Chapter 44

Elia Martell

Chapter 44: Elia Martell

"I must say that this is an impressive training yard, King Robert,"

Oberyn remarked as he admired the private sparring yard of King

Robert Baratheon. Not only was it spacious and well-lit despite being

located in a secluded part of the Red Keep.

"I had never known this place even existed when I was last in the

capital," the Dornishman added, while he, his paramour and their

bastard daughters, admired the vast collection of training arms and

weapons that decorated the racks placed along the sides of the yard.

"Aye, it was a recent discovery for me as well. I came across it

nearly a year ago and decided to refurbish it for my personal

training," Robert said to his guests. "The reason that I invited you

here is so that I could offer its use to you before your duel with the


As per the scheme concocted by him and Tyrion, the Mountain had

been summoned to King's Landing to join his liege lord's personal

guard. Being well aware of the monstrous Clegane's nature and

appetites, Tyrion had given him and his men a pouch of gold to enjoy

a night on the town before taking up their duties in his guard. It

hadn't taken long for the giant brute and his band of sadists to stir

trouble in one of the finer taverns of the city when they tried to get

too frisky with the serving wenches, which ended in a brawl breaking

out that resulted with quite a few men being severely injured.

When the band of thugs had been brought before the court to stand

trial, the Mountain acted as expected and demanded a trial by

combat to resolve the matter. The monster of a knight's brutal

reputation was known through the realm and very few men

possessed the might, skill and courage to challenge him in battle.

Counting on this fact, the elder Clegane brother had hoped that both

he and his companions would be set free when no one stepped forth

to answer the challenge.

However, Gregor was not aware that the entire series of events was

the result of a plan devised to engineer this particular outcome, so

that Prince Oberyn could step in as champion for the Mountain's


And so, a trial by combat had been scheduled for later in the week,

with Red Viper eager to avenge his late sister's murder at the hands

of the brutal knight. This in turn, brought them to this current


"A kind offer, your grace, but I've been preparing for this moment for

eighteen long years," Oberyn said with determination filling his voice

and eyes. "The Mountain will crumble into pieces against my spear.

And finally, Dorne and my beloved sister will receive justice and


"Aye, I'm sure of it," Robert replied in an earnest tone. "Another

reason for me asking you here is that so I could offer a much belated

apology for my part in this delay of justice."

The King's sincere words and visage of regret was a surprise to the

Dornish party, who were seeing a never-before-seen side to the

famed Demon of the Trident.

"I could go on about how I allowed my anger and hatred for the

Dragons blind me to the truth and need for justice when Ser Gregor

and the late Lord Tywin's committed a great crime against House

Martell," the King began to explain. "But the truth is that the pain of

losing Lyanna was so overwhelming that I wanted everyone remotely

connected to the Targaryens to know the agony that I was feeling.

Regardless of whether they deserved it or not."

"I know that my words are of little comfort or value to you but I hope

you believe that they are sincere in intent," the Baratheon added,

regret coloring his tone. "I won't ask for your forgiveness because I

know that I don't deserve it. But I will promise you this, that if there is

ever anything that you need of me and the Crown, you need only


For the first time in a long while, the sharp tongue of the Dornish

vipers was silenced as they weighed Robert Baratheon's words.

Through years of experience and his travels across the world,

Oberyn's ability to distinguish truth from lies was quite spot on in

such matters and so the Dornishman knew that the Stag was being


If Oberyn was being honest with himself, a part of him understood

Robert's point of view. A fact that unsettled the Martell Prince as for a

long time, he had spent loathing the man for his inaction in granting

justice to his late sister. However, the loathing towards Robert

Baratheon was nothing in comparison to his hatred and anger

towards the Dragons and Lions. With Tywin Lannister and Rhaegar

Targaryen taking the blunt of the ire.

Much to Oberyn's chagrin, both men were now dead and with them,

so was his chance at vengeance as well.

'Curse the lions and dragons. Especially, that silver fool, Rhaegar.

His obsession with prophecies is what caused this entire mess to

begin with. Not to mention my elder brother who values his plans

and ambitions more than his own kin,' Oberyn seethed in his

thoughts. 'I'll never admit it, but I'm grateful to the Stag King for

killing insufferable Targaryen fool at the Trident.'

