Chapter 46

Arya Stark/Asha Greyjoy

Chapter 46: Arya Stark/Asha Greyjoy

The King of Westeros was once again dreaming of long past night of

passion shared with his long departed, She-wolf, when a sudden

sensation jolted Robert out of his dreams. As the haze of sleep

dissipated completely, Robert found himself wrapped inside of

something warm, and it took him a few more seconds to realize that

someone was rocking her hips up and down on his crotch. Sliding

his manhood inside of her wet and eager pussy, riding him like the

prized stallion that he was.

"Good, you're finally awake… Although it doesn't take that much to

wake certain part of you up."

The vision of beauty who was riding him stated cheekily and Robert

was not too surprised to learn that it was none other than Arya Stark.

Ever since he had claimed the girl during his hunt, Arya had been

one of the most enthusiastic mistresses that he ever had. Her youth

and brash attitude quickly endearing the young She-wolf to both him

and more importantly, his cock.

'Dreams of one She-wolf turn into reality with another She-wolf, the

truly strange twists of fate,' the Baratheon King mused to himself.

Oh, and the sliding of those warm wet walls, against his cock felt

amazing. And Arya's body, her lovely, nubile body caused Robert's

mind to enter a state of eternal pleasure as she proceeded to ride

him a little bit harder.

"Were you going to bother to wake me up?" Robert asked. "And ask

for my permission?"

"I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that term," Arya said with feigned

confusion upon her features, which soon turned into a teasing smirk

as she rocked her hips up.

'Truly, she is Lyanna reborn,' Robert thought, amused by her snarky


Robert groped Arya's chest while she descended down onto them.

Her pale northern complexion glistened with a sheen of sweat and

arousal. Every time that she dropped down onto Robert, she took the

older man just a little bit deeper inside of her. His groaning only

increased, the faster and quicker that Arya dropped down onto him.

She really did a good job of milking him.

"Not yet, your grace."

Arya stated before pulling away and turning around, giving Robert a

perfect view of her tantalizing backside. Robert dove forward,

grabbing Arya around the waist and plunging a little bit into her. The

King's manhood ground up against her, causing the She-wolf to just

cry out in pleasure. He was almost inside of her, Arya's inner lips

practically calling for Robert the second that he pushed into her.

Robert plowed the young girl into the bed. She wanted to take

liberties with her King without seeking his blessing? Well then,

Robert was going to use Arya as he saw fit, in return. To be fair, the

dark-haired Stark girl did not raise any protest on this matter as well.

Especially when Robert tightened his grip around her hips and

plunged further into her.

"How do you like this?" Robert growled, feeling her soft flesh under

his callused hands.


Arya screamed out her response as Robert hammered inside of her.

He rode her, getting closer and closer to the orgasm, only for Robert

to pull out at the last minute.

Turnabout was fair play as Robert decided to tease Arya as much as

possible. He slowly tortured her by grinding his manhood against her

lower back without penetrating Arya in any way. Several rotating

movements of Robert's hips caused Arya to stain him. And then

Robert pulled away from sliding almost into Arya one more time.

Arya used her fingers to grip the edge of the sheets, while breaking

out into a cry of pleasure. A little bit deeper, with Robert working

himself in rotating motions against Arya until he was very nearly

inside of her, stuffing her full of his mighty meat spear. One inch at a

time until Robert was balls deep inside of her.

The second time inside of her proved to be more pleasurable than

the first time and Arya flexed her inner muscles at Robert's cock,

moaning hard the deeper that he drove into her body.

Robert sped up, getting Arya almost all the way to the end. On all

fours, Arya looked like a vision of beauty and Robert marveled at the



Arya yelled excitedly as the incredible stamina exhibited by Robert

got Arya off and extremely excited. And her need to have a piece of

him only increased. She squeezed Robert, tightening a little bit until

he almost reached the end.

