Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Margaery Tyrell + Gilly

If one looked to the clear blue skies that showered bright and warm

sunlight upon the world, it would be hard to believe that just a few

moons ago, the people of Westeros had waged war against the

forces of Winter and darkness itself. But that is exactly what had


After his decisive victory over the Targaryen Queen's forces, the King

had received word from the Night's Watch informing him to the

march of the Others as reported by their scouts. Having been aware

and prepared for this impending threat, King Robert immediately

marched his forces towards the Wall. He also sent word for the

caches of obsidian weapons that had been mined and crafted upon

discovery of this threat, to be shipped to the Wall with all haste.

King Robert had become a controversial figure in recent times on

account of his decision to welcome the foreign faith of the Red God

to Westeros. Not to mention, the numerous rumors about his

practice of dark and mystical arts learned from the mages and

witches of Essos. Loyal and steadfast men who knew the King gave

thanks to the foreign mystics for restoring their ruler's zest for life

that had been diminishing over the years slowly, ever since he came

to his throne. The loyalists praised the Red God for transforming the

drunk and fat King back to the warrior-like visage of youth along with

sparking the King's interest in matters of state as well. Some even

went as far as to say that the King was a God in mortal form.

But just as both light and darkness are a part of creation, so is the

presence of dissidents among loyal men. These troublemakers

constantly criticized the King and his inner circle for allowing foreign

influences to gain a foothold in Westerosi politics and society. As the

popularity of R'hllor grew, these men all but preached rebellion in the

name of protecting their faith and way of life. Fortunately, the number

of the latter group was significantly small and had been brought

under control by the Sept who urged them to stay true to Good King


A surprising turn of events as until recently it had been the Septons

and Septas who had fanned the flames of discontent.

Yes, surprising indeed, but also most welcome when one considered

the challenges that they were about to face.

However, what no one knew at the time was that the Battle for Dawn

would not only allow for King Robert the chance to surpass the

greatness of Aegon the Conqueror. But it would also change the face

of Westerosi civilization and traditions as well.

No sooner had the royal forces arrived at the Wall, did the White

Walkers and their horde of wights appear on the horizon. The mere

sight of these mythical evil being sent chills across the beings of

even the most seasoned and battle-hardened warriors.

But before panic and fear could take root in the hearts of the men,

King Robert had appeared, riding upon the back of the defeated

Targaryen invader's black mount. A dragon so fierce and powerful,

that many had dubbed it as 'The Black Dread Reborn' .

In the recent years, the Baratheon monarch had performed many

miraculous feats and displayed otherworldly powers. But his taming

of the legendary mounts of Dragonlords, along with their human

mother had to be his most impressive deed as of late.

This achievement was soon to be dwarfed his awe-inspiring victory

over the Others. Bathing the forces of the dead with dragon fire and

magical lightning fired from his enchanted war-hammer, King Robert

laid waste to a significant portion of the enemy forces. Making the

task of the ground troops led by seasoned commanders like Lord

Commander Jeor Mormont, Lord Randyll Tarly, Lord Eddard Stark

and many others, a lot more manageable.

However, the most significant and decisive moment of this war had

to be the legendary duel between the Demon of the Trident and the

fabled Night King. For this was not a battle of men, but a battle of

Gods and Monsters as both King Robert and his otherworldly foe

traded powerful blows and strikes that were far beyond the limits of

mortal men. The leader of the Dead seemed to the possess the

power of Winter and Ice at his command while our noble and

glorious monarch wielded fire and lightning as they were ordinary

melee weapons and not the forces of nature that they truly were.

The battle raged on between the leaders of both armies with neither

giving an inch to the other. It was such a breath-taking scene that

even the most ardent of non-believers would have found their faith

upon witnessing this legendary duel.