Breaking the uncomfortable silence and Oberyn's musings that had

set in after Robert's apology, Nymeria Sand proposed a friendly spar

between the Sand Snakes and the Demon of the Trident.

"An excellent idea, Nym! We've all heard the tales of the battles at

Pyke and in the far North," Ellaria Sand chimed in, voicing support

for the challenge.

"Aye, what say you, King Robert? Does the Stag dare to cross

blades with the Viper's daughters?" Oberyn said playfully, failing to

keep the challenge from seeping into his tone.

"Well, I'm inclined to accept. I never back down from a challenge,

especially one issued by such lovely ladies," Robert said with a

roguish smile, that sent heat flares through the bodies of the

mischievous bastard daughters of the Red Viper along with his

paramour. All of whom struggled to keep the red blush from coloring

their cheeks.

'By Mother Rhoyne, I can see why he has so many mistresses. His

smile alone is enough to weaken a woman's knees,' Ellaria Sand

mused to herself as both the Sand Snakes and King Robert picked

up the sparring weapons from the racks and took their fighting


Obara Sand, the eldest of the Oberyn's bastard brood, was the first

of Robert's adversaries to launch the first attack. Robert avoided the

sweeps of her spear easily on account of his superhuman reflexes

and agility, before grabbing hold of the shaft, with a powerful tug, he

yanked both the spear and Obara forward, knocking her off balance

which resulted in her crumbling on the ground.

"Going to have to do a lot better than that if you intend to test me,"

Robert commented with a smug look, annoying his opponents who

were still recovering at his impressive display of strength and agility.

Nymeria Sand was up next as her whip shot out, in an attempt to nail

Robert head on, who managed to block the attack before it smacked

into him. Her second attempt received greater success as the whip

wrapped around the King. For a moment, the Martell bastard born of

a Volantene noble smiled, thinking that she had cornered her


"Not feeling so confident now, are you?" Nymeria asked tauntingly.

"Oh, I wouldn't be certain about that," Robert responded with a

devious little smile.

Before Nymeria could fire a comeback response, Robert had

somehow knocked her off, causing her to flip down onto the ground.

It all happened so fast that Nymeria could barely comprehend what

had happened.

"And then there was one," Robert said confidently, while eyeing his

final opponent, Tyene Sand who took a deep breath to shake off the

shock at the ease with which the King had bested her elder sisters.

The blonde beauty was the deadliest of the Sand Snakes, despite

her gentle appearance, Robert recalled the description of Oberyn's

offspring from his spies as Tyene adjusted her stance, before

charging towards him, her knives at the ready. Robert dodged the

attacks with swift precision.

"I can do this all day, and all night," Robert said, sounding almost

amused by her attempts. "If you're holding back, Lady Sand, now's

the time to kick it up a notch."

Letting her temper get the better of her, Tyene decided to cheat and

sent a discreet signal to her defeated sisters, who gauged her intent.

Tyene attempted to restrain Robert from behind, using a distraction

created by her sisters, only to have Robert grab hold of her before

flipping her off of his back. She managed to stick a rather firm

landing and returned the strike with a kick without missing a beat.

Tyene could have sworn that the kick had connected, but after

gaining her bearings once again, she observed the King lazily

standing at a distance.

Loathed as she was to admit it, Tyene was most impressed by the

King's prowess. And she would have voiced her thoughts, if he had

not made her look like a fool in front of her father and siblings.

"Stand your ground!" Tyene yelled in frustration.

"Doesn't a warrior use all of the tools at his disposal, no matter how

unfair it may seem to his opponent?" Robert said teasingly,

reminding Tyene of one of her father's earliest lessons.

Growing up, she and her siblings had heard her father and uncle rant

on and on, about the drunk Stag many a times. It led to her and the

others forming an image of the King of the Seven Kingdoms in their

minds. But the reports and tales in recent years had cast doubt on

that picture, which had been completely shattered after today's


Tyene could finally understand of how this one man had manged to

topple the dynasty of Dragonlords and win numerous legendary

victories in the following years.

