Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Eastwatch (Melisandre of Asshai + Alysane Mormont + Dacey Mormont)

Melisandre stirred awake as the faint rays of the sun that managed to pierce the dark and cloudy northern skies, filtered through the fine cracks of the window of the King's guest chamber, at the eastern- most outpost of the Night's Watch. It was called Eastwatch-by-the- Sea or simply, Eastwatch.

Eastwatch itself was an old dumpy castle, squat and well-made. If one were to compare it to the other great keeps and castles that Melisandre had seen and visited since her arrival upon the shores of Westeros, it was no better than a peasant's hovel with sparse comforts.

But she was supposed that was by design, this castle like all the other keeps along the Wall that fell under the domain of the brotherhood of the Night's Watch was meant to serve as a military outpost and nothing more. And when one factored in the steady decline that the ancient order had faced for decades now, both in terms of numbers, funds and supplies, Eastwatch was a model for efficiency and effectiveness.

It was truly a great pity that an ancient order whose origins could be traced back to the First Long Night itself, had fallen so low. A brotherhood that had once comprised of good and true warriors and knights who had willing sacrificed their claims and rights to all of life's pleasures and joys, to serve and protect the realm was now largely populated by criminals and outcasts, most of whom lacked both the strength in arms and character needed to perform such a sacred duty.

In her opinion, it was nothing short of a miracle that the Wildlings had not been able overrun the poorly manned keeps of the Night's Watch with their superior numbers during this entire time. Though the credit for this fact did not belong to the so-called 'Watchers on the Wall' but rather the own lack of discipline and command structure within the Wildling ranks.

However, the servant of R'hllor knew that despite her dislike for this frigid place and its savage inhabitants, this is where her King, the Lord's Chosen would fight the Great War. Yes, these icy shores and frozen tundras would one day in the near future would bear witness to the might and power of her God and his anointed champion, King Robert Baratheon.

Her musings were interrupted as the body beneath shifted ever so slightly, she lifted her head up from the perfectly toned chest of the King to see that he was still sound asleep. A calm and peaceful expression upon his face as he slumbered upon their bed. It was still quite early and the castle had barely begun to stir.

Not wanting to disturb her lord's rest, Melisandre laid still within the King's arms and thought back to the events that had brought her to this place at the edge of the known world.

Celebrations were being held across the capital in honor of the King's stunning victory over their Ironborn foes. Queen Cersei had decided to host a private soiree for the King's unofficial harem and so Melisandre found herself sharing food and drink with the King's other bedmates. Despite the merry mood, Melisandre knew that

most of them anxiously awaited the King's return so that they could bathe one again in his power and love.

However, it seemed that wait would not be over anytime soon as they received word of the threat of a Wildling invasion and the King's subsequent decision to head North to deal with it. That night within her chambers, she consulted the flames for guidance. Her God had shown her in earlier visions that the Great War would be fought in the far north and now the Priestess wished to know if that moment was upon them.

R'hllor answered her prayers and provided guidance. Melisandre learned that while a battle would be fought in the lands beyond the Wall, it would not be the one that truly mattered. That being said, this journey to the lands of eternal winter was a pivotal step in her King's path towards victory and greatness. And the King would be in need of her aid and guidance during this quest.

So, the following she shared her visions and thoughts with the Queen and fellow concubines, who instantly voiced their support. Queen Cersei immediately set about to make arrangements for Melisandre's journey to Winterfell, only for the Priestess to ask her aid in traveling to Eastwatch.

"Eastwatch? But Lady Melisandre, Robert is currently headed to Winterfell where he will rally the Northern armies before marching to Castle Black," Queen Cersei said to her.

"I know, your grace. But my visions show me that the King will arrive at Eastwatch and thus I must journey there," she had answered calmly. "The fires have shown me that with the King will defeat his foes swiftly. But there will be other matters in which he will require my help and guidance."

The Queen had witnessed enough of both Melisandre and her husband's supernatural abilities to know not make any further inquiries was the best course of action and made the necessary arrangements for the Red Priestess's journey. The day before she

was set to depart from the capital, she was approached by the Mormont sisters, Lady Dacey and her younger sister Lady Alysane; who wished to accompany her to Eastwatch stating they could be helpful to her.

