Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Arianne Martell/Nymeria Sand/Tyene Sand/Allyria


Ellaria could scarcely believe all that had transpired within the last

few moons. Between losing Oberyn and becoming the King's latest

paramour, Ellaria's life had certainly taken a few interesting turns.

Standing at the balcony from the palace at Sunspear, admiring the

serene view of the town and gardens before her, feeling the cool

nightly breeze, one would be hard pressed to believe that a coup

had taken place earlier that day. But the faint tendrils of black smoke

from the now extinguished fires that mixed along with faint scent of

blood in the air were proof of just that.

'Oberyn always complained about his brother's scheming, but I

doubt that he ever thought it would land Doran in his current

predicament,' Ellaria mused to herself, after recalling her past

conversations with her late lover.

'But then again neither did I,' the bastard of Hellholt told herself.

'Dorne was the home of vipers but Doran proved himself a true

snake in the worst way possible.'

Both Ellaria and the Sand Snakes prided themselves on their

knowledge of courtly intrigues and ability to sniff out schemes. So,

when King Robert informed them about a plot that his spies had

uncovered, masterminded by none other than Prince Doran, they

were startled to say the least.

The details were quite elaborate but the gist of it involved restoring

House Targaryen to the Iron Throne and making Doran the de-facto

ruler of Westeros by arranging a marriage alliance between Prince

Trystane and Daenerys Targaryen.

To ensure this goal, Doran had pretended to show interest in the

peace and alliance overtures from King Robert and sent both Oberyn

and Trystane to King's Landing without informing them about his true

intentions. All the while, he had sent his eldest son, Quentyn and his

Yronwood lackies to Essos to broker an alliance with the so-called

Mother of Dragons.

A dangerous and risky endeavor but an assurance from his crippled

father that he would succeed him as the next ruler of Dorne, instead

of Arianne, was all that the frog faced weasel Quentyn needed to

overcome his fears.

"Ellaria, Doran's loyalists have been secured in the dungeons,"

Nymeria informed her, interrupting her musings as she stepped onto

the balcony. "A rider got back from the docks, Asha Greyjoy's raiders

have secured our fleet and the King's soldiers under Garlan Tyrell

have subdued the town with the aid of our men."

"Good, I take it that Obara has headed down there to ensure that the

Greyjoy pirates don't muck this up," Ellaria asked Nym, who nodded

her head back in response, confirming the assumption.

"I still can't believe that Doran would be willing to risk father's and

our lives for this Targaryen restoration plot by keeping us in the

dark," Nymeria griped in irritation. "Not to mention, he was even

willing to pass over Arianne in favor of that weak willed fool,


"Doran has always thought himself better than all of us, even

Oberyn," Ellaria said. "I don't object to his scheming but his lack of

trust and concern for his kin is poor judgement, to say the least."

"Doran did not do right by us, so now he is on his own," Ellaria told

Nymeria, who agreed with her assessment before inquiring about

King Robert's whereabouts.

"He said something about visiting the water gardens, washing the

grime and blood of the skirmish away," Ellaria answered, before

adding that she should wait for a while before seeking his grace's

company for the night, after sensing Nymeria's intent.

"Why is that? Do you wish to tend to the King first, Ellaria?" Nymeria

inquired playfully.

"Of course, I do. However, tonight our new Princess expressed her

wish to properly welcome the King to Dorne," Ellaria added with a

suggestive smirk. "After all, she is now the ruler of the kingdom. It is

only proper manners and etiquette, is how Arianne phrased it."

"Yes, Ari is all about propriety," Nymeria stated, before both women

broke into a laugh.

"Greetings, your grace," Arianne said welcomingly to the ruler of

Westeros, while walking to the edge of the pool within which Robert

was soaking himself. "I hope that I am not disturbing you."

"Not at all, Princess, I was just admiring the beauty of the famed

water gardens," Robert replied, not bothering to conceal the lust and

desire within his eyes while taking in the sight of the voluptuous

Dornish Princess. "Hope you don't mind."

Arianne was dressed to impress, a dress of light violet silk and

Myrish lace. It had a deep neckline that both showed off her large

breasts while being tight on her hips and ass with a slit that began

high along her thigh.

Though seemingly short in stature in comparison to her cousins,

Arianne's flawless olive skin, full lips and hourglass figure more than

compensated that dismissal difference in height. Not to mention a

luscious set of dark locks that fell back in ringlets along her back.

"The way I see it, all of Westeros is your domain, including Dorne.

Especially after your recent subjugation of both its land and my

father," Arainne responded with a smile. "And please call me

Arianne. We do not stand on formalities here in Dorne. After all, I

owe my title and position to you."

