Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Catelyn Stark/Osha

'These southern kneelers were a strange and complicated lot for sure,' Osha mused to herself as she moved across the courtyard of Winterfell, tugging her cloak tighter around her frame to stave off the cold. No one paid her any mind as the castle bustled with activity to welcome and accommodate the Lords of the North and their bannermen who were gathering at the castle to discuss the upcoming war against Osha's own people.

It had been nearly a year since she and a group of her fellow Free folk had managed to sneak past the Wall, to escape the dangers that lurked within the true North.

Initially, she had been part of Mance Rayder's growing army as the turncloak ranger of the Night's Watch attempted to rally and unite all the clans beyond the Wall into a single army under him. Unlike the kings on the other side of the Wall, Mance's goal behind forming this army was not to conquer and dominate any land and its people. But merely, gather enough strength to force the Crows to grant them passage into the south where their people would have a better chance to survive the ever-approaching evil that sought to snuff out all life, Free folk and Kneeler alike.

Mance's task itself was easier said than done as many of the Free folk clans despite being aware of the danger resisted joining Mance's army. Ultimately, Osha and a few like-minded raiders had become frustrated with the slow progress of the King-beyond-the-Wall and decided to cross the Wall on their own.

Though they had been successful in making it to the southern lands, they soon learned that they were no safer than they were beyond the Wall. Osha's group had come upon a few southern lords out on a hunt in the woods and decided to steal their horses and supplies. It should have been easy pickings, when one considered that their prey consisted of two green boys who were on the cusp of manhood and one crippled child. However, their confidence had cost them dearly as the two boys turned out to be more skilled and resourceful than they had anticipated. By the end of it, all her travelling companions were dead and Osha herself had ended up in chains, forced to live as a servant in a kneeler lord's castle.

During her time in the south, Osha had learned a great deal about the southerners and the customs of their lands. But the more she learned, the more it baffled her mind.

Life beyond the Wall had been simple where a man's worth lied in the strength of his own arms and his ability to hunt and survive in the harsh lands of eternal winter. But here in the south, a man's worth was determined by the blood that he carried in his veins and the fancy titles that he used before his name.

The same could be said for the differences between their marriage customs and laws. In the true north, a man took a woman by proving his strength to her and if the relationship was agreeable the two would start a family. And even in the most ideal circumstance, most Free folk warriors often ended up taking more than one Spearwife for themselves as well as siring several children upon them. With all the women and children being equal in the eyes of their society until one proved themselves more worthy than others through a feat of strength and ability.

However, relationships in the south were completely different. The rituals for marriage, the vows and promises seemed to be completely in the favor of the men with women being required to take subservient role. A man could bed numerous women after being wed without consequence but if a woman was caught doing the same, she would be severely punished. The same went for the children. A child born of a wife was true and pure, destined to inherit his father's name, lands and titles upon birth itself. But one born out of wedlock was considered to be evil and undeserving of almost anything, even the name of its father.

All these strange and complicated customs and laws confused the captive Spearwife greatly, no matter how much she tried to understand them.

But to Osha, the most confusing and striking difference between her people and the kneelers was the role of the King.

Beyond the Wall, a King was selected by all the clan leaders in the times of war or great distress to help guide their people and his authority only lasted until the said threat had been resolved. And even during his reign, a King-beyond-the-Wall's power was questionable as the warriors and leaders often questioned and challenged his decisions without fear of reprisal.

The same could not be said for the Kings of the South. Because apparently the kneelers were so weak and helpless that they required a King at all times. Osha had learned that this royal position was often given to someone based on their blood and birth rather than his deed and ability. The Kings in the South wielded such power and authority that if anyone ever dared to question let alone challenge them, they could end up facing dire consequences.

Another benefit that the Kings below the Wall seemed to enjoy was the freedom of taking a woman. Unlike a southern lord who had to, what's the word…. 'court' a lady that he wished to bed, the King merely needed to only make the slightest of gestures to bring her to his bed. In addition, a King could openly bed the wife or daughter of

a southern lord and the lord would actually show gratitude for the act rather than any anger or retribution which was the standard response had any other man performed such a deed. But the most startling aspect of such a situation in Osha's opinion was the ease with which so many people ignored or concealed the King's actions, that one would be left to ponder if such an act had taken place in the first place itself.

At least that was what Osha had surmised based upon her recent experiences.