The Red Priestess knew that the true motive behind their offer was their desire to be reunited with the King and experience the divine pleasures that only he could grant them. However, that did not change the fact that as residents of the North and their kinship with the Lord Commander of the Watch, the Mormonts could prove useful in their upcoming tasks. And so, she had accepted the offer and set sail from King's LAlysaneng accompanied by the She-Bears and a decent force of royal guards provided by the Queen.

Upon their arrival at eastern port of the Night's Watch, Melisandre's party was greeted and welcomed by the King's younger brother, Lord Stannis.

Unlike her King, Stannis was hard man with a grim and dour disposition. The middling Baratheon was wise enough to deduce the true nature of Melisandre and the Mormont women's relationship with his elder brother. Despite his own distaste towards such relations, the Lord of Dragonstone never voiced his objections or treated her and her companions with anything other than the appropriate amount of respect that their station afforded them. She soon learned that Stannis was a man obsessed with duty and oaths. And since his King valued them, it was Stannis's duty to ensure that they were protected and cared for while they were under his care.

A fortnight had come to pass since Melisandre's party arrived at Eastwatch and the She-Bears were starting to feel restless as they had not received any word of the King's movements. Lord Stannis had departed for Castle Black a few days prior to speak with the Lord Commander and check on the garrisons that had been stationed along the Wall as per the King's orders.

Melisandre was about to consult the flames to learn for answers when Lady Alysane Mormont rushed in to her chambers, bringing

news of the King arrival at Eastwatch. The presence of both herself and the Mormont sisters did not surprise the King in the least when they arrived in the courtyard to welcome him.

"I must give thanks to the Red God, it seems that he anticipates my needs before even I can," were the King's words as he greeted them.

His grace then proceeded to introduce the wildling, Osha to the group. Though initially hostile towards the savage maid, the Mormont sisters eventually welcomed Osha into their circle after the King explained how useful she had been to him back at Winterfell and the role that she would play in resolving the upcoming conflict with the Wildlings.

Later that day, the King had asked all his commanders and lords to gather in the main hall of Eastwatch to discuss his upcoming plans in regards to dealing with the Wildling threat. Once everyone had taken their seat and settled in, the King announced his plan to sail towards a place called Hardhome with a sizable portion of the royal navy in the next few days.

According to Osha, Hardhome was supposedly the closest thing that resembled a port town for the Wildlings beyond the Wall. There was a good chance that a good portion of the Wildling army along with its commanders would be present at the settlement. The presence of the so-called King-beyond-the-Wall, Mance Rayder was also a strong possibility.

The King's commanders who initially thought that the King was planning an assault were shocked to learn that his actual intent was a parley. Murmurs of discontent and opposition to this notion were instantly voiced following the announcement, but all it took was a stern look and few clear and precise commands from the King before the dissent completely vanished.

'It seems that the display of the King's power on Pyke had been more successful and effective than she had initially believed',

Melisandre mused to herself.

Later that night, when the time came for them to retire to bed, the Mormont women were gracious enough to allow Melisandre the honor of enjoying the King's company by herself for the night as thanks for her visions that had reunited them with their lover ahead of the rest of the harem. And so, the Red Priestess spent the night worshiping and adorning the Lord's champion.

Despite their intense lovemaking session last night, a part of the Red Priestess yearned for more. And so, she decided to sneak in a little bit of fun before they had to rise for the day. The scent of the debauchery the night before was still present upon Robert's body.

Melisandre moved down and kissed Robert's face, his chest, his abs, and moved down to touch his thighs. It seemed that a part of her King had already risen for the day.

So being the devoted servant that she was, Melisandre endeavored to take care of it. She licked her lips and leaned in, Robert's member entered her mouth and she went to work on relieving her King's early morning stress.

A few moments later, Robert woke up to one of the most beautiful sights that he could imagine in that moment. Not a sunrise, but rather the sultry Red Priestess on all fours, giving him a blowjob.

"Good morning to you too, my lady," Robert greeted her with a smile.

No answer, on the account of Melisandre's mouth being completely full. Robert leaned up, groaning while pressing against Melisandre's scalp the faster that she moved down. A tingle in his groins followed the faster that Robert rose up and down into her.

Melisandre sucked away on the King's manhood and milked his balls. The warm mouth and talented hands of the devout Priestess brought Robert closer to the edge. Finally, Robert could not take any more and came in Melisandre's waiting mouth. She opened up to take a huge load of cum directly down her throat.