"I brought you something, a vintage flavour to celebrate your victory

and our new alliance. I figured it was the least I could do," she

added, setting the wine bottle and pair of glasses down.

"Your loyalty and fealty is all that I seek," Robert answered, his eyes

roaming over the Princess's figure. "Besides, I have no doubt that

you will prove yourself as devoted vassal in every way that matters."

"It's been quite a day for everyone. Why don't you go change and

join me for a soak? We can also speak about Dorne taking a more

active role in the affairs of the realm," the King casually said to


'Oh, now there's an excellent idea,' Arianne mused, interpreting the

true meaning of the King's words and lust filled looks.

"There is no need for a change of wear. Here in Dorne, we take pride

in our natural form," the Dornish Princess stated huskily.

"That is unless, you have any objections, your grace," she added

with feigned apprehension.

A slight shake of Robert's head dispensed the last of the formalities.

With a simple tug at the back of the dress, Arianne's dress pooled

onto the ground and allowed Robert to hungrily gaze at nude form of

the latest ruler of Dorne. His attention was first captured by her

generous bosom adorned with dark nipples before it drifted

downwards to a perfectly shaved nether region.

Kicking off her sandals, Arianne dove into the pool, creating a splash

that drenched both herself and Robert completely. A few seconds

later, she rose up and grabbed the two glasses and popped open the

bottle of wine which both overflowed and bubbled. Not the only thing

that would overflow and ooze within the pool if Arianne was going to

have her way.

Not so subtly, Arianne licked the oozing wine off of the bottle, before

pouring them both a glass each and setting it aside.

"To a fruitful and… exciting alliance," the Dornish Princess stated,

raising her glass in toast and clinked it with the King's glass.

Arianne purposely tipped her glass, pouring some of it down her

chest, making sure it soaked her tantalizing nipples. She leaned

back towards the edge of the pool and slid her foot against Robert's

bare leg. One might think that he was concealing a thick log of wood

for the fire if they could see through the transparent water of the


Robert waited for the lovely Dornish woman to make her move.

Every inch of Arianne's olive colored skin and tight, sexy body

screamed fuckable. And now her perfect elegant feet rubbed up

against the powerful King's legs and pulled down his breeches.

Arianne rubbed him with her toes.

"Does that feel good, your grace?" Arianne asked. "Do you like that?

You must have had a long day. Fighting foes, imprisoning lords and

asserting dominance over a land is tiresome work, to say the least.

And it isn't healthy to have all of this tension stored up for long."

On the words stored up, Arianne slid her right foot on the underside

of Robert's toes. Utilizing soft subtly, she was outright fucking Robert

with her feet. Robert grabbed the ankles of Doran Martell's first born

and slid his cock between her soles.

"I love it when powerful men lose their cum all over my feet," Arianne

said. "It makes them feel so soft, with all of that natural cream. Do

you like my feet, King Robert?"

"Every time I hear your sultry voice laced with desire, it just makes

my cock throb even harder," Robert moaned.

Upon hearing the King's words, Arianne decided to up the ante and

pounded Robert's cock with the soles of her feet, grinding up and

down. She blew him a kiss, her perfect full lips pushing together and

enticing Robert further. The eruption happened and the King of

Westeros came all over the soles of the feet of the Princes of Dorne.

Arianne pulled his cock free and jerked it out so his last few blasts of

cum fired all over her stomach and all down her thighs.

With a quick dive, Arianne disappeared underneath the water and

swam over to Robert's submerged cock.

Demonstrating how long she could hold her breath under the water,

Arianne Martell began sucking his cock. Her knees scraped against

the bottom of the floor on the pool. The underwater deep throat

blowjob continued with Arianne testing her limits while edging the

Stag King.

Moments past and Arianne popped up, taking in a deep breath. She

dripped wet, with a smile as she licked her lips. She swam over to

Robert and started to rise up, kissing his toned body. She trapped

his cock between their bodies and ground up against him.

Arianne's bouncing tits rubbed against Robert's cock.

"Shit, Princess, you really know how to show devotion to your liege,"

Robert commented, enjoying the attentions of the enthusiastic

Martell maiden.

Robert enjoyed the ritual of chasing and seducing a maiden into bed.

But there was something to be said for a woman whose lecherous

appetites rivalled his own.

"I will always be grateful and loyal to the one who helped me assume

my rightful position," Arianne said. "But the real question is, which

position do you need to assume, your grace?"

Arianne swam across the floor, spreading her legs as she did so.

Robert chased after her and placed his hands on Arianne. He

pushed her against the side of the pool and drove his hard cock

head up against her gushing pussy.


