Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Missandei + Daenerys Targaryen

Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, Mhysa were just few in a long

list of titles and names that Daenerys Targaryen, the last daughter of

House Targaryen had collected in her life. Each moniker evoked a

sense of power and respect within her being, which in turn fueled her

confidence and ambitions. Her foes had often mocked as a silly girl

ignorant to the truths of the world and the necessities of vile

traditions like slavery as she waged her war against the slavers of

Essos. But Daenerys had paid them no heed, for she believed in the

righteous of her cause. A belief that had strengthened further with

every victory and conquest.

From the exiled Princess of a fallen house to the Queen of Slaver's

Bay, Daenerys's journey had been filled with challenges, losses and

struggles. However, the blessing of being the only person to hatch

three dragons in over a century, combined with the ease of acquiring

the fabled Unsullied of Essos for her army had all but confirmed

Daenerys's belief that she had been chosen by the Gods to reclaim

her family's throne and raise her house to even greater heights.

Drunk of her successes and power, the Targaryen Queen had paid

no heed to the council of her advisors who urged caution in her plans

to reclaim the Iron Throne. Tales of how the Usurper also had

powerful mages and magics at his disposal, along with his might in

battle had been cited to her over and over again.

"Empires and monarchs are rarely brought down by outside forces,

Mother of Dragons. It is the weakness and traitors within its ranks

that lead to their downfall. Be wary of both friend and foes," were the

parting words of the Green Grace of Meereen to Daenerys when she

had sailed forth from Essos along with her armada and dragons.

A wise queen would have erred on the side of caution and valued

those words and not found herself in the position that Daenerys was

now trapped in.

A myriad of emotions washed over the captive Silver Queen.

Disappointment and irritation at her generals who failed to counter

the Usurper's army's strategy in the battlefield. Anger and rage

towards the treacherous allies who had turned their cloaks and

sabotaged her camp from within. but foremost was the fear and awe

upon witnessing the power and might of the Usurping Stag, first

hand in battle.

Daenerys had always felt powerful and invincible upon the back of

her dragon, Drogon, as he flew alongside his brothers to face the

enemy's forces. But that pride crumbled away as she watched in

shock as the Demon of the Trident's forces chipped away at her loyal

army, exploiting both the advantages of the terrain and the weakness

of her own forces.

But the true horror came, when the last Targaryen watched the

Usurper prove himself to be a true descendant of the Storm Kings of

Old and wielded the power of the heavens itself in cutting her loyal

and steadfast Unsullied phalanxes with bolts of lightning fired from

his mighty Warhammer. Once the formation was destroyed, her

forces were no match for the powerful blows delivered by her

demonic foe.

'If the Baratheon Usurper possessed even one tenth of that might all

those years ago on the banks of the Trident, it is no wonder that

Rhaegar fell to his hammer,' Daenerys mused to herself.

However, the greatest of shocks and betrayals were yet to come.

Using some foul sorcery, the Stag King had succeeded where the

Warlocks of the House of Undying had failed. To her great sorrow

and confusion, the Usurper had managed to wrestle control of her

dragons from Daenerys. During the chaos of battle, her dragons

upon hearing an ear-piercing sound broke away from the attack

before unleashing their flames on the Usuper's forces and landed in

a clearing that was not too far from the battlefield. She had tried and

shouted commands to her children in her mother tongue of High

Valyrian to resume the attack. But not only did the dragons refuse to

listen but her beloved Drogon had violently jerked her off his back,

forcing her to the ground.

Struggling to understand the strange and perplexing events, a final

betrayal was visited upon Daenerys in the form of none other than

her most trusted advisor, Ser Jorah Mormont. When she had first

seen him ride towards her, a feeling of relief and hope had

blossomed in her heart. Her loyal bear knight would aid her and see

her to safety. But that hope soon turned to pain and shock as he

proceeded to bind her in chains.

"Ser Jorah, what is the meaning of this? I am your Queen, you are

sworn to my service," Daenerys had said, outrage and anger

coloring her tone. "You will die for this…. Drogon, dracarys… help

you mother."

"Save your breath, Daenerys. Your children will not listen, let alone

obey your commands," the traitor told her in an infuriatingly calm


"They now serve and obey King Robert. And soon so shall you," he

added with a sinister look blooming on his face.

The disgraced knight went onto explain how the dragons had been

subdued with the use of an ancient Valyrian horn called

'Dragonbinder' in combination with a blood sacrifice of her bastard

nephew, Jon Snow, that had been performed the Usurper's trusted


The traitor also boasted of how he had been acting as Robert's spy

and agent from the very beginning. For a brief time, Jorah had been

loyal to Daenerys and her cause but after her spurning of his love,

he turned back to his original master's side upon receiving the King's

offer. This second chance included not only a pardon of his crimes

and restoration of his title but also the opportunity to re-unite with his

estranged wife, Lady Lynesse Hightower.

"Do not fear, you will not lose your life. King Robert has special plans

for you."

With those words, the treacherous Bear knight had handed her over

to the Usurper's guards at the castle of Harrenhal and rode away.

Despite knowing all too well to place value on the words of a traitor,

Daenerys had a feeling that Jorah Mormont was telling the truth

about her life not being in danger. That knowledge should have

brought her some comfort and relief. Instead, it only added to worries

and fears.

'This castle was once a testament to my family's destructive power

and now by some cruel twist of fate, is it meant to be my prison for

the rest of my days,' Daenerys mused to herself, sorrow and despair

flooding her being momentarily. 'No! I cannot give up.'

And so, she kicked and fought to try to break free from her captors,

despite knowing how futile of an attempt it was. Daenerys lacked

both the strength and skills to free herself, but she could not give up

so easily. Her struggles began to fray on one of the guards' nerves

and he raised his hand to strike her, but was stopped by his

companion before his fist connected with her face.

"No, you fool. We have instructions to make sure that there is not

even a scratch upon the foreign whore," the guard told his friend. "If

she is harmed, then you will have to answer to the King and Lady


The words gave her would be attacker pause and he huffed in

frustration. It was now confirmed that the guards could not harm her

and thus Daenerys continued to fight until they threw her into a dark

and damp cell.

