Chapter 37

Myrcella Lannister

Chapter 37: Myrcella Lannister

"It is good to have you back my love," Cersei said as she raised her

wine glass in a toast from across the dining table. Robert was seated

on the opposite end, with several of his chief paramours occupying

the other seats across the table with the notable absence of the

Reach women who had not been invited on his instruction. This

select group now included Catelyn Stark and Val of the Free Folk.

Robert's ship had arrived back at King's Landing earlier that day and

as expected the entire city especially the Red Keep had been abuzz

with news and activity. Rumours and speculation concerning

Robert's supernatural powers as well as his historic subjugation of

the savage Wildlings spread in abundance. Although if the looks and

cheers that Robert had received as he rode back to the Red Keep

from the docks were anything to go by, then things were going well

for him.

An observation that the King had made was the increase in number

of devotees of the Red God. It seems that Melisandre's fellow

Priestesses had been quite successful in their goals. Though the fact

that the Red God's preachers were mostly beautiful Essosi women,

might have played a part in their recruitment success. At least

among the men, though one could not discount the subtle but

powerful influence that the Priestesses could exude upon women as


What was more astounding was the level of tolerance and

acceptance displayed by the Faith in regards to the rising popularity

of the Red God. Looks like the gold and threats made by Robert's

agents after he learned of the brewing conflict had brought the

corrupt Septon and his followers back into line.

Robert's musings were cut short when Cersei tried to make idle

conversation with Val.

"Lady Val, how are you finding the capital?" Cersei said in her

trademark condescending tone. "It must be quite a change from the

barren and frozen lands of beyond the Wall."

"Aye, your right about that, Lion Queen. My homeland does not reek

of shit," Val replied with a cutting smile, bringing a grimace to his

wife's face.

Sensing an argument was about to break out, Catelyn decided to

intervene and steer the conversation in a different direction, namely

the preparations for Sansa and Joffrey's wedding.

"My Queen, I can't thank you enough for your help in making the

arrangements for Sansa's wedding," Catelyn said politely.

"There is no need for any thanks. Sansa is not only my future gooddaughter but has also become a second daughter to me as well

during our shared time," Cersei replied with a smile.

"Besides a royal wedding should be a spectacle that inspires awe

and pride among the people of the realm," Robert's wife added.

"Besides this is the wedding of the future King and Queen of

Westeros, it needs to be memorable."

Despite Catelyn's tactful deflection, Robert made a mental note to

speak with Talisa about Cersei's dosage, she was beginning to

revert back to her spiteful past self. He did not want her to cause any

tensions and feuds among his harem of beauties. However, Cersei

was not the only one who was in need of some much-needed

discipline. Robert's spies had informed him that his suspicions

regarding the Tyrells being the ones responsible for the Faith's

recent acts of unrest had been spot on. It was a smart move to use

the Faith as a means to weaken their rival factions at court who were

worshipers of the Old Gods and R'hllor.

Unfortunately for them, Robert was smarter. Growing strong was

their motto but the roses have forgotten that when a garden grows

out of control, a good trimming is required. And that's what they

would receive in due time.

Almost as if his Queen had gained his powers, Cersei was able to

sense his displeasure and decided to inform him about a special

welcome back gift that she had prepared for him.

When Robert inquired about this gift, Cersei merely stated that it will

be memorable. A quick glance around the table informed Robert that

the others were unaware of his wife's surprise.

To say that Robert was intrigued would be an understatement. Like a

child who could not help but take a peek at his nameday gifts before

time, Robert decided to use his psychic powers to gleam the truth of

Cersei's surprise.

And boy oh boy, it certainly quite the gift.

So, he quickly finished his meal and rushed off to his bedchambers

while the rest of the women shared questioning glances and looks

with each other before inquiring with Cersei about this mystery


"Trust me ladies, just a heartfelt gift from a wife to her husband,"

Cersei said with a devious smile.

'All these whores think that they can take my place, but after tonight

they will learn that no rose, trout or wolf can ever compete with a

lioness,' Cersei mused to herself.

'Waiting is always the hardest part.'

Myrcella thought to herself as she waited in the King's bedchamber.