Osha did not like to dwell upon such things for too long as her head would start to hurt. Despite how confusing and maddening the kneelers and their customs were, Osha concluded that life was far better on this side of the Wall. She was alive, there was food in her belly, a roof over head and a fire to keep her warm. What more could she want? And if the price for such comfort and security was accepting and abiding the games and laws of the south, then she was fine with it.

'I need to look out for myself', Osha told herself as she came upon the Broken Tower of Winterfell. Letting out a sigh, the Wilding Spearwife made her into the tower and climbed its steps until she came upon the locked door of a chamber located at its uppermost level.

Using the key provided by Lady Stark, Osha entered the large and spacious chamber. It had been recently and quite discreetly furnished by the Lady of Winterfell upon the arrival of the King and Lord Stark.

The inside of this secret chamber was a striking contrast to the decrepit and shoddy state of the tower within which it was located. There were thick but soft carpets laid out across the floor and elaborately crafted cushioned chairs and couches. The wooden frames upon the windows had been recently repaired while a few colorful tapestries decorated the sparse walls of the chamber along with the scones that held the torches which lit up the room. There

was even a bathtub, big enough for two or possibly more people at the far end of the chamber.

But the most notable item within the chamber was the ornately furnished large four poster bed that was located on the slightly elevated level that was connected to floor of the room by no more than two steps. It was positioned from right across the chamber's door, and thus was always the first thing that manged to capture the attention of anyone who entered the chamber.

While the luxurious chamber would have captivated the attention of most southerners, let alone a wilding like her who had never even imagined such comforts and dwellings, Osha's attention had instead been directed towards the erotic scene unfolding upon the furs of the large bed.

Osha moved across the chamber, noticing the haphazardly discarded clothes of the bed's occupants splattered across the floor and furniture of the chamber. She moved up the steps leading to the bed, to take in the sight of King Robert and Lady Catelyn splayed across the sheets, both sweaty and sticky from their recently concluded carnal encounter with each other. Lady Stark appeared to be so exhausted that she had fallen asleep.

"You're late," the King said to her.

"Apologies, your grace. As per the lady's instructions, I made sure that the Stark boys were sufficiently occupied before sneaking away. However, Lord Stark and Lord Robb spotted me as I was leaving the main keep and inquired about Lady Stark's whereabouts," Osha explained while inching towards the bed.

"What did you say?" Robert asked, wondering if he would have to destroy the last illusion that his traitorous friend was holding onto, in regards to having a loving and faithful wife.

"I didn't have to say anything as the Septa and Steward Poole arrived and told them that Lady Stark was busy overseeing the

lodging arrangements of the arriving forces and that she had sent for me to aid her," the Spearwife replied with a mischievous grin.

"I must hand it to the Lady of Winterfell, she is nothing if not prepared for every possibility," Robert said with a chuckle.

'That she was', Osha had to agree with the King's assessment.

A few days after the King's arrival, Lady Stark had summoned Osha to the Broken Tower where Septa Mordane and Lord Steward Vayon Poole had already been present upon her arrival. The Lady of Winterfell then proceeded to inform the group about her new relationship with King Robert and asked for their aid to carry out the affair discreetly without anyone being the wiser to it.

Though both the Septa and Lord Poole had initially been shocked by Lady Stark's revelation and request, they eventually agreed to help her after the Lady offered them rewards and the King's favour in exchange for their service.

The Steward was hesitant to say the least, citing that he could not deceive Lord Stark. But relented after learning of his beloved daughter, Jeyne's liaisons with the King back in the capital. As for the Septa, all it took was a promise from Lady Catelyn that she would be granted a position of authority in the Great Sept of the South, before the pious woman consented to aid in the Lady's affair.

As for Osha herself, freedom from her chains was the price of Osha's loyalty and aid.

"Osha, as you know, the realm is preparing to go to war with your people. The Northmen especially will be baying for the complete slaughter of the Wildlings. If you wish, there is a way that you can help your people," Lady Stark said to her, before inviting her to join the King's bed.

"King Robert's appetites are vast and I fear that I alone will not be enough to satisfy him during his stay. I could engage whores from

the brothel in Wintertown, but I have feeling that the King would appreciate a wild beauty like you more than them," the lady went onto explain. "This is an invaluable opportunity that I am giving you, you can earn the King's favor and live a life filled with comforts and luxuries. At the very least, you might even be able to convince the King to show mercy upon your fellow Wildlings."