Snapping out of her awe, Tyene rolled back onto her feet, and hurled

a dagger towards the King. With little to no effort, Robert swatted the

dagger away with his sword, with a smile plastered upon his face.

Tyene flipped over him and tried to grab him around the arm. She

made her way to deliver a very subtle nerve pinch takedown, to slow

him down. Only, she didn't quite find his nerve ending before Robert

flipped her over onto the ground.

The blonde Sand Snake landed with a crunch and with lightning-fast

reflexes, Robert pinned had Tyene pinned to the ground. After her

brief period of futile struggle, Robert's last opponent yielded the fight.

"I'm speechless… most impressive, your grace," Oberyn said as he

clapped enthusiastically, applauding the Baratheon King's skill and


"I hope this teaches all of you a much-needed lesson," Oberyn said

to his daughters, bidding them to congratulate the King on his win.

Truthfully, he was grateful to the Stag for humbling his daughters. It

was lesson that was much needed in their case, if the sour

expressions and pouts were anything to go by.

'They need to learn how to school their features to conceal their

feelings and thoughts.' Oberyn thought to himself. 'A snake blends in

the grass and surrounding before striking its prey.'

"Your father is right, girls. Never underestimate your opponent," his

paramour added, before directing her gaze back at Robert.

"Impressive performance, your grace," Ellaria stated, the lust in her

gaze and voice clearly evident. "Do you always wield your weapon

with such skill and power?"

To anyone else, the comment of the Prince's paramour was about

Robert's battle ability. But he did not need psychic powers to

decipher the racy meaning of her words.

'By the Gods! Say what you will about the Dornish, but they breed a

special kind of woman in those barren sands,' Robert surmised as

he admired Ellaria's beautiful form.

Looking at the dark-haired vivacious bastard daughter of Hellholt,

Robert's mind flashed back to another Dornish beauty.

Princess Elia Martell tip toed around the darkened grounds of

Harrenhal, knowing that the slightest of slips would result in her

being discovered. She was both afraid of being caught and excited

of the prospect of being caught. It led to some kind of duel of

thoughts in her mind as one part of her consciousness reveled in the

thrill of the secrecy and sneaking around while another part was

terrified at being discovered which would lead to dire consequences

for both her and her fool of a husband.

'Damn both Aerys and Rhaegar to the seven hells. One's paranoia

and the other's foolish obsession with prophecy have forced me to

take such risks,' Elia thought, drawing her thick cloak and hood over

further while skulking around like a common thief between the tents

of the lords and knights.

While avoiding detection and moving through the shadows, Elia

thought back to how she had got to this point.

It all started with her Princely husband's machinations as always.

Secretly fund the tourney through Lord Whent to gather all the lords

of Westeros in one spot and then hold a secret great council in a bid

to garner support to remove Aerys from the throne. Though

treasonous in nature, Rhaegar's plan had been both sound and

necessary when one considered the King's growing paranoia and

cruelty. The Mad King saw conspiracies and traitors everywhere,

including among his own family.

Everything had been going so well, all the lords of Westeros had

gathered for the tourney as Rhaegar intended and her husband's

popularity among them would make gathering their support for his

plan a much easier task. And for once, Elia had allowed hope for a

better future take root in her heart.

But the old adage of, when men make plans the gods laugh as they

watch them crumble into dust, had never proven truer when to both

her and everyone else's surprise, the reclusive King showed up to

attend the tourney. And with Aerys's arrival, all of Rhaegar's plans

had gone up in flames.

Then to worsen the situation, her princely husband had decided to

shame her and anger the lords of the North and Stormlands by

crowning Lyanna Stark as his Queen of love and beauty over Elia. A

great scandal that not only damaged Rhaegar's reputation and

goodwill among the nobility but also alienated two potential allies for

their bid to overthrow Aerys. The only person who seemed to be

pleased by Rhaegar's dishonorable actions was his lunatic of a

father, who delighted in the stir caused by his eldest son.

Elia had learned early on in her marriage that she and Rhaegar

would never share great love and passion. Their relationship was

born of duty and necessity and that was all that it would ever be. Yet,

that was the lot of many a noblewoman in life and so Elia had tried to

make the best of the situation. In time, both she and Rhaegar had

formed a friendship and mutual respect for each other. They had

even reached an arrangement in which both were free to pursue

other amorous relationships in secret while maintaining the visage of

perfect couple in the eyes of the realm.