She nervously paced about the chamber while taking swigs from her

wine glass, which was promptly refilled from the decanter that was

placed on the table. Mother always says that wine can help wash

away the stress and anxiety, Myrcella recalled. Yet, her nerves did

not abate despite the large amount of wine that she had already

imbibed. Which was a surprising fact when one considered that she

had begun drinking only a few moons ago in order to cope with the

stress of her situation.

'I must have inherited mother's tolerance for spirits, or maybe

fathe… ' Myrcella corrected herself by remembering that King Robert

was not her real father.

The only daughter of Cersei Lannister could scarcely reconcile

herself with the shocking series of events that had brought her to this

point in her life. As far as Myrcella could remember both she and

Tommen had barely existed to their parents as their mother always

favored and doted upon Joffrey while the King had never paid any

attention to any of his supposed children.

'Had he always known or was he just uncaring,' Myrcella wondered

briefly before discarding the futile notion.

If she was being honest with herself, a small part of her had always

suspected that her Uncle Jaime was her real father, when she

recalled all the subtle gestures and looks shared between her

mother and her uncle/father. But to have her suspicions confirmed by

her mother along with learning about the arrangement that the royal

couple had made upon acknowledging the truth, when she had been

summoned to the Queen's chambers, a short while after the King

had departed for the war with the Ironborn was a shock to say the


Her mother had also informed her that while Joffrey's future was

secure, Sansa Stark would be the one pulling her elder brother's

strings from the shadows. Not to mention, both her and Tommen's

future were still to be decided by the King.

"Do not fret, Cella. I am doing all within my power to ensure that you

and Tommen are properly cared for," the Queen had said reassuring

to her daughter.

But Myrcella knew better. She was quite aware of the new power

structure within the court along with the factions that dominated it.

The most striking difference between the new order from the old was

that the source of each faction's power was not just their wealth and

armies but more importantly how favored the maidens who warmed

the King's bed were in the eyes of their ruler.

And that fact was the source of Myrcella's worries because she was

well aware of how little influence her mother and the Lannisters

wielded in comparison to their Reach and Northern counterparts.

Thus, Myrcella had decided to speak with the only person who could

help guide her during this turbulent time, the Lady Melisandre.

The Princess of Westeros knew how quickly the mysterious Essosi

Priestess had risen to power within the capital. Not only did she have

the King's favor and support but the rapidly gaining popularity of her

Red God among the commonfolk had made the Red Woman a force

to be reckoned with in the capital. The fact that her atheistic mother

who only believed in power had begun to regularly attend the Red

Woman's prayer services was a testament to the foreign faith's


"Welcome, Princess Myrcella, come and let the light of the Lord

guide you through your despair," the Priestess greeted her as

Myrcella entered the recently constructed Temple of R'hllor that had

been built upon the ruins of the Dragonpit.

How did she know that I was seeking guidance? Myrcella pondered

to herself while trying to project a calm and composed facade that

hopefully concealed her anxiety and worries.

"Lady Melisandre, I was hoping that we could speak about your faith

and God," Myrcella said, trying to initiate a conversation before

moving to the issue at hand.

"I would be most pleased to do that but why don't we speak about

the real reason behind your visit," the Red Priestess replied,

shocking Myrcella with her both bluntness and insight.

Perhaps, the rumors of the Red Woman's otherworldly powers were

not as embellished as most believed. There was a time when talk of

magic would be laughed off as nonsense by both nobles and

commonfolk alike. But such beliefs had begun to change ever since

the arrival of the Red God's preachers on the shores of Westeros.

And as the news of the battles waged upon the Iron Isles and in far

lands beyond the Wall made their way across the realm, the

existence of supernatural powers was close to becoming a

confirmed fact rather than myth.

However, debating upon the subject of otherworldly powers and

magic was not why Myrcella had come to speak with the Red

Woman. And Lady Melisandre knew that as well. The Priestess

immediately began on speaking on the issues that were plaguing

Myrcella's mind. As the conversation progressed, the Red Woman

confirmed what Myrcella had already known deep down as a sure

way to secure her future.

The solution to her dilemma was not entirely unpleasant to Myrcella

as tales of the King's incredible battle prowess and divine powers

caused her to become enamored by the King, like all the other young

maidens at court. However, unlike them Myrcella could never speak

about those feelings and thoughts out loud due to the perception that

she was the King's daughter.

