Chapter 45

Ellaria Sand/Nymeria Sand/Tyene Sand

Chapter 45: Ellaria Sand/Nymeria Sand/Tyene Sand

Sounds of grunts and pleasurable moans filled one of the many

plush bedchambers, located within Chataya's brothel.

The cool air flowing from the window mixed with sweet smells of the

burning incense in the chamber wafted across Shae's bare form,

while the Lorathi whore gasped at the forceful thrusts of the famed

Red Viper beneath her.

"Oh… my prince… that feels… incredible," Shae moaned as

Trystane's cock slid in and out of her wet cunt.

"There…. There… my sweet. Our pleasure filled night has only

begun," the second son of Doran Martell grunted while gripping

Shae's hips for extra leverage.

The Lannister dwarf had not been lying when he said that King

Robert had fine tastes in pussy. At times, the Dornish Prince could

scarcely believe at how much things had changed since his arrival in

the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.

His late uncle, Prince Oberyn Martell had once shared with him an

old Essosi proverb that described the recent events perfectly,

'The world can change within the blink of an eye.'

Strange and unbelievable as it was, that's exactly what had

happened to him. The men that he was taught to hate, from the

moment that he was able to understand those feelings, had

surprised and astounded both him and his fellow Dornish. Not only

had they helped to get the long-delayed justice for his late aunt,

Princess Elia Martell. But they also had been instrumental in

avenging the death of his uncle, who was killed due to his own

reckless attitude.

For as long as Trystane could remember, he had heard tales of his

uncle's prowess as a warrior. Prince Oberyn Martell, the legendary

Red Viper, a man whose deeds and abilities had earned that

moniker many times over. And Trystane could not argue with the

stories, after witnessing the skill with which Oberyn had taken down

the giant knight.

The Mountain was done for, his uncle had landed quite a few

crippling and fatal blows during the trial by combat with Aunt Elia's

murderer. But for a man who always chided his daughters for their

cocky and careless attitudes in a fight, Oberyn himself forgot that

important lesson of combat, allowing Gregor Clegane to get a hold of

him and ultimately kill him with his last ounce of strength. In the end,

both Oberyn and the Mountain were dead.

There was a saying that Trystane recalled from his studies about the

Starks of the North.

'Starks do not fare well south of the Neck.'

A statement that made sense when one took into account all the

losses the ruling house of the North had endured in the last few


And as Ellaria's anguish filled screams coupled with that of the Sand

Snakes, permeated the combat ground as Oberyn's brains spilled

onto the ground from what was left of his skull. In that moment,

Trystane could not help but feel that the same was true for House

Martell whenever they ventured North of the Red Mountains, given

their own losses.

While Trystane was still coming to terms with his uncle's loss, the

Sand Snakes were itching to spill blood. Since the Mountain was

already dead, his bastard cousins wished to satisfy their bloodlust

with the lives of the Mountain's men who had been set free due to

some odd allowances in the laws pertaining to trial by combats in

which both participants ended up dead.

However, Trystane had been taught better by his father. Cementing

the marriage alliance with House Baratheon was more important

than pursuing a blood feud that had already cost House Martell so

much. Thus, he had expressly forbade the Sand Snakes from taking

any further acts of retribution.

Of course, much like Trystane was his father's son, the Sand Snakes

were their father's daughters. So, it was no surprise when they

decided to disobey his command and ambush the Mountain's men at

the inn where they had been residing. As skilled as Trystane's

cousins were, the reckless attitude that they had inherited from his

uncle had led them into a fight against overwhelming odds.

Fortunately for them, King Robert's spies had notified him of the

situation and he had arrived in the nick of time to save the lives of

the Sand Snakes. Though they would never admit, the Sand Snakes

had more in common with most noble young woman than even they

knew. One did not have keen powers of observation or skills in

romantic intrigue to learn that all the women in Dornish contingent

had taken a fancy to the King. And this little display of heroism, had

only fuelled such feelings.