However, when the dust settled, King Robert was left standing

victorious and the dark clouds parted to bathe him in the first rays of

sunlight. It was like the Gods were showering their warmth upon their

chosen. Cheers and celebrations broke across the ranks of the

Westerosi army who wept and knelt at the feet of their King and

savior, with quite a few of them going as far as to proclaim the King

as the incarnation of the Storm God and Warrior or some other

revered deity.

Whether the King was God or not could not be said for sure, but one

thing was certain that Robert Baratheon did possess divine power

and favor. And the lords and people were thankful that he had been

there to save them from eternal darkness and death.

And so, this day had come about, where all of Westeros had

gathered to celebrate and honor their magnanimous and divine ruler.

"Welcome and Seven Blessings to all on this most blessed of days!"

the High Septon cried out to the crowd of nobles and commonfolk

that had gathered before him, in the Great Sept of Baelor.

"As you all know that we have gathered here today to offer thanks to

the Gods and their champion who led us in battle against an ancient

foe that we had all but forgotten."

"Seven blessings to King Robert of House Baratheon, First of his

name! Long may he reign!" the High Septon chanted loudly.

"Long may he reign!"

"Praise be his grace!"

"The Hero of Dawn!"

"Azor Ahai Reborn!"

And many other such responses echoed through the marble halls of

the Great Sept as the people cheered for their beloved King who had

ended the second long night and brought about the eternal spring.

"And now if you would join me in welcoming our beloved King to

the…" the High Septon announced, only to be interrupted by a Septa

who whispered something to his holy highness.

"Apologies, my good people, it seems his grace's arrival has been

delayed momentarily by an urgent matter," the representative of the

Seven on earth informed the crowd, who seemed to deflate and

mutter amongst themselves almost immediately. "There is no cause

to worry, my good people. I have been assured that the King will

appear in a short while. So, I ask you humbly to be patient and keep


"Where is the King, my lady?" the bald High Septon asked the

Queen of Thorns in hushed tones after the people broke off in small

groups to converse and wait for their ruler's appearance. "Does he

not know of the monumental decree that the Faith is about to pass

for his benefit, upon House Tyrell's insistence?"

"Oh, quiet, you doddering fool. The King is aware of every matter of

import in his realm," Lady Olenna chided the leader of the Faith, who

looked genuinely shocked at the reprimand.

"Do not fret, his grace will along shortly," the true leader of House

Tyrell assured the nervous Septon.

"He is just bestowing a most earned and well-deserved reward to

House Tyrell for our leal service at the moment," the old woman

added with a suggestive look, the meaning of which even the foolish

and simple minded High Septon quickly gleamed.

"Of course, my lady. Seven blessings. Praise be the King," the

fidgeting fool mumbled before flitting away to pacify and converse

with the other attendants.

The King was about to head out towards the Great Sept for the

ceremony being held in his honor, when Lady Margaery had

appeared in his chambers, intent on collecting the promised reward

for performing his bequeathed task successfully.

Not even Robert's assurances that they could properly celebrate

after the event concluded could deter the randy noble woman.

"I've gone without your cock for far too long, my King. I cannot bear

another moment," the Golden Rose of House Tyrell had explained

frantically as she divested them both of their clothes respectively,

before attacking his member with her tantalizing mouth.

It did not take long for Robert to explode inside Margaery's throat

after she performed her skilled oral ministrations.

And now they were moving on to the main event.

A stark-naked Margaery Tyrell walked over to a wall and assumed a

familiar position while beckoning Robert towards her.

"Oh my, you certainly are quite impatient today, aren't you?" Robert

teased the Maid of Highgarden.

"You have plenty of women to tend to your needs. But no man could

ever grant me the satisfaction that you could bestow," Margaery

responded. "Not that I would ever allow any other man to enjoy the

delights of my rose bush."

Robert chuckled as both Margaery's response and lust crazed

desperation pleased him greatly. He rubbed his fingers inside her,

opening up her entrance for penetration. He lined himself up and

plunged his throbbing cock into her wet, willing pussy.