Yet, the Princess felt a sliver of hesitation on account of her mother

and family. Myrcella conveyed this feeling and the Priestess simply

smiled and assured her that she would speak with the Queen along

with aiding her to prepare Myrcella for her new role.

Later that day, Myrcella had been summoned to her mother's

chambers where the Red Woman was waiting with her mother to

speak with her. As promised the Lady Melisandre had spoken with

the Queen about Myrcella's idea to strengthen the Lannister position

at court.

"Cella, my sweet girl, Lady Melisandre and I have discussed your

proposition in great detail," Cersei said in a gentle tone. "But I wish to

ask you that are you sure about this? There is no need for you to do

this. You are just a child and this is a door that once you walk

through, there is no backing out."

Myrcella knew that her mother's words came from a place of love

and concern but the fact that she saw her as a girl and not the young

woman that she had become, angered the young Princess.

"I'm not a helpless cub, mother. I am a lioness just like you, so let me

help our family against our rivals. Let them hear my roar," Myrcella

stated passionately, causing a proud smile to break across Cersei's


And so, the decision had been made. In order to help prepare her

daughter, the Queen had also arranged for some of the most skilled

courtesans and whores present within the city to instruct her

daughter in the arts of love and seduction discreetly to prepare her.

The Red Priestess had shared a few words of wisdom on the subject

with Myrcella as well before she departed for the Wall with the

Mormont women.

Not to mention, the Queen had also shared her own experiences

and thoughts on the matter along with arranging discreet lessons

from the finest whores of the city. It was the closest thing to a

mother-daughter bonding experience that Myrcella had shared with

Cersei in a long time.

And now the moment of truth was here as the King of Westeros

walked in.

Robert looked at Myrcella, his eyes glowing with lust and devious

thoughts. The young girl had inherited all of her mother's golden

beauty but none of her haughty attitude. And now, here she was

standing before him, offering herself to him in every way possible.

Ever since he had learned the truth of his supposed children, a part

of Robert had wished to humiliate and mock the Lannisters back in a

fitting way. And though he had taken Cersei's handmaids and

cousins as bedmates along with taming his shrewish wife as

retribution, he was not completely satisfied. Even turning, Cersei's

golden son, Joffrey into a simpleton and cuckold had not brought him

the release that he had sought.

Little did he ever expect, those golden-haired shits to provide him

with the perfect means to fulfill his thirst for revenge. The Lannister

mother-daughter duo thought that offering Myrcella to him was their

idea and as usual they were wrong. Robert had asked both

Melisandre and Talisa to help facilitate this encounter after he had

used his mental powers to plant the seeds of it within both Cersei

and Myrcella's minds.

As expected, both his Essosi lovers had not disappointed him in the

least. And now it was time to enjoy the fruits of revenge.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Robert said to Myrcella,

even though he truly did not care for the answer. The shy girl visibly

gulped and merely nodded her head in response.

As far as he was concerned, the girl was his to take the moment she

entered his bedchamber. But this little foreplay had its benefits.

"Really, your nerves are showing. My bedchamber is no place for

little girls," Robert said tauntingly, trying to provoke a rise.

"I am no child, your grace," his supposed daughter replied, irritation

and frustration marring her pretty face. She was truly Cersei's

daughter without a doubt.

"Besides, I've heard tales of how maidens enter your bedchamber,

only to leave as true women. So, if you think me a child, then make

me a woman," the girl said seductively.

"Alright then, you asked for it, girl."

Robert said before grabbing Myrcella and pulling her into a rough

kiss, forcing his tongue into her mouth with sexual aggression. To

her credit, Myrcella seemed able to take his lust fueled actions, and

her tongue pushed against his, as the two battled for domination.

He lifted Myrcella up into the air and hurled her down onto the bed.

The petite blonde landed firmly on the bed, with Robert jumping on

top of her, pinning her down on the bed. Myrcella squirmed

underneath him and Robert leaned down, kissing her on the side of

the neck.

"Now that I have you, I'm not letting you go," Robert said and

promptly ripped off the top of Myrcella's dress to reveal her pert but

firm breasts, encased within a lacy red bra. "At least not until I've had

my fill."

Myrcella looked up at him and for a brief second a look of fear

flashed across her features before being replaced with a confident


"Less talking, more action," the girl replied in a tone which oozed

arrogance and pride. A typical Lannister trait, apart from their golden

hair and green eyes.