Robert pulled out at the last second to stave off his orgasm and

pulled Arya into the hotseat position, hands firmly upon the tight She-

wolf's ass.

"Get that cock back in me," Arya demanded irately.

Robert hesitated, deciding to go for Arya's nice supple breasts and

her even more supple ass instead. He pushed against Arya, rocking

up against her several times over. Robert leaned in, dancing down

the side of Arya's neck with multiple kisses, and light, subtle sucks to

the side of her neck.

"When, I'm good and ready, girl," Robert breathed. "When, I'm good

and ready."

It was time to remind Arya who was in charge. And when he was

good and ready, Arya would be nice and ready to take Robert. She

very nearly engulfed Robert inside of her body, rocking inside of her


A little bit deeper, but not quite. Finally, Robert brought Arya down

completely and penetrated her, pushing her to the limit.


Arya screamed, feeling as if Robert had split her in half. Not that it

was a bad feeling to be honest. Robert planted Arya up and down,

sliding her warm walls down onto him and filling her completely up to

the point of no return.

"Oooh!" Arya moaned.

"How do you like that?" Robert growled in her ear.


Robert picked up the pace, driving deeper into Arya, in answer to her

passionate pleas. He held her arms back and fucked her vigorously.

"What do you think that you should get when you sneak into the

King's bedchamber and try to fuck him without his permission?"

Robert asked. "You need to learn some manners and discipline, girl.

And since your parents have failed to teach you, then the task falls to


"You're right. Fuck me to your heart's content and grant me

immeasurable pleasure," Arya replied. "Because… that will teach me

for sure!"

The sarcasm in Arya's voice faded out as she screamed for more.

Robert stuffed her completely full, the weight of his swollen balls

resting against her. Robert edged Arya a little bit further, slowing

down just enough.

Arya who was down on all fours, had now been bent over the

headboard of the bed. Robert grabbed onto Arya's hips, rearing

back, and slammed into her body.



The extremely vocal and filthy speech of his partner egged Robert

on. And with several tight, intense thrusts together, Robert really

went to town on Arya, stretching her pussy out.

"You have to be getting tired," Arya breathed, when she began the

feel the first effects of her fatigue while the King showed no such


Robert almost pushed Arya over the headboard. But she clung on

with all her strength as Robert picked up the pace, with more thrusts.

Arya's entire mind was hit with orgasm after orgasm. Each one

causing her body more pleasure than the last. Each one sending

tremors, shock-waves of pleasure deep into Arya's being the faster

that Robert drove into her.

"Not yet," Robert growled into Arya's ear. "But, closer than before."

"Mmm, yes," Arya purred in his ear. "Give it to me!"

Oh, and Robert did give it to her, rocking her even more. He drew

out Arya's climax for as long as possible. Those tight, wet walls

clamping down on Robert could spell the end of him, if he was not

careful. He just had to hold back, hold back long enough for Arya to

cum first.

The She-wolf's vice tightened around his member and saturated him

with juices. Robert who was now completely soaked, pushed deep

into Arya. Her wild, tangled dark locks plastered against her sweaty

face making the young Stark girl look as sexy as hell.

Robert filled Arya's womb up with a huge blast of seed. Robert, his

fingers sliding down against Arya's body, pushed further and faster

inside of her, rocking her almost to the edge and making her cum

two more times before Robert completely finished.

Pulling away from her, Arya crawled back and turned around. She

pushed deep against Robert, dragging her nails down Robert's


"I'm honestly surprised I didn't need to kick Val, the Mormonts, the

Flower maidens or any other among your legion of concubines out of

this bed when I snuck in here, to get this alone time with you," Arya

breathed as she peppered Robert's body with kisses.

"There is no sneaking in the King's chamber, Arya Stark," Robert

answered with a chuckle. "No offense to your skills of sneaking

about but you should know that my guards have standing orders to

grant entry to any of my women to my apartments unless instructed

by me. So next time, instead of jumping and crawling off ledges and

balconies, you may think about just using the door."