"BY THE SEVEN!" Margaery murmured. "It's been too long. I had

nearly forgotten how great this felt."

"Way too long in my opinion. But you needed to learn your lesson,"

Robert said. "Fortunately, I'm certain that you will not error again, will


Margaery didn't answer and merely nodded in response. She was

too busy making sure that Robert pushed his monster cock into her.

The more she got aroused, the harder he fucked her. Robert's

bloated balls pushed against Margaery's thighs. They loaded up with

more of his seed as Robert felt her tighten up around him.

"Fuck me! Harder!" Margaery groaned, wishing that she could dig

her nails into his shoulder and encourage him to fuck her harder.

Suddenly, Robert pulled out of her and Margaery almost wobbled to

her knees from the loss of cock.

"Opposite of fucking me…"Margaery began to whine, only for Robert

to spin her around and pushed her against the wall to expose her

dripping wet pussy to him properly.

"How's that for a hard fucking?" Robert asked as he shoved his stiff

member into her tight body. One of her legs lifted up and Robert ran

his fingers against Margaery's thigh. "Or do you want it harder?"

Margaery bit down on his neck to encourage his hard fucking of her.

He speared his cock into her quim. Another orgasm hit her.

"HARDER!" Margaery yelled. "Wreck my fucking pussy, or is your

age finally catching up with you?"

"I'll show you," Robert growled.

He gripped Margaery's hips and pummelled her into the wall. The

sexual fire joined the two of them in more passionate and more

heated actions. Margaery got what she had been dreaming of for so


The lusty Stag assaulted her breasts, lips and face with a barrage of

kisses and sucks that left her breathless. And within no time, an

orgasm exploded through Margaery's body.

"You like cumming for me," Robert told her. "You can't help yourself.

You're cumming because you want mine, don't you?"

"Mmmmhhhh!" Margaery yelled as more orgasms flooded her body.

The Maid of Highgarden had lost track of how many or how often

she came. When someone got fucked this hard, nothing else

mattered other than the pleasure they brought.

This passion and pleasure were the reason that so many women

willingly surrendered their body and virtue to Robert Baratheon,

despite the fears and risks of scandal. Fears and risks that after

today will all be non-existent, thanks to the efforts of Margaery and

her family.

'I wonder if any of the King's present or future lovers will thank me

for this boon,' Margaery thought to herself, before deciding that

Robert's attentions were the only reward that mattered to her.

Robert held back his load, causing Margaery to bite down on his

neck and dig her nails into his flesh, scratching him. He was glad for

his healing abilities because, despite her small stature and gentle

build, the Tyrell maiden had a surprising amount of strength in her.

"You still with me?" Robert asked.

"Damn it, you're a demon," Margaery raged in frustration. "A soulless

demon made to fuck."

Her pussy dribbled juices that stained the floor beneath her. The only

thing holding her up at this point was Robert's hands cupped

underneath her ass, while his plowed into her.

"And you're made to cum for me so many times!" Robert fired back.

Margaery's pussy clamped down on him. She dragged his cock into

her pussy as Robert kept on hammering her with these rapid-fire

thrusts. She thought that she would lose it the more he entered her.

"Get ready, here it comes," Robert whispered into her ear. "Hope

you're still with it."

Margaery gripped onto Robert's shoulder, encouraging him to keep

pounding away at her. Robert slid into her depths with his balls

loading up with their seed.

"Cum, now," Margaery said.

"Since you asked so nicely."

Robert replied, slowing down her orgasm for a moment, so that she

could savour the moment. He wanted to make Margaery really feel

all he had to give her. He pumped into her with a few more thrusts

and the contents of his balls seized up.

Margaery could feel herself being released. Her silken pussy walls

experienced Robert's hard cock as it grew closer and soon the

contents of his balls would launch into her. Margaery gripped Robert

tight, not concerned about the consequences in the slightest. It was

time that House Tyrell finally received King's blood in their line.

