Chapter 38

Chapter 38: A Royal Wedding Night (Sansa Stark + Melisandre of

Asshai/Talisa Maegyr/Val/Leonette Fossoway/Megga Tyrell/Catelyn

Stark/Shae/Dacey Mormont)

The entire court had gathered in the throne room of the Red Keep to

witness the unveiling of the King's new weapon. Normally, such an

event did not merit the gathering of a crowd, let alone a grand

assembly of nearly all the nobility in the realm. But ever since stories

of the battles at Pyke and beyond the Wall had spread through the

lands, both nobles and commoners were keen to pay attention to

anything that the King did.

The large gathering only further confirmed Robert's notion that his

palace was filled with ass-kissers and littleness. In defense to the

curiosity of the attendees, there was the fact that not only had

Robert's new weapon been forged by none other than the famed

blacksmith, Tobho Mott. A man whose craft and skill in the art of

forging armor and weapons was legendary. That coupled with the

detail that this new weapon had been forged an ore that had gifted to

the King by the mythical Children of the Forest before he departed

from the Wall. Though the latter part of that statement, despite being

true, was nothing more than rumor and speculation as far the

southern nobles were concerned.

Even as tales of White Walkers, Wights, Dragons and Robert's own

supernatural powers ran rampant across the realm, people tended to

cling to the belief that the return of magic and mythical creatures was

just another elaborate ruse, as they tried to explain the impossible

events. In hindsight, this response made sense as magic and

otherworldly forces were something that most men had trouble in just

comprehending, let alone control. And what men couldn't control,

they tended to be fearful of.

"Your grace, first of all I would like to thank you for not only granting

me the opportunity to fashion a King's weapon. But also, for the

chance to apply my craft to a metal that I have never encountered

before in my life," the Qohori Smith stated as he stood at the base of

the Iron Throne.

"I had traveled most of Essos and Westeros before setting up shop,

here in King's Landing and in all my journeys, I have never seen

such a substance," Mott added as his voice and eyes conveyed his

sense of awe. "The metal shares great similarities with valyrian Steel

but is not only lighter but required the heat of several furnaces

pooled into one before it was ready to be reworked. And even then, it

was only with the aid of the Lady Melisandre and her fellow Red

Priests that the flames grew potent enough to melt the ore."

The Blacksmith's words caused a stir of mutterings and whispers

among the crowd as once again they were forced to reconcile their

minds with the existence of otherworldly powers.

"Though I am both pleased and proud to say, that this weapon is my

finest work yet. I hope it pleases you," Mott finished his explanation

and gestured for his apprentices to bring forth the weapon which had

been hidden under a cloak of the King's coat of arms.

With a flourish, Mott pulled the cloth to reveal what could only be

described as a true work of art to both Robert and the court.

It was a Warhammer of his exquisite quality and detail, with a handle

and shaft that was around 3 feet long and made from the steel of the

highest quality, wrapped in dark leather that was encased with gold

plated rings. No doubt, a homage to the traditional black and yellow

colors of House Baratheon.

However, the true jewel of Mott's creation was the hammer's head

that was made of the magical ore provided by the Children of the

Forest, which had been later refined and purified in the magical fires

of the Red Priests, to give it an otherworldly appearance. In Robert's

opinion, only one other weapon that could match this hammer head's

appearance and that was none other than 'Dawn', the legendary

blade of House Dayne.

"Simply marvelous, Master Mott. You truly are the master of your

trade," Robert said to the capital's finest blacksmith as he carefully

lifted the hammer from its holder.

The moment that Robert made contact with the weapon, a surge of

power and electricity shot through his entire being. The Warhammer

felt not like a weapon but rather an appendage that after being

missing for so long, was now finally reunited with its whole. In that

moment, Robert knew that this was the weapon that he was always

meant to wield.

And he was not the only one. The rest of the court was rooted to

their spots as their eyes and minds took in the incredible sight that

was playing out before them. The King's eyes were alight with

power, almost as if the lightning of the heavens itself was raging

within them. At the same time, the skies that had been bright and

clear a moment ago turned dark, as strong winds began pouring

through the windows.

Almost every noble and commoner alike had heard some tale or

another of the King's magical powers, with most taking the stories

with a healthy dose of skepticism. But as the magical winds and

lightning surrounded the King's being, they were forced to accept the

possibility that perhaps there was a great deal of truth in the

preaching of the Red God's servants who had constantly praised

and spoken of Robert Baratheon as the chosen of the Gods, ever

since their arrival on their shores.

And any doubt that lingered within them, dissipated the moment that

a bolt of lightning shattered through the large glass pained window

located on the wall behind the Iron Throne, styled in the shape of the

Seven-Pointed Star. The lightning was seemingly drawn towards the

King's warhammer's head and just as it made contact with the metal,

it caused the weapon to glow with an otherworldly radiance that

nearly blinded all those who dared to gaze directly at it.

"Behold, people of Westeros, the champion of the Gods and your

savior protector, Robert of House Baratheon, Azor Ahai reborn, true

heir of the Storm God and the rightful ruler of all men," Melisandre

said with pure reverence as she sunk to her knees before the King,

with the rest of the attendees soon following suit.

"Bed them! Bed Them"

The calls of the drunk wedding guests and feasters could be heard

clearly as Sansa Stark was carried to her bedchambers upon the

shoulders of the knights and lords who had partaken in the ancient

Westerosi custom. Piece by piece, scraps of her wedding garments

were torn off her body along the route, allowing her nubile and

youthful body to be revealed to the world.

Though in truth, this bedding ceremony differed from the standard

norm in quite a few aspects. For one, Sansa was being carried upon

the shoulders of not several men but just one who happened to be

the same person relieving her of her wedding gown. With the other

men taking great care to not even look upon the bride's rapidly

increasing nude form, let alone touch it. This show of respect and

deference was due to the fact that the bride was being hoisted upon

the shoulders of none other than the King of Westeros himself.

The other and most important difference in tonight's bedding would

also be that it would be Sansa's good-father and not husband who

would consummate the marriage. Although that was a detail that only

the King's harem and most trusted, loyal guards would be aware of,

as they would ensure that none would disturb the King as he took his

pleasure in his heir's marriage bed.

As for the heir in question, Prince Joffrey had been carried away by

members of Robert's harem who would deposit the bridegroom in

the antechamber that connected to Sansa's bedchamber. Both

Cersei and Talisa had made sure that both Joffrey's food and drink

had been adequately spiked with one of Talisa's lovely concoctions,

that would ensure that the heir to the throne would remain fast

asleep for the rest of the night while retaining no memory of it upon

awakening. Thus, any tale fed to his already malleable and feeble

mind would be considered as truth by the fool of a boy.


Those words come out of the mouth of the Princess bride as she

was shoved down chest first onto the large poster bed of the

chamber. Her legs dangled over it as she spread herself enticingly

for the man that stood behind her. Every inch of her body

transformed into a lightning rod for pleasure, and that pleasure only

increased every single time that the King who stood behind her felt

up every single part of her burning flesh.

Sansa was overwhelmed by feelings of pleasure and she was loving

every single last minute of it. The hands of her handsome and virile

good-father who was standing behind her caused her body light up

in far more pleasure than she could ever imagine. The pleasure just

continued to increase with each passing second. Each passing

second brings her to greater pleasure.

Robert's hands move to her ass and squeezed it, before making

their way to between her legs and began feeling up the scorching


"I did tell you that you would always belong to me," Robert whispered

into her ear.

The words served to remind Sansa of her first encounter with the

King as well as where her true loyalty and duties lied. To the realm,

she would be perceived as the wife of Joffrey Baratheon and future

Queen of Westeros but in truth she would always be the King's

mistress first and foremost. Her body, mind and soul were in service

to Robert Baratheon and any child that she ever bore would be born

of his royal and divine seed alone. That was the deal that had been

struck on the night that she yielded her maidenhead to the King and

tonight it would be further cemented as the King would bless her

womb with his glorious seed, so that the true heir to the Iron throne

would be conceived.

Robert's fingers pushed against Sansa's scorching slit, as he pulled

one finger in and out of it a few times over. Her pussy drips wet as

Robert knows all of the ways to push her buttons and get a reaction

out of her. And getting a reaction out of her is something that he


"Tell me that you want me to fuck you and I will."

Robert teases the new bride as he presses his naked body against

hers from behind. His throbbing hard cock dances down the back of

Sansa's leg, taunting and reminding her of its incredible size.

Sansa's eyes shift over with a burning and unstoppable lust that only

burns brighter the more that Robert plays with her.


She lets out these words in a prominent hiss. There's nothing else

on her mind other than the passionate and incredible coupling which

she will come to experience on this night. The coupling that Robert

planned to give her in a matter of minutes. Visions and images of

that big royal cock burn into Sansa's mind and she wants nothing

else other than the pleasure which is going to come from it.

Each of the King's finger dance down her back, teasing her. Sansa

wants him and almost turns around to face him but Robert places his

hands on her waist and forces her back down.

"I'm a slut for that royal cock. Give it to me… give me pleasure like

no man ever could!"

The coarse and filthy words of the young bride make Robert position

his cock at her steaming hot entrance. Sansa eagerly opens up her

nether gates as her desire for it, reaches fever pitch. He can feel it,

sense the arousal just burning off of her body as Robert grabs onto

her waist from behind.

"Fuck… fuck me!"

Robert's massive cock slides down her extremely wet and gushing

slit in response to the passionate pleas of his alleged son's bride.

Sansa parts her thighs and prepares to get Robert's cock deep

inside of her. The hunger that Robert feels radiating from this young

woman is going to make him take his cock and shove it as deep

inside of her as it would go.

"I'm not going to disappoint a maiden on her wedding night."