"And as for me being alone. Well, I rarely sleep alone but my

bedmate from last night had urgent business to attend which

required to bid her leave before sunrise. Also, I sensed your

approach but decided to just sit back and see what you were up to,"

he added, further educating the youngest Stark girl in the ways of his

harem. "You need to speak with your mother and sister, or any of my

other women for that matter, they will teach you the ways of a King's


"Lessons usually bore me. But the lessons that you give me are…

something else entirely so I'll make the effort!" Arya said with

mischievous grin. "Is there a special reward if I do well in them?"

"Oh, Yes, most certainly," another voice chimed in.

"With gowns like those, it's no wonder that my raiders dream of

fucking beauties like yourself, Lady… Princess Sansa," Asha

Greyjoy stated, complimenting the newest member of the royal

family, while both she and Sansa walked towards the King's


"Thank you for the kind praise, Lady Greyjoy," Sansa responded

politely with a smile.

The words may have been crude, but the meaning was no less true.

Sansa was indeed dressed as the Princess that she was always

born to be and now due to the favor of her lover and King, she had

finally become. Her gown was made of crushed silk and velvet with

discreet embroidery in gold thread, and like every other outfit that

she owned after becoming the King's mistress, it displayed her body

to best effect. With the added benefit of being easily discardable,

whenever the King deigned to call upon her and take his pleasure.

Though if one was being honest, even one of Sansa's old and

austere dresses from Winterfell would have seemed rich and

luxurious in comparison to Lady Asha's attire which was comprised

of a sea-water stained long coat over a dark blue quilted tunic,

breeches of black wool, a studded belt, and salt-stained high leather


And yet, like the Mormont warrior maidens and Wildling Spearwives,

Asha possessed a gruff beauty and spirit that King Robert had taken

a shine to, Sansa concluded to herself.

"Tis… no praise, a woman heavy with child never looked so

ravishing," the Lady Reaper of the Iron Isles said, with a lick of her


The words caused Sansa to beam in pleasure as she thought of

bearing a dark haired, blue eyed, robust son who would grow into a

mighty warrior like his father.

"Do you attend to his grace in this state? Is it safe for the babe?"

Asha asked, her tone laced with both concern and curiosity.

Asha's questions were natural when one looked upon Sansa. The

wife of the Crown Prince wore a dress which left her shoulders and

arms completely bare, and its plunging neckline provided an ample

view of her mouth-watering breasts, which already large seemed to

have doubled in size, as her pregnancy entered its final stages.

"I eagerly do my part in tending to his grace's needs. But with the

time of my child's birth drawing near, King Robert has asked to focus

my energies on caring for the health of my child," Sansa answered

proudly. "After all, my unborn son will be King one day."

"Fortunately, the capital is full of loyal subjects eager to serve the

King's needs," the auburn-haired beauty added.

"I'm sure they are," Asha said with a knowing smirk. "On a separate

note, with all due respect, I was a bit surprised when you showed up

to welcome me at the gates of the Red Keep."

"Understandable, Lady Greyjoy, but your arrival was unexpected,"

Sansa replied back. "Unfortunately, the Queen and other prominent

members of court were otherwise occupied."

"And his grace is still sleeping in his chambers," she explained

further. "He had a very hectic night…."

Asha inferred the new Princess's meaning easily and added a saucy

remark of her own.

"I'm certain is days are quite draining as well," Asha said with a sly

wink, causing both women to break out in a giggle.

As they walked, Asha informed Sansa that she had been conducting

some urgent business for the King in Essos and had promptly sailed

back upon receiving Robert's latest instructions.

Upon arriving at the doors of the King's bedchamber, the guard on

duty informed them that the King was awake but had company.

Namely, the Princess's younger sister, Lady Arya Stark.

The brief surprise upon Sansa's face quickly turned into mild

irritation after learning that Arya had decided to visit his grace.