Robert smiled upon sensing her thoughts. Yes, it was time for him to

finally bless Margaery's garden with his seed and so he drove his

thick cock into her.


Robert grunted as the first splashes of the white-hot fluid fired into

her Margaery's body, with several dozen spurts following in quick

succession. Margaery reached two more spectacular orgasms the

instant that Robert spilled his potent seed into her dripping hot hole.

"So much cum!" she moaned, hanging onto Robert's shoulder. She

encouraged him to work inside her with some deep thrusts.

Robert pulled himself from her and allowed her to drop to the

ground. He lifted up and scooped up the brunette in his arms, before

depositing her on the bed.

"You should rest, Marge." Robert said as he cleaned himself off and

got dressed once again. "We'll pick this up, once I return from the

Great Sept."

"After all, tonight will be a night of great merriment and celebration,"

with those words Robert left his bedchamber, leaving the fatigued

Tyrell maid upon his bed.

After two hours of waiting, Robert had finally arrived at the Great

Sept, both to the relief of the High Septon and the cheer of his

subjects. Apart from its late start, the ceremony had proceeded

smoothly with the corrupt sycophants and false holy men spouting

words of praise and blessings upon the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

Which brought them to the true purpose of today's ceremony.

Acting on Robert's instructions, the Tyrells and their fellow Reach

allies had leveraged and pressured the Starry Sept and Citadel in

general to pass a new decree which would cause quite the upheaval

in the land. But in the end would grant the lecherous King the

freedom and authority to pursue his passions without having to

resort to schemes and pretences.

The groundwork for this radical move had begun to be laid nearly a

year ago, after Margaery and the Reach maidens begged Robert's

forgiveness for trying to use the Faith to push out his other

paramours at court. As the King had contemplated mercy for the

scheming roses, an idea had formed in his devious mind. The Tyrells

had tried to use the Faith to gain control over Robert's bed and court,

by playing on the fanatic and outdated beliefs of the smallfolk. So, in

theory, it was possible to use the Faith to twist those same archaic

laws and practices to suit Robert's needs.

And so, the King had instructed the Reach maidens to achieve this

goal and if they succeeded, they would not only receive his

forgiveness but also a well-deserved reward as well. The endeavor

was no easy task but if the Tyrells used their cunning schemes in coordination with the talents of the King's other loyal advisors, it could

be pulled off.

And so, over the last year, tales and stories about a King's divine

rights had begun to subtly spread from both the Sept and Citadel

among the lords and commonfolk. To make the sheep, as the Queen

of Thorns referred to the people of Westeros more accepting of

these ideas, Lady Melisandre and Lady Talisa had begun mass

spiking of their docile making serum in the water and food supply by

employing the King's spies and agents across the realm.

When the threat of the Others had come to light, Robert found

another perfect opportunity to push forward his agenda. Acting on his

instruction, both the Red Priests and the Septons had begun to

preach a fictional tale regarding the first long night and how it was


The tale itself was quite elaborate and its versions differed

depending on which religion preached it. But the gist of it was that

the Others had agreed to return to the far North on the condition that

as long as the seed and blood of the Bringer of Dawn would remain

abundant and plentiful in the lands below the Wall, the ancient evil

would slumber.

The more creative of the Priests and Septons had even managed to

work the carnal exploits of Garth the Greenhand, the first High King

of Westeros and the creation of the law of the First Night, into their

tales and sermons.

'And now, it was time to reap the harvest of the scheming and

manipulations,' Robert thought to himself.

"Before we conclude this gathering, his grace, King Robert wishes to

address the people of Westeros," the High Septon stated and

steeped aside so that Robert could speak to his subjects.

"I am certain that by now, many if not all of you had quite a few tales

about my duel with the Night King and how the dark forces of the

Others were driven back into the far North," Robert said and

received cheers and praises in response. "But there are certain parts

of the story regarding what transpired beyond the Wall, that not just

the people but even most lords have not been made privy to."

