Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Daenerys Targaryen + Rhaella Targaryen

After his victory over the Targaryen forces, Robert had decided to

claim the ancient seat of House Hoare in the Crown's name after

House Whent, the last noble family to claim dominion over the

cursed castle met its end with the death of Lady Whent, who had

perished from old age and illness.

The monarch of the Seven Kingdoms had decided to turn the

charred ruin into his new house of pleasure and had summoned

builders and craftsmen from all across the world to realize his vision.

Renovations and repairs had only begun when they received word of

the Others march upon the Wall, but due to the negligible losses

suffered in the battle with the dragons and the recent induction of the

Dragon Queen's armies into their own ranks, the King did not need

to reduce the labour force working on the castle to strength his

armies as they marched off to war.

After several moons of hard work and planning, the King's pleasure

palace was finally complete and thus Robert along with a number of

his favourite concubines departed for the Riverlands upon

dragonback, while most of the court and others made their journey to

Harrenhal by road.

"Anything of note, Sansa?" Arianne asked the beautiful red-head,

while sipping on her goblet of sweet Dornish red, as the two of them

along with a number of King's chief mistresses were lounging about

within the richly furnished gathering chamber of the recently

renovated castle.

"Oh, nothing of great import, Ari. Lady Greyjoy announces the birth

of her firstborn child," the King's good-daughter replied with a smile.

"A daughter named Alaynns, in honour of her late mother."

"The latest child born of our glorious ruler's seed, lovely," the

Princess of Dorne commented, raising her goblet in toast. A gesture

that was returned by the other women present.

"Aye, but not for much long. I expect Lady Talisa and Lady Margaery

are due to give birth soon as well," Catelyn Stark chimed in.

"True…. And if the sounds coming from the adjoining bedchamber

are any indication, then those babes will soon receive a blessed halfsibling in the coming moons as well," Lady Roslin Tully nee Frey

quipped and the women let out a collective chuckle.

"Oh my, his grace is certainly putting the Targaryen wench through

the paces," Ellaria Sand stated saucily and licked her lips sensually.

Robert grabbed Daenerys and fucked her mouth so hard. The silverhaired beauty pushed her lips down onto his cock, while the powerful

thrusts from the King's cock driving down into the back of her throat,

caused her to moan out loud.

"You can't help and want my cum down your throat," Robert said

gruffly. "The last Targaryen and so-called Mother of dragons reduced

to yet another mewling cock whore for me."

Robert slapped his cock around Daenerys's face after he pulled out.

He picked her up and grabbed her by her silver locks roughly, before

throwing her down onto the bed. He grabbed the side of her head

and mounted her mouth, throat-fucking Daenerys even harder than

before into the bed.

Oh, Daenerys's eyes watered from all of the points which his thick,

juicy balls slapped down onto her jaw. It seemed like a lifetime ago

when being violated in such a brutish, callous way would have

angered Daenerys greatly. But just as she had learned to find love

with Drogo during their awful couplings, the Targaryen maiden had

done so with the mighty King Robert. Though both Drogo and Robert

were large men, both in terms of size and power, there was an odd

thrill and pleasure that the breaker of Chains had discovered in the

Westerosi King's bed which no other had ever been able to provide

her. So, she groped his balls and gave them another subtle squeeze.

"Not yet."

Robert said before pulling back and laying himself on top of

Daenerys. He squeezed her breasts and this sent electricity through

her body. Daenerys spread her legs, ready to take him, no matter

what the cost.

A small smile spread over the Stag King's face. Oh, he could sense

her arousal. The pleasure coursed through Daenerys's wet pussy as

Robert edged his finger, one, two, three, down into Daenerys's tight,

juicy canal. She squeezed him so hard it almost felt very intense

when Robert rocked inside of her body with a furious series of finger

thrusts which drove her completely mad.

"I'll give you my cock, if you beg for it," Robert said huskily.


Daenerys cried out as she trembled underneath his hands. Robert

cupped her breasts and then leaned down to spread her legs. He

munched on her wet pussy and got Daenerys thrashing up and down

on the bed. Robert came up and sucked the honey into his mouth.