THOUGHT," Arianne yelped as the King's member invaded her folds.

Robert pressed against her, rocking into her. He grabbed onto

Arianne's dark locks and kissed the Dornish beauty down across the

neck. Robert's fingers slipped against her tight stomach and rubbed


"You know my pussy is tight, don't you?" Arianne asked. "Fuck me,

my King. Fuck my pussy until it's numb. I need your cock!"

Robert rammed Arianne's greedy pussy, while leaning onto her,

fucking her hard and tight. Robert grabbed her and toyed with her

from head to toe. Everything from her wet breasts, her tight ass, to

her clit, they all belonged to him now.

Arianne held onto the edge of the pool. The friction of the running

water pouring in from the ducts against her thighs made Robert

fucking her tight pussy feel even more amazing.

"Do you like me stuffing your greedy little cunt full of my cock?"

Robert asked as he grabbed onto her and played with her. "The thing

is, it's as in you as far as I can go, and there's still more."

"More, then, my Stag," Arianne purred. "I have bowed my head, bent

my knees. All that's left is for you to break me to complete your

conquest of Dorne in every way. So, Break me! Break this daughter

of Dorne! I dare you!"

The words of a challenge were all the fuel required to heighten the

fire raging within Robert. He promptly pressed up against Arianne

and at a rapid-fire rate, shoved his meaty cock inside of her body. He

pounded her very vigorously, rearing back and thrusting all the way

inside of her body.

Robert edged inside of her, all the way as he picked up the pace.

Her walls, tightened around his cock, bringing him get closer to his


Arianne's mind had been broken by the King's monstrous cock. In

that moment, she could not think beyond anything other than being

stuffed and then filled with Robert's creamy cum.

The Princess had more than her fair share of sexual encounters,

with both men and women. But none of her previous partners had

even come anywhere close to Robert Baratheon in terms of lovemaking skill or ability to drive her wild with passion and desire.

The pleasure that she was currently experiencing was so great that

Arianne wanted to become the King's personal cock warmer. She

would get his cock nice and hard at any given time, so that it could

slam into either her or any of his other mistresses.

"Please, allow me be your little cock pet," Arianne moaned huskily.

"You can keep me in a collar, at the foot of your bed, if you want,

your grace. And I can show you how good of a pet I can be."

"But, instead of fetching you the wine or food, I can… fetch you…

fresh pussies to play…. mmm… with!" Arianne panted before her

entire mind shut down from the overload of pleasure.

"I already have people for that task. But we'll discuss a role for you

after you've regain your senses," Robert said, while pounding her

pussy savagely. "Try to hold on."

Arianne held onto him and the edge of the pool as Robert pushed

himself to the breaking point and more importantly Arianne to the

breaking point. She had turned into his obedient cock slut from the


Robert buried himself into Arianne's tight cavern and drained his cum

inside of her. Arianne's toes, curling up, showing just how much, she

had gotten into it when Robert released spurt after spurt of thick cum

inside of her clutching pussy. The Princess of Dorne had drained

every last drop from his balls.

Arianne could not go again, despite craving him again. Robert used

his powers to allow her to cum one more time, before releasing

himself inside of Arianne's pussy and feeling all of the ways it

clutched him.

After pulling out, Robert helped Arianne out of the pool and into the

padded benches to rest. She smiled and basked in both the

moonlight and the afterglow of what they had done, before passing

out from exhaustion.

It was a good thing that Arianne had passed out for the time being,

because Robert had sensed the presence of a guest who was

currently lurking in the shadows, that would require his attention.

"Come out, I know that you are there," Robert called out. "I assume

that you wish to report on the progress of the royal forces in securing

Sunspear and the near by areas."

Nymeria with a smile upon her face obeyed her King's command,

and stepped out of hiding, dressed in not a single stitch of clothing.

"Several of Doran's loyalists have already been rooted out," Nymeria

informed him. "Most were present in the palace. Uncle Doran most

likely had summoned them to discuss his plans and preparations for

the return of the Dragon Queen."

"Most were captured but a few have been killed while trying to flee…

but we can discuss that in the morning… right now…." the Volantene

Sand Snake stated suggestively.

"Ah, yes, such steadfast loyalty demands a reward," Robert replied

and signaled her to take her place.

Nymeria kneeled before her King and took his piece of prime cock

meat, dripping with Arianne's juices, in hand. Sucking hard, Nymeria

drank every last drop of Arianne left on Robert.

The very familiar pleasures of Nymeria's warm mouth, increased the

size of flaccid member with each movement as she dipped down

onto Robert's pubic hair nose rubbing against it.