Before a chorus of questions could break out, the Stag King started

to narrate a tale of how after the Night King had been vanquished,

he had been approached by the Children of the Forest later that

night. The Children had proceeded to inform that while the Night

King was gone and his army broken, the true threat of Winter had

only been delayed and not defeated.

Shock and panic bloomed upon the faces of the crowds as Robert

explained that the source of the Others power was winter itself and

just as the day cannot exist without the night, so can spring not come

to be without the threat of winter to replace it.

"It is part of the natural cycle and not even the Gods could change

this law," Robert said to his subjects, who immediately began

shouting queries concerning the reappearance of the White Walkers.

"Have no fear, my good people," Robert answered charismatically.

"While the danger can never be completely eliminated, the Children

did inform me of a path to ensure that it is kept at bay."

Before the King could explain this solution, quite a few Septons and

lords inquired if the tales of spreading King's seed across the land

was part of the answer. This in turn led to cacophony of discussions

to break out among the gathered masses.

Of course, this interruption was part of Robert's plan and the ones

who voiced the questions were nothing more than his loyal agents.

'It is always best to let the people think that they have a say in what

will happen. The illusion of control is a powerful tool,' Melisandre had

advised Robert when they were discussing the preparation for this

momentous day.

Once the crowds had settled down enough, Robert sombrely

confirmed that the people were right about the need for spreading

his seed. He went onto explain that as the chosen champion of the

Gods, blessed with their divine powers, the Children wished for his

blessed seed to populate the lands so that the Great Other would

return back to its slumber.

As the lords and commonfolk were trying to wrap their minds around

all that they had learned, the corrupt High Septon moved in for the

kill, upon receiving Olenna's subtle signal.

"When his grace informed the High Council of the Sept and the

Conclave of the Citadel of this development, we too were flummoxed

in the beginning. But it did not take us long to realize the need for

heeding the instruction of the mythical Children," the voice of the

Seven on earth said passionately.

"Our ancestors once knew these very truths which is why the created

the ancient laws of the wedding night and the Lord's right."

"As the memories of these ancient evils faded from the world, so did

our reason and need to abide by the honored traditions," the corrupt

holy man said, mustering all the sincere emotion that he could. "And

while the decision to abolish these laws and practices at the time

had merit and wisdom, that is no longer the case."

"Therefore, on behalf of the Faith and Holy Order of the Seven, I

humbly ask his grace to authorize a new decree, that has been

crafted by both the Faith and the Conclave of Maesters over the last

few weeks, that will aid him in performing his divine duty," the High

Septon finished.

And right on cue, his loyal sycophants and agents loudly added their

approval to His Holiness's request, begging Robert to ensure that

their lands would finally be free from the threat of this ancient evil.

'Lady Olenna was right, they truly are sheep,' Robert concluded as

the masses including lords and commonfolk soon joined their voices

to pleas for establishing a new law, that would grant him the freedom

and authority to lawfully turn Westeros into his personal whore


And thus, a new royal and spiritual decree that was commonly

termed as 'Robert's Right' came into being on that day.

"Oooh, this is quite proper, your grace," Gilly Tarly, formerly known as

Gilly of Craster's Keep squeaked as King Robert slowly and surely

undid the front laces of her dress and squeezed her chest playfully.

", a wildling lecturing the King of the Seven Kingdoms on

matters of etiquette is quite amusing, to say the least," Robert

chuckled dismissively.

"Eti..que..te," Gilly struggled to both pronounce and understand the

meaning of the word.

"Sshh… dear, don't strain yourself," Robert cut her off. "Now that

you are in the South, you will learn a lot of new things in time. But for

now, the only thing that you need to focus on is pleasing your King.

Or have you forgot our little arrangement already."

Robert had come across the shy and frightened Wildling girl when

his forces had arrived at Castle Black to prepare for the fight with the

White Walkers. Gilly was a striking contrast to the bold, sensual

women of the True North that Robert had gotten to know. Her tale of

how she escaped her monster of a father with the aid of Randyll

Tarly's craven first born and her affections towards the fat, doddering

fool of a boy, piqued the King's interest greatly.

