Oh, Robert thought that the weight in his balls would almost pop. Seizing the moment, along with a handful of Catelyn's fine and ample breasts Robert dove inside. Catelyn hugged Robert into her body, moaning in his ear. The young lord kept on going, rocking Catelyn back and forth. Their hips moved back and forth, speeding up with intensifying friction.

"Oooh, show me everything you got."

Catelyn wanted to feel very good. If she was fated to be bound to a man like Brandon then she wished to have at least the memory of one good fuck to hold onto for the rest of her life. Trapping Robert between her walls, Catelyn gained the confidence that she had made Robert feel pretty good as well.

The sex had relieved Catelyn of her shame and sorrow, but only doubled the lust within her. Catelyn had no regrets, no apologies. If Brandon thought of her as a consolation prize, then it was only fair that she had a passionate encounter of her own that would put her betrothed's prowess in the bedroom to shame.

"Oh, by the Gods, you could put the best whores of the realm to shame, Catelyn," Robert breathed.

The young Stormlord's remark that compared a high-born maiden like her to common whores should have made her feel offended. But for some inexplicable reason, it only enflamed her passions.



The two edged closer to the finish line. Of course, one shift of their bodies, caused Catelyn to fly over the finish line. Her orgasm rocked every inch of Catelyn's body. Pressing Robert down into her, Catelyn tightened the grip, pumping the young lord deeper, harder, and faster. With the weight of Robert's balls smacking down on Catelyn, she aggressively mewled and scratched Robert's back.

Robert could feel the tightening inside of his loins, gaining ever more so with every passing moment. The more Catelyn milked Robert, the more Robert did. Just before he came undone, Robert asked her if she wanted him to pull out.

"No need, my dumb brute of a betrothed provided me with a stash of moon tea after our first coupling. He said that the tourney was going

To be long and he wished to express his passion for me at every available chance," Catelyn informed him. "We might as well put it to good use. Fill me with your seed!"

The two edged together for the end and Catelyn grabbed onto Robert, determined to get her money's worth. Of course, one could argue Catelyn already did with the constant orgasm spilling over her body and easing Robert's descent into her body.

Robert edged forward, the tightening getting even more. And Catelyn held him in tighter, to ensure that Robert came inside of her. The wet walls closing against Robert's bare cock felt very good.

With one more grunt, Robert finished, shoving deep inside of her. He pushed deep into Catelyn, squeezing her hips and driving her down as Robert rocketed several blasts into Catelyn, filling up her tight little pussy until they finally shuddered.

"That was spectacular," Catelyn said.

"Thank you for the wonderful experience, my lord," Catelyn murmured, as she struggled to catch her breath after the intense fucking session.

"It was my pleasure," Robert replied before parting himself from her.

The Lord of the Stormlands once again assured her that this encounter would stay between them as he got dressed. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead as a goodbye, before exiting the tent.

End of Flashback

Once she had recovered from her drunken state and the exhaustion of that brief but memorable encounter, Catelyn had been overcome with feelings of shame and remorse. Her father's lessons coming to the forefront of her mind, men were expected to stray from the marriage bed but as a high-born lady her duty was to remain loyal and dutiful towards her lord husband and family.

Catelyn chided and cursed herself for the great lapse in judgement and prayed to the Gods for forgiveness along with asking for their help to keep her indiscretion from ever coming to light. As penance, she had vowed to remain faithful and loyal to her betrothed, no matter his failings. To his credit, Robert had remained true to his word and had never mentioned their brief fling to anyone over the years and treated her with the utmost respect whenever they met in a social setting.

When she received news of Brandon's death at the hands of the Mad King and her father's subsequent decision to wed her to his younger brother, she had cried bitterly and cursed herself, for at the time she had believed her circumstances to be a punishment from the Seven for her sinful transgressions. Thus, she had decided to accept the will of the Gods and make the best of her situation.

Catelyn wedded and bedded the shy and dour Ned Stark who possessed neither his elder brother's charm and wit nor the thrilling bedroom skills of his foster brother. Despite the disappointing turn of events, she had tried to find some joy with her new husband.

However, his arrival at Winterfell with his supposed bastard, Jon Snow, after the war once again crushed her hopes. Over the years, she had built an affectionate if not loving relationship with her husband. Though the presence of the bastard had never allowed her to experience true marital bliss.

And now after all these years, when she had found some modicum of joy and comfort in her life after the bastard's departure to the Wall and her family's rise within the realm, the Gods had seen fit to punish her once again.