Damn, Nymeria reminded Robert of how skilled she was at

manipulating someone's manhood, namely Robert in this case.

Every movement, every twirl, just sent Robert's pleasure cascading

a little bit over the top, causing him to let out a loud grunt.

Nymeria took Robert's grunt and glare of lust as a sign to keep

going. Squeezing the conqueror of Dorne's balls, the second eldest

of the Sand Snakes darted her tongue all over Robert's stiff member,

covering it in her spit. Which in addition to Arianne's leftover juices

gave it a good look.

"As much as I want to drink straight from your balls…" Nymeria

started, sucking on said balls to emphasize her point, causing a thrill

to just spread through Robert's body, the faster that she worked it.

"… I have other ideas."

Rising up, the second born of the late Oberyn Martell balanced

herself against the wall, so that Robert could have his way with her.

Displaying his insatiable carnal desire, Robert grabbed onto

Nymeria's hips and guided against his member towards her moist

nether lips. His teasing of her pussy caused Nymeria to just cry out

in pleasure, and fuelled her desire to have the virile Stag King in

every single possible way.

A pair of smooth but toned legs, wrapped around Robert while he felt

them up. All while kissing on the skilled warrior's luscious and mature

body. A kissed placed on the scar located left down her shoulder, a

souvenir from an earlier battle, made Nymeria just break out into

cries of pleasure.

"Y-yes," Nymeria moaned. "I want…. I want….I want you."

"And you have me," Robert responded before plowing her deep into

the wall.

"ARGGHH…. MOTHER RHOYNE! FUCK!" Nymeria cried out as the

King's meat spear pierced her pussy.

Thankfully, the King's incredible self-control of his own supernatural

strength and the sturdy stone walls of the water gardens, kept

Nymeria from being put through the wall. Not that Nymeria would

have minded, but it really had been more of the principle of the


Robert picked up a steadier pace, rocking Nymeria back and forth

until he drove himself deep into her body. Each movement built up,

as Robert did with deepening thrusts. Nymeria's pussy wrapped

tighter around his cock, moaning ever so deeply.

It was always so good. Though both she and her sisters were the

latest mistresses to grace the King's bed, Nymeria could not think of

any other past partner who could make her shut down to everything

other than his skilled ministrations.

Robert pushed a finger down onto Nymeria's nipple and squeezed it

extremely hard. A move that was greatly appreciated and provided

additional encouragement for Robert to keep drilling her body.

After a second, Robert pulled out, only to slide against Nymeria's

body, teasing her with his cock head before plunging deep inside.

Robert drilled her for another couple of minutes, almost edging

Nymeria to a finish before pulling out. The same process was then

repeated, over and over again.

Every time Robert drove back into Nymeria, more moans echoed

through the garden. Her fingernails scratching into Robert's back

threatened to leave lasting scars. Thankfully, the power granted by

the Gods increased the Storm King's durability, along with his


"Yes, that's it…. my Stag," Nymeria breathed when the weight of

Robert's balls pressed against her thighs with each swinging


Those words were like music to Robert's ears, encouraging him to

spear away at Nymeria wile she pinned against the wall. Robert got

closer, closer, closer to the edge and every tingle through Robert's

body heralded an ever-nearing orgasm.

But, despite the fact that Robert longed to finish, he could not, at

least not yet.

Robert pulled out and left Nymeria breathing. The feeling of

impending release left both Robert and also Nymeria with frustration.

A feeling that abated when Robert pinned the Sand Snake against

the wall again.

Slowly turning Nymeria around, Robert ground up against her sexy

back, and round, firm backside. Nymeria's hair stuck down, caked in

sweat, and the woman's lovely body reeked of heavy arousal.

A swirl inside of her soaking pussy teased the woman, who grabbed

onto the wall, and dug her nails into it. Robert came close to piercing

Nymeria's tight cavern one more time and this time, she intended for

her lover to finish.

Robert toyed with Nymeria's body, like a sculptor molding clay into a

fine masterpiece, knowing exactly what needed to be done.

Working Nymeria's nipples with seamless ease and skill, Robert

drove her completely wild. He then pressed up against Nymeria one

more time, causing the wetness of her groin to threaten to explode,

just before Robert could enter.

"Tell me what you want?"

The words coupled with Robert's hot breath against her ear shook

the deadly Dornish warrior. Despite being reduced to a mewling

wreck, and under a man's control, Nymeria had never felt so free.

Something about Robert taking control, liberated Nymeria, and

opened up new doors to pleasure, which had been unknown and out

of reach earlier.

"Fuck me, please!" Nymeria yelled. "I need you inside of me, my


"Of course, Lady Sand, anything you want," Robert replied huskily.