The Dragon Queen had screamed and ranted until her voice grew

hoarse, but she received neither response nor any visitor, beyond

the guards who brought her paltry meals and changed her filth

bucket. But they may have as well been mutes for they paid no heed

to both her and her words.

One day, a beautiful red-haired woman entered her cell along with a

few of her companions. From her garb, Daenerys could tell that the

woman and her companions in question were Red Priestesses. The

Breaker of Chains had seen enough of R'hllor's devout during her

time in Essos.

"Greetings, Daenerys Stormborn, I am Melisandre, a humble

priestess of the one true god and diligent servant to his chosen

champion, King Robert Baratheon," the Red Woman said before

introducing her fellow priestesses.

So, this was Melisandre, the Usurper's trusted Shadowbinder who

had enslaved her children with her dark magics at her master's

behest, Dany thought after recalling the words of both Ser Jorah and

the guards who had imprisoned her in this cell.

A myriad of thoughts and emotions whirled around in Dany's mind

and just as she was to give voice to them, a calm gesture from the

Red Priestess told her to stay silent for the moment.

"I know that you have a great number of questions. But I ask that you

be quiet and patiently listen to my words before raising any of them,"

Melisandre told her, in a calm but infuriating tone.

Daenerys was the last of the Dragonlords, a Queen, Khalessi of

Dothraki and conqueror. Yet, this witch dared to speak to her as if

she was nothing more than an errant child. The Mother of Dragons

was about to lash out but a voice in her head reminded her that she

was a prisoner and the Priestess was the one with the power for the


'This witch enslaved my children to her will, I must tread with caution

around her,' Dany thought to herself.

"You show good sense in reigning your impulses and temper, Lady

Targaryen," the Red Woman said to her, almost like she could read

Dany's thoughts. "Now, I'm sure that you are curious to know about

your fate and I have come to enlighten you in regards to this matter.

But first and foremost, rest assured that you will not be executed. His

grace has demonstrated his wisdom and benevolence by deciding to

spare your life."

Any relief that Daenerys had felt upon learning that she was not

going to be killed vanished upon hearing the next words out of the

Priestess's lips.

'That foul and vile Usurper offers to make me his concubine. How

dare he!' Daenerys raged internally and was about to spit out an

insulting refusal, only to have the infuriating Shadowbinder and her

companions break out in a giggle.

"Oh, you naïve and foolish girl. Do not bother to voice any protest or

refusal," Melisandre told Daenerys, after anticipating the Targaryen's

response from her facial features.

"This is not an offer but the fate that his divine majesty has decided

for you. And you would do well to accept it with grace and gratitude,"

the Priestess added as her dark red eyes bore into Daenerys's violet

orbs. The intensity of the Priestess's gaze sent a shiver down Dany's

spine, as the defeated Queen experienced the echo of the Red

Woman's unholy powers radiate through her being.

"However, I know far too well, that you will not be convinced with

words alone," Melisandre stated playfully. "Fortunately, both me and

my fellow priestesses are well versed in the art of taming wild mares

like you."

"But before we begin your education, that defiant spirit of yours

needs to be broken down. And King Robert has devised the perfect

way to do it," the devious Priestess cackled and blew dark red mist

towards Daenerys's face, which rendered her unconscious instantly.

The defeated Targaryen Queen awoke and found herself chained to

wall with a pounding headache. After her eyes started to acclimate to

the light once again after days of being locked in a pitch-dark cell,

Dany noticed that she had moved from her cell to a large dining

chamber, with a massive banquet table upon which a dark shape

rested, placed right in front of her.

Horror and despair flooded Daenerys's being when her vision readjusted completely, allowing her to finally make out the dark shape

lying on the table. It was none other than Missandei, her trusted

handmaiden, scribe and dearest friend. The Summer Islander was

hanging like a limp doll, her wrists bound with chains that snaked

across the rafter of the roof above her.

"Let her go!" yelled Daenerys, her anger and frustration overcoming

her fear briefly upon witnessing her friend's state.

"Missandei is innocent. She has committed no crime," the Mother of

Dragons cried out, as thoughts of the horrid fate that could befall the

sweet, innocent scribe entered her mind.

"No, she isn't," a deep voice answered, followed by a large figure

that stepped out of the shadows towards Missandei's semiconscious form. "Missandei of Naath's greatest crime is that she not

only served a foreign whore like you, Dragonspawn. But the foolish

girl dared to claim to be your friend as well."

It did not take long for Daenerys to recognize the mystery man. Dark

hair, blue eyes, a warrior-esque physique that seemed to be carved

from stone itself, dressed in rich, royal robes, the colors of black and

yellow. This man was none other than her family's greatest foe, the

Usurper, Robert Baratheon.

"Your quarrel is with me, Usurper. Missandei has not wronged you.

Spare her, please," Daenerys pleaded with Robert.

"Ahh, so Mormont was not lying. You really do care for her," Robert

replied, looking straight towards Daenerys.

"Do no fear, dragon whore. Missandei will not be harmed. She is

here to play, aren't you my dear?" Robert added while gently tracing

his finger down the line of her dark-skinned girl's jaw.

Slowly Missandei lifted her head, and blinked her eyes in response

to the statement. The scribe was unable to focus, and merely

grinned drunkenly before nodding her head. It was obvious that she

had been drugged.

"What have you done to her?" demanded Daenerys. "Did your Red

Witch cast some foul spell upon her?"

"Oh, come now, it's clear that the girl is still adjusting to the climate of

Westeros. She'll be fine with time," Robert chuckled. "Now,

Missandei and I are going to play a fun little game called Kings and

Harlots, aren't we Missy?"

The Summer Islander groggily nodded with a drunken grin, causing

the Stag to laugh out loud. His evil laughter caused dread to spread

over Daenerys's being and she cast a worried look towards her


"Now the King has just returned to his chamber from a long day of

dealing with affairs of his realm, and there he finds a lovely harlot all

ready and waiting for him, eager to help him relieve his stress and

worries," Robert explained his twisted game while gesturing towards

Missandei, who allowed her head to slump down again, her curly

dark hair falling forwards to hide her face.