'Typical Arya! She may be one of the King's new favourites but that

wild brat needs to learn to respect and co-ordinate with the rest of

the royal harem,' Sansa thought to herself. 'I must speak with

mother. She might help reign in Arya's brash impulses.'

"Well, I'm sure his grace won't mind if Lady Asha were to join him.

She has urgent business to discuss with him," Sansa said to the

guard, who merely nodded in agreement knowing better than to

disagree with the King's good-daughter.

"Lady Asha, if you would be kind enough, please ask Arya to come

see me and my mother once she is done here," Sansa asked the

Lady Reaper who promptly agreed to the request before entering the


Arya and Robert broke away from the afterglow upon hearing the

opening of the chamber door, just in time to see Asha Greyjoy

standing near the door which she promptly closed after entering. The

Lady Captain eagerly divested herself off her clothes and prowled

towards the bed, in all of her glory.

"The girl got you warmed up, my King," Asha said before moving in

and kissing Robert aggressively on the chest. "But it takes a real

woman to sate a man's appetite."

The teasing words caused Arya features to contort with displeasure

and the She-wolf was ready to pounce on the Greyjoy in retaliation.

But a soothing gesture and look from Robert, calmed Arya's temper

and she settled back down on the bed.

"As pleasing your unannounced arrival is, my Lady Kraken. I'll

interpret your presence as a sign that the task I bequeathed to you

has been completed," Robert asked and Asha confirmed that his will

had been done.

"As per your last message, both the Iron fleet and the sell-sails that I

procured on the crown's behalf in Essos are taking up positions,"

Asha said while slobbering over the King's muscular abs. "All that is

needed now is a signal from you and the attack shall commence."

"Excellent work, Lady Greyjoy," Robert replied with a pleased look

upon his face. "Now, let's see you put those words into action."

Letting out an excited squeal, Asha grabbed Robert's crotch and

smashed her lips against his in a kiss that took Robert's breath away.

It made Robert just grab onto Asha, touching her as much as he

possibly could.

"We will get to that point soon enough," Asha told him. "But first…"

And Robert realized that Asha, using her sexiness as a distraction, to

bind his hands against the headboard. Very slowly, Asha ran a finger

down Robert's chest, stopping just inches away from his crotch.

"You taught us this little game," Asha said saucily. "So, now let us

play, with you taking our place for a change."

"How about it, lady wolf? Want to play?" the Ironborn wench inquired

and the wild Stark maiden jumped at the offered chance.

Asha played with Robert a little bit before pulling away. Asha Greyjoy

and Arya Stark, two very sexy and wild beauties, closed in to engage

with each other.

Robert watched as Asha's lips engulfed that of the younger

woman's, making Arya closed her eyes. Asha explored Arya's body,

with familiarity, and Robert watched as the seasoned raider

assaulted all of Arya's pleasure spots aggressively, making her

Arya's juices flow.

"You know the rules, your grace. But I'll repeat it, just for the sake of

being clear. Can you last an hour without bursting?" Asha said

teasingly to the bound Stag. "If you do, you can fuck me… and do

whatever you want to with me."

He could have snapped those silken bonds with ease and ravaged

Asha. But a part of Robert was both intrigued and excited by the turn

of events and was eager to see how this would play out.

"I thought you would known by now, that challenging me is fool's

proposition," Robert replied, letting the lady captain know that her

challenge had been accepted.

Asha kissed over Arya's body, every now and then, while reaching

over to stroke Robert's manhood. She teased it, slowly, sensually,

almost as if she wanted to build up the load for a very intense


Robert closed his eyes, rising a little bit further, with Asha's hand

pressing up against his crotch. Each movement brought Robert a

little bit closer, sliding into the palm of Asha's hand. She closed a fist

around the King's member, before tightening and releasing him a few

more times.

Arya moved over, upon receiving Asha's silent orders through a

subtle gesture, pleasuring Robert's balls with her mouth. Having

Asha stroke him and Arya suck on his balls, replenished his balls in

no time. Any other man would have lost it by now, but Robert was in

a league of his own.