Elia was still trying to understand the reason behind Rhaegar's

crowning of Lyanna Stark. If her husband wished to court a

paramour, she would not begrudge him the companionship. But his

pursuit of a maid who was not only the daughter of the Warden of

the North but also the betrothed of his own cousin, the Lord

Paramount of the Stormlands was both confusing and reckless. By

placing his attention on the Stark girl, Rhaegar had not only offended

the North and Stormlands but also alienated Elia's family along with

Dorne in general.

Which brought Elia to her current predicament, she needed to

smooth things over with her family before they departed back to their

homeland. Dorne could not back out of Rhaegar's plan, if not for the

sake of the good of the realm, then to ensure the safety of both

herself and her children.

Deciding to take advantage of the fact that the two of them kept

separate bedchambers, and her understandable displeasure towards

her husband, Elia decided to sneak out to meet with her family in

secret that night. She had even asked her beloved uncle and

designated Kingsguard, Prince Lewyn Martell to stand guard outside

her chambers to pull off the illusion that she was within. One could

never disregard the fact that her good-father's spies were lurking

about in the shadows.

Elia rounded another corner, barely avoiding a pair of drunk knights

who were too deep in their cups to notice her presence. Her dark

black hair had been done up in such a way, to allow her one hundred

percent visibility in all directions. The simple, dark cloak and hood

helped her blend into the night and shadows. And on the off chance

that she came across someone, her dress beneath the cloak was a

racy dornish number, showing just enough skin that they would

mistake her for a common wench.

At this late hour, most men would be too intoxicated to recognize her,

especially when one considered that the wife of the Crown Prince

never wore such revealing attire, despite her dornish roots. Though

she lacked the generous busts and legs that her friend, Ashara had

been blessed with, her petite frame and soft features were still quite

sufficient in gaining the attention of men. Right now, being mistaken

for a common whore walking the grounds was the perfect cover for

Elia. But this was a disguise that she had no intention of putting to

the test.

Elia sighed and made her way towards the edge of the grounds, with

the pale moonlight illuminating the path ahead. Her heart raced like a

Dornish sand steed despite no one being in sight.

Suddenly, a hand gripped her by the shoulder from behind, causing

Elia to gasp.

"Well, what do we have here?"

Elia turned around and took in the sight of her captor. She had

grouped the people that she could have run into during her little

adventure into two separate categories. The former were the ones

who would seek reward and favors in exchange for staying silent,

while the latter would simply turn her over to the King, in hopes of

currying favor.

But Elia Martell could not decide on which group, the man before her

would fall into. Robert Baratheon, the Lord of Storm's End was quite

famed across the realm for numerous reasons. Be it his young age

and status as a Lord Paramount to the Stormlands. Be it his rugged

looks and prowess as mighty warrior who wielded his war hammer

with the ease and skill that few across the realm could boast of. Be it

his blood ties with House Targaryen or his future nuptials with House

Stark's only beloved daughter. Yes, everyone knew who the young

Stag was.

Due to his status as cousin to Rhaegar, Robert was among the few

who could claim closeness with the royal family. Through their

handful prior interactions with him, Elia could tell that Robert had no

fondness for Aerys. But with Rhaegar's recent slight towards him and

his betrothed, the Baratheon lord was no fan of her husband either at

the moment.

'Should she lie to him or be honest and try to bring him in on the

coup against Aerys?' Elia struggled to make a decision.

"Princess Elia Martell, wife of the Crown Prince. I am surprised to

find you here at this late hour," Robert said as he looked at Elia with

a raised eyebrow.

"Greeting, Lord Robert," Elia said. "What are you doing out here?"

"I could ask the same thing of you," Robert said. "Especially since

this is a long way from the castle and you are traveling without a

guard, moving across the ground like a thief trying to escape


"You should know better, Princess. It can be dangerous for a young

woman at this hour," Robert said, a gush of wind briefly granting him

a brief look at her racy attire. "Especially, one dressed as you are at

the moment. If I'm being honest, I didn't think that such garb was to

your taste."