"No more, do you hear me? This time I will take my fate into my own hands," Catelyn howled to the Gods above as she stood before Lyanna's tomb, as her voice echoed across the catacombs.

Determination strengthened the Lady of Winterfell's resolve and she made her way towards the crypt doors.

Robert was seated in the guest chambers of Winterfell, which was illuminated solely by the light the moon filtering through the window, even though unlit candles had been placed around the room.

Sitting in the darkness helped Robert to focus his thoughts as he channeled the power of the shadows, just as Melisandre had showed him. With the aid of the Asshai Shadowbinder, Robert had not only mastered the powers of flame and shadow, but also learned to access the primordial power of the Storms locked within his blood. Yet, he still had a long way to go before realizing his full potential.

'If the Red Woman's assumptions are accurate, then the power that I wielded on Pyke is nothing but a taste of what I can truly do,' Robert said to himself.

However, accessing arcane powers was both stressful and draining and Robert soon found himself in need of some release. So, he got up and poured himself a glass of Arbor Gold to help soothe his senses.

The sweet taste of the rich drink stimulated his palate, as the wine quenched his thirst. But it failed to help quell the longing that has started to churn within his loins.

A side effect of using dark magics, Melisandre had informed when he first told her about the spike in his libido whenever he wielded his power.

Robert almost called out to his guards to fetch him a whore, to help tend to his needs. But stopped himself after remembering, that if his instincts were right then a certain lady would soon be along to pay him a visit.

And right on cue, there was a knock on his door a few moments later. His Kingsguard announced that Lady Catelyn was seeking an audience and Robert promptly bid her entry.

The door opened and in strode Lady Catelyn Stark, her aura exuding a mixture of determination with traces of doubt and trepidation.

Robert discreetly signalled his guard who understood his intent and closed the door from outside and went about ensuring that the King and his guest for the evening would not be disturbed.

Despite her confident demeanor, Robert noticed that the Lady of Winterfell could not stop fidgeting as she nervously rubbed her hands together.

"Relax Catelyn, you're acting more nervous than you were the first time we were together," Robert said to his guest, hoping his words would help calm her nerves. Though reminding her of their past encounter seemed to only increase the lady's restlessness.

"Although, now that I recall, you had indulged in quite a bit of drink at the time. Perhaps, some wine will help calm your nerves?" he said calmly, to which she nodded her head in consent.

Robert poured her a glass which she accepted eagerly and began gulping it down greedily. She finished her first glass rather quickly and promptly poured herself another.

"Before I agree to your proposal, I would like to discuss a few points and conditions with you," Catelyn said to him, trying to convey confidence but her fear and doubts spilled into her voice.

"You really don't have any cards to play here, Catelyn. My offer is one that I made to you out of kindness and my own desire for you. If you wish to refuse, you are free to do so. But remember that while my arrangement with Sansa guarantees her a crown, the future of the rest of your children remains uncertain," Robert replied calmly and Catelyn felt her confidence ebb away.

Seeing the distress upon Catelyn's beautiful features, Robert informed the Lady of Winterfell about the details of their arrangement. What would be expected of her and what she would receive in return from him.

The King's offer was more than generous considering the circumstances. He was offering her power, position and influence within the capital along with the promise of securing her remaining children's future. Her virtue and body were a small price in comparison.

However, before she accepted Robert's offer, there was one thing that she would need before the deal could be sealed officially. And so, she informed him of the condition. Upon hearing it, Robert let out a laugh and said that he would be most happy to grant her request.

"Then, we have a deal, your grace," Catelyn said confidently. "I am yours to command from this moment on."

"Excellent! I think a change of dress would be in order," Robert said casually as he pointed towards a wardrobe chest placed near the changing screen of his chamber.

"I always carry certain items and gifts with me when I travel across the realm, for situations like these," Robert explained and informed her that there was a red outfit within the chest that he wished for her to don tonight.

Not wanting to displease the King, Catelyn moved towards the chest and opened it. The clothing was scandalous for certain and she was hesitant to wear such a thing. But quickly reminded herself of her new role and the duties that accompanied it.

Robert lazily removed his surcoat and tunic as he watched Catelyn retrieve the clothing from the chest and move towards the changing screen in order to ready herself for him.

"Wait, Catelyn, since you and I are going to become very intimate with each other, I feel that there should not be any secrets between us," Robert said. "I'm sure that you have heard the rumors and tales about my gifts. Now, you can witness them first hand for yourself."