Over the next few days, both King Robert and Princess Myrcella had

been a source of great comfort to both Trystane and his cousins as

they help soothe the pain of Oberyn's loss.

The Stag's talent for debauchery was so great that he had managed

to corrupt Trystane into more lustful pursuits. Which is why Trystane

was currently engaged with one of the King's favourite paramours,

Lady Shae of Lorath. The Dornishman had believed that he had

experienced all the pleasures, one could derive from sex, but the

Robert's skilled concubines continued to introduce him to new

depths of passions.

"Aargghh…. My Prince…."

"Incredi….ble, such a….tight cunt…"

"That was quite good, Prince Trystane… It's good to know that both

the Dornishmen and you, live up…. to your reputations, known

across the land," Shae panted, as she caught her breath after their

most recent round had ended.

"We're only getting started, my lady," Trystane replied as he got up to

pour himself a glass of Dornish Red from a nearby table. "You will

spend the rest of the day, keeping me company, correct?"

Shae nodded while sprawling her naked body across the soft sheets.

"His Grace wanted the stay of his future good-son to be most

pleasurable and memorable," Shae stated, before inquiring to the

whereabouts of the Oberyn's Paramour and daughters, since they

were not present with the rest of the Dornish party who had decided

to spend the day at the finest whorehouse of the capital.

"Ah yes, I know for a fact that Lady Ellaria would have enjoyed your

company," the young Prince said with a laugh. "But King Robert is

not the only one who likes to share with friends."

'I can handle the nuisance of White Walkers and treasonous plots,

but these council meetings will be death of me,' Robert thought with

a groan as he walked away from the Small Council chambers. 'But it

will all be worth it, when my latest plans come to fruition.'

"Your grace," his idiot squire, Lancel Lannister, greeted him as he

ran up to Robert.

"Did you convey my instructions to Lady Chataya properly?" Robert

asked his nervous squire.

'He's been my squire for over a year now and yet he flusters when

speaking of whores and sex. Blasted fool! If his cousins weren't such

good lays, I'd have sent this fool packing long ago,' Robert mused to


The King had tasked the golden-haired fool with ensuring that

Chataya and her girls took good of his future good-son properly. The

quality of the Summer Islander's wares was never in question, nor

the enthusiasm and skill of their services. The significance of his

instructions were not the words, but in the secret signal that they

conveyed to his agents.

"Ugh..yes… arg… the lady…" the fool mumbled out a response,

before eventually confirming that the Madam of the brothel had

received the King's command, in verbatim.

"Good! I want our new Dornish friends to be properly cared for,"

Robert said out loud with a smile, that was more devious than jovial

in nature.

The plan was coming together perfectly. As per Tyrion's predictions,

the hot-headed Martell Prince had managed to get the upper hand in

the trail by combat with the Mountain, but his desire to see the

monstrous knight suffer had cost him his own life.

Although, the Red Viper's reckless actions was largely due to his

own over-confidence, with the magical potions brewed by Talisa and

Melisandre that had been slipped into the food and drink of the

Dornish party playing a small but vital part. The Dornish possessed

enough cunning and smart to be cautious of poisons and spies, but

magic was something that they could neither check for nor defend


Thus, every meal and drink that the Prince's party had indulged in,

since setting foot in the capital had been laced with his physician's

special herbs. And it was a vulnerability that Robert had every

intention to exploit.

Currently, Robert was using the magical gifts and knowledge of his

healer and Red Priestess to bring the Dornish under his sway


Proving herself to be superior to those grey rats once again, his

Essosi healer had even refined her potion into an ointment which

was not more fast acting than the regular one but it could also be

applied through skin contact. Which is why Robert had instructed

Shae and his regular staples from Chataya's collection to entertain

Trystane and his companions.

It was only a matter of time before the nest of snakes would become

his loyal servants, without even realizing it.

"Your grace… there was something else," Lancel spurted out

interrupting Robert's musings, causing the King to feel the prickling

of irritation.