He spread Daenerys's legs and mounted her. He looked her straight

into the eyes and made Daenerys tremble.

"You had no choice, but to accept me as the only man who can

make you feel like this. And you know it, no other man can," Robert

told her. "Admit it, you love being my whore."

Daenerys knew every word from the King's lips held truth in it and so

she closed her eyes, nodding her head in agreement. Her eyes

shifted back the second Robert pushed his massive member into

her. Oh, god, her body stretched, contorted, and just felt a filling of

his cock into her. Inch by inch, the Baratheon conqueror filled her up,

slapping his balls down onto her thighs. Daenerys clutched around

him and moaned the deeper that he pushed his impressive length

down into her warm canal.

The heat which pumped through her body, as he vigorously pounded

his cock into her, sent Daenerys into an endless wave of pleasure.

No matter how many times he struck her thighs with his swinging

balls, Daenerys craved it more.

"Taste how much you want this," Robert grunted after pulling out of


He slid his cock down into Daenerys's mouth and she slurped it off.

Her own arousal that had completely soaked Robert's manhood with

her juices, made Daenerys hotter than ever before as she drained

the sweet essence off of the King's cock. It was a feeling that could

not be described easily.

Robert pulled all the way out of Daenerys and situated her down on

the edge of the bed. She hung herself over the strewn pillows, thighs

spread and ready to be fucked. Robert leaned into her and brushed

his fingers against her body. He kissed Daenerys several times,

making her just heat up with pleasure.

"I want you," Daenerys breathed.

"Mmmm? What was that, dragon whore?" Robert inquired teasingly.


DEMON COCK!" Daenerys yelled in response.

A small grin passed over Robert's face as he dragged his fingers

against her nipples, tightening and pinching around them. Robert

rubbed his cock down against her hot opening as the Targaryen

harlot spread her thighs for him.

"This is perfect," Robert breathed, while pushing all the way into her

body. "You're ready for me."

Robert pushed back inside of her, and this time he was inside of

Daenerys 'Stormborn' Targaryen for the long ride.

"Your mother had screamed just like this," Robert breathed. "She

was a proud Dragon bitch too, but I made her submit to my cock just

like every other woman."

A tighter clutch formed around Robert's cock when he finished the

statement. Oh, the thought of hearing of the King's conquests which

apparently included her late queenly mother, just brought Daenerys's

body up to a boiling point. He leaned towards her and slapped his

balls down onto her.

"I'm the man who can turn even the most proud and proper woman

into a wanton harlot," Robert said. "Besides honor, fidelity and

morality are nothing more than useless restraints on our desires."

Daenerys's body turned into jelly the faster that Robert plunged into

her from behind. No matter how many times his meaty cock speared

into her body, Daenerys could feel herself at the edge, being driven

down completely into the bed. Oh, it felt very good, to be fucked into

a stupor by the Demon of the Trident.

"Am I right?" Robert asked.

"YES!" Dany answered loudly.

The lack of hesitation in her voice told Robert that the last Targaryen

had truly turned submissive completely, both physically and mentally.

He rewarded her with a deep, fast, and hard fuck-session to pound

into her body. Robert's fingers danced down onto Daenerys's body

and pulled her up. He squeezed her breasts and moaned her.

"You might be disappointed to learn that I won't impregnate you,"

Robert said. "At least not tonight."

Oh, Daenerys found disappointment well up in her body. Obviously,

a man of the King's power and stature could choose whether or not

to impregnate his conquests.

"But, rest assured, if you continue to serve me with such vigor and

passion, it won't be long before I put a Stag in your belly," Robert

added after sensing his bedmate's fleeting enthusiasm.

Daenerys found herself light up, with both the words and as Robert

pushed down into her. His balls were full and about ready to burst

inside of her. Oh, she knew, and the lust increased through her body.

Those thick juicy balls slapped down against her thighs, as Robert

speared her. Her insides just called for him, called for Robert to plant

his seed into her body. The dark-haired King pulled back and rode

her, almost pushing Daenerys over the bed.