The King raised his hand towards Catelyn who stood with the erotic outfit in her hands, as confusion marred her features. Just as she was about to voice her query, the Lady of Winterfell's entire form was enveloped within a cloak of Robert's energy.

The energy dissipated a few moments later and Catelyn was left flummoxed by her state. The clothes that she had been wearing were now upon the floor, crumpled up in a pile, while the Lady of Winterfell herself was now adorned in the exotic garments that she had been holding within her hands until a few moments ago.

"Seven protect us!" Catelyn shrieked involuntarily, as she realized the truth behind the rumors of the King's involvement in dark sorcery.

"The Seven have little to no power in the South, my lady. Let alone here in the land of the Old Gods. Praying to them is a futile effort," Robert said with a chuckle, enjoying the panicked and shocked reactions of his newest mistress, who struggled to accept the reality of what she had witnessed.

Robert then proceeded to take in the mouth-watering sight of Catelyn Stark, who was now dressed in a tight red corset that made her amazing breasts look higher and firmer, while simultaneously showcasing her flat stomach. The clothing combined with the thigh high red stockings and thong that she was now garbed in, made her look amazing.

The years have not reduced her beauty and desirability in the least…

, Robert mused to himself.

"By the Gods, Catelyn, I have always said that you possessed a body made for sin and now it belongs to me," Robert remarked as he admired the form of his newest mistress.

"Do not fear, you have my protection from now on," Robert said and a with a subtle flick of his wrist, and used the Red God's blessing to light all the candles within the chamber and created a more romantic setting.

"Now come to me and prove your devotion," Robert gruffly commanded as he moved towards the bed.

The display of Robert's powers only strengthened Catelyn's faith in her decision as she was now convinced that serving the King was in the best interests of both herself and her family. And so, she calmed herself and prepared to please her new lord and master to the best of her ability.

A short while later, Robert was seated upon the bed, naked from the waist down. He smiled and leaned back as he took in the sight of Catelyn's sexy hips swaying as she made his way to him. Despite birthing five children, those hips were still as shapely as they had been all those years ago at Harrenhal.

Soon enough, the Lady of Winterfell had climbed into his lap and their hips grinded against one another. Catelyn experienced the thick tool which pulsed out into the palm of her hand. She slowly, but surely stroked Robert's member through his breeches, making him groan very loudly as she touched him.

"My King, it's even bigger than I remember," Catelyn said as she helped discard his breeches away completely.

His rock-hard cock was now stretching towards the sky. Meanwhile, Catelyn peppered Robert's chest and abs with kisses, before leaning down to take a good long lick of his cock. Her perfectly hot mouth and tongue lavished Robert's rising member as it stretched to reach her throat.

Robert grabbed the back of Catelyn's head and forced his cock down her throat. She looked positively gorgeous, with her stocking clad legs dangling off of the bed as she laid on her side. Her breasts practically spilled out of the corset as she bobbed up and down on his long prick and captured him quite hungrily with each rise and each drop.


Catelyn's warm, savory mouth popped around Robert's rock-hard member. He edged himself deep into Catelyn's mouth and entered the back of her throat with some furious pumps. Catelyn bobbed her mouth up and down on Robert and swallowed him with glee as she closed her throat around him.

"Keep it up!"

Oh, Catelyn kept it up and took Robert's cock deep into her throat while fondling his balls. They were nice and full and carried enough seed within them to bless every maiden in Westeros. Which is what the King wanted to do, if Robert's ever-growing harem of beauties was any indication of his intent.

For now, though, Robert slammed Catelyn's mouth down and deeply fucked her throat. The cream became to rise and he prepared to spray the back of her throat. Catelyn's hot and savory eyes locked onto Robert as she bottomed out on his throat. She swallowed as Robert's cum exploded down into the back of her throat. Robert pushed Catelyn down and launched blast after blast of seed into her mouth. Catelyn swallowed it all, like the faithful and dutiful woman that she was.

The ageless Riverland beauty managed to drain Robert's balls completely.

At least until they filled up again.

"I can see that time has not dulled your oral skills, Cat," Robert complimented her. "Now, turn around and present your ass to me."

Catelyn did so, her thong sliding down. Robert reached over and unclipped Catelyn's corset, which allowed her round and full breasts to just pop out into the world. Robert cupped the mammary wonders in his hand and gave them a very firm squeeze to make Catelyn just cry out in pleasure.