Robert groans out as the first few inches of his cock slides deep

inside of her, making Sansa clutch onto the soft silken sheets of the

bed. Her breathing escalates as Robert really makes her feel every

single inch of his divine member. No matter how many times she had

been fucked by the King, every time that his cock entered her nether

region, Sansa always felt that it would almost split her pussy apart.

And if she was being honest with herself, she loved the feeling.

Her nails continue to dig into the bedding the further that Robert

pushes himself inside of her. She wants more and Robert is going to

give her all that she wants and more. Inch by inch his cock slides

into her tight pussy, causing Sansa's eyes to nearly cloud over with

the feeling of never ending and burning lust.





Her loud and passionate screams that convey the level of lust and

pleasure being experienced by the new bride cause Robert to slide

even deeper inside of Sansa. She clamps down onto him to the point

where there's little room left inside of her. Robert pulls himself almost

free from her before promptly slamming into her one final time in

order to rock her body to a point where it feels beyond good.

Robert slides in and out of her, working her wet pussy while gaining

momentum at a rapid rate. It is not going to take much to set Sansa

off. He knows this and wants to exploit it.

He feels sensitive spots all over her body. Sansa holds onto the

poster of the bed, biting down on the sheets to muffle her screams

and moans. Pleasure keeps dancing down her body the further that

Robert pushes into her. His throbbing balls slap their way against the

back of her leg, sending waves of pleasure through her.

"You can feel the warmth. Your pussy is closing in on my cock. I bet it

would feel so empty without me, wouldn't it?" Robert moans in


"So empty," Sansa mumbles in reply, trying to hold onto coherent

thought as lust continues to addle her mind and senses.

The cock sliding out of her doubles down on the emptiness that

Sansa feels without it. She needs more of him inside of her and

Sansa needs it in the worst possible way. Robert firmly grips her hips

with his hands before shoving more of his enormous cock into her

tight vice. It stretches her out and causes Sansa's eyes to just water

over with pleasure.

She drips wet and allows his cock to feel into her tight pussy from

behind. The smack of his balls against the back of her thighs shoots

waves of pleasure all over her body.

"It's time for you to cum for me, Sansa… it's time for you to cum."

The body of the eldest daughter of Winterfell turns into a lightning

rod of pleasure as the King thrusts deeper inside of her. Robert

plants kisses down her body, caressing it all over. He cups her

breasts, taking full advantage of how sensitive they are to really

make every inch of her scream in delight. A constant and neverending wave of pleasure just assaults her body.

"Time… time for me to cum."

Robert proclaims as he hammers her all the way. The image of

Sansa bent over her marriage bed, being fucked senseless by him is

one that stay in Robert's mind for a long time. Robert plants his cock

deep inside of her body and pulls almost all the way out before

driving inside of her.

Sansa clutches him between her warm pussy walls and the juices

just flow out. Robert slides into her with his cock hammering her with

every single inch of the way.

She breathes out while Robert holds onto her nubile but pert body.

"You've been a good and dutiful whore to your King, Lady….

Princess Sansa," Robert rasps out. "I think its time for you to take the

next step in your duties and bear me a strong and worthy heir."

"Oh, my King! I am not worthy of such an honor but will do my best. I

shall bear you a child, worthy of your great legacy."

Sansa is unable to keep the surprise and happiness from her

response despite being made aware of the possibility of being

impregnated by the King from both her Lady Mother and the Queen


Though the newly anointed Princess bride of Westeros knows that

her child will not be the first among the latest generation of the King's

natural born children. That honor had already been claimed by her

future good-sister, Lady Meera Reed. Lady Wynafryd Manderley

would soon be joining the ranks of the mothers of the King's

offspring if her rather surprising and quick marriage to Lord Willas

Tyrell was any indication of her condition. King Robert had his faults

but no one could ever accuse him of not doing right by the women

that he bedded or the children that he planted in their bellies.

Robert rams her into the bed once more before pulling back, with a

smile etched across his face.

"I know you will."

Robert responds as he rams his big cock into her tight body and fills

her completely up to the brim, to the point where her pussy just

closes in on his massive manhood. He pulls almost all the way out of

her and drives into her. The tightness that Sansa always manages to

offer him makes him feel beyond good. He just cannot slow down

and quit fucking her.

Nor does she want him to by the feel of things. Her body turns into

one endless lightning rod for pleasure. One endless canvas for

Robert to keep driving his cock deep inside. Robert pushes inside of

her and then pulls almost all the way out of her.

"Time to switch things up."

Robert exclaims as he pulls Sansa up off of the bed and spins her

around so that they are now locked in a passionate kiss with their

tongues duelling with each other. Sansa's nails dig into the side of

Robert's face to deepen the kiss while his fingers dance on her body.

One of her legs shoots up and wraps around his waist to pull him just

all that much closer.

Robert drags his fingernail down the side of her legs, causing her to

moan into his mouth. Robert repeats his actions, and Sansa sinks

her nails closer and closer into the side of Robert's face. The kisses

continue to grow deeper the more that Robert plays with her. And the

more Robert plays with her, the more she enMyrielles pretty much

everything else that he does to her.

"Sooo…. good."

Robert tugs on her nipples with Sansa straddling him as he takes a

handful of the young woman's tasty ass. The spunky red-head grinds

her pussy against Robert's cock tip and works closer into him. She

almost, nearly, holds Robert completely onto her as his cock slides

against her warm pussy. Each inch of her pussy slides over him and

now Robert pushes inside of her.

"BY THE GODS! You seem bigger when I'm on top!" Sansa exclaims

out loud.

'Not that the King was small in any way before. That's for sure,'

Sansa thinks to herself as she holds herself down onto the base of

Robert's cock and starts wiggling about him. Every inch of his

immense manhood shoves deep into her tight hole as she rides him.

And she'll ride him to the very end.

The bouncing beauty just spearing herself down upon his cock gives

Robert a pretty good visual buffet of action. He reaches up and

touches her nipple to send sparks flying through her body. Sansa

clamps down and releases him.

"You like this? Mmm, I know you do! Because I like this big cock just

spearing into me and making me feel more alive than I have ever

been? Take it… take it and shove it into my tight pussy! Give me

everything that I've ever wanted and then some more… give it to me


Robert holds onto her back and slides Sansa's tight pussy down

onto his cock with a few more thrusts. She bounces up and down on

him with pleasure dancing down her body. Sansa bites down on her

lip and releases it in pleasure. She cums one more time as Robert

just buries more of himself into her. He keeps working his massive

cock into her tight hole. She can feel the size of his balls and the

desire only doubles for her to want him to cum inside her.

Sansa bounces up and down on Robert, as her nails teasingly rake

him and her mouth opens up in ecstasy. Robert visualizes what is to

come next as his balls crack against her and he gets closer, and

closer to his release.

"My turn now. I hope you're ready," Robert tells her.

"Yes… yes, give it to…. me!"

Sansa hits the high note the further that Robert drives into her body.

His balls keep slapping at her and makes her breath out in pleasure.

Robert cups her amazing chest and releases it.

The end comes with Robert driving up into Sansa's tight pussy. His

manhood tightens and then starts to spill deep inside of her warm

hole. Robert plants his thick cock deep inside of her and then his

cum follows in a spewing rush, with Sansa clamping down on him

and making sure that she gets every single last drop of his seed.

"Fuck, there's so much cum!" Sansa yells.

"I know, and it's all for you! Consider it a wedding gift," Robert states


Robert's fingers push against her ass and slide into her hole, sliding

loosening it up in time with spilling his seed inside of her. His balls

hold a large volume within them as he keeps working her over.

Sansa clutches down onto him with a small amount of drool just

falling out of her mouth.

The last bit of cum shoots inside of her pussy and Sansa almost falls

forward from the force with which it rockets inside of her body. She's

overflowing with cum and her stomach is obviously swollen with it.

She turns around, just in time to get Robert's finger in her ass

deeper than ever before. He pushes against her cheeks.

"You didn't think that I would leave before getting down to the main

event?" Robert teases. "Its your wedding night, Sansa and a lovely

bride like you deserves to be properly fucked in every way."

"Mmmhh, there are no words to express my gratitude, your grace."

Sansa replies as her snug asshole opens up for Robert and he

penetrates her from the back door with his aching, massive cock

stretching her out.


Granted that she has experienced this type of fucking before. But

there's a considerable difference between having a big cock going

into your pussy, and a big cock going into your asshole. After all,

Sansa has had more experience with former than the latter. The

juices from their previous encounter stretch the bride out completely.

Robert holds onto her chest for leverage while planting himself into


"You're always so tight…. I'm going to enjoy this. Are you enjoying

that? I bet you can… I bet you can't think of anything other than my

big cock in your asshole." Robert says to his good-daughter.

"It would be rude… not to considering it's here now!" Sansa replies

cheekily, eliciting a laugh from her partner.

Robert buries his cock deep into Sansa's snug asshole, with him

pulling almost all the way out of her before continuing to slam into

her. The repeating thrusts drives more and more of Robert inside of

her. Sansa clutched onto the bed as her mind struggles to

comprehend how good this feels.

He can tell she feels good, due to the overflow of cum coming from

her pussy. Something Robert helps along by rubbing her clit.

'After all, the girl is a She-Wolf, just like her aunt. And bitches love to

be fucked this way,' Robert muses to himself.

Shocks of power drive both of them over the edge with fits of

pleasure. The deeper that Robert plants himself inside of her

asshole, the more her juices flow. Robert cannot get enough of

Sansa's tight, snug back passage and he wants to bury as much of

himself in her as possible.

Sansa's eyes glaze over from the pleasure but Robert manages to

keep her in check as he continues fucking her in the ass like it

should be. Those balls seize up pretty quickly.