Robert tore the bra off her nubile body causing her round breasts to

pop out. He wrapped his hands around them and squeezed them.

The more that she moaned, the more he squeezed them, before

leaning down and kissing the side of her neck.

"ARGGHHH! YOUR GRACE!" Myrcella yelled at the top of her lungs.

She could feel his hot mouth working some real magic on the side of

her neck. Every nip on the side of the blonde's neck was rough, and

it made her really hot for him.

"You like that, don't you?" he growled while kissing down the side of

her neck and working his way down her body. He put his hand

between her legs and tore off the dress of her dress as well,

revealing her wet panties. "You've been wanting this for a long time."

"Oh, and call me father," Robert added in a seductive whisper.

Robert's hand rubbed Myrcella's dripping hot pussy. The beautiful

blonde squirmed underneath his fingers, body heating up with an

unlimited amount of lust. She could barely hold herself back. The

excitement caused her body to burn up fiercely.

"Yes, Father, I've wanted this for so long," Myrcella answered with a

passionate moan.

Robert rammed three fingers into Myrcella's dripping wet pussy and

hammered them inside. He was relieved to see that the girl could

take everything that he gave, without raising any complaints.

'At least, she is not as whiny as her mother,' Robert thought to


Robert drilled those fingers into her pussy for a little bit longer before

pulling them out. "Here, taste these?"

Robert shoved his cum soaked fingers into Myrcella's mouth. She

took them into her mouth without warning and sucked on them


Robert's breeches grew a fair bit constricted and he closed his eyes,

trying to keep himself from busting out of them, which was easier

said than done from this particular angle. Robert reached over and

ripped off his breeches.

"This is what you want, isn't it?"

Robert said as his cock sprung out and smacked Myrcella in the

face. She watched as the thick, veiny, pinnacle of male perfection

came out, giving her a good look at the thick piece of meat. She

looked up towards him, licking her lips.

"You need my cock inside of you, don't you?" Robert asked her.

Myrcella nodded, biting down on her lip with a sultry expression on

her face. "You'd die without me shoving my cock inside you, and

fucking your pretty little brains out."

Myrcella grew hotter at the thought of being underneath him. His

length sliding in between her legs and stretching out her body on it,

the thought of which enticed Myrcella a whole lot.

"Yes," Myrcella said, her voice breathy and needy. "I want your cock

inside me. I want you to shove me down on the bed and fuck me

cross-eyed. Please, father, please…. please, let me show you how

much I love you."

Myrcella grabbed Robert's cock as she said that and pumped it. She

bent down to kiss the tip of his cock and started to do things that

Robert had never thought her capable of, with her tongue and

mouth. Clearly, Myrcella had paid great attention to all the lessons

provided by her mother and his other paramours.

Robert pulled away from her and pushed her back onto the bed. He

reached down and grabbed her hips, pushing her thighs apart. Her

wet pussy shined in the candle light for him. She looked so tight and

so inviting. Gods, there is nothing like bedding a virgin maid. With his

cock properly lubricated with her saliva, Robert knew exactly what he

wanted to do.

He mounted his supposed daughter and rammed his cock into her

hard while grabbing both hands full of her lustrous golden hair. He

rammed down into her tight pussy and viciously slammed his cock

into her body.

"OHHH GODS! ITS SO BIG!" Myrcella screamed as the King's

member tore through her hymen.

Myrcella had already been told that the King liked it rough but no

amount of training could have ever prepared her for either the

monster cock that invaded her body nor the savage ministrations of

her so-called father. Just as her mother had informed her, the pain

that Myrcella felt upon losing her maidenhead was soon replaced by

an indescribable pleasure. Meanwhile, Robert's own primal instincts

led him through pounding her pussy. Every time his cock pushed into

her from above, Myrcella could feel a jolt of pleasure race through

her being.

Robert buried his pent-up frustration regarding the Lannisters along

his cock inside of Myrcella's wet pussy. Myrcella felt so good, and

Robert didn't waste any time fucking her. All of his mistresses were

skilled and lively bedmates but there was nothing like breaking in a

maid. He hadn't feel such sweet pleasure since he had taken Sansa

all those moons ago.