"But you're not ready for me yet, are you dear?" Robert asked the

inebriated woman.

"No, I'm not," Missandei giggled drunkenly.

"That's fine, you stay there, I'll sort it out," Robert said and smiled,

looking back towards Daenerys's anxious faces. Fear bloomed upon

the Dragon Queen's features as she watched Robert draw a small

but sharp dagger.

"Now, Missandei won't be needing this," Robert stated as he reached

out and began to cut the buttons off the scribe's dark surcoat with

the dagger, causing them to fly across the room.

Then the dark-haired King moved his blade down the sleeves of the

surcoat with practiced ease, and left Missandei's arms bare as the

pieces of fabric fell to the ground. Robert moved behind her and with

a quick movement he cut the material across the tops of her

shoulders, and then gave the halves of her surcoat a tug. The garb

fell to the floor, leaving the Summer Islander standing there,

completely nude from the waist up.

"That's enough! You want me, come after me!" yelled Daenerys.

"Leave her alone, you pig!"

"Oh, don't worry, I will… all in good time," Robert chuckled again,

loudly and it echoed around the room. "Firstly, I have to take care of

my guest. Now, let's get rid of this."

Robert moved his hands down the outside of Missandei's thighs,

running his sharp blade through the fabric at the sides of her

breeches. The thick material fell heavily to the floor, leaving her only

covered in her lacy small clothes.

"Oh no!" Daenerys spoke, horrified. "No, please I beg you…"

"That tickles" giggled Missandei as the King began to rub the young

scribe's pubic region through the fine material.

"You want me to beg, I'm begging. Please stop!" Daenerys yelled.

"Oh, you'll be begging me alright, but it won't be to stop though,"

Robert laughed as he tore the flimsy material away to reveal

Missandei's neatly waxed tuft of dark pubic hair.

"Very nice, let's have a closer look shall we," Robert said and

grabbed the girls' legs and lifted them up, hanging her entire body

weight off her bound arms as he grabbed her thighs and spread

them apart, moving his head forwards between her open thighs to

view her delicate pussy.

"Very nice indeed, the smell makes me hungry," the lusty Stag

moaned. He let go of her legs and she swung back and forwards a

little as he turned back to face Daenerys.

"By the Gods!" exclaimed Daenerys, as Robert discarded his own

clothes swiftly before her.

The last Targaryen was gobsmacked as she took in the sight of the

Usurper's fully erect, rock hard cock, which had a small drop of precum glistening at the opening.

"Get a good look, Dragonspawn, this has your name on it too,"

Robert laughed.

He then moved to stand behind Missandei, and began to grope her

perky breasts, pinching the nipples delicately at first and then

harshly. The scribe girl groaned in pleasure and began to wriggle her

ass back against him.

"That's better, that's what the King wants when he comes home after

a long day," Robert grinned at the bound Targaryen over Missandei's

shoulder as he extended his tongue and began to tenderly lick the

dark flesh of Missandei's neck.

The Summer Islander loved it, her pleasure centers were all being

stimulated, and then he reached down between her legs and began

to rub her pussy. He worked around her clit slowly and then ran one

of his thick meaty fingers up and down her moist nether lips.

"She's very wet, aren't you dear?" Robert said to both women.

"Yes, I'm dripping," Missandei hissed gleefully.

Robert smiled as he began to slide one of his fingers between her

pussy lips, slowly invading her moist folds. He started to work it in

and out of her slowly, stimulating her clit with his thumb while

tweaking her nipples with his other hand.

"What's that I can feel," giggled Missandei. "Oh my, you truly do

wield a Warhammer, King Robert," she slurred, almost drunkenly.

"You have no idea, my dear," Robert replied with a laugh as he

pressed his cock forwards so that the tip of it was jutting out from

between her legs.

"Are you ready?" his question was directed at Daenerys instead of


"Don't do this. If you hurt her, I will hunt you down…" Daenerys cried

out in frustration.

"Ha… Ha… Ha… you still have not accepted your new reality,

Targaryen. No matters, once I'm done with your friend, you will learn

the consequences of challenging me," Robert said heatedly as he

lifted Missandei up by the waist and aimed her pussy at his erect


He pressed her down so that the tip was firmly wedged between her

pussy lips and then began to slide her down onto his meaty shaft.

"… I think this might hurt a bit," the Stag King grinned at Daenerys

from over Missandei's shoulder.


The young scribe girl screamed out loud as her face was wracked

with pain. Despite having spent years as Kranzys's plaything before

being freed by Daenerys, Missandei felt like she was losing her

maidenhead all over again as Robert's cock stretched her wide apart

from the inside.

"That's the way dear, just like a good little whore," Robert laughed as

she sunk down as far as she would go and then he began to slide

herself back up his cock. "This is so good; she's clearly no maid but

definitely one of the finest foreign pussies that I have sampled."

"Leave her be, you monster," yelled Daenerys, rushing forwards

instinctively to protect her friend before realizing that she couldn't do


"Looks like I woke the Dragon, Missy," Robert japed to his current

playmate as he continued to fuck her, deep and hard.

Missandei couldn't respond as her mind was being overcome with

the throes of her orgasm. She shuddered and whimpered as the

King ignored her pleasure and continued to fuck away at her.

"Think she's having a good time?" he asked Dany.

"I will burn you to ashes," the Targaryen replied, clenching her teeth,

unable to tear her eyes from the sight of Robert defiling her dear


"Yes, very original. I'll bet no other Targaryen has ever said that

before," Robert said in a deadpan tone.

The King began to slide his cock in and out of Missandei faster and

faster. She was very tight due to his large girth, and the stimulation

for him was fantastic. He was really enjoying the Summer Islander

wench so far.

"Now, what does a harlot receive from her King when she has

pleased him well?" he asked his audience of one.