'Lady Stark is right, if bedding the comely and mighty southern King could aid her people and save them from death then her choice was clear. Besides, the King might be more likely to believe the truth about the Others if it was whispered in his ear from his bedside,' Osha had reasoned to herself and accepted Lady Stark's proposal, joining the King's bed that very night.

The King had enjoyed bedding a Spearwife and wished to learn more about her people, especially about Spearwives and if they all were as lively and exciting as her. Osha had seized the opportunity and started on planting the notion of mercy and aid for the Free folk in the King's mind. He was a stubborn man, but she felt that he would gradually come around.

And so here she was yet again, doing her part to save her people.

Osha who was wearing nothing beneath her thick fur cloak simply smiled and pulled Robert towards her, detaching his arms from Catelyn. She took Robert's cock, still dripping wet from slipping into Catelyn's body, into her hand. She squeezed down onto it, pushing almost all the way down onto it and jerking Robert off until he jerked away.

"So, how was that?" Osha whispered. "I feel I have improved since our first time."

"That was pretty nice, but you still have a lot to learn" Robert replied as he tore off Osha's cloak and allowed her bountiful breasts to come out. He was always up to having some fun with Osha, and Osha, grinding up against him, was more than up to having some fun with him.

Robert had come upon the gruff wilding beauty during one of his spars in the Winterfell training yard and had been immediately struck with an idea that would both aid in the upcoming conflict and sate his lust as well.

And so, he had instructed Catelyn to bring the captured Spearwife by offering her freedom from chains and the chance to aid her people.

Eager to prove her worth, the Lady of Winterfell did not disappoint and soon Robert found himself enjoying some truly rough and passionate fucking with the savage beauty from beyond the Wall. Robert had always thought his Lyanna and the Mormont women to be the epitome of strong and lively women who enjoyed a good brutal fuck. But Osha soon proved that a passion for savage lovemaking was something that both Northerners and Wildlings had in common.

As Robert squeezed Osha's breasts, she dropped down onto him. Robert had already enjoyed a thorough and draining fuck with Catelyn, but the visage of Osha, with her unbound dark locks and perfect body grinding against him, replenished both his lust and energy. And so, he drove himself deeper into Osha, stretching her warm core out.

The size of his bloated balls brushing against Osha just drove her completely nuts. She wanted to ride him.

"Do you enjoy being ridden by your wilding whore, my King?" Osha asked him.

"Aye, most certainly, I love it," Robert moaned in response.

Osha planted herself down completely onto Robert, riding up and down. She took him into her, and milked his big cock to make Robert just groan in pleasure.

"Take my body, take it! I give it you, O mighty King!" Osha yelled. "Did you fuck the lady hard tonight?"

"I fucked her all around the chamber," Robert growled while groping Osha's tits and then moving to her hips to slide her all the way down her body.

"I figured as much; the carpet seemed a little bit sticky."

Osha commented before clutching down onto Robert and releasing him. So close to earning that all important load of seed. A soft moan from the side of the bed indicated that Lady Catelyn had stirred in her sleep, the sounds of their sex driving her on.

Robert and Osha moved back and forth against each other, fucking like rabbits.

"You want all of my royal cum, don't you?" Robert growled.

Osha broke out into a prominent smile, her eyes calling for the explosion to be inside of her. She clutched down hard onto Robert and released him, the moisture pooling around the tip of Robert's cock and going down all the way to the base as he slid on in.

"All of it… that big load!"

She exclaimed and rode Robert nice and hard, to the point where one would have to be completely spent to not react. And Robert's limits had not been reached yet. So, with the sizing up in his balls becoming prominent, Robert spent a huge load of his seed, bathing Osha's insides with every single last drop of it.

Robert and Osha came together on the bed, with Osha sliding all the way down onto Robert. Her wet, stretched out pussy, closed ranks on Robert and drained him of every single last drop of seed.

"Perfect," Osha murmured. "That was so fucking hot."

Catelyn who was now fully awake commented before engulfing Robert's manhood into her mouth. She got Robert nice and hard in

no time, not that he needed much time to begin with. But Catelyn intended to get Robert even harder, taking him into the back of her throat.

Robert locked onto the auburn locks of the gorgeous Stark matriarch and pumped inside of her mouth. Oh, the hotness of Catelyn's mouth just increased.

"She couldn't have enough of you," Osha said. "Just how long were you both fucking?

"I didn't keep track," Robert answered with a shrug.

Catelyn moved around and decided to help herself to the meal currently dripping between Osha's thighs. She licked Osha's pussy and then put her lips onto it, sucking her mouth.