Melisandre leaned back and ensured Robert caught a full view of the cum on her tongue, before swallowing it. Robert leaned towards Melisandre, and pulled her into an embrace.

"I wanted to worship the Lord's chosen one last time by myself before being forced to share this sacred duty with the Mormont women and your new wildling plaything," Melisandre said.

"Weren't you the one who preached to my other consorts about the importance of sharing my love and attention with each other?" Robert said, amused by Red woman's display of possessiveness.

He turned around, pressing his crotch against Melisandre's lower back. A few strokes of Melisandre's dark red locks and a finger raking down her body all the way to her flat, toned stomach followed before Robert Melisandre's answered his question.

"Call me a hypocrite if you must. But it is not always easy to practice what you preach."

The words said with an uncharacteristic pout upon the Priestess beautiful face, caused a grin to break out on Robert's face.

It seems my otherworldly Priestess possesses at least a few traits of an average mortal woman…

"Fair enough."

Robert replied and rolled Melisandre over onto the bed, after concluding that her answer was satisfactory.

Her beautiful legs brushed up against his body while Robert toyed with Melisandre. And Melisandre did some toying of her own in return. He kept stroking both parts of the body. Such lovely legs and Robert needed to touch them, kiss them, just feel them move down his body.

The King had recently come to the realization that he had developed a leg and foot fetish. And this gorgeous woman was partly if not completely responsible for that.

Earlier that year, an Essosi merchant who traded in erotic clothing and items had come to court, and quickly earned the attention of several highborn women, most of whom were his mistresses. The merchant earned a tidy sum as the women purchased a good amount of his wares, in hopes that the foreign goods would add a flare of spice and excitement to their encounters with the King.

Robert had personally developed a fondness for fishnets among other select items which caused a great surge in purchase of the item among his concubines, who sought to please their King in every possible way. Though each woman who shared his bed was a beauty in herself, Robert realized that the ones who had been blessed with long and luscious legs were able to pull off this item far better than others.

Regardless, Robert decided to focus on the now and that involved moving back to stroke Melisandre's beautiful legs. The gorgeous appendages were smooth as silk, completely hairless, and he was the only man who would ever get to enjoy them.

"You would fuck my legs if you could, wouldn't you?" Melisandre asked, with a teasing smile.

"Not just them but every inch of you if I were being honest," Robert replied.

"I know that you have many paramours and that their number will only grow with time as it should. It is your right not just a King but as the champion of the Gods themselves," Melisandre said. "However, I merely wanted to remind you that no one else can worship and serve as well as your faithful Priestess. Just keep in mind of how good it can really be when it's just us…"

Robert sunk himself into Melisandre as her tightness grabbed onto him, practically squeezing him in so many new ways. The ways that the Priestess sank him deep inside of her body, where her stomach bulged was simply extraordinarily.

"Ride me, my King," Melisandre breathed. "Ride me… hard… don't hold back!

Melisandre squeezed his ass with her feet and this gave Robert all the encouragement he needed to bury himself into her. He rose up and dropped down onto her on the bed, bringing her closer to the edge.


She yelled out as the insides of her body, felt like they were being liquified, almost like jelly. Robert squeezed Melisandre's erect nipples and released them. He repeated the move two more times, riding her body to a fever pitch.

Melisandre's nails raked into Robert so deeply that the Storm King was sure he would have been scarred if not for his supernatural healing. The moans of the gorgeous woman underneath him only increased the faster that Robert buried himself into her body. He held on tight, sinking himself into Melisandre even further.

"You know something?" the Priestess whispered.

Robert leaned in close to Melisandre to show that she had his ear. Melisandre waited for the sheer force of her orgasm to subside. She still squeezed him hard.

"No matter how many times you tie up Dacey or Alysane and fuck their perfect warrior bodies, no matter how many sexy positions you can bend the Reach maidens in when you fuck them, and no matter how many perverse acts you perform with your Queen and soon to be good daughter. Never forget that none of them can ever bring the divine pleasure that I can. Isn't that true, my King?"

Melisandre said teasingly before letting Robert bury himself inside of her, a little more.