"And why not? Have you forgotten that I am a Dornish Princess by

birth," Elia stated in indignation, feeling the inexplicable need to

defend her wardrobe to the Storm Lord.

"I did not mean any offense, Princess. In fact, you should dress like

that more often. It would put an end to the tiresome gossip of a frail

and plain looking Crown Princess," Robert said, stepping closer

towards Elia, causing her heart to beat rapidly.

"Not to mention, your silver prick of a husband might stop chasing

after other men's betroths," he added with a little bite.

Elia frowned, as the thought of her husband's slight was brought

back to the forefront of her mind. But the Dornish Princess had heard

enough about the young Stag, that he was the last person who

should be casting aspersions at someone for pursuing other men's

wives and betroths.

"Though I understand the source of your upset mood, Lord Robert, I

would have thought that you would show your royal cousin a little

more understanding, given your own actions," Elia said. "Lady Dayne

is a childhood friend along with being my lady in waiting. We share

all our inner most thoughts and secrets."

"As to the reason for me roaming the grounds at this late hour

without an escort, is because I have a personal meeting to attend

and it requires a certain level of discretion especially given the King's

presence," she explained, deciding to invent a lie of how she was

meeting a paramour of her own.

She went to inform Robert about her agreement with Rhaegar in

such matters and her need for the rendezvous given all that had

transpired recently. Elia also spoke of how Aerys's presence and the

need to preserve her reputation demanded such secrecy. Hoping

that her false tale was plausible enough for the Stag to believe her

"I think that you will be willing to keep my secret, my lord. After all,

those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at the homes

of others," the dark-haired Martell Princess added smugly, leveling

an unsaid threat of exposing Robert's dalliance with Ashara to his

own betrothed.

"I understand quite well, your highness. Though, you should know

that I don't keep secrets from my future wife either," Robert informed

Elia, the futility of her veiled threat. "Not to mention, I practice a great

degree of discretion in my extracurricular activities, unlike your


Elia fumed internally while she tried to come up with another way to

buy Robert's silence. But her mind failed to come up with a solution.

Meanwhile, Elia could feel the Stormlord's deep blue eyes on her.

She swallowed and wondered what was going to happen next.

"Lord Robert, I'll do anything if you swear to keep my late-night

excursion a secret," Elia said pleadingly. She leaned forward and

pressed a hand on his chest. "Anything?"

Her statement intrigued Robert, causing him to raise an eyebrow in

response. Robert had been stewing in anger at the Crown Prince's

slight to both him and his beloved She-wolf. If it had been any other

man, his face would have met Robert's fists the moment it

happened. But Robert knew that dealing with royalty was tricky and

needed to be done with caution.

Unable to calm his tempestuous thoughts, Robert decided to walk

the grounds, hoping the cool night air would help soothe his temper.

And through some hap stance of fate, Robert had been presented

with the chance to avenge his insult, in the form of Rhaegar's wife.

"Anything?" Robert said, flashing Elia a very suggestive look.

Elia immediately realized what she had said and winced, after

understanding what the young Stag was asking of her. Though

utterly shameful and scandalous in nature, Robert's demand was

intriguing to her, to say the least.

'There are far worse fates than an evening of a passion with a strong

and handsome lord. And if Ashara's description of his skills were

accurate by even half, then it was certainly an experience that was

worth the risk involved.' Elia thought to herself. 'Besides, Payback is

only fair after the way Rhaegar had behaved.'

"You did say anything?" Robert asked, interrupting her musings.

"Didn't you, Princess?"

She did not like the look in his eyes, as if he knew what she was

thinking. Elia tilted her head for an instant and responded with a

reluctant nod.

"Follow me," Robert promptly gripped her hand with a smile as he

led her away from the spot.

Elia's legs moved in an obedient manner, following Robert as they

swiftly moved in the shadows and soon arrived at the Stormlord's

pavilion. The Baratheon lord's tent possessed all the luxurious

trappings and furnishings that befitted a high lord of Robert's station.

"Get on your knees."

Robert spoke with such a commanding tone that Elia obeyed without

hesitation. She dropped down onto her knees in front of him and

reached over, to unbuckle his breeches.