Luckily, the words that spilled forth from the Lannister's mouth, were

not only pleasing to Robert's ears but excited him as well.

"Well, why didn't you lead with that from the beginning, you blonde

shit?" Robert playfully chastised his squire before taking off towards

his bedchamber.

Tyene Sand smiled like a giddy child while she waited for the King to

arrive. She turned around to check herself out in the mirror. Her

elegant face with high cheek bones, pouty lips, and blue eyes shined

out. A silky black robe wrapped around every inch of her slender but

curvaceous figure and flipped up to show her stocking clad thighs.

"For the record, you look the same you did about five minutes

before, and five minutes before that….and fifteen minutes before


Tyene turned her attention back towards her late father's paramour,

Ellaria Sand upon hearing the statement.

When one looked at Ellaria, dressed in stockings that clung around

her body, showing off her skimpy black bra and thong combination

underneath, it would be hard to believe that she had borne four

children. She looked as sensual and vivacious as the Lyseni

goddess that she worshiped.

"We all need to be perfect for when the King arrives," Tyene said.

"He has known beautiful maidens from all across the realm. We

need to prove that none of them can match the flavors of Dorne."

"The two of you, honestly."

Her elder half-sister, Nymeria said as she emerged from behind the

changing screen, wearing a pouty expression along with a form

fitting sleeveless yellow tunic and skirt that was so sheer that it

showed her ass and legs perfectly. An immense amount of cleavage

spilled forth from underneath her thread bare sleeveless tunic, which

she drew more attention to with her arms folded underneath her


"Oh, Nym, you look good enough to eat," Ellaria said causing Nym

raised an eyebrow when looking at Ellaria. "But, don't worry, we're

not going to be the ones who are going to eat you… rather that will

be the honor… your honor I'm sure though… of our might King."

Tyene smiled, recalling the taste of the Storm King from the night

when he had saved the lives of Tyene and her sisters from the

Mountain's men. To her dismay, she could not wait to sample the

entire package at the time as the King's presence was urgently

needed somewhere else before things could move any further.

'A good thing I didn't wear any small clothes, otherwise they would

be soaked,' Tyene thought to herself as her thighs moistened at the

thought of Robert Baratheon.

Ever since their arrival at the capital, the Stag King had slowly but

steadily become the object of Tyene's thoughts and dreams. The

ease with which he bested her and her sisters in the spar, not to

mention how he made quick work of the Mountain's band of thugs

had serve to pour pitch on the fires of attraction stirring within the

blonde Sand Snake.

And Tyene was quite confident that all the women in the Dornish

party felt likewise. A fact proven by how easily they had agreed to

her plans of seducing the King. Which brought them to the current


The door swung open and the King of Westeros walked inside. All

three Dornish beauties looked towards him, with smiles on their

faces. They approached him, with Ellaria dropping to her knees right

before him, showing no shame whatsoever.

"Your grace, it's an honor to finally serve you," Ellaria said.

"Yes, it's quite nice to see you again," Nym said, trying to show a

little bit more dignity.

"Hello, Nymeria," Robert said with a smile, stepping a bit closer

towards her. "It's nice to see you as well."

Robert wrapped his arms around the second oldest of the Sand

Snakes and drew her into him for a sizzling kiss. Nym's eyes

snapped over as the King pushed his tongue deeper into the back of

her throat. She could not believe how far or how fast he pushed his

tongue into the back of her throat.

All she could do right now was to return the favor, placing her hands

onto the back of Robert's head. They deepened the kiss, with

Robert's hands moving down to cup Nym's shapely ass. He pushed

his crotch towards her and their hips grinded together, allowing a

slight amount of friction to rise between them.

"Nym, you need to share!" Ellaria whined.

Tyene shook her head after watching her older sister and the woman

who was for all intense purposes her step-mother fight for the King's

attentions, like two children fighting over a plate of sweets. In that

moment, the blonde wondered if she was the only one among the

Martell brood to have any amount of subtly. Her half-sisters were

most certainly were not subtle, with her cousin Arianne being the

least subtle of them all.