Of course, it would always be anything that Robert wanted in truth.

The minute that the King entered Nymeria, the slick pussy wrapped

around his cock, causing flares of lust to burn through his body. Just

as deeply as Robert plowed into Nymeria from behind, getting closer,

and closer to the edge. So were his balls getting closer to expelling

their thick and creamy bounty.

"That's… what I want!" Nymeria cried out.

Robert gave Nymeria everything, and anything, that she ever wanted

as her base desires increased her lust. Robert's skilled hands,

continued to move in harmony to his partner's wants and needs.

Speeding up, Robert could feel the desire to finish coming. But he

would hold out just as long as Nymeria needed to finish, before

unloading inside of her. She had been worked up a lot from earlier,

most likely having witnessed Robert's domination of Arianne. And

Robert intended to give Nymeria his best. After all, like the land of

Dorne, Robert did not distinguish between trueborn or bastard when

satisfying a woman.

The tightness of Nymeria's walls increased and squeezed Robert's

massive member. The weight of his balls, threatening to burst as

they brushed against her body. With a burning desire that could only

be quenched by one thing, Nymeria focussed all of her strength into

her pussy and squeezed away at Robert's cock.

Demonstrating both his years of experience and divine skills, Robert

controlled the speed and the depths of each thrust into Nymeria, who

could do nothing other than hold on for the ride, and enjoy each

movement. Robert continued to ride faster and faster until the end

finally came.

And no more of a great end could come then Robert ramming deep

inside, with his big bloated balls hitting Nymeria right where it

counted and unleashing a flood of cum inside of her body.

With each thrust, Robert hung in for the ride, and drove deep into

her. Robert emptied every single last drop and Nymeria would not

have settled for anything less.

Her stomach swollen from Robert's load, with even more draining to

the ground, Nymeria broke out in a smile. Turning around as Robert

pulled out, she grabbed her lover's body and worshipped it. Not just

using her mouth, but also breasts, pussy, and ass as well,

showcasing her devotion towards her lord and master.

"Tyene should be arriving soon, with Allyria in tow," Nymeria

whispered after moving closer towards Robert's ear. "We noticed

how you gazed at her when our allies presented themselves to you

in the audience chamber. Needless to say, the desire was mutual

when I spoke with Allyria."

"House Dayne breeds a special kind of woman. I say that from

experience," Robert replied, as his heightened senses alerted him to

the approach of both blonde beauties. "Looks like they're already


And soon enough, both Allyria Dayne and Tyene Sand stepped

around the corner, with Arianne Martell stirring and looking recovered

enough for round two. Tyene and Allyria adhered to the dress code

of the rest of their little company, by stripping themselves completely

naked and joined the King and his already present companions.

"Perhaps, we all should move this gathering into a more comfortable

setting," Arianne suggested and led the group towards a nearby

vacant bedchamber.

On their way, Robert took a moment to admire the beautiful, nude

form of Allyria Dayne. Like her elder sister, Lady Ashara Dayne,

Allyria was a breath-taking beauty as well who shared many similar

features, despite the considerable gap in both their ages. There was

only one notable difference in the appearance of both Dayne sisters.

Allyria was blessed with a lustrous, light blonde locks that could be

mistaken for silver in certain lights, whereas her elder sister was

raven haired.

The King was also curious to see how Allyria measured up to the

legendary Ashara Dayne in bed as well. A curiosity which would be

quelled shortly.

Displaying her Dornish temperament, Allyria planted a heated kiss

on Robert, highlighting a trait that she shared not only with her older

sister but most Dornish women in the Robert's opinion.

Robert grabbed onto Allyria's ass and squeezed it tightly, causing

her to moan out loud. She ground up against Robert's groin, who felt

the moisture of the Dayne maiden's dripping cunt as the two of them

got hot and heavy with each other.

"My, my, Alli, you've become a lot more passionate since our last

meeting," Nymeria commented with a chuckle, taking in the sight of

the King and Lady of Starfall groping each other.

"A little restraint, your grace," Tyene chimed "All of us will be lot more

comfortable in the bedchamber."

"And here, we are," Arianne said, pushing open the doors and

allowing the lip locked couple to waltz in without breaking away.

Right behind the duo, Arianne, Tyene and Nymeria entered the

bedchamber, furnished with a lavish bed, comfortable enough for the

five of them to have their fun.

Allyria squeezing Robert's member, positioning the head of the

King's cock into. And Allyria could think of no better way to celebrate

Robert's victory over Doran and his co-conspirators other than giving

the monarch some head of her own.

Robert hissed, the second that Allyria's lips touched the base of his

cock, making it feel really good.