"I didn't even have to tell you what to do?" Robert asked. "Are all you

Dornish women, whores at heart?"

Elia stopped and frowned, feeling irritation at his insulting words. But

those feelings vanished when Robert's breeches slipped down and

she noticed his cock, which was pretty large despite not being fully


"Since you seem so eager, it would be a shame to let this mouth go

to waste," Robert said. "And I can tell that you've been looking for a

way to stick it to that silver fool that you call husband, haven't you?"

Elia tried to deny it, but the state of her pretty much betrayed her

lustful feelings to Robert, to the point where she could not argue

back. She eyed his throbbing cock with a hungry look dancing

through her dark eyes.

She licked the head of his cock and decided to go a bit more. She

gave him a full licking from the head all the way to the base. She

wrapped a hand around him and pumped him to make sure he was

nice and hard to go into her mouth.

The warmth of Elia's mouth surrounded Robert's throbbing cock. He

gritted his teeth the second that her throat surrounded his aching

member. Elia went almost all the way down onto his manhood and

took him deep inside her throat. She moaned in content and started

to bob her mouth up and down on him.

"Suck my cock, my little snake!" Robert said heatedly. "Suck it like

it's your job. Suck it like my cum is the only thing you have left to live


Elia deep-throated Robert, as much as she could of him anyway. Her

hand grabbed Robert's balls and squeezed them. As she stroked

him, Elia's nether regions grew wet at the thought of him spilling the

contents of his balls down her throat.

Robert noticed the lust in Elia's eyes and decided to give her what

she wanted. He grabbed her face and forced his cock into her

mouth. Elia moaned in delight and Robert used her mouth as his

own personal cum hole and she responded with some deep sucks.

"You like being used like a whore, don't you?" Robert asked. "You

like me using your mouth? I bet you're going to get off on choking on

my cum, aren't you?"

Elia reached up to grab his swollen balls and squeezed them. She

wanted his thick seed to pour down her throat. Robert hung onto her

dark locks, while pumping his cock into her mouth. Elia hummed and

accepted his thick and throbbing member to go in and out of her

mouth as he pushed into her throat.

"Your tight throat feels so good," Robert said. "I'm going to choke you

on my cum. But you'd get off on that, wouldn't you, you little Dornish


Elia felt disgust not just at the Storm lord's humiliating words but also

at how much they stoked her inner fire, making her rub her thighs

together in response. Robert choked the Dornish viper with his

snake of a member as his balls fired their load into Elia's waiting

throat. She sucked it all up with hunger dancing from her eyes.

Robert grabbed onto her head and spilled his waiting load into her


Even after she had sucked up the contents of his balls, the lust

would not leave her body. In fact, it only grew with the more cum that

she tasted.

Robert pulled his cock away from her lips. Elia licked some of the

dribbling cum off of her lips and showed him the cum before she

swallowed it. Robert motioned for her to stand to her feet.

"Remove your skirt and small clothes," Robert commanded and

watched Elia do as she was told, before cupping her pussy in his


Elia gasped as Robert manipulated her folds with his fingers. Her

inner folds had been rubbed and Robert worked his finger into her

better than most men could work a cock. She tried to grind on him to

get an orgasm.

But Robert pulled away from her with a smile. His fingers were

coated with her trickling juices as Robert pointed them towards her


"Suck them."

Elia eagerly complied and took Robert's fingers into her mouth,

sucking them hard. She tasted herself and it only inflamed her pussy

even more.

Despite being a Dornish Princess and the sister of the famed Red

Viper whose prowess on the battlefield and in the bedroom was

known through the land, her own carnal experiences had been quite

limited and benign, if she was being honest with herself.

Robert withdrew his fingers from her mouth and Elia looked up at

him. She undid the laces of her dress and revealed her perky

breasts to him.

"Your tongue can charm the clothes of women, Lord Baratheon," Elia

said. "But is it as skilled in other matters as well?"

"Challenge accepted, Princess," Robert replied with a swat on her

ass. "You want me to eat your pussy, don't you?"

"Lick my dirty pussy out," Elia moaned as she rode her own fingers,

until Robert pulled them away.