'It's a good thing that the insatiable whore isn't here,' Tyene thought

about the Princess of Dorne. 'The last thing that Tyene needed was

to compete with Arianne for the King's affections.'

"And Lady Ellaria, it's nice to see you as well," Robert said.

Ellaria smiled and finally took her spot next to her new lover. A part of

her would always miss and mourn her beloved Oberyn, but in her

heart she knew that her Prince would have wanted to find any

amount of love and comfort that she could after his untimely demise.

And King Robert was as worthy as a lover as one could ask for, if the

rumours of his prowess as a lover were true in the slightest bit.

Robert grabbed her face and gave her a passionate kiss, making

Ellaria's entire body twitched underneath him.

'Damn,' Ellaria thought to herself after the kiss had been broken.

"My dear, Tyene, come join us. I don't want you to feel neglected,"

Robert said. "After all, this little gathering was your idea, wasn't it?"

Aye, that it was," Tyene answered.

She had decided to outdo both Ellaria and Nymeria by kissing the

King full on the lips and shoved her tongue down his throat, while

slowly undoing his tunic and breeches.

"She looks like she's going to worship him right now," Nym said.

"Come now, Nym, its perfectly understandable," Ellaria chimed in.

"Tyene loves to worship and our monarch is worthy of it. "

Tyene had Robert almost out of his breeches, but she backed off.

She turned towards her unofficial step-mother with a narrowed eye,

causing Ellaria to shiver in response. Though she looked and

dressed like an innocent Septa, Ellaria knew that Tyene was the

deadliest of the Sand Snakes.

"The King has proven that he has been blessed by the Gods many

times over," Tyene said without missing a beat. "Do you think that my

assumption is wrong?"

"Not at all, my dear," Ellaria answered with a smile. "So, are we

actually going to get to see the great work of art? You wouldn't stop

raving about it since that night."

"It's only fair that you go first, given that you are the eldest," Tyene

said with a sigh.

Nym who was ramped up and ready to ride Robert, considered

whining in protest to the statement, until Tyene slapped her on the

ass to shut her up.

"Ladies, no need to fight. I have a solution," Robert said and pulled

out a necklace with a rune stone on it. The stone had a weird runic

symbol on it, which none of the women recognized. Except for

Nymeria who had seen a similar symbol on a few ancient relics back

at the Red Temple in Volantis, when she had visited her mother a

few years ago. "Lady Melisandre and I have been working on this for

a while now…. It helps to focus the power of a spell that I like to use

every now and then, when tending to multiple women at once."

Robert muttered the incantation with the word "three" underneath his

breath when touching the symbol. The Dornish women had looks of

awe and amazement as the King divided into three identical copies.

The only notable difference between the original Robert and his

doubles was an ethereal glow that surrounded the duplicates.

"Tales of your magical gifts and powers were not exaggerated at all,"

Nymeria commented as her mind processed the incredible sight

before her.

"Indeed, if anything they were greatly understated," Tyene added her

own thoughts as well.

"So, you and the Red Priestess invented something where you could

have sex with multiple women?" Ellaria asked. "I approve…. but I lay

claim to the Prime!"

Tyene and Nym looked at each other and just decided to let it go.

Ellaria positioned herself on her knees in front of Robert Prime, with

a smile over her face.

The work had been done for the most part by Tyene. All Ellaria had

to do now was pull Robert's breeches down and finish the job that

the blonde had started. She squeezed his member and her heart

raced as Ellaria took in the sight of Robert's huge throbbing cock

which had sprung out and hit her in the face.

"You truly are a demon," Ellaria said before wrapping her lips around

the head of Robert's cock and gave it a couple of sucks.

The bastard of Hellholt pulled back and swirled her tongue around

the massive member, while her dark eyes burned with passion as

she continued licking him from the head, all the way down to the

base of his cock.

"Fuck, that feels so good," Robert groaned.