"Oh, yes…. you Starfall girls are certainly blessed with talented

mouths," Robert moaned, confirming the rumors that the Baratheon

had been involved with her late elder sister, Ashara.

Allyria had heard the gossip of servants at Starfall during her

childhood as they spoke of how promiscuous Ashara had been at

Harrenhal. Which resulted in her scandalous pregnancy by one of

the lords at the tourney.

'Could King Robert have been the father of Ashara's stillborn babe?

Father always believed that a Stark had fathered the bastard upon

his firstborn daughter,' Allyria contemplated briefly before her lust

fuelled emotions overrode her curiosity.

That coupled with her desire to one up, her late sister whose

desirability was a thing of legend till this day in Westeros, Allyria

stepped up her oral game to another level. The barrage of women

who surrounded Robert also played their part in heightening the

blonde's motivations.

Arianne and Tyene took up positions on either side of Robert,

alternating between kissing Robert and each other. Robert helped

out both of these lovely women by fingering them severely. While

Nymeria descended down to help Allyria pleasure their King.

The women split up the Baratheon's body very evenly among

themselves. One set of dark- and blonde-haired beauties pleasured

Robert's genitals, while other set worshipped the rest of his muscular


"Alli, I want a piece of that too," Tyene began to whine, only to have

Robert shut her up with a kiss, distracting the blonde Sand Snake

from her wants.

Arianne slipped away from Robert and wrapped herself around

Tyene. The seed, left over from earlier, now rubbed against Tyene's

thighs while Arianne lavished kisses on her cousin's body. She

stopped at a spot on Tyene's left hip bone, causing her to gasp out in


"You didn't think that I forgot about your sensitive spots, did you,

Tyene?" Arianne said teasingly.

The Princess of Dorne alternated between fingering Tyene and

worshiping Lady Dayne's body. Meanwhile, Robert focussed his

attention onto Nymeria and Allyria.

"Well, your grace, you know what to do," Allyria said, after pulling out

of Robert and climbing onto the bed. "Let me see the head of…. your


Robert almost felt compelled to chastise the Dayne maiden for her

poor jape. Regardless, he covered Allyria's body with intense kisses,

with each movement sending a tremor of pleasure through her


Nymeria decided to pass the time by pleasuring Robert, watching

him shift down between Allyria's legs and eat her out. And at the end

of the bed, Tyene bounced up and down on Arianne's face, forcing

the new ruler of Dorne to eat her out.

Spurred on by the erotic display put on by Arianne and Tyene, Allyria

beckoned Nymeria towards her and opened mouth, presenting the

Volantene Sand Snake with a very pleasant opportunity. Nymeria

mounted Allyria's face and sunk down. The moment that the tongue

of Starfall maiden parted Nymeria's walls, she knew that imitating

her cousin and half-sister was the right idea.

"Mmm, yes!" Nymeria moaned, as pure heaven just cascaded

through her from head to toe.

The drops of Robert's leftover cum spilling into Allyria's mouth

encouraged her to pick up the pace and dig deeper, sucking the

juices from Nymeria even more.

Robert while rocking back, spread Allyria's legs and every inch of her

sexy body opened up to him. He lined himself up and was ready to

take the plunge.


The sheer force of Robert entering Allyria almost split the stunning

Dayne beauty in half as her passionate screams caused vibrations to

roll through Nymeria as well who released her juices all over Allyria's


"AHH! FUCK! You Dayne women are something special for sure,"

Robert grunted as he rode Allyria all the way to the orgasm, while

keeping his eyes locked onto a heavily breathing Nymeria at the end

of the bed.

Giving Allyria a chance to recover, Robert climbed over to Nymeria

and drove into her, without any preamble. Nymeria adapted quickly

and grabbed onto Robert's waist while making sure that he sunk

himself inside of her, nice and deep.

At the edge of the bed, Allyria entertained herself by licking Tyene's

ass while Arianne feasted on her cousin's pussy. The duel

combination of both Allyria and Arianne's oral ministrations made

Tyene scream out loud.

"Yes, clean my dirty holes out!" Tyene yelled. "Clean them out! Get

them nice and wet, so our Stag King can fuck them well!"

Robert buried his aggressive passions into Nymeria who responded

in kind. Like his sigil, the King took his partner like a Stag rutting in

heat, on the bed. Their bodies connected to each other, pushing

forward, with Nymeria almost hit her breaking point and crying out in



Robert continued to ride out her orgasm, until Nymeria sunk on the

bed, completely spent from exhaustion for the moment.

The visual stimulation of Allyria and Arianne double penetrating

Tyene with their tongues was more than enough to capture Robert's

attention, who promptly swooped in and buried back into Allyria.