The hot nature of her statement made Robert work into Melisandre, fast at first, and then slow. Her hands moved around him, to try and encourage Robert. Despite the fact that Melisandre dug hard into Robert's strong biceps, he remained steadfast in what he was doing. Closing in to her, Robert locked eye to eye, smiling sweetly at Melisandre.

"You know something," Robert whispered into her ear. "Mmm, yes, your grace?" Melisandre asked.

"I'll admit that while there is some truth to your claim, you seem to be forgetting another pertinent fact." Robert stated. "You can't help but come back to me as well… making me think that I own your pussy just as much as I own the ones of my other bedmates."

The truth could not be denied, and Melisandre closed her eyes, allowing the rush of their coupling to go through her. Robert had a road map of her body which he could use expertly even with a blindfold. And yet something deep within his touch, the monarch's enchanting musk, sent Melisandre spiralling so deep over the edge. She squeezed down onto his strong bicep and let out more cries.

"You're right! I belong to you! You are my master and I am your slave!"

"I like to think of it as more of a mutual partnership," Robert said.

Melisandre nodded in response. The faster that she worked Robert, the more pleasure rippled through her body. Robert's strong body pushing onto her curved one made Melisandre long to cum. Once again, her nails dug into Robert's arms, legs rubbing against his sides. And Robert responded in kind by stroking her.

The insides of Melisandre had seemingly turned into jelly to allow Robert to slide into her, with more ease. He sped up, sticking Melisandre repeatedly. She could feel him edge alongside with her.

Robert let himself go and finished alongside of the lovely woman underneath him. The gorgeous, writhing, Priestess, cried her beautiful hymn in Robert's ear. That caused Robert to pick up the pace and pump Melisandre completely full of his divine gift.

He pulled out of Melisandre and rested head first down on her chest. Melisandre touched the back of his head and smiled, stroking Robert's hair in the process.

"I am your loyal servant, always and forever," Melisandre said. "I know," Robert replied.

A few moments later, Melisandre ended up on top of Robert, cleaning up the messes of juices left on him. What she intended to be a few last sucks of his twitching manhood ended up as something more. She leaned in and took Robert deep into her throat. The pleasant sensations of Melisandre deep-throating was enjoyed by Robert as much as Melisandre enjoyed Robert getting harder in her mouth.

It's funny how things went full circle. Melisandre bobbing up and down on his manhood allowed Robert to enjoy and indulge in his devoted Priestess, a little longer.

Alysane crept in from the shadows, dropping her clothes to the ground. The moment that Robert left Melisandre in bed to get ready for the day, Alysane stopped him and grabbed Robert's crotch.

She informed the King that as per their agreement, Melisandre was only entitled to have his company all to herself, for just one night.

And now, as dawn was breaking across the dark skies, Alysane intended to claim the King's attention before her elder sister had the chance.

"That was amazing," Alysane said. "I hope you have some energy left for me."

A self-assured smile flashed over Robert's face. "Why don't we find out?"

Robert and Alysane met with a kiss, a hard and fast kiss which heated up her loins. The two enjoyed the feel of each other's warm bodies and more importantly their hot mouths working together. Their tongues danced together in a very intense round of heated passion. Robert lifted Alysane's leg up and ran a finger up against it.

Spinning Alysane around, Robert cupped her chest and ground up against her. The heat from Alysane's warm folds called for Robert, but he did not enter right away. The King instead planted multiple kisses all the way down Alysane's neck. Slowly pulling back, Robert had his fun, and it turned out to be a lot of fun, making Alysane gasp and beg for his touch.

"Hope we're having fun," Robert breathed in Alysane's ear.

"Mmm!" was the only response that the Maege Mormont's second born daughter could muster herself to speak out loud.

Robert teased her with a few more strokes. Despite the fact that he would have loved nothing better than to rile Alysane up, his body tensed up. He craved for it, called to be inside of her. Slowly, Robert rotated against her, and Alysane cast him one of those sultry expressions over her shoulder, her lip bitten down on.

No question about it, Alysane wanted Robert to be inside of her as soon as possible. After enough teasing, Robert moved in and sunk

deep inside of her body.

Alysane clutched against the wall as Robert rocked against her from behind. Moaning, thrashing, while the tightening of her walls pressed against Robert's intruding member and released it.

Everything about this little encounter just made Alysane's body flush with desire. Robert's hands moved right where they needed to be.