The Mother of Dragons moaned frantically as her body craved

release from her master and King. Robert pushed down into her

body with his balls slapping down onto her body the faster that he

rocked her. He was about ready to cum and she came along with

him one more time.

"EGHH…. TAKE IT! DRAGON WHORE!" Robert exclaimed his

release. "Nothing like the seed and essence of a true Storm King."

He launched his warm, sticky load down into Daenerys's pussy. Her

walls clutched him hard the faster that Robert drained his balls into

her body. Oh, yes, it felt amazing, beyond so to feel her insides just

clamp down onto him as Robert launched blast after blast of his

warm seed into her body and filled her up.

"Perhaps next time, I'll allow my divine seed to take root," Robert

said to her as he wiped beads of sweat from his face and flicked

them down onto Daenerys's exhausted face.

Robert then pulled her into his arms and kissed her. A skilful hand

cupped her ass as Robert teased her and edged closer to her. She

still had one more round left in her and Daenerys Targaryen

hungered for Robert to fuck her until she could barely remember her

own name.

Robert smiled and sensed the arousal of his pet and was more than

happy to grant her request.

After another round of mind-blowing fucking, Robert found himself

lounging in one of the cushioned chairs of the bedchambers while a

naked, sweaty and tired Daenerys lazed about on the bed.

"Your grace, if you would be kind enough to allow this lowly whore to

inquire, I would be keen to hear about my lady mother's relationship

with you," Dany inquired in a respectful and submissive tone, to

which Robert responded with a sigh.

"Ah yes, Rhaella Targaryen, now there was a truly complicated

woman," Robert stated as his thoughts travelled back to days past.

"Most of the realm saw her as weak and gentle Queen who was left

at the mercy of her cruel husband."

"But the creatures that seem the most docile are often the ones that

possess a great deal of wildness within them," Robert said to

Daenerys and began to narrate his past tryst with the Mad King's



During one of Robert's trips to his home in the Stormlands while

fostering at the Eyrie, the freshly knighted Baratheon lord had made

a stop in King's Landing to visit his royal relations. Back then, Aerys's

bouts of erratic behaviour had been manageable and with the birth of

Prince Viserys a few years prior, the royal court was experiencing a

time of relative stability and peace.

After paying his formal respects to the King, Robert had been invited

to dine with the King and Queen that evening. Robert later learned

that his cousin, Prince Rhaegar had travelled to Dorne to discuss a

proposed match with Princess Elia Martell.

At dinner, while Queen Rhaella tried to engage in conversation with

Robert, inquiring about his fostering and his recent knighthood,

Aerys chose to keep to himself and shunned every overture made by

both Robert and his wife to bring him into the conversation.

"I've had my fill and will retire," Aerys announced gruffly. "Do not

disturb me, wife. I wish to be alone tonight. Safe travels Lord

Baratheon, I take it that you will be leaving on the morrow."

With those words, the mentally disturbed monarch left Robert and

Rhaella alone in the dining chambers and an uncomfortable silence

filled the room. Once the meal was done, Robert returned to his

guest chambers within Maegor's holdfast. Normally, this section of

the Red Keep was reserved for members of the royal family. But

given Robert's kinship with the Targaryens and his status as Lord

Parmount of the Stormlands, he had been afforded an

accommodation with the famed apartments.

As the young knight was readying himself for bed, a voice called out

to him, startling him and he reached for his weapon, only to stop a

moment later after the intruder revealed their identity.

There dressed in a rich, dark cloak adorned with a hood was none

other than Rhaella Targaryen, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

"I apologize for startling you, Robert," the Queen stated calmly, with

a slight blush coloring her features as she took in the sight of a barechested Robert Baratheon. "But I was hoping we could continue our

riveting conversation from dinner. My royal husband's abrupt and

brisk departure had soured the mood then and I thought we could

pick it back up now."

"That is, if you have no objection?" Rhaella inquired with a

suggestive glint in her eyes.

The young Stormlord's instincts and experience told him that

conversation was not the true purpose behind the Queen's visit.

Even at dinner, Robert had picked up subtle gestures and signals

from Rhaella that indicated her interest in him extended far beyond

familial ties and social norms.