"Well, I knew that you would not be so easy to break."

Asha stated, while climbing all over Robert's body. The soft, yet firm

nature of her skin, that had been tainted by the harsh winds and

salty water of the seas, worked Robert completely over. Asha leaned

in, sucking on Robert's neck while grinding up against him. She held

Robert's hips down, to ensure that Robert did not rise up to

penetrate her.

"He is built to last," Arya said. "But, so savory, down to the last drop."

Arya twirled her tongue against Robert's swollen head, getting a

small taste of him. Robert stretched up, closing in on Arya's lips. Her

soft lips almost parted, to swallow Robert deep between them. Arya

kissed Robert on the tip, sliding his head almost into her mouth

before pulling away from him.

"Down to the very last, succulent drop," Asha added.

Both dark haired beauties crawled over to either side of Robert and

began worshipping his extended meat spear for the next several

minutes. Taking their lips upon his cock, and making it twitch, both

Asha and Arya knew precisely all of the right ways to torment Robert

and make him just breath out in pleasure. Their soft, succulent lips

slid over his cock, sucking him extremely hard.

Alternating sucks combined with soft but firm caresses caused

Robert to double down on his pleasure release. His need to climax

fought with the need to slide inside of Asha. Robert's sigil may have

been a Stag but he had the stubbornness of a bull and was not

about to yield to his wild bedmates.

Endless, and constant warmth spread around Robert's nether

regions as the seconds went by. Slowly, painfully, and sexually, oh

Robert could feel it all building up in him.

"Almost halfway there," Asha said. "But that means you have a half

of an hour to go."

Asha took Robert into her mouth and sucked on him hard for several

minutes. It was borderline torture, trying to hold back, and trying to

avoid cumming in Robert's mouth. Adding to Robert's woes, Arya's

hand rubbed down his thighs before moving to grab his balls in order

to milk them.

"That's it, my King, show this kraken bitch how great you truly are,"

Arya said. "I know you can win this challenge; you just need the right


And to further demonstrate her point, Arya got behind Asha and

started stroking her body. Reminding Robert all of the wonders that

he could explore, if he held out the hour.

Deciding to distract himself from his sexual frustration, Robert's

hazed mind came to the realization that Asha's little game was a

perfect way for him to hone his endurance and self-control skills.

"Wolf girl, be a dear and fetch the vial in the pocket of my coat. If

we're going to tease the King, let's do it properly," Asha said to Arya,

who surprisingly did not respond with a snarky comeback but instead

did as asked.

Robert witnessed Arya massaging Asha's legs and feet, slathering it

with oil down to the last drop. And Asha did the same to Arya,

causing Robert's erection to nearly hit the ceiling.

'Gods, I'm going to plunder this Ironborn bitch so hard that it will

make the sack of the Isles seem tame,' Robert thought to himself as

the need to release his load, grew several folds due to their new

taunting tactic.

Their oiled-up toes and soles rubbed up against Robert's length,

which was followed by their legs pushing against him. The slickness

of the oils saturated Robert's cock, making him throb. The two of

them performed a very intense and aggressive double footjob on

Robert, with their feet all oiled up.

Robert drooled at their beautiful legs touching each other, with his

manhood throbbing up. His limits were certainly being tested, being

toyed with, as Asha dragged her big toe down a vein of Robert's


Despite the fact that Arya wrapped her soles around his cock to jerk

him off while Asha rubbed her toes against his balls, Robert proved

that his will was forged of steel as he kept himself from blowing his


"Guess there is some truth to those tales of you being a God," Asha

said, impressed by the King's stamina and self-control. "But, surely,

you would like nothing better than to cum all over our feet. And watch

us, in excitement, when we slowly suck on each other's toes."

"It would be hot sight without doubt," Arya said, expressing her

views. "I'm sure that his grace would love to see our legs just

dripping with his thick, juicy cum."