He controlled her nipples about as efficiently as he learned to control a weapon. Alysane could not deny the feelings of pleasure just exploding through her loins.

"You want this, don't you?" Robert asked. "You want to cum for me?" "YES!" Alysane gasped.

"Well, I don't like disappointing a beautiful lady."

Robert replied and pressed forward, rocking himself as deep into Alysane as humanly possible. Oh, the sweet tensing of her slick walls up against him made Robert just groan in pleasure. He got ever so closer. Almost practically balls deep in this gorgeous, amazing warrior maiden. Alysane breathed heavily against the wall the more that Robert pumped into her.

He pulled back, a little break, a little pause. Just enough for Alysane to want it more.

Sitting down on a chair, with two more to the side, Alysane got the hint. She balanced on the chairs, a leg on either chair. Robert ran his hands down those legs as Alysane ground her core down onto him. The wetness made Robert twitch and long for more. She arched herself back, pressing her fingers against the edge of the wall.

Finally, when she prepared to sink down, Alysane engulfed Robert's member inside of her again. The moist heat of their combined pleasure organs pressed Alysane all the way down onto him. Robert grabbed her hips, rising up and began ravishing her tight body.

Meanwhile, the Red Woman stayed passed out not even ten feet away from him, exhausted from the encounter a short while ago. And given how much of a light sleeper Melisandre was, it would only be a matter of time before she awoke to enjoy the show that Robert and Alysane were putting on.

"Like that?" Robert inquired.

Alysane just smiled, as if there was any question. She bent back in a sexy position, allowing Robert full access to pretty much every point of her body. Robert came around and pinched her nipple extremely hard.

This garnered a very prolific reaction from Alysane. She kept bouncing, kept smiling, continued to do whatever she felt was necessary to get Robert deep inside of her body. Their loins connected together with the rush of pleasure.

Robert made sure that the orgasm rocked Alysane. Every single part of her tight, lovely body was stimulated as he slammed deep inside of her body, rocking into her.

As the dust settled, Alysane switched positions. Hands pressed on two chairs, feet pressed on two chairs, and Robert's hands running all the way down her body, cupping her in every way. She really felt the burn, stretching, but one muscle felt under-stretched. Robert grabbed onto Alysane's hips and ground against her warm slit.

Slowly, Robert kissed down her body. The sweat shining off her body turned this into a very erotic encounter which made Robert just throb in desire. He moved back around, touching the soles of Alysane's feet, and kissing her toes. Alysane just broke out into a very intense fit of pleasure as Robert came back around.

"Tell me how much you want this?" Robert asked. "Do you want what I'm giving to you badly?"

"Yes," Alysane breathed out in thinly veiled pleasure. "Give me everything… please."

Robert slid his thumbs against the soles of her feet to tease her. All while working himself closer and closer to her warm core. Oh, Alysane had been calling for him in several ways and Robert could not wait to answer the call of her lovely body. He held onto her hips before taking aim one more time.

The cry most certainly made Alysane just clutch him extremely hard and release his pulsing meat spear. The faster that he worked into her, the more Alysane longed for him. And Robert made sure to thrill her body with everything.

No matter how many times Robert thrust deep into Alysane, a rising, intense feeling just continued to build up through his balls. Robert built up enough momentum to the point where he was going to get close.

'Not yet, not yet', the King mentally willed himself.

Robert slowed down his thrust to a long, slow crawl. Building up torment, teasing Alysane, making her want this, making her wait for it. He slowed down almost to the point where she moaned for it, practically longed for Robert's speeding thrusts to get just that much faster.

"Driving me crazy!"

Those words from Alysane only proved to be fuel for Robert. He almost had been weighted down by the size of the load in his testicles. He stroked Alysane's firm fit body, letting her cry out even more. The tighter that she got, the further Robert worked into her.

"Yes, you're almost there too."

Robert said and pressed against her. The rate at which his balls were slapping against Alysane's warm clit, made Robert go even

faster. He pressed against her body, with the moans only escalating the faster that Robert built momentum inside of her body. He was getting very close, very close to the edge indeed.

Just needed to hold back long enough to feel this moment. To enjoy everything that Alysane had to give him. She tightened back around him, squeezing Robert.

"My turn," Alysane panted.

Two of the chairs tipped over in the process of Robert hammering her and now Alysane pressed her hands on the ground. Robert did not back off, so she did not back off either as a primal need now filled Alysane.