Nym closed her eyes and ripped out her tunic. Between her

generous bust, lustrous dark hair, and soft looking features, she

looked like a treat indeed. Nym dropped down to her knees and took

the cock of her one of the King's doubles between her tits.

The Prime version of Robert felt the combination of Nym's tits and

Ellaria's mouth wrapped around his cock at the same time.

Ellaria pushed her mouth all the way down onto Robert's cock. She

took him into her throat and gave a rather loud and passionate suck.

Her mouth worked him over, fondling Robert's balls when she

sucked him and hard.

"Damn, woman, you trying to drain me real hard?" Robert asked with

a moan.

One look through Ellaria's passionate eyes told Robert that it was

exactly what she intended to do.

Tyene grabbed her copy of Robert and ran his hands over his

muscled body. She flipped him onto the bed and mounted the top of

him. Her robe flipped open, exposing her creamy tits as she

mounted Robert.

Robert's copy only had one thing to do and that was to grab Tyene's

round breasts and squeeze them. She reared her head back with a

moan. Tyene's wet pussy grinded against Robert's throbbing cock.

"You don't waste any time, do you?" the King's copy said.

Tyene smiled and positioned Robert's cock at her pussy. She

positioned herself all the way on top of him as the tip of his cock

teased her pussy before she spiked down on him.

Robert enjoyed the warmth of Tyene's dripping wet folds as they slid

all the way down onto his cock. He grabbed her hips, encouraging

Tyene to work herself up and down. Her breasts bounced before him

and Robert had no choice, but to squeeze them. They were both so

tempting and so wonderful.

The delicious blonde started to rock her hips up and down on

Robert's cock, burying his throbbing manhood deep inside of her

body. Every time that he filled her up, Tyene's pussy clenched it


Nym continued the tit fuck, but she wanted something so much

more. She turned around and showed her version of Robert her

perfect ass, veiled by her sheer skirt. Robert responded with a slap

on her ass and tore off the skirt to reveal her dripping hot pussy. The

Volantene snake's pussy looked pretty tight, a small strip of dark

pubic hair came down between her thighs.

"I'm going to fuck you until you can't see straight," Robert said,

grabbing onto her tits and squeezing them.

"Do it," Nym said. "Fuck me, show me just how much of a demon

you truly are between the sheets."

Meanwhile, Ellaria was occupied with the original Robert as she

slobbered and sucked on Robert's cock. She hungrily devoured his

manhood, enjoying the taste of him. Ellaria squeezed his balls and

was about ready to enjoy the tasty treat that was about to come forth

from the magical and powerful King.

"Get ready to feel what King's seed tastes like," Robert said.

Ellaria kept working her hands and mouth around his member. She

needed every single drop of the seed. Her hard and hot sucks had

rewarded her with a small taste, but now she wanted more, she

wanted even more.

Robert grunted and unleashed the warm, hot, seed from his balls.

He shot those sticky, juicy contents all the way down Ellaria's throat

as she tilted her head back, sucking on him, while squeezing and

milking his balls. She made the King's cock feel warmth and

pleasure while he fired down her throat.

"You truly have a gift of taking a cock down your throat, Lady Ellaria,"

Robert told her.

Ellaria beamed at the King's praise and proceeded to ram her throat

first down onto him. Making sure that every last drop of seed had

been spilled down her throat.

Tyene continued to ride on her Robert's cock, impaling her hot cunt

all the way down on his massive member.

Her heart started to beat in pleasure and just seconds later, Tyene

watched as Ellaria approached her. Ellaria smiled, sticking out her

tongue to show the load that she had received from Robert. This

amazing sight of her supposed step-mother having her mouth stuffed

full of the King's cum, only encouraged Tyene to ride Robert's cock

even harder.

Ellaria climbed up on top of the copy of Robert which Tyene was

riding and leaned forward. She pressed her breasts against Tyene,

rubbing her pussy against Robert's face, while getting eaten out.

"Don't worry, Tyene, you know that I'll share with you," Ellaria purred.