Robert spanked her hard. The strong hand hitting Catelyn's ass tapped a gusher in her pussy. Robert's strong hard cock ground against the back of her leg.

"You belong to me now."

"All women will bend at the knee before the King of Westeros."

Robert's proclamations confirmed his intentions and her own future to Catelyn very clearly. And oddly enough, feelings of excitement and anticipation coursed through her being.

Robert lined up his cock for her wet pussy and slid all the way into her hot depths in one swift stroke.


Catelyn screamed out in euphoria as her pussy received a good stuffing when Robert pushed into her.

Her couplings with Ned had never brought her much pleasure as her dour husband lacked any true skill in the bedroom. Most of the times, she most just laid still on the bed stiff as a board while Ned took his pleasure. It was such a dulling and tedious experience that quite often her mind would wander off to past memories of shared passion with Brandon and even Robert on occasion.

But now, it felt as if her desires and passion had been awoken from years of slumber as Robert teased her body mercilessly with his skilled ministrations. The remarkable fact was that only half of his cock was grounding against her insides till this moment.

Robert could sense Catelyn's hot, insatiable, sexual appetite and so he pressed his hand down against Catelyn's breast and palmed it as he thrust all the way into the warm depths of her body. She tightened around him and let out a very intense scream as Robert pushed all the way into her.


"Not demon, my dear Cat. I am your God," Robert said. "Always remember that along with everything that only I can do to you!"

Robert squeezed Catelyn's juicy breast, making her cry out even more. He sped up a little bit and drove her down onto the bed. He grabbed Catelyn's arms and pulled them back when Robert pushed his cock all the way into her body. Robert slapped his balls down onto her and made Catelyn cry out in passion for his cock stuffing her wet pussy with each slapping motion. The motions caused the large poster bed to creak while its legs scrapped against the stone floor of the chamber.

"Never forget that I am your master now!"

A grunting Robert exclaimed as he pushed all the way into her body. He slammed tighter and deeper into her body. Robert pulled over and flipped Catelyn over. He contorted Catelyn's body so her legs were folded back, with Catelyn's knees touching her shoulder. Such a flexible bitch, and Robert decided to work her pussy as well. He lined up and jammed himself into Catelyn.

"Do you want me to touch your tits?" "Please, master!" Catelyn moaned.

Yes, Catelyn had finally understood that from now on, Robert Baratheon was her King, Master and God all rolled into one. Her body, soul and life were now in service to him and him alone.

The shame that she had earlier felt when Robert had informed him of his relationship with Sansa had now transformed into pride. Her perfect daughter had shown far greater wisdom and sense that Catelyn herself had possessed at that age. Not only had she earned herself a crown but also managed to gain a level of influence and power that very few women if any ever achieved in this cruel and unfair world. And Sansa had done it all by herself. Though her

Daughter would not remain alone for long, as Catelyn had resolved to aid her daughter and their family in every way possible when she arrived in the capital to take her place at court and more importantly the King's harem.

For now, though, Catelyn sampled what was to come and liked it. Robert's skilled hands flipped several switches deep within Catelyn's lustful psyche. She pumped her hips back and forth to allow Robert to stuff her body completely.

"It's time for you to cum."

Catelyn's eyes practically rolled into the back of her head as Robert slammed all the way into her body and stretched her tight cunt with his thrusting motions. The Storm King held his fingers against the back of her thigh and pummeled her pussy rapidly.

Her tightening walls teased Robert's cock while he allowed his own divine stamina to build gradually. Robert rocked her body and made the thrashing woman moan in ecstasy. Her body obeyed Robert's whims completely as he rode her to one of the most mind rattling orgasms that she had ever experienced in her life. He could feel Catelyn's pussy just erupt in and saturate his cock with its juices. He was so lubricated that Robert could force himself into the tightest of holes with ease.

And speaking of the tightest of holes, Robert slid his finger deep inside of Catelyn's back passage and teased it, very carefully edging his finger up against her snug little opening. Catelyn let out a very intense breath as Robert pushed into her.

"Did you think that any hole would be out of bounds for me?"

No, Catelyn did not think it, and she sure hoped for. Robert laid her on the bed, ass up, and cheeks spread before ramming his thick cock into Catelyn's juicy backside. The Lady of Winterfell moaned as Robert reached in and grabbed her auburn locks with one hand and cupped her ass in the other while he roughly fucked her. He

Smashed her ass with a furious blur of thrusts. Each of them harder than the last. Catelyn mewled loudly at her lover's actions and the rate which he slammed deep into her tight ass from above.