Oh, Robert felt like he had been waging a battle for hours without

rest as both of these lovely women took turns testing his stamina

with their feet. His cock angrily throbbed, balls full of cum.

"Almost there," Asha informed Robert as both women switched

tactics and now used their hands and mouths to tease his member.

Whether it was the time he had to hold, or his orgasm, Robert could

not say. His balls tightened and Robert went into a deep meditation

exercise, in order to try and hold out. Asha and Arya took turns

milking Robert's cock and balls.

Surely an hour had to be closing it. Robert groaned, as the tightening

of his loins became near unbearable.

"One minute," Asha updated Robert.

Damn it, Robert just had to hold on, he was so close to the finish.

Asha jerked him off even faster, the oils from her hand allowing her

to perform a slick handjob.

"You are such a powerful man, thinking that you won't cum," Asha

said, desperate to win her little challenge after realizing that the King

would actually pull it off. "But, look at my mouth, King Robert. You

want to cum inside of it, don't you?"

'Come on, just a little bit further,' Robert mentally instructed himself.

'Ignore Asha's mouth, ignore her hands, ignore Arya's feeling up his

body. Just ignore everything, block it out.'

"And that's time," Arya chirped excitedly. "Congratulations, my King."

Upon hearing that declaration, the tension in Robert's body burst

along with the pleasure of his groin and he showered both Asha and

Arya with his orgasm. The two women dripped from Robert's intense,

vigorous explosion of seed.

Asha hung on, jerking Robert off, while Arya milked his balls. They

had been covered, dripping wet with his seed.

The two women made out on the bed, sharing Robert's seed

between them, and slowly, sexily cleaning each other off. He

watched Arya suck the white discharge off of Asha's breast before

the two women pulled apart from each other.

"My turn," Robert grunted as he yanked Asha underneath him.

"Looks like I need to make you my salt bitch once again."

"You'll never think of challenging me ever again, Lady Greyjoy," the

King added as he took the plunge within wet folds and began

ravaging her body savagely, with an excited Arya fingering herself to

the sight.

After a few vigorous shoves inside the Ironborn reaver, Robert pulled

out of Asha and left her on the bed. Asha poked her tongue out,

showing Robert all of the cum that she had collected and swallowed

it without any shame.


Asha obeyed her King's command and immediately stood. Before

she could gain her bearings, Robert grabbed Asha by the hips,

shoving her against the wall. He grabbed Asha's chest and mauled

her mounds, causing her to break out in cries of pleasure. Her

mature, yet youthful body squirmed against Robert's perfectly toned

form. He pinned her up against the wall, mauling her breasts and

sucking on them.

"These are all for you," Asha breathed heavily in between sucks.

"And this… this is all for you too."

And ground her dripping, wet pussy against Robert's stiff cock, to

entice him.

Robert spread her thighs and felt the insane amount of juices

running down then from her pussy. He put his finger inside of Asha

and pushed, just a little bit deeper. Asha's eyes glazed over in

pleasure from Robert pushing into her.

"You want me inside you?" Robert said teasingly.

Asha had her fun with her little game and now it was Robert's turn.

"Yes, it's time," Asha said. "You've earned it by winning the game. I

was already your salt wife, now put a greenlander babe in my belly."

"So, that's what your little challenge was really about?" Robert said,

finally understanding the Lady Reaper's intent.

"Do it as reward for my service. Past, present and future," Asha

stated, trying to get him to grant her desire. "For what I did in Essos

and am about to do. My raiders will make quick work of your foes,

with me leading the charge."

"Very well," Robert replied with a randy smile. "Hells, it'll be one hell

of a conception story for the little Stag that I about to put in you."

With those words, Robert reared back and speared his cock deep

inside of Asha's body.


Asha screamed as her tight walls almost squeezed the life out of

Robert's member. He had to situate his hands on her hips, to push

back a little bit more. Rocking back, Robert gained some momentum

as he pushed Asha's body, almost through the wall.