"Well, she receives dresses, gold, lands and in some cases…"

Robert began and slammed the dark-skinned girl down hard on his

cock and began to shoot his hot, potent seed into her fertile womb.

"… Even a bastard in her belly."

"Baratheon Pig!" Daenerys yelled as she slammed her palm on the

stone floor in frustration.

"Not a pig, whore! I'm a Stag," Robert laughed at the bound

Targaryen, before slowly sliding his still erect cock out of Missandei.

His member was glistening from her juices and slick from the residue

of his own cum.

"Baratheon seed is strong, and once it takes hold there's no stopping

it," the dark-haired King laughed at both his prisoners. "But don't

worry, I always take care of my whores and the bastard spawn that

they beget me."

"You will learn that lesson very soon, Dragon whore," Robert told

Daenerys and proceeded to wave his hand to perform the spell to

render both her and Missandei unconscious once again.

"Well done, your grace," Melisandre said to Robert, after stepping

out of the shadows herself. The Red Priestess had been present for

the entire ordeal, silently watching as her Lord's champion broke the

body of one enemy and the mind of another. "Though she may act

strong. Witnessing your defilement of young Missandei and

experiencing her own helplessness at preventing it, has cracked the

foundations of the Dragon Queen's beliefs and confidence."

"Both me and my fellow Priestesses will build on these cracks

through our magical and mental conditioning and it will not be long

before Daenerys will be transformed into another loyal and devoted

concubine of your harem," the Shadowbinder finished confidently, an

evil smirk forming on her lips.

"Very well, my lady. You have not failed me yet and I trust your

counsel. Proceed as you see fit," Robert told his loyal spiritual


"And take care of Naathi girl as well. I may have thought of her as

just a tool to break Daenerys's will at first. But after tasting her

sweet, exotic pussy, I'm confident that she will make a fine addition

to my ever-growing list of bedmates," Robert instructed the Red

Woman. "See that she too learns how to serve and please her King."

Time seemed to pass by and Daenerys could not tell if how long it

had been since she had witnessed the vile Stag's defilement of her

sweet Missandei. Between the lack of illumination in her cell and the

visits of the Red Priestesses, Dany had not only begun to lose track

of time but also started to lose sense of self as well.

Every day, at any given hour, either Melisandre or any one of her

fellow Priestesses, they would appear in her cell.

"When we are done with you, serving King Robert will be the only

goal and purpose of your miserable life. Just like your Summer

Islander friend," the Red Woman had proudly declared to her, before

she and fellow witches began performing their vile torture upon her.

Daenerys would be chained to wall and gagged as the vile women

would throw vapours in her direction that caused her to become

drowsy and light headed. Then they would begin to chant demeaning

statements at her.

"You are no Queen, only a servant and whore."

"Mother of Dragons, yes, but first and foremost the Stag's


"You are not the first of anything, but one among the legion of the

King's loyal bedwarmers."

"Surrender your will to the King and free yourself from all burdens

and worries."

"Not the Iron Throne and a Crown. But the bed and cock of Robert

Baratheon are your greatest desires."

And so, on it went for days without end. At first, Daenerys mentally

reminded herself that it was lies. The Usurping Stag was her foe and

the Iron Throne was her birth right. But the combination of the

darkness of the cell, the mystical vapors and her own her fears and

despair started to erode away her will and fighting spirit. And even

without realizing it, her subconscious mind had begun to conform to

the teachings of the Red Priestesses.

Her dreams of bathing the Usurper in the flames of her dragon's fire,

quickly turned into nightmares of her being savagely ravaged by him.

And the truly horrifying aspect was the arousal and excitement that

she experienced from such thoughts.

Then one day, the door of her cell suddenly opened, and Melisandre

walked in.

"Yes, she is ready," the Red Woman stated after using her fingers to

tilt up Daenerys's head. "Take her."

With that command, a figure approached Dany and took her roughly

by the arm to raise her. The sudden movement made her dizzy and

for a moment she saw the ground approach her face. She was weak,

the paltry meals and continuous mental torture administered by the

Shadowbinder had left the Mother of Dragons quite weak.

The guard dragged her through dark corridors until they reached an

open-air courtyard. The half-day sun burned her eyes and Dany

writhed in discomfort. Not paying any mind to her state, the guard

took her across the courtyard to a faintly lit room. Unlike her prison

cell, this room had small windows on the top of the walls that allowed

a little light to fill it.

Finally, Dany was able to open her eyes properly after becoming reaccustomed to the light and saw that there were four maids in front

of her. The women's garb was simple but functional for women of

their station. There was a large copper tub, filled with warm water

that still had steam wafting from its surface.

The guard exited the room and left her alone with the maids who

immediately began to take off her grime and dirt infested clothes and

guided her towards the bath. Dany did not fight with them; she sorely

craved the comforts of a warm bath. The servants bathed her well,

scrubbing the dirt from her skin and hair thoroughly.

Once she was sufficiently clean, they dried her off with soft towels

and applied perfumes on her while combing and braiding her hair.

They also brough her a clean white outfit that bore quite a striking

resemble to the dresses that she wore during her campaign in

Slaver's Bay. With the notable difference that her current garb was

far more form fitting and much shorter in length, to the point that it

barely extended past her thighs.

Daenerys was also fitted with a thin white cloak that traveled just

past her barely covered rear along with a pair of matching gloves

and knee-high boots. An intriguing feature of her dress was that it

sported a circular cleavage exposing cut-out on the chest.

'This ensemble was something that one would find upon the persons

of the most expensive Lyseni whores or Braavosi courtesans, not a

highborn noble like her,' Daenerys thought to herself. 'Beggars can't

be choosers and this scanty ensemble was a marked improvement

to her original tattered clothing.'

'I must thank the King for this kindness,' Daenerys thought

involuntarily, before grasping the meaning of her words. 'Where did

that thought come from? What is wrong with me?'

After the maids were done readying her, they called the guard back

into the room and informed him that Daenerys was ready.