"That's right, eat my pussy," Osha said. "You southern women act all prim and proper with your fancy silks and manners… But I know the truth now… you all are just horny and cock hungry like any woman on the other side of the Wall."

Not too long ago, such a statement would have made Catelyn blush in shame and anger. But ever since she learned of her husband's deception and accepted the King's proposal, it felt as a weight had been lifted from her.

Upon reflection, Catelyn had come to realize that she and Osha had something in common, apart from being the vessels for the King's pleasure. Just as Osha had been held in chains and forced into service after being brought to Winterfell. Catelyn too had been in held by the chains of society, customs and the archaic practices of the land since her birth and been forced to serve men who were unworthy of her.

Just as Robert had freed Osha from her chains, in a way he had set Catelyn free as well so that she could earn power and influence on her own terms while enjoying pleasures that had been denied to her

so long. And for that fact alone, she would forever be indebted to the King.

So yes, Catelyn would eat Osha's pussy, along with any other woman's including her own daughter if it meant that she could enjoy another helping of Robert's divine nectar inside of her.

The strong musk of the aroused King behind her sent Catelyn tingling as he stood over her and pressed down onto his back. Robert's sizeable erection pushed against her.

Robert took control of Osha's tits and milked them, nearly causing her to have an orgasm. Then, Robert did the same to Catelyn, with the added benefit of brushing up against her.

"On your knees, back-to-back almost."

Osha and Catelyn gleamed the King's intent. Fortunately, the bed extended just far enough to allow them to both get on their knees, while providing Robert with enough room to get behind them.

Robert slid back into Catelyn and grabbed onto her hips, rocking back and forth with his thrusts. Every time Robert pulled almost all the way out of Catelyn, he bumped Osha's exposed pussy with his ass, causing her to cry out in pleasure.

After riding out Catelyn an orgasm, Robert turned around and shoved his cock, dripping wet from Catelyn, deep into Osha. She took Robert in completely deep, thrusting away at Osha and rocking against Catelyn's body just as hard as well.

The cries of both women, mixed in the air, only accelerated what Robert was feeling. He rode Osha out, to her orgasm. Robert rocked back and forth until he got Osha to cum all over him.

"I wonder which of you lovely ladies are going to have me finish first," Robert mused out loud.

Both women called for him and so Robert switched back and forth, riding them to an orgasm, before switching off. There were times where Robert slowed down a little bit, not because he was spent though. No, he wanted to draw out the pleasure. Osha's warm core closed down onto him, stretching around Robert and releasing him. She cried out, an exclamation of pleasure the deeper that he plunged into her.

"Close, but not quite," Robert told the Spearwife.

Osha intended to step up her game the next time around. She broke formation however, wrapping her arms around Robert from behind as he plunged into Catelyn. Osha ground up against Robert, her hips moving, and pushing him deeper into Catelyn.

The force of two people fucked Catelyn at the same time and nearly caused her to let out an ear-piercing scream. Knowing that such a sound would undoubtedly draw unwanted attention, Robert used his powers to seal the chamber within an energy bubble that would prevent any sound from travelling to the outside world.

"I give thanks to you, my King. You acted to protect my reputation," Catelyn whimpered in gratitude after both she and Osha saw the King display his divine power. Both women had heard tales of the Battle of Pyke and the King's supernatural powers, but witnessing it first hand was something else.

"I had thought that magic had died long on this side of the Wall. Glad to see that I was wrong," Osha said, realizing that the King could actually be the prophesized hero that Mother Mole spoke of in her sermons, back at Hardhome.

"Lady Stark, why don't you express your thanks by cumming for us," the wildling added.

Catelyn agreed with Osha's suggestion and clamped down onto Robert. The sensual moans coming from Osha as she humped the

King from behind, pushing up against him, drove Catelyn wild with desire.

"Oh, she's cumming for us," Robert groaned as both Osha and he fucked Catelyn from behind all the way to an orgasm.

The energy bubble erected by Robert allowed Catelyn to let out unrestrained and incredibly loud of pleasure, without anyone from the outside being none the wiser to what was transpiring within the Broken Tower. A fact that Catelyn was glad for.

Despite having the King's protection, Catelyn did not want to go through the hassle of explaining herself to Ned, let alone her children. Robert had promised her that one day she would no longer need to hide her passion for him but till then she had to be patient and discreet. The King had always been honest with her and kept every promise that he made to her. So, she had happily accepted his answer and placed her trust in him.