Robert buries his big cock into her snug asshole, with Sansa

clutching onto his leg as she lets out a very sharp breath. The

deeper that Robert plants inside of her, the more she becomes

submissive to him and his large cock.

He slams into her hard one more time before Sansa almost loses it

all together. The shutdown of her mind shows just how much she

enjoys the thrill ride. And this Thrill ride runs to a close one more

time as Robert's cock swells in her ass and pushes deep into her. He

positions himself, before burying his seed inside of her warm asshole

from behind.

The end comes with Robert finishing his latest load inside of her

asshole. Both lovers see stars with Robert riding her tight hole to a

very sticky conclusion. He pulls out to leave the new bride dripping

as she collapses onto the bed from the sheer exhaustion of their


Robert's supernatural senses confirm that his seed has taken root

within the young bride and soon he shall be holding a new born son

in his arms. Though in the eyes of the realm, the child will be his


'Son or Grandson, it matters not as he will be the one to inherit my

throne,' Robert thinks to himself, a brilliant smile blossoming upon

his lips at the thought.

Robert proceeded to throw on his breeches and tunic after making

sure that Sansa was tucked in, comfortably on the bed with his

useless, alleged heir passed out next to her. His ladies had made

sure that the foolish boy was completely stripped out of his clothes

as they deposited him in the antechamber. So, when the sun arose

tomorrow, both Joffrey and the servants who would tend to the

newly-wed couple, would think that the marriage night had been a

great success. And in truth it was, though its details would be a

secret to the realm.

Despite the intense coupling that he had just shared with his new

good-daughter, Robert's carnal hunger was far from satiated. It had

been only a week since Robert had displayed his divine might to the

court when he wielded his magical Warhammer for the first time. And

from that moment on, everything had truly changed.

Before when people looked at Robert, their eyes and faces

conveyed the fear and respect that they held both for him and his

station. Now, those looks had been replaced with ones of devotion

and awe. Not only did Melisandre words in the throne room

successfully make their impact on the people, but the fervent

sermons spouted by her fellow Red Priests in the streets and

corners of the capital had nearly turned Robert into a God in the

eyes of the people.

As for Robert himself, he not only basked in the increased adulation

shown by his subjects but also soon discovered that his strength and

other powers had grown several folds after coming into possession

of the enchanted weapon. However, this new found might did not

come without consequence as his appetites and lust had also grown


Luckily, the King of Westeros had already anticipated these needs in

advance and headed out the bedchamber with his trusted guards

trailing behind as they moved through the hidden passages built

throughout the Red Keep. Not to long after, he arrived at the

entrance to a set of chambers within the Maidenvault that until quite

recently had been unused.

If the rumors and tales were to be believed then these rooms had

been repurposed by none other than King Aegon the Fourth or The

Unworthy as he was commonly known, after he ascended to the

throne. Unlike his pious cousin King Baelor, the Unworthy had found

a very different use for Baelor's Maidenvault. Baelor had created the

structure to rid himself of lust and temptation while the Unworthy had

used it to indulge in every temptation.

Personally, the Unworthy was the only dragonspawn that Robert

could ever truly relate to, Robert mused to himself as he entered the

chamber, instructing his guards to take up their positions along the

hidden corridor.

Within the elaborate and plushly decorated chamber that contained

several plush beds and divans, Melisandre and Talisa stood waiting

for him along with none other than his new favourite wildling

princess, Val, at the foot of one such large and lavish bed.

Robert admired the sight of the trio of Val, Talisa and Melisandre who

had been waiting for him, dressed in extremely provocative

nightwear. Though the design of the garments were the same, each

lady had chosen a colour that highlighted their beautiful features. Val

favored one in the color of white, Melisandre wore a dark red

ensemble, while Talisa was dressed in black number. Their lingerie

showed off the amazing and extremely alluring bodies of three

beauties in every way possible.

"Greetings, your grace," Talisa purred.

"So, how was the wedding night? I hoped the Stark girl managed to

wet your appetite at the least," Val said.

"I'm certain, Lady….no… Princess Sansa did her best to please the

King," Melisandre said. "But she is still a girl in many ways. And thus,

it is up to us women to ensure that you are perfectly sated."

"That sounds lovely, ladies," Robert said with a smile.

"Excellent," Melisandre answered. "Let's get started."

Melisandre leaned into Robert and caught him with a kiss that felt

heavenly. Those warm red lips pressed down onto Robert's mouth

as Melisandre's tongue coaxed its way deep into his mouth. Robert

put a hand onto the back of Melisandre's head and deepened the


Not to be outdone, Talisa gave Robert a passionate kiss the moment

that he pulled away from Melisandre while the Wildling Princess's

skilled hands rolled down Robert's body, feeling him up in all

respects. Robert groaned, the second that Talisa touched him, in

order to rile up his body. She stroked his shoulders, getting the blood

flowing in more ways than one, getting Robert excited.

Last, but certainly not least, Val kissed Robert, with the beautiful, fit

blonde melding her body and lips against Robert's. All the while

Talisa and Melisandre lingered, touching them from either side along

with kissing each other. The heat which built through the chamber

was pretty immense and extremely intense.

The ladies pulled Robert into the center and began to remove his

clothes. With each article of clothing removed, their hands were all

over Robert's body. They stroked Robert, kissed him all over, just

riling him up. Melisandre's hand was on Robert's hardening cock

most of the way, while Talisa squeezed Robert's balls and Val

grabbed his ass. They then pulled away and rubbed Robert's body


The three women stripped Robert completely bare. Before allowing

him to fall back on the bed. One could see the flash of lust in Talisa's

eyes, as she broke out into a smile. They sat down on the bed, and

stroked away at every inch of his body.

"Oh, so wonderful," Talisa breathed with excitement in Robert's ear.

The combination of Melisandre, Val, and Talisa taking turns stroking

Robert's body sending shivers of excitement through him. Robert

had fond memories of their talented hands and also their mouths.

Talisa stroked Robert for a little bit before leaning down.

The sexy Volantene healer wrapped around Robert's member, as

Talisa's locked onto Robert's while she performed several deep


"No, that's wonderful," Robert groaned, while stroking Talisa's dark


Talisa worshiped Robert while the other two women continued to

stroke his body. Every now and then, Melisandre and Val fondled

Robert's balls as they sucked him off.

"Don't go off too soon, my King," Melisandre said with several kisses

to the back of the neck. "We still have a lot more fun… to have."

"No worries, Mel. For the night is still young and full of many

pleasures," Robert answered, using a twist of the Red Woman's

words, bringing forth an amusing chuckle from the ladies.

Both Val and Melisandre showed Robert a pretty good time, with the

stroking of his muscular stomach getting even hotter. Val pressed a

hand on Robert's balls and cupped them extremely hard, before

releasing them.

Oh, Talisa's warm and skilled mouth sent an intense flare of lust off

through Robert's loins. It went further and further, until it got to the

point where Talisa left Robert's groin with a very loud and prolific

pop. The King's manhood swayed from one side to the other,

dripping wet with so much saliva.

Talisa passed Robert's throbbing hard cock off to Melisandre, who

took it into her mouth with great enthusiasm. Inch by inch it passed

into the back of her tight, wet throat. Melisandre's fingers danced

down Robert's balls, stroking them, adding just another stimulation to

drive Robert beyond crazy.

The tight seal of Melisandre's mouth edged Robert a little bit further,

taking care to not go too far. Talisa wrapped her legs around Robert

from behind to add to the fun and kissed the back of Robert's neck.

"You women are just too much," Robert groaned as the heat of

Talisa's body melded against his causing a tingle.

The hard meat stick slid between Melisandre's lips, while her tongue

sensually battled against the cock head to make Robert groan. He

wanted nothing more than to grab the Red Priestess and face-fuck

her, but the pleasures of another mouth awaited him.

After Melisandre had her fun, she passed off the King's cock to Val,

who sank down in front of Robert to get into position. The sight of the

lovely, Lady Val of White tree, the Wildling Princess, on her knees,

and stroking Robert's manhood was alluring to say the least. Her

fingers danced down as Robert's thick cock stretched to her lips. Val

planted a heated kiss on it, humming around the head.

Val sank down onto her knees to take Robert into her mouth. Oh,

inch by glorious inch, it slammed deep into Val's mouth. Robert

grabbed onto the back of Val's head as he fucked her throat

extremely hard and fast.

The combined pleasure of Melisandre and Talisa kissing and

stroking his body from either side sent Robert into a state of bliss.

Pleasure danced through Robert's body the more Val went to work.

Robert pressed his fingers down onto the back of Val's head and

throat-fucked her like there was no tomorrow.

"That's fuckin' hot," Robert groaned.

Melisandre and Talisa dropped to their knees to play with Val a little

bit. The two sensual Essosi beauties stroked the Wildling Princess

all over. Their fingers danced all over the blonde's body causing her

to unleash moans that vibrated around Robert's throbbing hard

member. Val smacked her mouth completely down and then

released Robert, humming up and down on his cock as the hotness

spread down the back of her throat.

The next play made Robert slam deep into savage beauty's throat.

The Red Woman took one ball while the Volantene beauty took the

other and the three gorgeous concubines of the Baratheon King

triple teamed his manhood. Robert's stormy blue eyes glazed over in

endless pleasure, and he was barely able to keep a coherent

thought in his mind.

The eyes of all three women dared him to explode as they continued

their devout worship of his manhood. Val's sucking only grew more

aggressive, her sexy face pressing down against Robert's pelvic

bone. They pulled every single trick in the book to get Robert to

release. And their efforts soon bore fruit as with one more push, the

King's floodgates opened and seed splattered into Val's waiting


The seed spurting into Val's mouth grew thick as her eyes flushed

over with desire. Val drank down every last drop, like a delicious

nectar. After Val finished sucking Robert off, she licked his dripping

slit, and smiled in lust. It was so good that Talisa and Melisandre

finished sucking Robert's balls.