"You're cumming already?" Robert asked, almost amused at the fact

her pussy clamped around his thick throbbing cock while he was

buried inside her.

"YES!" Myrcella said while trying to catch her breath. "I told you that I

was hot for you."

Her legs ensnared Robert's muscular frame, encouraging him to fuck

her hard. He placed a hand on the side of Myrcella's leg and started

to run it up and down her leg. Robert continued the thick and heavy

pounding of the young maid's perfect pussy. Each time that his cock

rammed into her, he could feel her close in around him.

"You're making me cum so hard," Myrcella groaned.

Robert's entire cock was enveloped in a special type of warmth as

he worked Myrcella to another orgasm. His balls slapped against

her. He stroked her legs and then moved up to fondle her breasts.

Myrcella's hands reached up to encourage Robert to take the

plunge. He dove face first into between Myrcella's generous tit flesh

and began to motherboard her. She ran her hands through his dark

hair streaked with grey while matching the King's pace of continuous


"Yes, you make me so hot, my father is so strong, and mighty, you're

making me so happy," Myrcella cooed, making use of her mother's

advice that the King enMyrielleed a vocal and foul-mouthed partner.

She ran her hands down Robert's strong and muscular back as he

continued to pound her.

"You're going to make me cum so hard….so…. hard… SO FUCKING


Robert tightened his grip on her hips while pounding away at her

upon hearing Myrcella's words of encouragement. He continued to

suck on her breasts which caused the volume of cum burning

through his balls to increase. He needed to ram his cock into this

pussy in the worst way possible.

Myrcella's hips jumped up to meet Robert's hard thrusts. Her entire

body lit up with increasing pleasure. She knew that the end would be

coming sooner rather than later.

"Don't hold back," Myrcella said. "Shoot your big load inside me,

Father…. if you pull out, I'll be disappointed."

Robert had no intention of pulling out of her as he continued to ride

Myrcella. Her multiple orgasms shooting over his cock gave him a

feeling that could not be put into words.

Myrcella took note of his balls slapping against her thighs every time

that he came up and brought himself down on her. The intense

pounding sped up, and Myrcella could only raise her hips to meet

Robert's incoming thrusts several times in response. She pushed her

nails into the side of his neck and continued to encourage him to

drive all the way down inside of her.

"Getting so close," Myrcella murmured. "I can feel it? Can you feel


Indeed, Robert had felt it already, hanging onto Myrcella while riding

out her slick walls that hugged his cock and made the feeling of

shooting his cum into her so much better.

Both the King and his supposed daughter screamed out loud as

Robert buried his cock into Myrcella one last time before beginning

to fire a never-ending stream of cum inside of her. She milked him

hard using her pussy muscles, squeezing his cock hard.

"Damn! You really wanted my cum. Like mother like daughter

indeed," Robert said, leaning down and pushing his mouth against

Myrcella's ear, sucking on her ear lobe.

"Aye! I want it more than life itself," Myrcella responded


The fluids spilled into Myrcella's dripping hot center as Robert rode

her all the way to the conclusion and pulled out of her.

The moment that she flipped over to present her sweet, round ass;

Robert's cock hardened again. Her thighs spread in the most inviting

way possible.

'Oh, this little slut is eager to please,' Robert mused to himself as he

reached the conclusion that refusing her invitation would be foolish.

And he was no fool.

So, he rammed his cock deep inside Myrcella, stretching out her

warm pussy on his throbbing hard member.

Myrcella readied herself for the long haul, enjoying the pounding of

the King's cock as it buried itself deep into her insides and stretched

her out in different ways.

'Lady Melisandre had warned me that the King's appetite was

insatiable. And if I wanted to earn his favor, I needed to be prepared

to prove myself,' Myrcella reminded herself as she willed herself to

stay focused as her supposed father ravaged her body.

After several rounds of fevered intercourse had passed, both

Myrcella and Robert collapsed into a heap of sweat and sexual fluids

upon the bed. Robert wrapped his arms around her, placing his

hands underneath her breasts.

'That went well. I'm pretty sure that I've earned the King's favor,'

Myrcella surmised.

She regretted nothing, though. Myrcella knew that the King would

take his pleasure but she was not prepared for the exquisite feelings

of pleasure that coursed through her body during the encounter.

Myrcella wasn't going to lie. This little arrangement might work out

better than she expected.