"Forgive my bluntness, your grace. But I would appreciate if you

would speak plainly," Robert said in a matter-of-fact tone. Normally,

he enjoyed the dance of seduction but the woman before him was no

common harlot, merchant's wife or even noble woman. She was the

Queen of Westeros and wife to a King who was prone to bouts of

paranoia and irrational behavior.

"Very well, Robert. I appreciate your candor," the Queen replied and

confirmed Robert's suspicions as to her sudden appearance in his

bedchamber at this late hour.

The wife of Aerys Targaryen explained of how she made use of one

of the secret passages within the Red Keep to enter Robert's rooms

while avoiding detection. And then proceeded to speak on the sorry

state of her marriage and Aerys's cruelty and infidelity.

"You heard him. He does not wish for my company, which usually

means that he is taking his pleasure with some other maid who has

had the misfortune of catching his eye," Rhaella said lamentingly.

"Though if I'm honest, such nights are a blessing for me."

"And if you are willing then the boon of tonight will increase several

folds," she added slyly. "I would also ask that we dispense with the

back-and-forth banter of you debating my proposition. After all, I

know for a fact that wives of High lords are among your favored


Shock and fear washed over Robert's features as the Queen told

him that she was aware of his dalliance with Lady Joanna Lannister,

during the tourney held for Prince Viserys's birth. It seemed that

Varys was not the only one with eyes and ears all over Westeros.

"Bedding the lion's wife. Oh my, Robert, you are indeed a bold man

and a lucky one to have managed to keep this transgression hidden

from Tywin's eyes," Rhaella said, amusement coloring her voice. "Or

perhaps, just foolish and reckless."

Before Robert could voice a protest or explanation, the She-Dragon

silenced him with a shushing gesture and assured him that she had

no intention of bringing his indiscretions to light. That is if he was

willing to commit one more trespass.

"Come now, Robert. Don't tell me that you are not excited at the

prospect of bedding the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms," Rhaella

said enticingly as she undid the fasts of her cloak seductively. "And I

refuse to believe that Joanna is more appealing to a virile young lord

like you than myself."

Any sliver of doubt or hesitation that Robert had within him about

accepting the dangerous but very appealing proposal of the Queen,

was extinguished the moment the cloak slipped off her person to

reveal her perfect and glorious nude form. Age and multiple

miscarriages had not been able to dull the incandescent beauty of

Old Valyria that Rhaella Targaryen had been blessed with.

"Not at all, my Queen. Your beauty is as radiant as the sun itself,"

Robert answered, his nether regions stirred to life at the tantalizing

sight before him. "It would be both an honor and pleasure to be of

service to you."

"Very well. Then, you will know the pleasure that only a King is

privileged to," Rhaella said and moved towards him. "Tonight, you

are the King, Robert."

All of Robert Baratheon's past conquests including the Lioness of the

Rock seemed pale in comparison to the beautiful Valyrian goddess

bouncing up and down on his lap and slamming his hard cock into

her body. Until this moment, his passionate romp with Tywin

Lannister's wife held the position of his greatest carnal triumph. His

brilliant performance in the melee had impressed many a maiden,

and the Old Lion's wife was among that number. Her scandalous and

dangerous invitation for a secret rendezvous in the bowels of

Casterly Rock was one of the most riveting experiences of Robert's

life. That is until this moment, bedding the Queen in the King's castle

certainly topped his list now.

The sight of Rhaella Targaryen and her glorious body bouncing up

and down on his cock, had most definitely claimed the honour of

Robert's ultimate triumph. The rumors about the King's mental state

must be true, only a madman would ignore this silver beauty in

favour of some common wench. Well, King Aerys's loss was now his

gain. Robert leaned in and squeezed Rhaella's bouncing breasts,

making her cry out in pleasure.

"It's almost as if you have never been properly pleased before,"

Robert commented.

Rhaella closed her eyes and could not believe how wonderful this

felt. Robert's monstrous cock pushed down into her.