"Only I'm allowed to make you cum during this encounter," Robert

said. "I'll decide your pleasure, and I'm in control of when you

orgasm and how many times. Understood?"

"Yes," Elia said with a shudder.

Her nipples stood up and Robert reached over. He pinched one of

her hardened nubs and sent a jolt of pleasure through her body.

Robert moved down towards the moist oasis of the Dornish Princess

and started to lick Elia's pussy. He wound her up for what he knew

would be an amazing conclusion. His tongue rotated around her

insides and brought some juices out of her.

Elia enjoyed the tongue, and concluded that Robert was greatly

skilled in the oral arts. Despite being a descent of the Valyrian

dragonlords, Rhaegar's bedroom skills were quite limited and

mundane. In an instant, without warning, Robert's tongue began to

vibrate. It hissed in Elia's pussy and caused her orgasm to rise into

her body.

"Not yet."

Robert stated as he pulled away from her, before Elia reached her

edge. Elia whined and Robert responded by running his fingernail

across her petite body. His finger brushed against her nether lips that

were already on the edge. He repeated his actions several times and

Robert enjoyed the control he had over Elia. The Stormlord teased

Rhaegar's wife by bringing her close towards an orgasm each time,

only to yank it away from her.

Elia could not believe the power that Robert held over her being.

Each orgasm, she thought this would be the one, and then she

learned something new.

Robert's tongue struck her nerve endings after almost an hour of

constant tease and denial. Elia's body shuddered with the pure force

of multiple backed up orgasms. Her hips vibrated to coat Robert's

face with her sticky juices. He pulled away from her with a smile.

Elia's swollen lips pointed up towards Robert and they spread,

begging for his intrusion and attention. Robert pressed his fingers

against her dripping entrance, causing her to gasp the more that he

played with her centre.

"You want to be fucked, don't you?" Robert asked. "And hard?"

Elia wondered what kind of foolish question that was. She was about

to say as much. But remembered that she was face to face with

someone who could make it a very dry day for her if he decided to.

Robert hovered over her and his cock positioned over her entrance.

"Don't you?" Robert asked. "Tell me how much you want to be


"Often," Elia responded. "And hard."

Robert slammed his cock into Elia. Despite her pussy being so wet

that it could bring life to her desert homeland, she could feel the

intrusion from Robert's large member. His thick cock speared into

her wet pussy and rose almost all of the way out of her. He plunged

in and out of her with an immense force.

For a brief moment, Elia feared that the Stormlord's manhood would

split her into two. But the thought vanished as lust clouded her mind


"Good, I'm glad you want my big cock. You've never had anything

like it before, have you? I can feel your pussy lips drooling for me. I

can feel you wrapped around me. It feels so fucking good to be

fucked cross-eyed, doesn't it?" Robert whispered into her ear.

Elia dug her nails into the side of Robert's shoulder and nodded.

Robert penetrated her with a few hard thrusts which worked into her

body as her wet walls closed around him.

The orgasm almost reached her but Robert pulled away from her,

denying her once again. Elia almost moaned in response but Robert

placed a hand on her mouth to silence her protest.

"No whining," Robert said. "I'm the one who controls your pleasure.

Do you understand me?"

Elia could not deny Robert a second longer. She nodded and knew

she would get an orgasm, eventually. It would only be on his terms

and her entire body submitted to him.

Robert punished Elia's entire body for her husband's sins, relishing

in the opportunity as he did so. His balls filled up with the contents

which would be brought into her body. He could feel himself growing

even harder the further that he pushed himself into her body.

"Yes, I'm glad you finally understand me," Robert said while nibbling

on the side of her ear. "You understand who is in control, don't you?

And you know it's not you, don't you?"

Elia answered with a deep moan to both of those questions. Robert

brought her to another orgasm, almost the edge and he almost

pulled out of her.

Robert waited for Elia's body to settle and slammed into her again.

He worked her to the edge of another orgasm and pulled out again.

Robert repeated this process so many times that Elia had been

reduced to nothing but a whimpering, mewling wreck.

Would he allow her orgasm next time? She did not know and the fact

terrified her.