"Where are you taking me?" she questioned as the guard escorted

her through the corridors of the castle, but as expected there was no


Soon enough, Daenerys was led into an opulently furnished

chamber, with expensive furniture, elaborate tapestries and plush

carpets adorning its floors and walls. So, engrossed in taking in the

view of the luxurious dwelling, the defeated Queen did not even

realize that the guard was shackling her to one of the walls till it was

too late.

"Stop struggling, wench," the guard said after noticing the murderous

glare Daenerys sent his way.

"Even though you don't deserve it, here's some helpful advice. Don't

resist or protest and obey the King's command, if you want to fare

well," he added, with a suggestive furrow of her brows and a devious

wink. "Do well and perhaps you won't have to go back to that dark

prison cell."

"It's' going to be a long night for you, that's for sure. But you can

decide whether it will be one of pleasure or pain," the man explained,

in an attempt to make her understand how powerless she truly was

and what were the few choices left to her.

"Who knows, if you do well, you may earn yourself the life of a

Princess. The King treats all his women well," were his parting words

of the guard before Daenerys found herself once again alone in the


As the Mother of Dragons finally came to terms with her new reality,

her mind drifted towards silent contemplation of her circumstances.

One of the bitter truths of life was that one can lose everything in a

blink of an eye. Be it wealth, title, position, armies, freedom and in

Daenerys's case, even dragons can be taken and all one is left with

is their mind and body. Only those two things lasted till your last

breath. However, unlike men, a woman's mind was of no value to

most, it was her birth and beauty that determined her real worth. A

lesson that Daenerys Targaryen had learned quite a few times in her


'And now once again, my fate rests upon how pleasing my family's

most hated foe finds me to be,' Dany bemoaned to herself.

Every dark cloud had silver lining and perhaps this was hers. The

only thing more famed than Robert Baratheon's battle prowess and

hatred for Targaryens was his lustful appetites for beautiful maids.

'I can only hope that like most men the King's cock outweighs his

sense and his anger,' Dany reasoned with herself, as she tried to

make peace with the fate that awaited her.

"Greetings, Lady Targaryen."

Her mind had been so occupied with all the possibilities and fears

that Daenerys failed to notice the King entering the tent. She looked

up and saw her captor standing above her.

All the tales and reports that Daenerys had received in regards to the

man who toppled her family's dynasty, painted a picture of a proud

and arrogant lord. One who had been the epitome of both a warrior

and a maiden's dream in his youth, that had slowly transformed into

fat and obnoxious drunk over the years. Even when the brute of a

King had violated Missandei in front of her, Daenerys had not paid

much attention to the man himself as her focus had been fixated

upon Missandei and her well-being.

But now, as the last Targaryen closely took in the sight of the man

who had crushed her invasion and tamed her dragons, she could not

find the words to describe him. The man who had placed the Breaker

of Chains in chains was both strong and handsome in appearance

without a doubt. But the most striking feature of her enemy was the

aura of power and authority that seemed to radiate from his very


An aura that seemed eerily similar to the one that her winged and

scaled children exuded in the presence of others.

"You… what do you want?" she asked, her fear and instincts forcing

her to make another futile try to escape her binds.

"I think that's obvious," Robert answered. "For the longest time, all

that I have truly wanted was to rid the world of your cursed family.

The belief that once every trace of you cursed Dragonspawns was

wiped away from this world will bring me peace, has driven me for a

better part of my life."

"From the moment that your cursed brother, Rhaegar, took my

beloved Lyanna away from me, an unquenchable fire had raged in

my being. A fire that no number of crowns, gold, wine and even

women have been able to quell," Robert stated passionately.

"But once I had you within my grasp, I couldn't help but wonder that

perhaps even your life might not give the satisfaction that I crave," he

finished, a thoughtful look upon his features.

"Fortunately, my spiritual advisor, Lady Melisandre was able to offer

a solution. One that would sate both my thirst for vengeance and

pursuits of pleasure," Robert finished explaining the captive


"Normally, I would disregard any advice that granted mercy to a

Dragonspawn . But after tasting the delights of your delicious scribe

and handmaid, I was forced to reconsider my stance," Robert said

heatedly, while his gaze traveled along her body. "And now as I look

upon your alluring form, dressed in that outfit. I am convinced that

heeding Mel's counsel had been the right decision."

"I think that you should be given a chance to atone for your family's

crimes." the Baratheon King said, before walking forward and

cupping Daenerys's cheek.

His mere touch caused a tingle with her lions and Daenerys was

both ashamed and angry at how good it felt.

"Both Melisandre and the maids have done an excellent job of

preparing in you within such a short time," the Usurper commented

and she looked at him with anger, with a small bit of involuntary lust

flowing through her eyes as well.

'Oh my, he's certainly comely. He appears to be as strong and

powerful like my late Sun and Stars, Khal Drogo. But there is a

power radiating from him that can't be put into words,' Daenerys

thought to herself. 'And quite the well-endowed and skilled lover as

well if what I recall from his taking of Missandei holds true…. it's a

shame… he's my most hated foe.'

'But he need not be any longer… ' another involuntary thought

popped in her mind, chipping away at Dany's resolve.

"Do not touch me, you filthy pig. I am Daenerys Stormborn of House

Targaryen, Blood of Old Valyria, Mother of Dragons, Khalessi of the

Great Grass Sea and Breaker of Chains," Daenerys proclaimed,

mustering all the courage and pride that she could find within herself.

"I am no common whore or minor noblewoman; you will find no easy

conquest with me."

"Arghh… you are a true spit fire, aren't you? I like a woman with a

little fight in her, makes for a more lively experience," Robert said

with a gruff laugh as he clapped his hand in anticipation.

"Your words speak of protest, Dragonspawn. But your eyes and body

betray your true feelings," the Stag told her, his supernatural senses

picking up on Daenerys's arousal. "And far be it to not give a woman

what she wants. But I think you need a little help to express

yourself…. therefore, this little potion will help you…. get rid of any

lingering thoughts of protest."