She opened Tyene's mouth and shoved her tongue into the blonde's

mouth. Each push of cum prompted Tyene to drive herself down cunt

first onto Robert's prick, hungrily trying to milk the cum out of his ball



Nym's screaming increased as Robert's double rested his hands on

her hips. He slammed his cock into her in a repeated fashion, with

her tight pussy wrapping around it. Robert fucked her so hard, that

she began to see stars for a brief time.

Robert pulled out of her and turned her over onto the bed, rubbing

his cock against Nym's hot entrance. Nym tried to push her hips all

the way up to meet his throbbing hard cock. It pushed into her and

brought sexual passion through every last inch of her body. Robert

held onto her and kept pounding way at her wet, sopping hot pussy.

Robert decided to allow himself another play, and buried his face

between Nym's ample mounds. He sucked on her nipples and her

screams increased.

"Time for you to cum, Lady Nymeria," Robert called out.

Normally she disapproved of the name, but it sounded so sexy

coming from King Robert and so her walls clenched around him and

milked his cock while her juices coated the thick appendage.

Ellaria had been turned around and bound, facing the wall with her

legs spread wide open. A moment later, the dark-haired beauty came

to the steamy realization that she was bound and at the mercy of her

King and his large cock.

"With all due respect to the late Red Viper, I feel it's time to truly

break you in," Robert said. "Oberyn was but a man, and by now you

know that I'm so much more than that."

Ellaria's pussy dripped with excitement, the moment that Robert

dragged his throbbing hard cock against her moist entrance. Her

loins trembled in anticipation as Robert's cock edged near her nether

gates and Ellaria could not wait for him to push inside of her.

"Do it, now, my Stag," Ellaria moaned.

Robert pushed his throbbing hard cock inside of her and her tight

pussy snugly fit around it.

"Your pussy feels so good," Robert said as he pressed against her

body and grabbed one of her perky tits. "And just think, it's going to

be mine to fuck forever, and as many times as I want to… how do

you like that?"

The state of Ellaria answered the question for Robert better than

anything else. He plunged himself into her as her warmth spread

around him.

"Who does your pussy belong to?" Robert asked, driving into her.

"King… Robert… Baratheon!" Ellaria moaned.

"Who can fuck you better than any other man in the world?" Robert


"Robert….BY THE GODS…. BARATHEON!" Ellaria yelled as her

cunt clenched around him and kept milking his thrusting cock while

he held onto her hips.

Robert explored her body. Every single curve molded underneath his

skin, and her sensual body was wonderful to explore. Despite being

of age with Robert, the bastard of Hellholt had retained a remarkably

youthful and shapely form.

"Who will fuck your brains out, and make you drool?" Robert asked.

"Robert Baratheon!" she moaned.

"Who is going to make you cum?"

The word proved to be a trigger within Ellaria as her hips thrusted

out and squeezed around Robert. He held onto her and kept plowing

himself into her body, hitting all of Ellaria's points.

"ROBERT FUCKING BARATHEON!" Ellaria yelled. "You are my

fucking master…. now master my pussy… master it…. fuck me….

fuck me so fucking hard!"

Ellaria panted while being pushed hard against the wall. Robert's

massive cock drilled into her body and spread pleasure all over her

loins. Her passionate screams followed not long after as Robert

fucked her into an orgasm.

The copy of Robert glowed with pure blue light as he plowed into

Nym on the bed. Her tight pussy continued to wrap around him. The

snug tightness caused Robert's entire body to fill up. He knew the

end was here, at least for this particular double.

"Oh, By the Gods…" Nymeria groaned.

"Not Gods, my dear, it's just me," Robert said, cupping Nym's ass.

"Are you ready for your big reward?"

Nym's wet pussy tightened around him. Her body was ready, he

could feel it. But was she really ready for the end? His cum bloated

balls continued to slap against her thighs. He pushed into her,

slamming into her from behind. Robert rode himself into her tight

pussy, and grabbed her breasts. He squeezed them, and molded

them into his hands, making them his and his alone.