Just seconds before the weight of his balls finally gave way. One long, powerful thrust allowed Robert to fill Alysane with something else. Blast after blast of warm sticky seed fired inside of her body. The tightening of her loins increased, the pleasure doubling every minute that Robert rammed himself deep into Alysane.

"Perfect!" Robert cried out.

Alysane thought so as well while Robert managed to thrill her body, all the way to the finishing point.

As Robert pulled out of her, Robert noticed that his little work-out with Alysane had not only awoken his Priestess, but also that she had been pleasuring herself during the entire ordeal as well.

Letting Melisandre know that he was done with Alysane, Robert decided to check up on her elder sister. And in doing so, he left Alysane's worn down, soaked, body at the tender mercy of the Red Woman who understood Robert's instruction for her.

Across the hallway, after wrangling up some breeches, Robert moved off to check on Dacey. The moment that he opened the door to Dacey's chamber, Robert came across a heart stopping sight.

Dacey stood inside wearing nothing but a choker, her vambraces, and her boots. The unashamed She-Bear crossed the room, causing Robert's pulse to increase to the point that he felt the sound of pounding heavily in his ear. While at the same time, his breeches grew extremely tight in an uncomfortable manner.

Said breeches came off just as soon as Robert had put them on and Dacey smashed her lips against Robert's. Her sizeable breasts ground against his chest, and Robert pulled away to grab onto them. Dacey's content moans did little to discourage Robert from playing with her breasts.

"I could hear Alysane across the hallway," Dacey said. "Force me to my knees… show me my place."

Oh, Dacey was feeling particularly submissive today, and Robert could not deny it. He wondered if the choker around Dacey's neck had the same meaning that it did in the slaver cities of Essos.

Regardless, Robert pushed Dacey down to her knees, and forced her mouth open to take his cock down her throat, hard.

"Suck it!"

Robert's command was promptly answered as Dacey did wonderful things to Robert's engorged cock. He placed his hands on the back of Dacey's head and thrust away, going as deep as humanly possible.

The warmth, the pleasure, the paradise of Dacey's mouth. All of it threatened to bring Robert to an early conclusion. And yet, he was so confident of his ability to achieve a quick reload that he did little

more than vigorously pound Dacey's mouth. Taking her to town and mouth-fucking her so hard that her eyes started to water.

"You have a mouth worth fucking, Dacey," Robert groaned.

Dacey cradled Robert's balls, pleased with the weight of them and the amount of essence which could be unloaded into her mouth and all over her face. In response to Robert's claims, Dacey inhaled Robert's member.

The woman had a mouth that seemed to be blessed with power of a tornado, that just sucked up everything that it came into contact with along its path.

Robert grabbed onto the back of Dacey's hair, retaining a tight grip while making sure to not pull any of it out.

The only question now was whether Robert should finish in Dacey's mouth or all over her face. Robert groaned as it came closer and closer to the decision time.

"Oh, such a hot She-Bear! You warrior maids are good at handling a spear, aren't you?"

The loud pop of her silky lips around his tool answered the question for Robert. Robert picked up the pace, burying himself as far into Dacey's throat as possible. The loud, sexy humming increased the faster that Robert went to town on Dacey's perfect mouth. She moaned, breathed, and enjoyed having her throat stuffed repeatedly by him.

Robert could not hold back for too long longer. He unleashed a flood inside of Dacey's mouth. Pulling back, Robert further unleashed all over Dacey's pretty face, staining the heir to Bear Isle with his juices.

The view of his seed raining down the She-Bear's face while she licked it off caused Robert to begin to reharden again quite quickly. Some of his royal seed had splashed down onto her breasts. In

response to which Dacey picked it up and sucked on it, making sure to drink every last drop of seed. Her actions got to the point where Robert had once again become hard as a rock.

"That's so hot," Robert groaned.

Dacey just flashed him a wicked grin and climbed up onto the bed, facing off to the other side, waving her hips at him in a sensual, circular manner. Robert positioned himself behind Dacey.

Common sense dictated that Robert should fuck the hell out of the She-Bear. But the rope that had been hanging on one of the bedposts brought another idea to Robert's mind and so the King of Westeros swiftly retrieved it and started to bind his partner with it.