"Come here," Talisa said, while using her finger to beckon the blonde

towards her.

Val and Talisa made out heatedly and the two lovely women shared

the seed that Robert had put in Val's mouth. All the while, Melisandre

aggressively pumped Robert back to full erection.

Robert pulled away from Melisandre and awaited the glorious

moment where he could insert himself into Val and Talisa's delicious

cunts. On the bed, Talisa laid out and accepted Val's long and

intense worship of her body. Starting from the face, breasts, abs, all

the way to the delicious folds between Talisa's thighs.

The Wildling Princess ate the Essosi healer's pussy out, causing her

to moan out loud. The slit, scorching, dripping, and wet, in front of

Robert called for him to plunder it. The King's long stiff cock groaned

at the sight, and there was only one thing left to do. Robert grabbed

onto Val's juicy rear end and lined up before driving himself hard into

her body.

The snug tightness wrapped around Robert's cock the second he

entered Val's body. Robert rocked back and forth, and Val squeezed

into him.

"Your pussy always feels so good," Robert groaned. "It's always nice

and perfect to fuck. I could be in it every day… and every night!"

A hot flare of lust emitted from Val's body from Robert slamming into

her. She took Robert's huge breeding member with each push.

Robert rolled back and touched Val's body. The sounds that the sex

crazed woman made, brought a smile to Robert's face. He danced

his fingers down her luscious body, causing her to almost cry out in

pleasure. Robert rocked faster, just knowing all the ways in which to

touch Val and sent her closer to the edge.

Robert edged Val faster with multiple deep thrusts, which sped up

into shock-waves of pleasure.

After a time, Robert pulled out of Val, and she turned around. Talisa

left, breathless on the bed from Val's oral fuck, sighed at the loss of

Val's tongue. Val climbed on top of Robert's lap, flashing a dirty smile

at him as she mounted him.

"I'm wet and ready to ride, Stag King," Val said.

"I know," Robert answered.

The Storm King put one hand on Val's mouth and one hand on her

ass while guiding her down onto his cock. Her warm wet walls

clamped down onto Robert's member and a groan immediately

followed. Robert filled up this lovely blonde, who bounced higher and

higher while riding his cock.

Val locked her nails down onto Robert, groaning in pleasure. The

contractions of her pussy muscles grew even harder, the faster that

Robert slammed into her. His balls cracked up against her warm and

wanton flesh as Robert pulled Val in and sucked on her neck.

With every single movement, Robert brought Val closer to that

simple point of release. The tightening of her pussy made Robert's

balls flare up.

After experiencing three… no, four orgasms in succession, Val

hoped that the pleasure ride would never end. She danced a finger

down Robert's neck and the horniness flaring through her body, only

accelerated with each passing moment.

Val let go of Robert with one more explosive orgasm and Robert

came alongside with her, sending load after load of seed splattering

deep into her warm depths.

With practiced ease, Robert slid out of Val's pussy and into

Melisandre's waiting mouth and as always, those ruby red lips did a

pretty good job of reviving him.

"Damn, You Red Witches are something else!" Robert groaned as

Melisandre sucked Robert vigorously, smiling through the entire


Talisa crawled between Val's thighs and ate her wet pussy out.

Turnabout was fair play at this point and besides, Talisa thought that

not indulging in the delicious treat that Robert had left behind, was

nothing short of rude.

Robert's inflamed member came close to spurting into Melisandre's

mouth, while those dark red eyes dared Robert to keep his orgasm

at bay. Robert clutched the back of Melisandre's head, sliding in and

sliding out, mouth fucking this beautiful woman until her lips flared

up. She released Robert, and squeezed him.

"We're ready to have fun now, aren't we, my King?" Melisandre


The buxom red-head squeezed Robert's manhood and climbed atop

of it. She tensed around Robert, rubbing him up down, breaking out

into a smile.

"You would like my tight pussy now, wouldn't you?"

Melisandre said tantalizingly as she ground up and down against

Robert, every inch of her flesh burning up. For a moment,

Melisandre lowered Robert's face into her chest, causing him to go

down on her wonderful, perfect tits by sucking them extremely hard.

"But, I'm more akin to the main event of this encounter," Melisandre

said. "And I can outlast these two for your royal member… but Lady

Maegyr looks like she's burning up for it."

Robert eyed Talisa's wet pussy and agreed with Melisandre's


The King climbed into position behind Talisa and aimed his meat

spear into her. The not too unfamiliar and very much not

unwelcomed sensation of Robert behind her, set Talisa aflame in


"I'm going to fuck you so good; it'll make up for my long absence,"

Robert told Talisa as he grabbed onto her tightly.

The dripping and moist state of Talisa's pussy showed just how much

she welcomed Robert's intrusion. He lined himself up with the royal

physician's entrance, his manhood was perfectly primed as he sank

down into Talisa from behind.

Several inches of his hard, powerful cock slammed deep into Talisa

from behind, stretching out her womanhood. Those big bloated balls

cracked down onto her and Talisa's insides turned molten.

"Don't forget me," Val said to Talisa in a whiny tone, gaining her

attention once again.

And Talisa once again returned to licking Val out, while Robert

continued his rapid-fire plunges into her. Robert squeezed Talisa's

ass, spanked it, and released it with fluid thrusts.

Robert clutched onto Talisa to deepen his thrusts as he buried into

her tight pussy from behind, stretching the woman out completely.

The skilled motions of Talisa's tongue caused Val to almost scream

out loud. But before she could vocalize her feeling, Melisandre flew

over and put her hand on Val's mouth.

"Let's see if we can put that loud and vulgar mouth to a better use."

Melisandre told Val as she sank down onto Val's beautiful mouth,

with a large grin upon her face. Instantly, Val's warm mouth choked

on Melisandre's wet pussy. The Priestess's wet nether lips pressed

down onto Val's warm mouth. Val managed to re-focus her blocked

scream, to bolster her oral ministrations into the Red Woman's

pussy, causing Melisandre to vibrate in pleasure.

Being gagged in such a sexy way flared up Val's arousal and she

squirted into Talisa's eager mouth, who greedily slurped up the

leaking juices.

Robert enjoyed Talisa and Melisandre both getting a rise out of Val in

different ways. Being the back in this particular chain of pleasure,

made Robert smile widely. His rough, callused hands pressed

against the smooth skin of Talisa's tight ass, making her just break

out into a cry of pleasure.

The faster cranking on Talisa's tight ass brought Robert perilously

close to his edge as he attempted to hang on in there, to enjoy every

last minute of Talisa. Her tight pussy walls closed down and

threatened to make Robert cum. But Talisa was the one to cum first

and she did too, multiple times at that.

Robert squeezed Talisa's juicy ass cheeks, making her cry out into

Val's moist cavern. The small flood and then explosion of juices onto

Robert's manhood made him drive deeper into Talisa, stuffing her

completely full.

Val moaned out into Melisandre's pussy from the explosion, who

very vocally expressed the effect of the Spearwife's ministrations.

All three women coming at the same time made Robert want to join

them. His balls ached and demanded release and Talisa deduced

this fact as well, given how tightly she clamped down onto Robert, in

an attempt to drag every single last drop from his balls.

"Oh, Talisa," Robert groaned as he came deep inside Talisa, with

shot after shot of hot juicy cum.

The insides of Talisa's walls were painted white with the King's seed

as her tightening loins set Robert's nerve endings on fire, making

more cum explode into her body than ever before. He shuddered out

to a stop, a long and hard stop, before vigorously plunging into


After pulling away, Robert came face to cock with Melisandre, who

wrapped her hand around its base. Her devilish red eyes burned with

lust and Robert doubted that he could resist what Melisandre was

about to do to him.

"Time for the main event, your grace," Melisandre breathed on

Robert's erect member.

Melisandre aggressively licked Robert with a carnal fire burning

through her lustful eyes. Every inch of his manhood tingled as the

Red Woman got him as hard as could be. A hard cock for her wet

and warm pussy, it was perfect, just perfect. Melisandre climbed onto

Robert's lap, nuzzling against him.

"You're ready for me," Melisandre asked huskily. "Aren't you?"

"Always," Robert groaned.

"Mmm, then let us do the Lord's will, my King," Melisandre breathed

in pleasure.

By digging her nails into Robert's shoulder, Melisandre moved

herself into position. Her buxom chest pressed against his muscular

chest. Melisandre's eyes flared up when her legs spread to either

side as her wet crevice lined up for Robert's god-gifted woman

tamer. It certainly did make her wild.

Melisandre's mind was driven wild with carnal thoughts as she

prepared to serve R'hllor's champion. But, to be fair, it was service

that when performed could drive even the strongest willed and pious

of women into a deviant whore.

The King's rock-hard cock lined up for Melisandre's scorching

womanhood and as it eased inside of her, the wet folds practically

gobbled up Robert with each move. As her legs tightened around

Robert, Melisandre let out a very intense breath.


called out, with lust burning through her voice.

Due to the size of the massive member, it took a moment before

Melisandre could begin riding him. Every slap of her wet thighs made

Melisandre lustfully purr in Robert's ear, while his hands took a

guided tour of her body.

The tight and powerful pussy of the Shadowbinder used contractions

that made Robert almost flare up in lust. Robert deepened into

Melisandre, burying into her and then pulling out. His big balls

slapped down onto her wet thighs, firmly lighting up her body.

At the same time, Val and Talisa crawled towards each other, before

indulging in a heated make-out session that scorches up the night. A

cascade of lust is felt and shared between the pair, with Val wrapping

her arm tighter around Talisa.