"You're going to cum so hard," Robert said with a smile while

squeezing her nipples between his fingers. "I hope you're ready….

because I'm not going to show your pussy any mercy."

Nym made a silent plea for him to bring it. Robert brought his huge

cock inside of her dripping, wet, cunt. He stretched her with a series

of hard thrusts into her body.

The double's body illuminated with a bright light as he slammed into

Nym's body one more time. His balls tensed up and he knew it would

come. Nym's pussy closed around Robert's cock and the first blasts

of King's cum coated her insides. He emptied the contents of his

balls deep inside her body.

Robert kept cumming, filling her pussy up with so much cum that it

started to leak from Nym's cunt. He kept pushing into her, and Nym

could not believe how much he seed Robert had filled her with.

Every time her pussy was overstuffed, an orgasm rocked her body.

A blinding bright light surrounded Nym's body as Robert's duplicate

exploded into a shower of cum. Nym was surprised when her body

had been soaked by cum from head to toe. She was sure had she

looked in the mirror, she might not have been able to recognize

herself. She rolled over and scraped some of the explosion of cum

off from her chest. She slid those fingers into her mouth and sucked

her fingers dry, humming while she licked those digits clean.

"Damn!" Tyene moaned as she rode her stud hard and fast. "I need

myself some of that…"

"Don't worry, you'll get what cumming to you soon."

Robert stated as he grabbed Tyene's tight ass, making sure that she

slid all the way down onto his cock. Her wet walls caressed his

manhood while working all the way down on his royal cock. Robert

continued to pump his way into her from above. Not once did he stop

fucking her pussy, knowing how much it drove her completely wild.

Speaking of being driven wild, the prime copy of Robert brought

Ellaria to another mind shattering orgasm. She craved every single

touch that the King could give her.

"You truly are such a devoted lover," Robert whispered. "I heard they

called you the Serpent's whore. Well, from now on you shall be

known as the Stag's whore."

"Yes, I belong to you," Ellaria said. "Fuck my tight little pussy…. fuck

it until it cums all over your big, juicy…. cock!"

The newly christened Stag's whore flexed her pussy walls around

him and started to breath in increasing intensity. Robert speared his

way inside her and made sure she was close to coming undone.

"Just think of how many times I made you cum," Robert said,

caressing Ellaria's body resulting in her shuddering with pleasure.

"And just think of how much cum is building up in my balls, to put

inside your tight little body."

Tyene thought about it alright as she bucked her hips down onto the

duplicate of Robert on the bed. His hands remained on her juicy,

round, breasts as Robert squeezed and caressed them.

"Are you getting close, your grace?" Tyene asked. She rode the

duplicate Robert, wanting to get to the creamy center sooner rather

than later. "I want you… I want you to cum all over me…. I want you

to drip me in so much of your fucking cum that I'll look like a used

cum rag!"

The blonde pushed herself down onto Robert's cock. His hands

touched her and brought Tyene to pleasurable heights. Speaking of

heights, she rose all the way up and came down onto his manhood.

Her tightening cunt against his cock made it rock hard.

"After you, my dear," Robert told her.

Tyene gushed all over him, using her hands to lean on his muscular

chest for leverage and continued to ride her stallion all the way to the


"Oh, I love how your nice, big, cock fills me up!" Tyene yelled as her

supple thighs smacked against him. She caressed her sweat soaked

body, showing every shimmering curve to Robert. "Stain my insides

with your sticky seed!"

The daughter of Oberyn Martell and a disgraced Septa brought her

burning pussy all the way down on Robert's throbbing member. She

could feel him, the orgasm was almost here!

The Prime Robert plowed into Ellaria against the wall, feeling the

tightness of not one but two pussies. He focused on the one he was

experiencing in real time, even though Tyene was making it

borderline difficult for him to focus on it.

"Pound me!" Ellaria whined.