So close, Robert could feel it. But he wanted to explore Catelyn's warmest, tightest hole more. Robert rocked back inside of her, knowing when he was going to finish. He wanted to turn Catelyn into a squirting, dripping, breathing wreck. The spanking of her ass got Catelyn dripping like nothing else.

She was so close, and Robert closed his eyes to enjoy the feel of Catelyn's perfect ass. Those perfect round globes just molded in his hands as he pounded down into her tight ass hole while it squeezed him. Robert pressed down into her and filled her ass up with several gloriously deep and hard pumps.

"Not a single hole," Robert said with a breath. "And I'm going to pump your ass full right now."

Catelyn tightened around Robert's finger as it probed her pussy. She came harder than ever before. The thought of Robert finishing and burying inside of her ass made Catelyn just lose it.

Robert soaked in the scent of arousal from this very gorgeous woman and rode her to a rapid conclusion. Her ass tightened around Robert with a very steady squeeze around his cock. Robert filled her up from above and slammed as deep into her as humanly possible.

Oh, he could feel it, molding into the palm of his hand. "One more time."

Catelyn shook madly on the bed, breathing heavily and came hard again. She could feel a surge of energy blast through her body as Robert rode her extremely hard.

The King soon bottomed out in Catelyn, with her warm snug hole proving to be his undoing. Robert released a heavy load in her ass.

He rode it out and made sure Catelyn's ass overflowed with his thick, savory seed.

Catelyn's ass cheeks bubbled with cum, the raw marks from Robert's hands slapping on them still visible as he pumped into her. Robert leaned back and groped Catelyn's lovely body to emphasize his domination of her.

A small disappointment stirred within Catelyn. Not for the anal, because it felt amazing to be dominated and plowed in her ass. But the fact Robert did not dump his thick seed inside of her fertile womb. She had borne her underserving husband five strong and heathy children over the years and now thought of how incredible it would be to bear a child born of royal seed and blood.

Yet, Catelyn should have known better, her master was not finished. He picked Catelyn up and motioned for her to lick the same cock that had been in her ass just moments ago. Catelyn did and worked Robert up to full strength with just two light sucks. She took him into her mouth and swirled her tongue around the width.

With a few swift and sudden movements, Robert abruptly placed both of his hands on her perfect ass and lifted her up. Catelyn's legs instinctively wrapped around his hips as her arms rested on his shoulders for leverage.

Giving her a mischievous grin, Robert unceremoniously speared Catelyn with his massive cock, causing her eyes bulge in reaction. After establishing a comfortable rhythm, Robert began to fuck her with his full force as his member throbbed and twitched within Catelyn's pussy and womb.

Catelyn held tightly onto Robert's shoulders as he fucked her with his massive member and she moaned breathlessly, shaking her head to-and-fro as heat built up within her once again.

"Oh Gods, I'm cumming again!" Catelyn whimpered as Robert gouged her wide open.

"Then cum for your master, you wanton whore," Robert laughed as he continued to use his firm grip on Catelyn's hips to wedge more of his cock in her leaking pussy. The proud Stark matriarch felt her third climax of the night upon hearing Robert's vulgar command.

"GODS! SEVEN SAVE ME!" Catelyn screamed as her juices sprayed out once more, all over Robert's thighs.

Catelyn's climax was extended as Robert continued to relentlessly thrust himself into her spasming cunt. Her toes curled and legs tightened around his hips as she desperately held onto him and prayed to the gods for mercy. Perhaps, that was her mistake, Robert was her God now and her prayers should have been directed towards him instead of the Seven. And so, she prayed to her new God in her thoughts.

And unlike the other gods, Robert answered her prayer swiftly because as soon as her orgasm had finally finished Robert dislodged his cock from her aching pussy. Catelyn panted heavily as he nibbled on her ear before he laid her gently upon the bed so that she could recover her strength.

"I know that you wish to give me a child. But you have not yet earned such an honor. Prove yourself to me and I will reward you when the time comes," the King told her and she promised both him and herself that she would earn that privilege shortly.

"Rest up Catelyn, the night is still young and I'm not yet sated," Robert added with a smile.

The King's insatiable carnal appetite should have terrified her. But it only fueled her own lust and excitement as she longed to prove her worth in the eyes of new Master and God.