"No…" Daenerys cried in despair, tears prickling around her eyes as

Robert produced a small vial containing one of Talisa's aphrodisiac

concoction and proceeded to shove the contents down Dany's

throat. "Kill me. Take my head, I beg of you. Let me die with the

dignity of a Queen."

"Pride and Dignity is the right of victors like me, not defeated failures

like you, Dragon whore. Come now, in time, you will thank me for it.

I'm taking away your worries and replacing it with sense of security.

From now on, you will have the comforts of a true Princess and the

only thing that you need to give thought to is my pleasure," Robert

replied in a light but callous tone. "Now be honest and answer me,

you want to fuck me, don't you?"

Daenerys hung her head down and admitted in her shame that she

did want to fuck him. She always held a curiosity to see if the rumors

about his cock and prowess as a lover were true, even before

arriving in Westeros.

"Well, then best get to it, Dragon whore," Robert said as Daenerys's

nipples stuck out from underneath her thin fabric of her dress,

indicating that Talisa's potion was starting to take effect.

"Now, I'm going to ask you one question, who do you want?" Robert

asked as he reached over and freed her from the chains.

"I want you, King Robert," Daenerys answered in a whine, as lust

flooded her being completely.

The weeks of mental conditioning by the Red Priestesses coupled

with the potent effects of the aphrodisiac mixture had rendered the

Breaker of Chains into a sex crazed harlot, devoted to satisfying

every carnal thought of the King before her.

Robert grinned, looking down at the silver haired beauty in all of her

glory and it was pretty glorious. Her breasts almost hung out from

her corset and she wanted some badly.

"Good girl, come to me."

Robert beckoned towards Daenerys and she promptly extended her

knees, dropping down to worship her new master. But Robert

motioned for her to get up to her feet.

"No, we're going to do this my way, one step at a time," Robert said

to her. "Give me a kiss first."

Daenerys grabbed Robert's face and shoved her tongue down his

throat. Their tongues battled for domination with an aggressive kiss.

Robert enjoyed her attempts to clean his tonsils out, and he

responded in kind by squeezing her ass. Their hips bumped up

against each other.

The busty Targaryen maiden wanted this, she wanted his tongue,

and she got it, down her throat. The two of them exchanged an

extremely passionate kiss. They might have been on each other's

most hated foes a short while ago, but now it no longer mattered.

Daenerys was tired of fighting and carrying the burdens of her

family's legacy. Her life had been full of hardships and even after

coming into power, Dany's troubles had not abated as she was

plagued with foes and challenges to her rule. Perhaps, Lady

Melisandre was right and she should surrender to the King's will.

'Enough fighting and struggles. Its time to accept my new destiny,'

the last Targaryen resolved to herself. The mental conditioning of the

Red Priestesses and the magic of the collar having taken complete

hold of Daenerys's mind and will.

"All right," Robert said to her as he broke their kiss and pulled out a

chair. "I want you to put on a little show for me. I've heard that in

Essos, courtesans and whores are trained in sensual dances that

provide entertainment at social gatherings. You grew up in the east

and must have picked up a few moves. Why don't you do a little

dance for me?"

Daenerys had witnessed such exotic dances over the years but had

never learned it first-hand. Yet, she did not want to disappoint her

new master and so Dany started to sway her hips to some imaginary

music, mimicking the moves from her memory.

Robert watched her sensual motions and was amazed to see that

her breasts had somehow managed to stay shoved in her outfit and

not fall out.

"You're a natural talent, for sure."

Robert commended her for such an effort and hoped she would

continue. Her hips rocked from one side to the other. Daenerys

started to bounce up and down, looking Robert straight in the eye.

She turned herself around and stuck her ass into Robert's line of

sight. Robert spanked her tight ass and Daenerys looked over her

shoulder, giving him a sultry smile. Robert spanked her ass a couple

more times and Daenerys wiggled her rear. She turned around and

straddled his waist, grinding on his crotch.

"I feel something," Daenerys said, her own lust and the magic of the

collar completely dominating her thoughts now. "Do you want me to

suck your cock now, my King?"

"Keep going," Robert grunted and reached behind Daenerys,

squeezing her ass.

Daenerys pulled herself away from him and decided that she needed

to provide the King with a little more incentive. She slowly pulled off

her gloves and showed off her slender hands, before moving to

unclip her half-cloak.

She turned around and removed her half-cloak to show Robert a full

and uninhibited view of her tight ass. Her cheeks threatened to spill

out on the other side of her outfit and Robert could not get enough.

Daenerys placed one of her feet on top of his crotch and slowly

undid her boot, to reveal her perfect foot. Her arches made her foot

stood out elegantly. She had such sexy toes that she wiggled and

grinded over his crotch.

"Mmmm…. My King," Daenerys breathed as Robert reached over, to

feel her soft soles while rubbing her foot.

"You like having your feet played with, don't you?" Robert asked. "I

wonder if the other one is just as lovely."

"Why don't we find out?" Daenerys said before taking off her

remaining boot and placed her other foot on Robert's crotch.

"I want to make you cream in your breeches with my feet," Daenerys

said, pleased to receive a little bit of control, even though she fully

expected the King to take full control whenever he wished. "Do I

have your permission, your grace?"

"Maybe later, but you have a dance to finish at the moment." Robert

replied as he ran his hands up her luscious legs and smiled.

Daenerys nodded and yanked herself away from Robert. She took

the strap of her dress and pulled it down, revealing her breasts while

making sure that Robert's eyes remained locked onto her at all


Why would the King's eyes be anywhere else other than her large

breasts? They were truly one of the wonders of the world? Those

large, round, fleshly globes had been revealed. Her nipples stood out


"I bet you'd like to fuck them, wouldn't you?" Daenerys asked sultrily.

"Because, any man who is breathing would like to fuck them."

Daenerys wanted him to shove their large cock between her breasts

and fuck her until her face and tits were covered in so much cum that

it was obscene.

"Those are amazing," Robert said. "But, the rest of you isn't bad


As Daenerys discarded her garb completely revealing her flat

stomach, and her hips that were both wide and perfect.