Robert obliged her by pounding way at her pussy. He worked the

contents of his balls to a fever pitch. He made sure the heavy balls

slapped against Ellaria's thighs, knowing it would drive her

completely and utterly insane with passion.

Ellaria's walls tightened around Robert. She wanted every single last

drop of cum from those balls and would not stop at anything to get

them. Her heart raced the more that Robert aimed his cock into her.

"Soon, good things come to those who wait," Robert said soothingly

to the blonde who rode him.

Tyene slammed herself down on Robert's cock as she rode herself

all the way to an orgasmic pleasure. Her hips pushed all the way

down onto Robert's cock and squeezed him.

"Yes, I'm going to cum," Robert groaned, squeezing Tyene's ass as

he pushed up into her. "Are you ready for your shower?"

By the Gods was she ready.

Tyene tightened around him as the first blast of cum fired up inside

of her pussy and coated the inside of her walls. Robert's throbbing

balls connected with Tyene's waiting womanhood. She watched the

glow of his body increase. The same thing had happened to Nym,

and now it was going to increase.

"Time to burst," Tyene said as she pushed her body down onto his,

giving him some added incentive.

The blonde Sand Snake grinded against his pumping cock to add to

the incentive and also make him fill up her body with even more


Another duplicate was about ready to give way. The duplicate

exploded and launched cum into the air, covering Tyene's body. It

rolled down her face, down her breasts, down her firm stomach, and

she sat in a pool of it where the duplicate Robert once was. Some of

the cum dribbled into her hands before she licked herself clean.

"Mmm," she moaned, licking her fingers completely clean without

another thought or problem.

Tyene stole a look at Nym, and Nym extended her tongue so she

could lick herself clean. She smiled and walked over towards her

half-sister. Tyene dropped down onto Nym, straddling her hips and

leaning down towards her with a smile locked onto her face. Their

pussies locked into a scissor motion and started to rub against each


Ellaria would have slumped down had the silken bonds not held her

up. Robert repeated his action of ramming into her, while she

experienced a never ending state of intense orgasm. The shakes

coming through her body made Ellaria even more excited for what

was about to happen.

"Mmm," Ellaria moaned.

'You're finally going to get your reward," Robert said. He could tell

how excited she was by how hard she clenched him. "I'm going to fill

you full of my cum….so much cum you will be dripping for weeks."

"Good, I'm glad," Ellaria said.

Robert thrust into her wet and hot pussy, pushing her against the

wall. His hands firmly grabbed her hips to show Ellaria who she

submitted to. Not she needed much of a reminder.

'Oberyn, my love, you will always be my first love and the father of

my daughter. You gave me love and many nights of fun and passion.

But if I'm being honest, even you fall short against the demon Stag

who is rutting with me at the moment,' Ellaria mused to herself.

Robert's divine stamina had finally reached his limitations, after he

drove Ellaria's orgasms well into the double digits, and he knew that

his time was at an end. He rode her pussy through one last orgasm,

before blowing his load inside her.

Ellaria's body flashed as a wave of magic washed over it. She was

now firmly bound to Robert, like Sansa, Catelyn and many others.

He rode her for several more moments, filling her pussy with a

never-ending shower of cum.

Ellaria sighed in content, as thoughts of pleasing and serving Robert

Baratheon flooded both her conscious and sub-conscious mind. A

few moments, she succumbed to her own fatigue and fell asleep.

'The doubles exploding into cum was unexpected, but it can be

managed,' Robert thought to himself. 'I'll need to speak with

Melisandre to see if we can refine the charm further.'

"Is my idiot squire still out there," Robert called out to the other side

of his closed bedchamber door.

"I'm here, your grace," Lancel answered in his squeaky voice.

"You little pervert, were you pressed against the door spying on me

and my lovely companions?" Robert barked teasingly, knowing it

would fluster the little golden shit.

"No… no… not at all, It's just… I thought," the Lannister began to

mumble, only for Robert to silence him once again.

"Go and fetch the maids, both the chamber and my guests will need

some help in tidying up," Robert commanded with a gruff laugh.