Asha locked her legs around Robert, crying out in passion and in

endless pleasure. Oh, Robert just touched all of the right spots inside

of her and drove down completely. The weight of his balls, hitting

Asha at all of the right angles caused her to cry out in pleasure.

Robert put his fingers on Asha's nipples and squeezed them, very


"Y-yes!" Asha breathed in his ear. "Fuck me… deeper… harder…

faster…. ooooh yes!"

Robert pumped himself deep into Asha with multiple, vigorous

thrusts. He knew all of the ways to get Asha's juices flowing. She

clamped down onto his manhood, breathing in heavily. Her nails

raked over Robert's back, allowed him to go deeper and deeper

inside of her. He slowed down, just long enough to make Asha feel it.

Asha closed her eyes, burning up from the lack of touching. Robert

teased her body, milking her breasts and making her exhale very


The hours of teasing came off to this one moment, where Robert

buried himself deep inside of Asha. He pushed into her body, rocking

her hard against the wall. The weight of his balls, slapping against

Asha's thighs increased her lust.

"Don't hold back on me," Robert said.

He squeezed Asha's ass to give him more leverage when sinking

into her. Her walls, so gloriously tight, almost as tight as a teenage

virgin's, pressed up against him. Those inner muscles would have

blown Robert's mind, had he been an inexperienced green boy who

was easily wowed by such a beautiful and dangerous woman.

Robert was confident enough to admit that while those walls felt nice

repeatedly wrapping around his pulsing manhood, he was in control

here. He knew it, and so did Asha, and she relished the moment.

"Oooh, take me… deeper… bury your seed in me!" Asha breathed.

Asha's body practically taunted him. Robert slowed down the thrusts,

and spun Asha around, so she pressed against the wall facing it.

This allowed Robert to rub his cock against her back and tease her

ass cheeks before sinking into her one more time.

The deep moaning, the hard breathing, brought on from the hard

fucking, made Robert swell up. The aching desire to cum spread

through Robert's body, the deeper that he pushed into Asha, with her

tight walls wrapping around him.

Asha closed her eyes, almost weak in the knees from pleasure.

Robert knew how to touch all of the spots, and cause her to become

wet and weak. More pleasure had been drawn out, with Asha

cranking her walls around him, getting closer.

"You need to let that all go," Asha said. "I know there will be plenty


"Just one more time. I want to feel you cum just one more time,"

Robert whispered hoarsely.

The curling of her toes, the warmth spreading through her body, and

the release of her loins, splattering the intruding member inside of

her body. Robert pressed up against her womb, pressing deeper and

deeper inside of her, grabbing her and practically riding her into the


Robert rode Asha again and again into the wall. She had been

positioned facing him, her eyes meeting his. Her mouth hung open in

pleasure as Robert dominated her body. The weight of his balls

getting intense.

"The time has come," Asha said.

"When I'm good and ready."

Robert answered, satisfied that he had got Asha successfully thirsty

for his seed, plowing deep into the woman. Her body left trails of

juices and sweat down the wall. Robert brushed a finger through her

sweat and cum soaked dark locks and nibbled on her shoulder which

made Asha just melt like butter.

Asha, channelled all of her strength into her inner muscles,

squeezing Robert to the edge. He groaned, rocking inside of her


Robert filled up Asha with several blasts of seed, blasting the insides

of her body with spurt after spurt of seed. Asha grabbed onto his

shoulder, and moaned, allowing Robert to fill her up, and dominate

her with multiple vigorous thrusts.

The moment that the two finished alongside each other, Asha

collapsed down to the ground. A trail of cum leaked down to the floor.

Robert bent down and scooped her up.

Asha's eyes broke open, and Robert leaned in, whispering in her


"I gave you a royal bastard but we're not done yet."

A feeling of desire spread through Asha and she dripped with

anticipation from what would happen next.