Osha thrusted hard against them both and Robert buried himself into Catelyn.

"Times up, my sexy trout."

Robert said as he pulled out of Catelyn. Osha turned around and Robert slapped her on the rear which caused her firm ass to bounce. Robert grabbed her hips and plunged deep inside of Osha from behind.

"You minx, you think that you're funny?" Robert asked. "How about if I would deny you this?"

Robert pulled almost all the way out of Osha and just very lightly brushed against her. Catelyn peered over her shoulder smiling at Robert who was dragging his cock down Osha. Robert arched his head and Catelyn got the hint, wrapping her fingers around Robert to tug on him.

The soft feeling of Catelyn's fiery tresses tickling his shoulder and her talented hands cupping his cock and balls just made Robert seize up, almost ready to explode all over Osha's thighs. However, Catelyn slowed down at Robert's grunting.

"Please, my King, fuck me!" Osha said. "I just got impatient… forgive me."

Robert shoved himself into Osha, and this time, Catelyn copied Osha's motions.

"This should even things out," Catelyn stated as she cradled Robert's balls while humping into him and Osha.

Robert drove deep into Osha and made her scream out in pleasure. Impressively, the wildling Spearwife managed to let out a scream that rivalled the Lady of Winterfell's own sounds.

"Looks like a woman is going to have to finish a little girl's job," Catelyn said before turning Robert around and kissed him aggressively.

The two joined each other, with Catelyn sinking down onto him. Robert enjoyed every single inch of the Lady of Winterfell's sexy body.

Robert picked up the pace, vigorously fucking Catelyn, his eyes still firmly on Osha as she hung over the edge of the bed.

"Let me show you both a new trick that I've been working on," Robert said his partners and channelled his power into the wildling woman's core and rocked Osha with a psychic cock.

"OH… BY THE GODS!" Osha yelled out after feeling Robert's power fill her being.

The feeling of fucking two pussies at the same time hit Robert's mind and almost made him blow his load.

He sank down into Catelyn's tits, sucking them hard and making her just moan in pleasure. Her beautiful locks came down, touching Robert's neck as Catelyn cooed in his ear while encouraging him to go down.

"That's it, fuck me tight," Catelyn cooed in his ear. "Get that nice big cock in me… all the way… give me a nice big load."

To think that she had spent years, trapped in passionless marriage out of some misguided faith in archaic laws that were written for the benefit of men, caused Catelyn to mentally chide herself.

Better late than never, the Lady of Winterfell surmised and sank down upon the King's member, milking Robert, getting him closer to the end.

Osha fell off of the bed, having orgasmed so hard from Robert's psychic cock that she lost balance. Thankfully, the pillows and blankets that had been knocked on the floor during their earlier antics, managed to break her fall.

"Cum inside me," Catelyn said. "And then we can make the wildling whore clean out those holes so you can fill them again."

Robert spilled a heavy amount of seed deep inside of Catelyn. She stretched down, clutching Robert and releasing him.

Robert buried his lust into her, making her cry in his ear. Catelyn's unbound and unchained sounds of passion were so sexy that Robert was magically filled up once again, only to empty inside of her.

"Are you well?" Robert asked Osha as he helped her up on the bed. "You want me to kiss it and make it feel better?"

"Always," Osha said.

Robert worshiped Osha's body with kisses. In the meantime, Osha shifted over to have a creamy treat which just hung inches away

from her face in Catelyn's overstuffed pussy.

The fun continued for a while longer, before one of Catelyn's loyal maids arrived outside the chamber's door, informing them Lady Stark's presence was required elsewhere.

Demonstrating his powers once again, Robert cleaned the sweat and sticky fluids off Catelyn's body with a mere gesture of his hands, restoring her to a presentable state.

"You are truly divine, my King," Catelyn said, her voiced laced with amazement before she swiftly dressed herself and exited their secret love nest.

"The northern armies will soon be ready to march and I'll be leaving for the Wall," Robert said to Osha, who snuggled herself to him.

"I want you to accompany me. You have already provided me with valuable insight about your people and the true threat lurking beyond the Wall."

"Perhaps, you can help me broker a peaceful resolution to the upcoming conflict as well, so that all the living including the Free folk can survive the coming winter."

Robert's words caused a massive smile to break across Osha's face.

"I would be honored, God King," the Spearwife said sincerely before placing a passionate kiss upon Robert's lips.