After binding Dacey, Robert stroked her body, groping on hard to her supple tits and milking them. Dacey cried out in pleasure the more that Robert worked her body. He worked back and forth, his erect member pressing up against the back off her leg. The She-Bear shifted herself back and forth onto the bed.

The warmth just spilling from between her legs excited Robert. He stuck his fingers inside and fingered Dacey to the edge before pulling back. The moan of frustration that she ended up giving out, made Robert smile.

"Don't worry, you'll cum when I'm ready. Or when I think you want it enough."

Robert told her and rotated his erection against Dacey's ample backside and teased her. He brushed a single finger against her hole.

Sultry, and horny as fuck, Dacey looked over her shoulder towards Robert as he resumed the slow torment of her breasts.

"Please, I want it!" Dacey practically begged.

The only response that Robert had for her breathy voice was to milk her tits hard. All while grinding his manhood up against her tight, warm ass. Every movement that Robert delivered to the She-Bear made her cry out for more.

"Take my ass."

That declaration was music to Robert's ears. He positioned Dacey into the perfect position. She sat on his lap, and Robert ground himself against those perfect tanned cheeks which longed for him.

"I always planned to take it," Robert said. "How do you like that, Dacey?"

A soft spank to Dacey's ass that left a mark on it, ever so briefly. The writhing She-Bear on his lap, tempting Robert with her perfect backside, caused him to smile like a giddy child who had just received his favourite treat. He edged his way deep inside of Dacey's warm ring, pressing his big cock against the entrance. He just needed a little bit further.

Robert groaned and took the plunge. He took the She-Bear, anally, rocking her back and forth. Dacey's mouth was reflected in the slightly damaged mirror off to the side. Robert put his finger into her mouth and allowed her to suck on it.

"Oh, Dacey, your ass is perfect," Robert said.

Robert put his free hand on Dacey's perfect backside and pushed into her. The finger which laid in her mouth just moments prior, dragged down Dacey's body and rubbed against her heated opening. Robert pressed up against her, rising back and forth, plunging as fast into the She-Bear as possible.

It took some good work, but Robert rode out Dacey's orgasm, feeling her ass just pressing against him. And her tightening core against his fingers.

Robert breathed against Dacey as the sexy scent of her arousal filled the air. Robert pressed up against her body and she moaned, with increasing pleasure. He pressed deep against her body, rising back and forth. Every pounding motion made Dacey just rock back and forth on him.

It felt so good, so very good that she came all over Robert's hand. The sticky, delicious honey flowing from her pussy soaked Robert's hand. It was her honey and Robert decided to made her lick it up.

"I'm getting close now," Robert said.

He went in a little faster, just rocking Dacey all over. From head to toe, Dacey's body tingled all over. Dacey could barely keep from coming undone through all of it. The faster that Robert went inside of her, the more pleasure and heat flooded through Dacey's body.

Another toe-curling orgasm made Dacey splash her juices all over the bed. Robert bounced her ass down onto him even more. The weight of those balls pressed against her anus.

Robert's muscles rippled in excitement as he came closer, edging closer with each push. He knew precisely how to hold back for just long enough. To make Dacey come undone, squirting and staining the walls right across them.

Collecting some with his fingers, Robert fed Dacey. Dacey mewled around his fingers and let out a very passionate cry. Robert came so very close to the edge.

"Fuck," Dacey moaned. "Yes, indeed," Robert said.

"Ruin my ass with your cum," Dacey pleaded with him.

Robert just pressed against her, rocking back and forth. The weight of his balls, pressing up against Dacey's backside, made things feel

pretty good. He was about ready to launch one big load inside of her perfectly formed hole. The clenching grew even hotter, with Robert rising and falling with each second.

Finally, Robert Baratheon busted one final nut in Dacey's ass. He creamed the inside of her and left her breathing, panting for more, as the cum trickled out of her asshole.

Every nerve ending on Dacey's body practically lit on fire with pleasure while Robert worked her ass and filled her. And Dacey still pulsed with desire. The heat within her pulsed immensely.

She wanted more and hoped that Robert would give her plenty more. Dacey craved Robert's cum, down to the very last drop. And she would get it, down to the very last drop.

Despite being bound and not possessing any magical powers like her King and the Red Priestess, Dacey was pleased to find out her body had certain powers of its own, over Robert and his manhood.

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