Without missing a beat, Allyria continued to lick Tyene's asshole. The

cries of pleasure increased with the double penetration only getting

even more prominent. It didn't take long for Tyene to unleash her

pussy juices all over Arianne's face. And the sight of Arianne's face

soaked with delicious nether juices made Allyria wish that Tyene

would move out of the away, so that she could take in the erotic

visage properly.

"Don't worry, I'll tend to you in a minute, Lady Dayne," Robert

breathed over Allyria's shoulder.

In the meantime, Tyene decided to pin Arianne down on the bed and

torment the lovely Princess's body. Their blonde and black locks got

entangled with each other, as their kissing got more aggressive.

Arianne slid a finger down Tyene's body, rapidly increasing and

encouraging her cousin to pleasure her.


Allyria screamed so loud that her sound probably echoes all across

the water garden as Robert finished her off with another orgasm.

After pulling away from Allyria, Robert now turned his attention

towards Tyene and Arianne. Throbbing, ready, and willing to

penetration, Robert climbed behind Tyene. Almost on instinct or

perhaps on impulse, Tyene's hips rose up off of the bed in response.

Robert grabbed onto Tyene and enjoyed her toned, nubile body.

With a few sensual grinds against her form, he primed Tyene open

and ready for his entry.

"I bet you've been wanting this all day long," Robert moaned as he

himself planted deep inside of Tyene.

Tyene would have answered, had it not been for a mouthful of

Arianne generous tit. Arianne could have answered for Tyene, if it

was not for the orgasm spreading through her body, brought about

by Robert's balls slapping hard against her, every time that he filled

and emptied Tyene, before repeating the action again.

Both Allyria and Nymeria, maneuvered themselves into position on

either side after regaining sufficient strength. Arianne reached in to

finger Nymeria while Tyene did the same to Allyria. All the while,

Robert continued to rock himself deep into the blonde Sand Snake.

"Dornish women are natural born vixens!" Robert stated with a laugh.

Nymeria and Allyria had to agree with the King's statement as the

passionate cries continued to increase, every time that Robert buried

himself inside of Tyene.

Suddenly for a brief while, Robert slipped inside of Arianne, who

welcomed the intrusion whole-heartedly. Arianne's delicious pussy

gobbled up Robert's manhood the second that they met each other.

"Fuck them both and we can finish what we started!" Allyria panted.

"Not, if I get to them first!" Nymeria cried out

Allyria and Nymeria made a mad dash for one of Arianne's strap-on

dildos inside a bag, that had been lying by one of the bed posts with

other pleasure toys. The sexually promiscuous nature of the

Princess of Dorne had benefited greatly from the large influx of

Essosi pleasure items in Westeros due to the growing appetites of

the King's paramours.

Allyria managed to reverse Nymeria's swing and handcuff the skilled

Sand Snake to the bed, surprising everyone with her own skills.

"You vipers seem to forget that I am the sister of the legendary Ser

Arthur Dayne," the maiden of Starfall stated proudly.

"I can get out of this easily," Nymeria shot back, with a current of

annoyance and frustration coloring her tone. Clearly, being bested by

Allyria had chafed the Sand Snake's pride.

"Sure, you can," Allyria said. "But, will you want to?"

Allyria had donned the strap on and buried it deep into Nymeria,

while smothering the Sand Snake's face with her breasts, which

elicited a feeling of content within both women.

A feeling that was shared by Robert who continued rocking Tyene

into the bed with more thrusts. The sensual blonde's pussy closed

onto Robert's member, threatening to drain every last drop of seed

from it. Not one to shy from a challenge, Robert simply continued to

push forward.

With Arianne laying back on the bed, Robert was able to focus his

complete attention on Tyene, who practically stood on her hands

upon the bed as he stood up. Taking full advantage of Tyene's strong

leg muscles, Robert buried his cock deep inside her with powerful

strokes. This in turn, caused Tyene's pussy to clamp down and

release his manhood, with several warm pushes.

"Y-yes!" Robert breathed heavily as he almost pulled out of Tyene

which resulted in her almost performing somersault on the bed. The

sounds of their sweat stained skin smacking together, only fanned

the fires of Robert's desire. With Allyria pounding Nymeria at the end

of the bed serving as additional fuel.

Watching Nymeria submit to Lady Dayne's skilled ministrations,

intrigued Robert greatly. Even a skilled warrior could be turned

submissive, when the pleasure of sex was involved.

Robert contorted Tyene into a sexy position, practically wrapping

Tyene up into a ball while he fucked her. Her burning stare of lust

encouraged Robert forward and he went deeper.