Robert's balls grew heavy and his cock throbbed because of how

much he worked Elia over. Her tightness closed around him. Robert

rose higher out of her and pushed into her, to the point where his

balls throbbed.

"Almost there," Robert said. "So close."

Again, Robert denied her the pleasure. Elia's body could feel the

backed-up orgasms which had been denied. She realized that

Robert would do something in a matter of moments which will really

blow her mind.

"Seven hells," she moaned in his ear. "Fuck me senseless."

"Don't worry, I'll knock whatever sense is within, right out of you."

Robert said with a grunt.

Robert's balls swelled and he knew his orgasm would be at hand

soon enough. He decided to slowly crack the dam inside of Elia's

being and release the flood gates. Elia hung onto Robert and

screamed so loud that it would have been heard across the tourney

grounds, if her partner had not muffled her mouth with his own in a

scorching lip lock. So many backed up orgasms hit her body at once,

and Elia felt the force of many rolled all into one.

"OH…. Fuck! That feels good!"

Robert grunted as he rode Elia's dripping wet cunt to a completion

and started to fire his load into her when her orgasm reached the

midway point. Elia's entire body seized up when Robert's huge load

entered her body. It filled her up so much that Elia was glad for her

stash of moon tea.

It had been a precautionary measure that both she and Rhaegar had

agreed upon, ever since the Maesters informed them that another

pregnancy would be of great risk to her health. However, the growing

distance between both her and Rhaegar over the past moons

coupled with his scandalous actions at the tourney, gave Elia little

cause to employ the contraceptive herb.

Soon enough, the rest of Elia's thoughts were knocked out of her

mind, with a hard and fast fucking performed by the rutting Stag

above her. Robert's balls sent their heavy load into her body and

filled her up so much that her pussy started to leak even before

Robert had pulled out of her.

"I think that concludes our business, your highness," Robert said

with a smug look plastered on his face. "If you wish, I can help escort

you to your rendezvous, so that you do not encounter any other

hassles along the way."

"But I'm confident that all your needs have been met by me," the

young Stag added, confidence lacing his voice.

Elia nodded in response as she was still recovering the warm flush

that flooded her body. She would meet with her brother another time,

because if she showed up now, Oberyn would be able to smell the

sex off her. It was one of his natural gifts.

And so, after sufficiently cleaning up, Robert guided her back to the

castle discreetly. Displaying his own unique brand of chivalry, the

Baratheon lord promised to keep their passionate encounter a secret

till his last day.

As the Crown Prince's wife made her way back to her bedchamber,

she could not help but smile like a giddy child who had gotten away

with stealing a treat from the kitchen.

'After all these years, it looks like Ashara and I finally have

something to compare notes on,' Elia mused as she recalled her

shared passion with Robert Baratheon.

End of Flashback

"King Robert, we were planning to visit Chataya's fine establishment

later today. Perhaps, you would like to join us," Oberyn said, bringing

Robert's mind back to the present.

"A kind offer and one that I would normally accept but I have prior

commitments for the rest of the day. Another time maybe, perhaps to

celebrate your victory over the Mountain," Robert replied and the

Martell Prince nodded in return.

"Since we are being honest with each other, I feel that I should

inform you that I intend to drag young Trystane with me as well for

out little outing," the Red Viper said to Robert. "The boy is a

Dornishman, but takes after his father in too many ways. He needs

to learn that there is more to life than tedious politics and statecraft."

"You'll find no argument from me on that matter," Robert responded

with a chuckle. "While I wish for my future good-son to treat my

daughter honorably, we both know that a young noble man should

indulge in his appetites every now and again."

"It is a truth of life that Myrcella has been educated well in by both

her mother and myself," he added, causing pleased looks to break

across the faces of the Dornish party.

The casual conversation went on for a bit and Oberyn was surprised

with how much he had in common with the Stag King as they spoke

on matters of love, passion and enjoying a good time. During his

talks, Oberyn took note that not only did his beloved paramour and

daughters share in his appreciation of the King's nature. But if he

was reading their body language and eye gestures correctly, they

wished to get to know Robert Baratheon more intimately. And the

feeling mutual on the King's side as well.

'This trip might prove to be more fruitful than expected,' Oberyn

surmised to himself.