While Melisandre was occupied with riding him, Robert decided to

make his move. He focussed his psychic powers on both Talisa and

Val's clits, to inflame them with even more lust. One would argue that

given their heightened passions, both women could not be excited

further. But a light blast of magic and the accompanying screams of

both beauties proved to Robert that it was indeed possible.

Robert's psychic presence stretched far to blast pleasure jolts

through them. Talisa and Val screamed in time with the rubbing

together of their inflamed groins as they craved for the wanted


As beautiful as Talisa and Val were, Robert decided to focus on one

thing in that moment, namely Melisandre who was bouncing up and

down on his member. Her delicious creamy breasts lingered close

towards Robert's face. Melisandre's eyes met his and she licked her

lips, breathing in. Melisandre swirled her tongue into her mouth to

simulate the sucking of the cock.

The vision of Melisandre sent Robert almost over the edge. It was

something that Melisandre noticed and she flashed a dirty smile at


"I know you want to cum. And I want you to cum. I know those big

bloated balls; they must be getting big and heavy by now,"

Melisandre purred in Robert's ear.

By the Gods, this woman was just too sexual to resist, no man could

resist her advances. But then again, Robert was something more

than man at this point.

"Not until I've had my fun," Robert responded, determination lacing

his tone.

"Oh, have we just barely started?" Melisandre asked teasingly.

Robert touched Melisandre's breasts, sending lightning pleasure

through her body. His skilled hands mapped a course on all of

Melisandre's hot pleasure points, squeezing Melisandre's chest and

releasing it, making her fleshy pillows bounce up and down.

'Ooh, she was so sexual, so good, so delicious,' Robert mused while

palming Melisandre's tits and lit her on fire as the flood of her juices

coated Robert's cock.

Melisandre dripped wet like a waterfall. Her hole opened up and

Robert could hardly hold back from fucking it. Melisandre

encouraged her royal lover, with so many moans and clenches. The

second that Robert's fingers went behind Melisandre, she almost

sank into a fit of lust.

"Touch me again," Melisandre said. "Grope that ass! It was meant for


Robert worshipped Melisandre's amazing ass as those skilled

fingers squeezed down around her and released them. Those ass

cheeks felt amazing underneath Robert's groping hands.

Her warm breasts that were pressed against Robert's face and it

would be rude of Robert, if he did not bury his face in them. Which

he did, by completely plundering Melisandre's tits, sucking away at

those succulent mounds.

Melisandre encouraged Robert to edge further to the end. She

clamped down onto him and pushed him.

"You can cum without consequence now," Melisandre panted.

"Through the Lord's blessing, you'll be replenished back quickly…

and we can get back to enjoying ourselves even more… besides, it

looks like that Lady Talisa and Lady Val are attempting to indulge in

some fun of their own."

"That they are… Let me help you both," Robert said to Talisa and

Val, after taking note of Val's attempt at fingering the Essosi healer.

With the simple utilization of one of Melisandre's spells paired with

his own magic, Robert endowed the blonde Spearwife with an

artificial cock.

"Now, give Talisa a proper fucking, Val," the King said with a

mischievous wink and both women happily complied with their

master's wishes.

Soon enough, Talisa was bound over the bed, being drilled into with

the magic member bestowed upon Val. The erotic sight drove

Melisandre closer to the point of release and she casually positioned

the King to enjoy the show as well.

The screams from the Triarch's daughter escalated through the

chamber, at the touches the stunning Spearwife lavished upon her

body. Val hit all of Talisa's buttons as the magical member drove

faster into Talisa from behind.

"Let it go," Val moaned huskily and the two exploded on each other,

cumming together. Talisa squeezed the artificial appendage, with Val

squeezing Talisa's ass in response as the two shared their

indulgence in each other.

Robert made Melisandre cry out for his cum. The flare of his balls

almost came to a fever pitch and with one more squeeze, Melisandre

knew that she would receive what she wanted. The cum flood

erupted inside Melisandre and coated every single inch of her.

Robert molested Melisandre's body and she happily complied as

tingles exploded through her body.

And just when the Red Priestess thought the King was done with

her, a more powerful orgasm than the one before hit her as Robert

halfway filled Melisandre or halfway emptied himself, depending on

the point of view.

It was then Melisandre realized that the Lord's chosen had been

holding back on her, this entire time.

'I was a fool for underestimating the stamina of Azor Ahai reborn,'

Melisandre mentally chided herself.

The minute that Melisandre finished milking Robert, she pulled off

and gave him a kiss. The two engaged in a duel of the tongue for a

while before Melisandre extracted herself away. Val came up from

Talisa at the same time and Melisandre greedily took it once Val

extracted herself from Talisa's pussy. Melisandre sucked Talisa's

juices off of Val's member, while maintaining eye contact with Robert.

The moment that the last of the fluids were cleaned off from the

artificial cock, it vanished from Val's body and appeared onto the

Red Woman's.

"I'm eager for more, my King,"

Val said as she crawled over onto Robert and clutched his cock. The

long and powerful stroking continued, with Robert's manhood

bulging before Val leaned in and kissed Robert on the lips. The two

made out aggressively with each other. Val's tongue tried to force

completely down Robert's throat, with the King demonstrating where

the true power lied.

Robert set up Val into the proper position to enjoy the show. The

show that happened to be Talisa and Melisandre entering a very

steamy make-out session with each other. Robert rolled a hand

down Val's body and kissed her shoulder. She sat on his lap, the

massive member about nearing her pussy.

A hand clamped over Val's mouth, preventing her from crying out in

pleasure. Robert pushed down into her, stretching her warm pussy

completely out. Val bit on her lip, barely being able to hold back. She

nearly lost all sense of herself, rising and dropping upon Robert. The

minute they settled into this rhythm, Val's chest inhaled and exhaled.

Robert grabbed said chest, milking and squeezing her breasts.

Robert performed measured strokes, with his balls smacking down

against Val's warm thighs, while trailing kisses down Val's neck and

pulled out.

"Feels good," Robert said to the gorgeous blonde who knew what

was happening now. She could hardly hold back her lust for the man

that had tamed her wild spirit. Val groaned, her eyes fluttering as she

felt the immense load in lover's ball sac. Robert's hands ghosted

over her body and squeezed her nipples. Those stiff nipples then

extended and Robert proceeded to milk Val's nipples, with a savage


Off to the side, Melisandre made use of the magical member and

stuffed Talisa full. Talisa clutched down onto Melisandre's thigh and

pulled away, moaning in intensity as she rode her lover with

increasing intensity.

Melisandre mirrored Robert's motions with his current partner. Both

Talisa and Val bounced up and down, mirroring each other, creating

an alluring sight for anyone who would lock eyes with them.

Talisa and Val's eyes blazed over with lust as the ministrations and

the penetrations of their partners sent them closer and closer to the

edge of everything. Melisandre creamed herself all over Talisa and

the juices just mixed between the two of them, in one of the most

alluring and sexy meetings possible.

Robert wore out Val with faster thrusts as the slapping of their tender

flesh just escalated. Robert seized up, the orgasm reaching and

building. But first, Robert needed to feel Val.

"Ooooh!" Val cooed through his hand.

The number of times Robert made Val cum before the finish made

Robert tingle as her juices saturated Robert's crotch, making him

rise further.

"My turn," Robert said.

Val closed down onto Robert, longing for him to spill every last drop

of seed into her. Robert buried back and forth, sliding into her body

until he launched blast after blast of sticky seed inside of her,

draining every last drop possible into her body.

The stunning blonde came with Robert. A sticky cream flood fired

into Val, coating her pussy with Robert's thick seed. Robert slid back

into her, sliding into her body before pulling out and left Val breathing

heavily. She slumped down onto the bed, in time to see two hungry

women crawl over.

"Oh, we better clean up this mess," Melisandre said.

"Certainly," Talisa agreed.

Talisa and Melisandre cleaned Robert's gift out of Val in turn with

vigorous licks. All while locking their eyes onto Robert, making his

hard member throb. They knew just exactly how to push Robert's


After finishing Val off with their tongues, Talisa and Melisandre

moved their way over to Robert. They smiled with Melisandre giving

Robert's balls a squeeze and Talisa giving Robert's throbbing cock a

long kiss.

Without any shame, Talisa and Melisandre turned their attention to

Robert and worshipped his royal member. With a slight movement,

Robert stretched further than he should and stuffed Talisa and

Melisandre with his fingers. They locked onto him, eyes glazed over,

pleasure shooting through their tight bodies. The fast blur of Robert's

fingers lit Talisa up, just as much as anything.

Melisandre received more of the same as well, knowing that the true

power lied within Robert's fingers as they did their delicate dance.

Robert finger banged the royal physician and royal spiritual advisor

to completion. The minute that he pulled from them, they began to

leak fluids.

"Now, who shall be next?" Robert asked.

Talisa closed her eyes, never feeling better. The minute that she

opened her eyes and looked at Melisandre, she knew that the feeling

was mutual. The two smiled hotly as they tried to figure out their next

move. It was a race to see who would get a piece of the Storm God


Deciding to seize the opening, Talisa nudged Melisandre out of the

way and threw herself at Robert, who managed to stop Talisa and

pushed her back on the bed in response. The dark-haired beauty's

pretty pussy spread out as Robert lined up for her. She grabbed onto

the back of Robert's neck; her eyes locked onto his. The demand,

the need in her eyes was plain to see and so Robert lined himself up

before slamming into her.

The healer's cries increased in frequency as Robert did a good job in

pounding her into the bed, giving Talisa exactly what she needed.

And an even better job of stroking Talisa's tits, before moving in to

feel up her legs.

Melisandre decided to settle for the consolation prize of Talisa's

tongue. Her warm pussy rolled up and down as Melisandre rode

Talisa's warm mouth.