Arianne who was feeling left out, began to finger herself. Only to feel

something, strong, but yet invisible press her into the bed, rocking

her body. Robert's mind registered the pleasure of Arianne's body as

he split his focus between her and Tyene. His body fucked the

blonde snake as his psychic will did the same to Arianne.

The King's mind began to drifting towards thoughts of all the ways in

which he would pleasure Arianne all the way. Covering her with

kisses until Arianne screamed out in pleasure. Spreading those

lovely legs and plowing deep into Arianne, until the woman

completely overflowed with pleasure and juices.

"How are you doing this?" Arianne moaned sensually, feeling a rush

of fear and excitement shoot through her.

She had heard many tales and rumors about the Stag King engaging

in dark arts and wielding magical powers. But experiencing said

powers was something else entirely.

"I win, for the record." Allyria said leaning down and broke into a

smile as both she and Nymeria came hard.

"Next time," Nymeria breathed in response.

And with those final words, Nymeria slumped on the bed, legs

spread, breathing heavily, and dripping with her own juices. Allyria

traced a finger down her partner's thigh to collect the juices, with a

smile. After Allyria tasted each droplet of Nymeria's succulent nectar,

she turned around, very slowly to lock eyes with Arianne.

Said Princess appeared to be on the verge of losing it, without

anyone physically touching her. The minute that Allyria crossed the

bed, the reason behind this strange occurrence had been felt. Strong

energy, and stroke fingers, caressed Allyria's form.

Now, Robert was experiencing Allyria, Arianne and Tyene, all at the

same time. Robert held onto Tyene and rode the sultry blonde to a

mind racking orgasm, with another one following closely behind.

Robert pressed down onto her hips and rammed as deep into her as

possible, before riding Tyene to an orgasm. Both Tyene and Arianne

collapsed, breathing heavily in their own juices.

Robert turned around towards Allyria and broke into a smile.

"Together, at last," Allyria said, tasting Tyene's leftover essence on


"Which was your plan, I deduce," Robert said. "To be stubborn

enough to last and to go the distance."

"Mmm, you understand me… all too well," Allyria breathed.

Pinning the King down on the bed, Allyria took up her position, with

legs spread in the perfect squatting position.


Allyria screamed as she took Robert's cock inside herself, the juices

of several different women, herself included, stained his immense

manhood as the blonde worked down on it. Robert buried into Allyria,

the two of them joining together.

Juices spilled forth from Allyria as the ride picked up pace. Robert

maintained a firm and steamy gaze onto her bountiful breasts, while

dropping up and down. Right before he grabbed Allyria and buried

himself face first into her lovely bosom.

"Go for it… go for it… oh, make me explode," Allyria breathed in,

practically moaning sweet nothing's in Robert's ear. "And I'll make

you feel good… make you drain every single last drop of cum deep

inside my body."

Robert manipulated Allyria's body to an intense explosion. Every

single inch of the Dayne maiden's form, from the hair that was

pressing against her face, all the way to to Allyria's curling toes, just

practically brimmed over the edge with lust. The orgasm continued to

build up, moving Allyria further and further to the breaking point until

Robert was about ready to make her explode.


Allyria yelled on top of her lungs as a huge orgasm spread through

her body, rocking the woman from head to toe. Robert squeezed

down onto Allyria's chest and sucked on her nipples, extremely hard.

Making Allyria scream until she creamed all over Robert.

Robert's own release was rapidly closing in, with a tense tightening

spread all through his balls. Oh, the heat building up in the Stag King

only increased with the thrusts. Robert wanted to make Allyria gush

one more time.

"It's your turn," Allyria moaned in Robert's ear.

Robert knew it about as well as anyone, with the tension rippled

through Robert's balls, rocking the the mighty Stormlord from head

to toe. Allyria, pressing up against Robert, squeezing in tight. With

each milking motion, she got the King of Westeros closer to his

breaking point. Robert rode out a constant barrage of Allyria's

orgasms before finally experiencing his own.

"OOHH…. WOMAN! FUCKIN' HELL!" Robert exclaimed.

Both he and Allyria finished together, with Robert splashing her

insides with a heavy dose of seed. Allyria pushed almost all the way

down onto Robert, clenching and releasing her lover until every

single last drop was extracted.

As Robert rubbed Allyria's body, holding her in tight, he thought

about the future. And the moves that were left to make before all his

foes were destroyed and his reign and dynasty secured completely.

There was still some way to go before reaching that destination.

In the meantime, Allyria, Arianne, and Tyene would take turns

making Robert feel good and getting pleasure in kind. Oh, and

Nymeria, once she had been freed by the restraints of the bed.