It did not take long for Robert to lure the sweet but naïve Wildling girl

to his bed, with a little help from his loyal Spearwives. In exchange

for her warming his bed, Robert would free Samwell Tarly of his

vows to the Night's Watch and grant them a home and employment

in the capital. It was more than Gilly could ask for and so she had

allowed Robert to have his way with her. Though initially hesitant and

fearful at first, the lusty Stag soon managed to make the petite

wildling maid writhe in pleasure.

Robert had all but forgotten about the mousy girl since their little

romp at Castle Black. But today as the High Septon anointed him in

front of his adoring subjects, his gaze fell upon the shy maiden who

was too busy fidgeting to notice that she had caught his attention.

However, the girl's good-sister and one of Robert's newest fancies,

Lady Talla Tarly did take note of the lustful gaze that the King

directed towards her eldest brother's wife. And being the dutiful

paramour that she was, once the ceremony was over and people

began to disperse, Talla managed to discreetly spirit Gilly away to a

private antechamber, located in the lower levels of the Great Sept

where Robert had been waiting for her.

Upon noticing his presence, Gilly displayed her nervous façade as

she quickly understood what Robert wished from her.

She weakly protested his advances, citing that their arrangement

was a one-time deal. And that she did not want to betray her

husband's trust and her marriage vows.

"To be clear, Gilly, our arrangement is an open-ended deal. One that

I can choose to collect on whenever I wish," Robert explained to the

nervous girl. "Silly girl, did you think a comfortable life in the capital

could be bought with a single night of passion."

"But if you are not willing, then I will not force you. Although I don't

know for how long Lady Talisa will tolerate a bumbling assistant like

your husband without my reassurances," the King said nonchalantly,

making sure that the simple Wildling wench understood the subtle

but implied threat.

"No… uhh… please… Your grace," Gilly stammered. "I did not mean

to upset you. Sam and I are grateful for all the kindness and

generosity you have shown us."

"I'm glad you understand. Besides you heard the High Septon, what

you and I are doing is a sacred duty for the good of the realm,"

Robert said, pulling the Wildling girl closer towards him.

Gilly could feel the heat going down her body the deeper that the

King pushed down against her thighs.

"OoooH… It feels so good!"

The Wildling Wench cried in pleasure the faster that Robert pushed

down onto her.

"Talla knew you would be up for this, I just needed to remind you of

the pleasures of serving your King," Robert told her. "You do realize

that I am involved with both your good-sister, Lady Talla and your

good-mother, Lady Melissa as well."

'No, I didn't,' Gilly thought to herself.

Although the daughter of Craster had always felt that there was

something interesting about how the King and her in-laws interacted

with each other. For that matter, King Robert's interactions with most

of the noblewoman gave off the same feeling.

'Did that mean that the Stag King was having relations with all of

them,' Gilly concluded in shock

Oh, this was completely maddening for the simple Wildling girl. The

ways of southerners were truly confusing. And Gilly's confusion only

grew as Robert continued feeling her up and the things that he was

making her feel caused her to feel conflicted about her love for her

sweet and gentle Sam.

To think, this all started because she wanted to ensure a better life

for herself, Sam and her infant son. One shameful betrayal of her

love to earn a life of peace and security. It had seemed such an easy

decision back then.

Never did she ever think that one discreet fuck could give rise to so

many conflicting thoughts and feelings. Though at the moment, Gilly

really could not think of anything much, as the King's hard bulge

pressed against her thigh.

"Do you and Lady Melissa and Talla… do they?" Gilly tried to form

the words, but failed.