Robert slowed down at what he was doing to really bask in the

moment. Melisandre rising up and sinking down, her breasts dancing

for him. Tantalizing, almost as much as Talisa clamping down onto


Then again, comparing the two sensations were hard to do. They

were both lovely. And Melisandre practically stuck her chest over,

begging to be touched. Robert leaned in and grabbed her chest.

Robert squeezed Melisandre's breasts with each slam into Talisa.

The dancing of Robert's fingers over her sent a flare through her.

"So hot," Robert said. "We could do this all night without being


Melisandre would have to agree with her King as lust and jealousy

hit her all at once. She longed for Robert's manhood deep inside of

her. Talisa's tongue, sublime as it was, paled in comparison to the

divine appendage of the Lord's chosen.

Melisandre hungrily watched the divine instrument. Her need for it

increased and Melisandre's lust increased with it. Every now and

then, Talisa hit a point which manged to distract Melisandre, but it

lasted only for seconds.

The tempting thought to tie up Talisa and Val and monopolize the

King's cock and cum, entered her mind. It was not impossible to do

but the Shadowbinder discarded the notion after concluding that she

needed to learn to share. King Robert's displeasure at the Tyrells for

attempting to displace the other women of his harem was still fresh

in her mind and the Red Woman had not inclination to experience it

for herself.

Thus, Melisandre decided to be nice and patient, waiting for Talisa to

finish. The ripple of the healer's gorgeous body called Melisandre on

even more as Robert's hips slammed down into her, and stretched

out Talisa's wet pussy.

Robert finished off Talisa, slowly down a little bit. He pulled out of

Talisa, slowly, making Melisandre quiver in anticipation. Seconds

might as well have been hours, given just how much Robert milked

his movements.

To be honest, Melisandre would have rather milked his cock. Her

pussy dripped and ached, longing hitting her all over. Eventually,

Robert backed Melisandre into the headboard of the bed and worked

the busty Priestess over. Finally, the King was back into her, with

Talisa and Val off to the side.

Sure, they would join in at a later point, but Melisandre intended to

hang onto Robert for as long as possible. Over and over again

throughout the night, the King put all three of these lovely ladies to

the test before allowing slumber to claim them.

Given how fit all three of them were, Robert settled in for a very long

night. Just when it seemed two were out, one recovered, and

prepared for another helping of Robert. They most certainly took up

a lot of time before finally passing out from sheer fatigue.

And yet, the Stag King's carnal appetite was far from sated. A

blessing or curse depending on your point of view.

Thankfully, with Robert's growing collective of mistresses, he had

both the foresight and means to satisfy these needs.

And right on que, there was knock on the bedchamber door.

"Your grace, Lady Leonette and Lady Megga bid your permission to

enter," the guard stationed at the door called out.

"Let them in," Robert answered, noting that both women had arrived

right on time.

Robert was quite pleased with himself at the fact that he had both

successfully timed the arrival of the Reach maidens along with

calculating the exact amount of time required to exhaust the stamina

of his paramours. In this case, namely Val, Melisandre and Talisa.

The doors opened and both the Tyrell women sauntered into the

chamber, dressed in dark cloaks with hoods drawn on, as the

garments covered them from shoulder to feet.

Normally, Margaery Tyrell would be the main attraction whenever

Robert thought of indulging the flowery maidens of the Reach. But

she had been barred from receiving his affections due to her latest


The Rose of Highgarden had been quite naughty recently with her

schemes of using the Faith to increase her influence and power

within his court. His spies had confirmed that while all of the Reach

maidens had played a part in the game of pitting the Faith against

the other religions, Olenna and Margaery had been the true

masterminds behind the plot.

He had also learned that after finding about his recent dalliance with

Myrcella, the conniving roses had conceived a plan to spread

rumours about his alleged daughter's virtue to further weaken the

Lannister's position. As well as start rumours that would undermine

Sansa's marriage with Joffrey, which in turn would harm the Northern

faction's standing in the capital. Though, to their credit, the Reach

whores had enough good sense to not risk the King's ire by ensuring

that Robert's name would not be mentioned in the scandal as they

planned to assign the blame to random knights and guards.

But of course, all these plots were smothered in the cradle, after

Robert's little magical display in the throne room. The cowardly High

Septon and his cronies who were already hesitant to follow through

with the Reach's plan on account of the gold and blackmail that

Robert used to control them, had lost their nerve completely after

witnessing his divine power. That coupled with the surge in the Red

God's popularity among the lords and commoners, the stewards of

the Faith had the good sense to realize just how precarious their

position was. The Faith was severely weakened and its existence

was solely contingent upon the goodwill and grace of their King. And

those cowards had no desire to risk Robert's displeasure.

Thus, the Tyrell schemers and their other noble accomplices were

left out in the open on their own, with no ally to count on for support.

Normally, Robert would punish such treachery with death but he did

not want to deal with the headache of another conflict. Not to

mention, the amount of work and upheaval that would be needed to

restore order in the Reach after he had punished House Tyrell.

Fortunately, his spiritual advisor and trusted counsel, Melisandre had

suggested another method to not only keep the Tyrells in check but

deal with the nuisance of the Sept once and for all.

Wynafryd Manderley's marriage to the heir of Highgarden was part

of the plan to subdue the grasping roses and the fading Faith of the

Seven completely. Margaery's co-operation while preferrable for the

next steps of the plan, was not a requirement. Which led Robert to

his current dilemma, Margaery had proven herself to be one of his

most skilled concubines who knew exactly how to sate each and

every one of Robert's desires. Thus, the King had bequeathed

Margaery and her fellow Reach women a task to earn his

forgiveness and if they failed the consequences would be severe for


But tonight, was not meant to dwell on such tedious matters, it was

meant to indulge in his greatest passions.

"Greetings, your grace," Leonette spoke first as both women drop

into a curtesy. "I hope that we are not late."

The wife of Ser Garlan said in a worried tone after noticing the

passed-out forms of Melisandre, Val and Talisa sprawled across one

of the beds in the chamber. Her apprehension was well founded,

given that Margaery and Olenna's recent plotting had landed House

Tyrell in troubled waters with the King.

When both she and Megga had received the King's summons to join

him tonight, both them and the other members of House breathed a

sigh of relief at the chance to earn Robert's forgiveness and garner

some much needed good-will.

So, the last thing that they wanted was to displease their royal lover

by keeping him waiting.

"No, you're right on time," the Baratheon monarch replied, helping to

alleviate some of their anxiousness.

Megga began to apologize once again on behalf of House Tyrell for

her cousin's and grandmother's schemes but Robert cut her off, by

stating that he had already informed Margaery about a way to prove

both her and her family's loyalty.

"And the two of you have your own way of getting back into my good

graces," he added, telling them to get to it.

Not missing a beat, the good-daughter of Mace Tyrell discarded her

heavy cloak to reveal her bare form dressed in a black corset, thong,

stockings, and fingerless gloves, along with heels and a choker

collar, Leonette looked extremely fuckable indeed.

'The Lyseni merchants must be making a killing,' Robert mused as

he admired the tantalizing outfit.

Leonette sat Robert down on one of the vacant beds and began to

give him a sensual lap dance.

Due to his time-dilation spell, he had been engaged in vigorous lovemaking for the last twelve hours instead of the actual twelve minutes

that had passed outside the magical bubble encasing the chamber.

And yet, despite this fact, Robert's divine stamina did not fail him and

he once again rose to the occasion for Leonette to rub her ass all

over his erection.

Now that Robert's cock was nice and throbbing, Leonette dropped

down to the ground and stuck it into her mouth. She put her handson Robert's balls and squeezed them. Pleased to see there was still

be a healthy load of cum in those balls despite the King indulging in

carnal activities with his earlier bedmates just a short while ago,

Leonette rubbed them back and forth. She did not want the King to

come too soon, but a healthy bit of teasing never hurt anyway.

Leonette pulled away and gave Robert's cock one final lick before

her eyes locked onto Megga, who flashed one of her eager smiles at

her, still dressed in her dark cloak.

"Little Megga, why are you just standing there?" Leonette asked.

"Oh, I was just waiting for you to finish," Megga answered to her

blonde companion.

"For Seven's sake," Leonette said in an exasperated tone. "Guess

I'm just going to have to show you a thing or two about how to

handle a real man. And here I thought that your earlier encounter

with his grace would have granted you sufficient experience in such


"Don't worry, Leonette," Megga said with a scoff, clearly irritated by

Leonette's belittling. "After the King wears you out, I'll be there to

pick up the slack. I'll be riding him all night while you lay there crosseyed and drooling with the others."

"Oh, you won't last that long, little one," Leonette said with bite.

"Ladies," Robert said in his commanding tone. "Kiss and make up."

Displaying the obedience towards him, both Megga and Leonette

walked over to each other as the competitive fire burning through

both Reach women, hit a fever pitch. Leonette made the first move

by kissing Megga, and she did so aggressively, burying her tongue

inside of Megga's tongue.

To her credit, Megga returned fire, digging her nails into Leonette's

face. The hot and violent kiss caused Robert's cock to twitch.

Megga pulled away and dropped her cloak to reveal an eye-popping

set of red lingerie. It was comprised of a very flimsy bra, a thong pair

of panties, and thigh high stockings, along with garter belt. She

placed her hand on Robert's cock, pumping it up and down about ten

times before Leonette slapped it away.

"You're not going to get anywhere like that," Ser Garlan's wife said


In order to provide a proper demonstration to the young Tyrell maid,

Leonette turned her hand upside down and milked Robert hard,

bringing him to the edge. One hand fondled Robert's balls, while the

other stroked his cock.