Dragonspawn, she was but Robert had to admit that Daenerys had

the perfect body for hard and rough fucking, even though there were

very few people who could last a long time with him. Her pussy had

a strip of silver blonde hair down it.

"Get me out of these breeches," Robert growled.

"Yes, that does look uncomfortable."

Daenerys replied as she unlaced his breeches and pulled them

down. The King's monstrous member was soon revealed to the last

Targaryen. It looked so thick and veiny.

"There's some oil on the table," Robert said. "I assume you know

what to do."

'That she did,' Daenerys smiled and grabbed the bottle. She poured

the warm oil over Robert's cock which caused his manhood to get

even more large, before placing some on her hand.

"Oh my, that might snake look angry, I don't think he's getting

enough attention," Daenerys said as she wrapped her hand around

Robert's cock.

"Take care of it, my pet," Robert told his new plaything.

Daenerys began jerking the King off. His cock grew in her hand, so

much so she needed to use two hands. She wrapped one hand

around the base and another around the head, all while constantly

jerking and twisting him.

"Going to need more than your hands to break me, my Dragon."

Robert said playfully.

Daenerys smiled and leaned forward to give Robert's cock head a

lick. She took the throbbing head between her lips and made sure

her bright violet orbs remained locked onto the stormy blue eyes of

the King. Daenerys grabbed onto Robert's thighs for leverage and

drove her throat down onto his throbbing hard cock.

Robert groaned the second that Daenerys pushed her mouth all the

way down onto his member. His manhood rammed into the depths of

her throat and Daenerys wouldn't back off, not even for a second.

She bobbed up and down, taking his cock into the back of her throat

with several long and potent sucks.

"Go ahead, and suck my cock, suck it harder," Robert grunted.

Daenerys blew Robert with passion and took his long cock all the

way down her throat. The last surviving Targaryen longed for his

heavy balls to launch all of the cum. Robert watched the Mother of

Dragon's mouth drive all the way down onto his throbbing cock. She

had such a warm and talented throat, that he decided to help her


Daenerys could not believe how much she had been debased and

yet Robert continued to thrust his throbbing cock into her mouth.

Inch after Inch of meaty goodness was shoved down Daenerys's


"Good girl, take your mouth, and put my cock down your tight throat,"

Robert groaned while Daenerys wrapped her fingers around his balls

and fondled them. "Just a little bit more…. I'm going to make you

suck down my seed… you're going to take every last drop down your

whore throat."

Daenerys bobbed her mouth further down Robert's throbbing

manhood. She wanted to taste his cock and have it all drained down

her throat. Her hand cupped Robert's balls and gave them a nice

little squeeze. She fondled them a bit more when driving her mouth

all the way down upon him.

"Good, just a little bit more," Robert groaned. "Take your lovely

mouth around my cock… I want to shoot my seed down your

throat…. I'll give you so much cum you're going to be choking on it…

that's what you want, isn't it, whore?"

Yes, that's exactly what she wanted and so she kept sucking him

down. Daenerys wanted every last drop of seed inside her mouth

and would get it.

"You better not waste a drop," Robert said in commanding tone,

once again reminding Dany of her new place in the world.

Robert Baratheon was her King and master. Her body, mind and soul

were now in service to him. The King's pleasure was her only

ambition and his glorious cock was her only desire. These truths had

now taken complete hold in Daenerys's psyche.

And so, the last Targaryen intended to please her King and drain him

down to the very last drop. She looked up at him with a wanton look

in her eyes, and mouth rammed full of thick, veiny cock. She sucked

Robert hard and swiftly as she could, humming as she sucked his

cock deeper into her mouth.

"Here it comes," Robert grunted. "I hope you're ready to receive your


Daenerys's throat opened for Robert. She wanted his seed and in

every single way possible as Robert held her face and fucked her

throat as forcefully as he could.

"Ughhh… Fuck that feels good," Robert grunted as the contents of

his balls emptied into Daenerys's throat.

To the credit of the Dragon Queen turned Dragon Whore, she did not

waste a single solitary drop of rich, creamy treat and drank the

King's balls down to the very last drop.

Daenerys pulled up and showed Robert the large glop of cum on her

tongue before swallowing it.

"Mmmhhh… delicious," Daenerys moaned as she licked her lips


Robert watched the Mother of Dragons savour his seed like it was

the last meal on Earth. Her eyes glazed over and a wicked smile

crossed over the face of the sultry beauty. She placed a hand on

Robert's thigh and made sure his attention was locked fully and

completely on her.

"Are you ready?" his newest concubine asked huskily as she

stepped closer towards him and picked the oil off of the table.

She squeezed the bottle out and oiled up her large breasts.

Daenerys's nipples stood proud and Robert could not keep his eyes

off of her oily, large, natural breasts. She dropped down to her

knees, about ready to take his cock between her breasts.

"I'm going to fuck your big tits, and I'm going to paint them with my

cum," Robert said. "When I'm done, everyone will know that you're

my whore, and you belong to me."

"Yes, my King," Daenerys moaned and slid Robert's cock between

her tits. "It sounds exciting… my big slutty tits were made for a

monstrous meat spear like yours."

Robert's cock was now nestled firmly between the silver haired

beauty's oily breasts. She rubbed up and down on him, making sure

his cock grew and hardened with each push.

"Fuck, it feels so good to have your throbbing meat," Daenerys said.

"I wonder how it's going to feel when you shove it in my pussy, and

fuck my brains out."

"Why don't you find out?" Robert groaned. "Your tits are so

good….so warm… I enjoy them wrapped around my big cock, and

how well you fuck it."

"I know you do, my naughty Stag," Daenerys said, sliding further

down onto him. "I know you'd like to cum all over them, won't you?"

Robert grabbed his lover's breasts and speared his cock between

them. Her breasts crushed around his cock. This warm, womanly

flesh had been meant for him all this time.

"Mmm, none of my past lovers could hold a candle to you! I needed

a real man to control me, to fuck my slutty teats!" Daenerys yelled.