"Oh, we do, often. Sometimes both of them keep me company at the

same time. But Talla thought it would be exciting if I brought her new

good-sister into our little circle. And Lady Melissa agreed as well,"

Robert informed Gilly, who struggled to process all this new


"Haven't you heard, the family that fucks together stays together,"

Robert chuckled mischievously. "The ladies are just trying to

welcome you into their family more properly."

Oh, well if Sam's family thought that this would be good for her, then

Gilly was not going to argue.

Without really thinking about it, Gilly undid Robert's breeches and

freed his huge cock into the world. Oh, this monstrous appendage

had shocked her the first time around and it did not fail again.

Gilly had only been with three men in her life. Her vile father, Craster,

and her kind husband, Sam, who had been as different as day and

night, both in temperament and in bed. Which left King Robert, who

was gentle and attentive like her Sam but also possessed a natural

confidence and skill that her husband sorely lacked. That combined

with his bouts of savage passion and gruff nature, which eerily

reminded her of her late father, made the Stag King, a truly terrific


Experiencing feelings of both loathing and shame, Gilly had to admit

that a part of her enjoyed sharing his bed and even craved his touch.

Not wanting to dwell on such thoughts, Gilly decided to focus on the

task at hand, namely pleasing the King. So, she dropped down on

her knees and put Robert's member into her mouth. Her juicy lips

slid around him and edged all the way down onto Robert's cock.

The very second that Gilly slid her wet lips around Robert's cock,

she coughed.

'Oh, this was a lot. I need to pace myself,' Gilly told herself, drawing

inference from her previous encounter with the King.

She decided to offer a much more manageable level, and suck on

the head while stroking the length. Her tongue flashed about while

maintaining eye contact with Robert as she slid him deep into her


"You're good at this," Robert praised her, as he leaned deep into her


Gilly was glad to see he approved. The warmth of the handsome

King's words caused her pussy to tingle. Robert's cock just edged all

the way down her throat and made her moan the deeper he pushed

down into her throat. Oh, Gilly just gasped and moaned as he rocked

down onto her.

"It's not fair that I'm the only one who gets pleasure from this

arrangement. Why don't you sit down over there and spread yourself

for me?" the King said as he extracted his cock from her mouth.

"This does not need to be a chore, sweet Gilly."

Gilly complied with the King's request sat back on the cushioned

bench, 'A Divan' she recalled while spreading her legs. Her skirts slid

up to reveal her soaked small clothes, which Robert quickly pulled


The Wildling wench gasped when Robert started to place kisses

down her thighs. His tongue moved closer and closer. Every time

Robert edged down onto her, Gilly could feel it. Could feel

something. Oh, that tongue just pressed into her body.

Then Gilly Tarly saw stars, the moment that Robert's tongue

slammed deep inside of her pussy. The skilled organ drove down

into Gilly and made her just a gushing wreck of pleasure. Robert had

her right where he needed her to be and was not going to let up for

any reason.


Gilly's moan filled the room as she vocally paid tribute to just how

good Robert made her feel while eating out her pussy. The skilled

touch of his tongue going into her made Gilly's hips just pump up

and down to meet his tongue. He had her, right where he needed her

to be. He made sure that Gilly gushed all over the place from his

skilled tongue driving into her.

Oh, Gilly's eyes just glazed over from what her older, experienced

lover was doing to her. Robert edged his tongue a little bit deeper

into her warm pussy and made her just cry out.

By the time Robert had finished, he was well re-acquainted with

Gilly's pussy and how it tasted. She tasted of strawberries and it was

sweet. Robert crawled on top of Gilly and made quick work of her

dress as his hand moved with years of skill and practice.

"Oh my, I wish Sam showed such effort in our couplings," Gilly

gasped in awe.

"That's the difference between me and your husband, Gilly. The

difference between a man and a boy," Robert said huskily with a

smile and used one of his hands to play with Gilly's breasts.

The other hand eased itself down between her legs and rubbed her

pussy. Gilly gasped the very moment that Robert's digit slid into her

wet slit. He edged down into her and made her just rise up to meet

him. His finger buried deep into her, driving Gilly completely wild with

lust. She tightened and released him the more times he rammed that

thick calloused digit inside of her.