Following her older companion's example, Megga copied the

motions and soon enough, both women were taking turns to jerk

Robert off. Then, Leonette decided to take it to the next level, by

taking Robert's cock deep into her throat.

"Please, I can get it further than that," Megga said with phish.

"Show, don't tell, Megga," Leonette replied.

And Megga did do that as she showed Leonette exactly what she

was capable of, by burying Robert's cock into her mouth. She staved

off a gagging when she put Robert's cock a little bit deeper. The

enchanting musk overwhelmed Megga's mind the further she

pushed all the way down. Robert grabbed onto the back of her dark

hair and pushed further into her mouth to the point where her cheeks

just bulged completely out.

"Mmmph!" Megga moaned.

"Well said indeed," Robert said with a chuckle.

"I think that she needs to pay a little more attention in her eloquence

lessons," Leonette quipped.

Both Reach beauties alternated taking turns, before eventually

reaching a compromise, licking Robert all across his length. As the

first hints of Robert's cum began to bubble out, he grabbed both of

their heads to steady, sliding in Leonette's mouth for a few pumps,

and then Megga's. Then he allowed their lips and tongue to rub up

against his big length.

The eruption followed with Robert spurting both Megga and Leonette

in the face with a shower of seed. Leonette just smiled and kissed

the tip of Robert's cock to get a taste. Megga practically headbutted

Leonette to get a taste herself.

"He put more on my face than yours," Leonette said with a pleased


"Oh, you wish," Megga replied with a huff.

"Ladies!" Robert growled. "If you're not going to behave… then I'll

have to teach you a lesson."

Robert threw both Megga and Leonette onto the bed, so that they

were facing down onto the bed, with their asses sticking up onto the


Megga cried out in pleasure when Robert spanked her ass.

Determined not to lose it faster than Leonette, she tried to focus on

anything other than how good this was feeling her. His blistering of

her tight ass by the King's calloused hands sent Megga into thrilling

fits, to the point where she was rubbing her pussy up against the


Leonette was engaged in a similar battle, deep within the recesses

of her mind. King Robert knew all of the ways to drive a woman

completely insane. And Leonette loved being spanked.

"Oh, yes… more!" Leonette moaned.

"Ha, you are such a whore!" Megga yelled tauntingly.

"You say it like it's a bad thing," Leonette fired back.

Oh, it most certainly wasn't, Robert thought to himself.

The spankings ceased and Robert pulled out their breasts, to

properly fondle them. Leonette's bust was fuller, but Megga's was a

bit more perky. So, Megga managed to compensate the difference,

despite being a more cup size to cup size in a half smaller. And all of

them felt pleasant with Robert working over them.

Robert attacked their breasts, working thirty seconds on Megga and

then thirty seconds on Leonette. Both women moaned as Robert

worked down their bodies.

Two sets of fingers from each hand shoved into Megga's and

Leonette's tight pussies. Robert pounded them into the bed and

ensured they would be crying out in pleasure.

Through random chance, Robert picked Megga first and slammed

into her body. The smooth material of her stockings wrapped around

Robert's fingers for leverage.

"Obviously saving the best for last," Leonette said, trying to soothe

her ego at not being picked first.

Megga would have fired back with a cutting remark. However, Robert

had her on the bed and was roughly driving into her. The weight of

his balls, throbbing and large, hit Megga several times over.

After Megga's orgasm fired off, Robert moved over. Leonette

positioned herself on her hands and knees and Robert pushed into

her body with her ass bouncing.

"You like my tight cunt wrapped around you, don't you?" Leonette


"That I do," Robert answered with a grunt. "It's one of the reasons

that I decided to give you Tyrells a second chance."

The minute that Robert rode Leonette to the end, he offered Megga

his cock, who eagerly took it inside of her mouth to suck him hard.

Leonette's juices were very tasty to be honest, Megga concluded to


"You're doing good, both of you," Robert said encouragingly

Robert bent Megga over the edge of the bed, holding her up. The

danger of Megga sliding off of the bed and onto the floor brought a

new thrill to her body. And what thrilled her even more was the

immense weight from Robert's balls hitting her on the thighs the

faster that Robert rammed inside of her.

The minute that Megga was finished, Leonette was there to return

the favour from earlier, by sucking the dark brunette's juices off of

Robert's cock.

Robert slammed into the fair-haired blonde from behind and rode her

furiously into the bed. The weight of his balls just cracking up against

her, sent Leonette into a fit of endless pleasure. Oh, Robert knew

precisely how many buttons to push to make Leonette completely

lose it.

Though she managed to hold out a bit longer, Robert eventually

broke Leonette by making her orgasm all over his cock. Robert

pulled out and offered himself up as tribute to Megga. Everything

happened so fast and Megga, once again, eagerly drank Leonette's

juices off of Robert's manhood.

Now, Megga was on her hands and knees between Leonette's legs.

Robert put his hands on her back for leverage and repeatedly thrust

inside of her. The weight of the King's balls against her thighs made

Megga want to be the one to extract every single last drop of his


"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Megga screamed as she came.

Not wasting a single moment, Leonette slammed Robert onto the

bed, who moved into the sitting up position to enjoy Leonette's

warm, supple, bouncing breasts. He grabbed onto them and

squeezed them, milking them. The view of Megga masturbating to

the sight, while awaiting her turn pushed Robert to the greater limits.

"I….want it… so bad!" Megga moaned.

"Wait… your turn!" Leonette called out as her warm velvety walls

clamped down onto Robert.

No matter how much Leonette willed herself to end this, it was folly.

For Robert Baratheon was just too so skilled that he made Leonette

a slave to her own orgasm. Her inner walls, clamping down onto him,

released a flood of juices down onto him.

Megga took Leonette's place and rode Robert with complete vigour

while he grabbed onto her hips, making the perky young Tyrell maid

just scream out in pleasure. Every single inch of Megga's body was

set aflame with desire due to the King's actions.

Leonette and Megga continued to ride Robert in shifts. While both

showed signs of fatigue at times, neither wished to admit it. Their

mutual desire to redeem their House and the Reach faction paired

with their shared spirit of competition, pushed both women to new

heights of passion. It allowed their pussies to slide to new depths,

grabbing onto and releasing Robert's cock from the confines of their

warm pussy walls.

Finally, at the end, Leonette won the race and claimed her prize by

enjoying Robert's seed flooding inside of her body.

Megga merely watched, her exhaustion leaving her to drained to be

able to stay maid about it. She even helped along the process by

milking Robert's throbbing balls, when they fired into Leonette's


The sweet sensation of release, with Leonette milking his length and

Megga milking his balls, brought Robert into waves of pleasure. He

just leaned in and sucked on Leonette's breasts, milking them until

she came one more time all over his lap.

Megga and Leonette positioned themselves to enjoy Robert's

muscular body, cuddling against him while his hands roamed over

their supple flesh.

"How… uhh… abo… about… another round?" Leonette panted out,

with Megga weakly nodding along, sensing that his lust was far from


Both women were clearly tired but their desire to please Robert and

mutual enthusiasm trumped their bodily limitations. As much as

Robert appreciated their fervour, he knew that they needed their rest

as well.

However, his lustful appetite was yet to be sated and he almost

considered putting both Reach maidens back to work.

Luckily, his last expected arrivals of tonight, stepping into the

chamber provided the perfect solution.

"Ladies Tyrell, you should rest," Catelyn said with a smile, speaking

of both herself and her companions, namely Dacey Mormont and

Shae. "We'll take care of his grace for the remainder of the night."

With a gentle peck on the lips of Leonette and Megga, Robert bid

them farewell as the ladies crashed to sleep on the bed while

instructing the three new arrivals to occupy the vacant bed on the

opposite side.

'I never thought I said this but gods bless the Unworthy, this chamber

and its ample beddings are a blessing,' Robert mused to himself as

Dacey and Shae after discarding their clothes slipped over to the

bed and laid there waiting in the nude for the King.

Meanwhile, Catelyn was helped out of her nightwear by Robert


"Apologies for my tardiness, but it took a while to put Ned to bed,

even with Lady Maegyr's potions mixed in his food and drink,"

Catelyn said as Robert undid her dress laces.

"He might be developing a tolerance," Robert stated as an

explanation. "I'll ask Talisa to increase the dosage."

"Perhaps… but enough talk of my dour husband. Let's have some

fun," Catelyn said with sly smirk as both her and Robert's bare forms

joined Dacey and Shae on the bed, creating a foursome.

"Tonight, is a joyous night, we should celebrate it properly," Shae


"I would agree," Dacey added in consent.

With that Dacey, Shae, and Catelyn took turns kissing Robert's body,

enjoying every inch of his well-muscled frame. Robert allowed the

trio of lovely ladies to have their fun, as the moved down even closer

towards his crotch and made Robert twitch.

They swooped in, to have their wicked fun as Dacey took the head

into her mouth, and Catelyn moved down to lick the length, while

Shae favored sucking on his balls, increasing Robert's warmth. The

talented hands of their King moved in, edging them closer to

pleasuring him.

They took care of every inch of Robert's loins and made him rise up,

to meet their thrusting mouths. All those beautiful eyes locked onto

him as they moved in perfect harmony resulting in one hell of a


Seconds, minutes, they grinded by with the three lovely ladies

trading off, switching positions and bringing Robert to full length. The

throbbing feeling inside of his balls only increased. The weight

holding him down to the bed increased, and Dacey took full

advantage of those big bloated balls, sucking one, and then sucking


"Ladies, I'm about ready to."

Robert grunted out before the combined oral talent resulted in

Robert losing his load inside of Catelyn's mouth. With practiced

ease, Catelyn sucked Robert down to the last drop while Shae and

Dacey teamed up to make his balls. It was almost unbearable the

things that these three gorgeous women were doing to Robert and

the pleasure that he was feeling all thanks to them.