"Just think about how full they can get of milk, when you fill me up,

and I have your babes…. how you can suck them dry…. when you

fuck me some more? Would you like that, your grace? Do you want

to use my body to be your breeding whore?"

Daenerys wrapped her breasts around Robert's member and jerked

him up and down. She licked his cock head when it popped out.

"I'm going to use your body and fill it up with so much of my seed,

you will be feeling it for weeks," Robert proclaimed loudly. "But, it's

time to make my mark on your gigantic tits."

"Paint them, put your signature on them!" Daenerys cried out.

The magnificent breasts of the last daughter of Old Valyria brought

Robert's balls to their second explosion. So much cum had gathered

in those balls, with even more to come. Robert slid his cock between

her breasts and fired.

The first splash of cum hit her in the face and painted her tits. Robert

brought his throbbing manhood further and faster between her

breasts as he continued to ride out the spectacular orgasm.

Daenerys's entire body twitched as the King unloaded on her tits. He

had splashed such a heavy load onto her that the moment she

pulled away, the cum dribbled from her. Daenerys caught the cum on

her fingers and slid them into her mouth, suckling on them.

"You're a true whore, you can't get enough of your my cum," Robert

teased his new whore.

"Yes, I'm a whore, your whore, your Targaryen cum basket,"

Daenerys said, while cupping Robert's cock and jerking it, making

sure that it stood up. She took her other hand and shoved one of her

nipples into her mouth. She suckled on her breast and licked the

juices off of it. "Do you want to fuck me?"

"Aye," Robert rasped. "I want you riding me, so I can see your big

firm breasts bouncing in my face."

"As you command, my King," Daenerys replied instantly.

Daenerys stood up and spread her legs as wide as she could, before

the King. Her pussy dripped and sent juices onto Robert's throbbing


The sight destroyed what little patience Robert had left within him.

His cock extended up like a stiff pole. Robert grabbed Daenerys and

pulled her down, pushing her cunt first down onto his cock. Her

pussy scorched with heat as he drove the busty Valyrian beauty

down onto his aching member.

"MMM, FUCK YES!" Daenerys moaned, when her pussy was

brought down hard onto the King's throbbing cock. "You know what I

want, and you know what I need… I need your big throbbing cock

stuck inside my pussy!"

Daenerys rose halfway up into the air and positioned herself over

Robert's wonderful, throbbing manhood. She rammed herself all the

way down onto him again, making sure his cock filled her completely

up to the brim.


screamed on top of her lungs.

Robert held onto her hips and made sure her legs were wrapped

around him.

"You're going to cum when I say you're going to cum, do you

understand?" Robert told her as her hot slit ground up against his

tool, giving him an amazing feeling.


moaned loudly.

Robert dug his nails into her lower back as encouragement for

Daenerys to continue riding him. She still dripped with Robert's fluids

and now rode his cock with well-practiced ease. She rose almost all

the way up and drove her dripping cunt down onto Robert's massive

cock. She pulled almost all the way up again and drove herself all

the way down onto him again.

"Stay with me," Robert panted.

"Yes, I will," Daenerys murmured in response.

She held onto the back of Robert's neck and continued to drive

herself further down onto his stiff member. The Mother of Dragons

was experiencing the ride of her life and would not stop till she was

completely satisfied.

"I'm going to enjoy every single moment of this…. every last moment

of your cock inside me…. burying into my cunt."

Daenerys moaned, wrapping her slippery pussy walls around the

King's manhood before driving herself all the way down onto him.

His cock speared inside her and made her entire body seize up with

more pleasure than she had ever experienced.

"Now, you may cum."

Daenerys's body reacted promptly to Robert's command. Her tight

pussy clenched around his veiny member and sent her juices down

onto it, while Robert made sure that the Targaryen whore rode out

her entire orgasm.

"Mmm, you make me feel so good, O Mighty King." Daenerys

moaned sensually as Robert played with her tits and gave her a notso-subtle reminder of who her amazing flesh orbs belonged to now.

Daenerys brought her tight centre down onto his cock.

"Aye, I know I make you feel good," Robert told her. "Just remember

that no one else will ever make you feel as good as I do"

Daenerys nodded and received another orgasm for her troubles. Her

wet core squeezed around her King's cock, longing to have his royal

cum inside of her. The thought of him shooting his thick, potent seed

inside of her, brought the last Targaryen more pleasure than one

could even describe.

Robert encouraged her to come up and drive herself further down

onto his manhood. He grabbed her tight ass and pinched it with a

nice little squeeze.

"So, close," Robert groaned. "Cum one more time, and you'll get

your prize."

Daenerys spread her legs and buried Robert's cock all the way

inside her smouldering hot depths. She cupped her breasts and

bounced even further down upon Robert's cock. The slutty Dragon

gave him a sultry little grin, encouraging his behaviour.

"Please!" Daenerys yelled as he grabbed her ass and pinched it.


Robert called out as his balls tensed up and fired their load into her.

Daenerys bounced down onto his cock and milked him. More cum

fired into her willing body. Robert held her hips and held her down to

allow her nether walls to keep lovingly caressing Robert until he

climaxed inside of her body.

Daenerys tightened her grip around him. She did not want his

amazing cock to leave her insides. She wanted his cock shooting

into her womb and coating her insides with every last drop.


Robert huffed, as he finished draining his balls in Daenerys and

pulled out of her. She slid down between Robert's legs and stroked

his manhood, ready for more. She looked up at him with burning lust

in her eyes.

"Such a good and dutiful whore," Robert commented.

"I live to serve my King," Daenerys said, squeezing his cock and

balls and licking the excess juices dribbling down from the head of

his member. She popped his cock into her mouth and downed him

with a sultry hum.

"Can't wait to take you back to the capital. Then we can have some

real fun," Robert said to his newest bedmate who nodded her head


'Queen of the King's harem.'

'Mother of the Stag's bastards.'

'Breaker of royal beds.'

These were the titles that Daenerys Targaryen, paramour of King

Robert Baratheon now longed to claim for herself.