"That's nothing compared to the real deal," Robert rasped in

excitement, causing Gilly to look up.

Robert spread her legs and edged himself closer to her sopping

pussy. He kissed Gilly gently and she returned the favor in kind. The

kiss heated up with Robert's constant exploration of Gilly's beautiful

body, which was getting wilder by the minute. The Baratheon King

edged a little bit closer to her and the moment his cock edged into

her pussy; the tip slid into her.

"Praise the Old Gods! Ooohh…. Fuck!" Gilly exclaimed in pleasure

as her hot pussy walls parted for the King's manhood.

Robert worked into the petite and pretty Wildling girl. Her eyes

shifted and locked onto his, begging him to take the plunge

completely, and Robert wasted no time in burying deep inside of her



Gilly screamed as her pussy wrapped tightly around Robert. She

hugged him in close as he pushed down into her.

"You are so beautiful," Robert whispered sensually.

Gilly wanted to pay tribute to how handsome the King was as well.

But her voice and mind failed her as she could not come up with the

words on account of her senses being assaulted by waves of


Deciding action was better than words, Gilly arched herself back and

received the most heavy pounding possible. Robert drove a little bit

deeper inside of Gilly and worked her, hard. His balls slapped down

onto her thighs the deeper he pushed into her.


Gilly cried out passionately and flailed about frantically as Robert

performed all the steps that turned a woman into a gushing mess.

He slid a hand down her leg and moved closer. He continued to play

with her pert breasts and drive Gilly a little bit closer to the breaking


"Faster, please," Gilly breathed in his ear. "OOOH, FASTER!"

Gilly nibbled down onto the side of his neck, the deeper that Robert

plunged into her. Robert returned the favour by cupping her breasts

in his hand.

Gilly's pussy tightened around Robert and he was going to explode

inside of her, if he was not careful. Robert leaned in and kissed down

Gilly's neck. He sucked on her neck and made Gilly just squeal in his

ear. She made many lovely sounds the faster that Robert plunged

into her. Robert leaned all the way down into Gilly's body and

clamped down onto him hard. She made sounds which would put the

most ravenous of harlots to shame.

'Now, she looks and acts like a proper Spearwife of the Freefolk,'

Robert mused to himself.

Robert kept feeding Gilly his cock while her insides tightened around

him. Perhaps, she should tell him to pull out, but Gilly's lust got the

better of her. The handsome King filled her and made her feel so


"Where do you want it?" Robert asked, despite being able to guess

the answer beforehand.


Gilly yelled as she wanted Robert to ride out this orgasm. His strong

muscular body needed to keep pushing into her body. Oh, Gilly

might have loved her Sam dearly, but King Robert was the one that

her body longed and craved for.

"Alright, your boy will soon have a new brother or sister to keep him

company," Robert grunted.

With a few more pumps, he drove deep into Gilly and Robert's loins

began to tighten. Yet, he managed to push a little bit deeper until he

finally lost himself and buried deep into Gilly's tight body.

"FUCKING HELLS! TAKE MY CUM, BITCH!" Robert cried out his


Gilly clamped down onto him and milked her lover the further that he

pushed into her.

"OOOHHHH… AGGGGHHHH!" Gilly let out a cry of pleasure as the

cum showered her insides.

The very second Robert pulled out of Gilly, he left her a quivering

wreck all over the divan, with cum dripping from her body.

"I take it that you would be agreeable if I called upon you, sometime

in the next week?" Robert inquired as he wiped the sweat of his face.

"Mmmm, I would welcome another rendezvous before that as well,

my King.," Gilly replied and licked her finger at the thought of having

more regular encounters with King Robert.

Perhaps, she could join Lady Talla and Lady Melissa the next time

they gathered to serve the King. After all, Gilly was now a part of

House Tarly as well.