Robert's orgasm came to a shuddering stop the moment that they

finished him off. Shae licked his head, followed by Dacey. All getting

a good taste of what bubbled from his slit in the aftermath.

"Ladies, if you just wanted a taste," Catelyn breathed. "All you had to

do was ask."

Catelyn grabbed Shae's face and their two mouths merged together

in a heated kiss. Threading her fingers through Shae's silky dark hair

allowed Catelyn to kiss her. The warmth increased, with the cum

shared between them.

"You like seeing them share your cum, don't you?" Dacey asked as

she pumped Robert's cock.

Robert groaned an affirmation, while Dacey eased downward,

shooting him a sultry stare, before kissing her lover at every single

point, making him tingle in excitement. Dacey pressed her lips

against Robert's pelvic bone, but missed the majority of his groin.

Watching the handsome monarch twitch, in need, made Dacey's

loins wet in anticipation. The heat that was building between her legs

would need to be satisfied soon.

Catelyn moved to share her bounty with Dacey and in the process,

Shae climbed up top of Robert's body, kissing him and nibbling on

his neck. Robert found himself tracing patterns down the Lorathi

courtesan's shapely back. Both their bodies pressed together as the

two entered a feverish round of mutual petting making Robert's

throbbing erection pulse so many more times over.

Shae crawled back, eyes locked onto Robert's while she teased his

body with kisses. She moved past Robert's crotch and went down

his legs.

"Time for you to warm me up," Catelyn whispered sensually.

The obvious question of whether or not Catelyn was already warmed

up, had been stopped when Catelyn crouched herself down on

Robert's face to meet his skilled tongue. Robert dove into Catelyn's

hot core like a starving man after a gourmet meal. And the Lady of

Winterfell's expressions of her pleasure through several deep,

passionate moans, only served to increase Robert's lust.

Meanwhile, Shae and Dacey decided to make out with each other,

hunger dancing through their eyes. The two women reached in to

finger-fuck each other to a mutual orgasm while waiting their turn

with Robert.

They came around the same time that Catelyn did, all over Robert's

face. Slowly, Catelyn peeled her pussy off of Robert's face. Sliding

back, Catelyn climbed onto Robert, ready to mount him and ride him

directly into the bed.

"My turn," Shae said in thinly disguised excitement.

With a big grin, Shae climbed onto Robert's face to enjoy her own

ride on the King's tongue. Robert pushed his tongue into Shae as an

equally electric sensation spread over his balls.


Catelyn yelled as she grabbed onto Robert's engorged member and

pushed itself into her. It buried so deep inside of her body, the faster

that she rode it. She moved face to face with Shae, their eyes

locking onto each other.

The two lovely women started to make out while Catelyn ground

Robert deep inside of her. And Shae took a full end tour of Robert's

tongue into her pussy. They moved in, enjoying the touch, enjoying

the sensations of each other.

The feeling only increased with Catelyn clamping her walls down

onto Robert. He groaned with the tight flexing that Catelyn's pussy

was doing to him. The seizing up of his balls increased, but Catelyn

had gained enough experience to know when to pull back and allow

Robert's orgasm to taper off, just long enough.

"Your turn," Catelyn said to Shae.

Shae crawled over and took Catelyn's place to rid Robert. She

spread her legs, looking sexy as hell. One of her legs leaned forward

and her soft toes brushed into Robert's mouth. He kissed her toes

and sucked on them while Shae dropped all the way onto him, with a

soft pleasure shooting inside of her body.

Robert fingered Dacey for a short spell before the She-Bear climbed

onto his face as her sweet pussy called for him to eat it. He went

down onto it, once again enjoying Dacey like he might a gourmet

meal under other circumstances. The swirl of his tongue increased,

the faster it went into her depths.

The three women moaned in unison, as now Catelyn had been

fingering herself at the end of the bed, watching these two lovely

women ride the King's cock and his tongue as well. The sultry redhead sucked the juices from her fingers and also wiped some of it on

her face.

Shae's strong pussy muscles clamped down onto his member and

this proved to be his breaking point. Robert spurted himself deep into

Shae's body, filling the lovely woman up with blast after blast of


Despite the fact that she had drained her King, Shae was not done.

Not until she had one more orgasm and so she rocked herself back

and forth, grinding herself over Robert.

Catelyn rubbed Shae's clit to really get her going and at the same

time, moved in to suck on Robert's balls which did a remarkable job

of bringing him all the way back to life in record time. Robert pumped

his way deep inside of Shae, making her moan.

Dacey kissed Shae's lips and enjoyed her sweet tongue just as

much as Robert's tongue inside of her pussy. The explosion of juices

hit Robert directly on the face, and the shared passions heightened

even further.

Finally, the Lorathi courtesan reached her breaking point,

experiencing a hell of an orgasm. She pressed her walls against

Robert and released all of her juices all over him.

The second that Shae pulled back to catch her breath, Catelyn

pounced on Robert again, sucking his cock and making sure that

she tasted all over Shae's juices.

Dacey unleashed herself on Robert's face once again due to the

pure erotic sight of Catelyn Stark sucking Shae's juices from

Robert's twitching manhood.

Catelyn released Robert's cock with a loud hungry slurp and she

crawled up his body, with Shae joining Catelyn in tandem pleasure.

The two women sucked on Robert's neck and earlobes, like two

hungry cats, lapping up the juices trickling down his handsome,

rugged face. They raked their nails down his body, making him rise

up in thinly disguised excitement.

And Dacey moved down to pleasure him orally, getting some of the

juices off of him.

The dust settled and Robert sat up on the bed. Dacey met him

halfway to wrap her legs around him.

"It's my turn," Dacey said.

Robert pushed Dacey down onto the bed, and entered her body. The

feeling of her snug and tight womanhood brought Robert into

pleasurable motions. He rose up and Dacey rubbed on the muscles

on his back. She grabbed onto his ass, encouraging Robert to

further sink down onto her, and ripple effects only built through her


"OOH YES!" Dacey moaned heatedly in his ear.

Robert rose to the occasion in more ways than one. He thrusted

away, burying himself deeper and deeper into Dacey. The thickness

of his balls hit her hard, while he moved down, sucking on her tits.

Dacey encouraged him by sucking on Robert's ear lobe.

The hunger, the insatiable sexual hunger of Robert Baratheon only

increased. Dacey's strong thighs met his balls the faster he rocked

into her. He was getting so close, after the intense slurping form

Catelyn earlier. He was about ready to go, but he wanted to make

sure that Dacey finished off first.

To either side, Shae and Catelyn entered into a steamy makeout

session. Both tried to take the tongue of the other into their mouths

and that got pretty hot, quite quickly for a number of reasons. Shae

tightened her hands around the back of Catelyn's head.

"Such eagerness…. and wanton…. lust… ," Shae mumbled while

engaged in the lip lock. "If I didn't know any better, I'd peg you as

cock crazy whore and not a highborn lady."

In a different time, such a statement would have greatly offended the

Lady of Winterfell. But after moons of acting as the King's obedient

concubine, had rid Catelyn of all her past inhibitions while stoking

her lust and carnal appetite.

'Aye, I'm a whore. The King's whore.' Catelyn thought to herself, with

a feeling of pride surging through her being.

Moving in to add to the fun, Robert spread their thighs and fingerbanged both Shae and Catelyn at the same time while they made

out. All the while, he had planted himself deep inside of Dacey.

Moving at great speed, Robert groaned the faster that he moved to

work the She-Bear with multiple thrusts. He could feel it, feel the

orgasm about ready to take place.

"Ready?" Robert said to the Mormont maiden.

Dacey's eyes conveyed her reply as she prepared to get a heavy

load from him, while he buried himself deep inside of her tight body.

Robert edged both Catelyn and Shae while bringing Dacey to the


The combined cries of all three women exploding at once in pleasure

made Robert almost lose it. But he managed to ride out Dacey's

orgasm and led her to another. His amazement and gratefulness for

the gifts that the Gods had bestowed upon him, never ceased to

astonish him. However, for now, he decided to enjoy both the

moment and Dacey Mormont.

Dacey summoned her core strength to give the King one hell of an

orgasm. Her tight, warm, pussy muscles grabbed onto Robert and

brought him so much closer to the edge. She could feel it, bump up

against her.

The two came in harmony with their juices and hot breath following.

At the same time, Shae and Catelyn had soaked Robert's fingers as


Robert pulled out of Dacey and Catelyn and Shae surrounded him

on either side. They kissed Robert's perfectly muscled body, licking

his fingers as they worshipped his body.

"You take the leftovers," Catelyn told Shae.

Shae nodded and climbed in between Dacey's thighs. She never

thought that she would have her face between the thighs of a

Northern warrior maiden, and yet, here she was. Ready to eat one

out while indulging in the gift of the man their shared lover.

Catelyn turned around and got on all fours, while Robert climbed

behind her and sunk into her body. The King's inhuman stamina both

scared and excited the eldest daughter of Hoster Tully. Not that

Catelyn had much reason to complain as Robert's hands were right

where they needed to be, precisely when they needed to be.

Catelyn busied herself by eating Shae out, while Shae sucked

Robert's seed from Dacey's pussy. Oh, and all the while Robert

plowed Catelyn with great fury from behind.

The four lovers shared each other and a constant barrage of

orgasms throughout the remainder of the night.

As the first rays of dawn broke across the sky, the guard stationed

outside the bedchamber informed Robert of the time, who was

seated in one of the plush chairs, admiring the view of the sweaty,

exhausted and passed out women sprawled across the three beds of

the chamber.

"Send for the maids, to prepare baths and change of clothes for my

guests," the King instructed as he downed a cup of water, before

getting dressed and departing towards his own chamber for some

much-needed rest and sleep.