She had not always hated Aerys, he was not a bad person or

husband. Ever since their father forced both her and Aerys into

marriage, Rhaella had grown accustomed to her brother-husband's

lack of attention. But as time passed and Aerys focused his sights of

other noblewomen of court, especially her former dear friend, Lady

Joanna Lannister, the Queen's frustration slowly transformed into

spite and bitterness. Not just towards her King but also at the proud

whores who claimed his attentions.

When she had learned about Joanna's indiscretion with the young

Baratheon, Rhaella had come up with a way to soothe her own pentup rage. At first, the Queen thought of exposing her former best

friend's dalliance to both Aerys and her proud lion of a husband. But

then decided against it, when Rhaegar shared his concerns about

Aerys's deteriorating behaviour. Her astute mind told her that if

things continued to progress in this manner, then there would come

a time when both she and Rhaegar would have need of powerful

allies to deal with Aerys. And Joanna and Robert's dirty little secret

would be a useful card for future negotiations.

However, that did not mean that Rhaella could not leverage it to

make her own in-roads with the young Stag in order to soften him up

for future alliances. Not to mention, alleviate her own stress and


"Oh… you're incredible," Rhaella moaned sensually as Robert gave

the neglected Queen all of the attention that she required and

thirsted for.

"Only the best for my Queen," Robert responded.

"And only the best for my King," Rhaella commented between


Robert leaned deep inside of Rhaella and pushed into the wet folds

of her womanhood. And then he leaned down into her and tweaked

her breasts.

"No need to praise my bedroom skills," Robert commented. "I will

just let your pleasure speak louder than any words."

Rhaella looked straight into Robert's handsome and perfectly

chiselled face. Say what you will about the Storm lands, they

certainly produced men who embodied the spirit of handsome

warrior knights. Oh, those stormy blue orbs that contained fury of

mischievous within them drove Rhaella crazy and she leaned in and

kissed Robert madly. Her breasts pressed against Robert's muscular

chest when she pushed down into him. Robert brushed a hand down

her body and ensured that Rhaella came for him extremely hard.

The very instant Robert's hand traveled to Rhaella's rear end, she

tightened around him. Robert made note of this reaction, but left her

ass and touched her legs. Within no time, he learned how to

stimulate all of the perfect areas on his Queen's body.

A small part of Rhaella screamed at herself for enjoying this so

much. She was here to seduce the Storm Lord, not become

ensnared by him. Yet, that is what was happening and she shut out

the chiding inner voice of her mind by focussing on her passionate

moans. Robert knew how to touch her in all of the right places and

make her climax. Rhaella's resolve weakened and she knew that

she would not be able to look at Robert in the same way again, not

without her pussy feeling the need to be filled by him.

"A change of venues might be refreshing, my Queen."

Robert whispered and pushed Rhaella down onto the edge of the

bed and planted kisses down her succulent body. Every inch of the

Targaryen matriarch was ravished by Robert's touches and kisses.

He ground his throbbing hard cock against Rhaella's thighs, leaning

down into her. Robert pushed down into Rhaella and made her

realize that she was on the precipice of true carnal release.

"Well," Robert said, wanting to hear the words from the Queen's

luscious lips.

"FUCK ME!" she screamed out.

"As you wish."

Robert replied and buried himself down into Rhaella's hot cunt from

behind. Her inner walls pushed down into him. Robert embraced his

lover from behind and ensured that she would be feeling good. He

worked back and forth into her, her inner walls hugging his manhood.

The young Stag could feel the temptation to achieve his own release

grow strong, but he could hold back.

Rhaella closed her eyes and grasped on the edge of the bed. Robert

Baratheon was his house's sigil personified. A glorious, rutting Stag

capable of hitting all of the right spots to make her a explode in

pleasure. Her wet pussy walls tightened around Robert when he

pressed down. His fingers threaded against her lustrous silver locks

as he guided down into her. His hands only closed in and ensured

Rhaella would be gasping for even more pleasure while he rode her.

"Cum for me, my Queen," Robert grunted.

Rhaella obeyed her King for the night, with her walls tightening

around his member. He pushed down and rocked her body,

endlessly slapping his balls against her supple flesh. Rhaella

tightened her grip onto the bed, and let out another hot cry when he

pushed into her. Robert leaned into her and squeezed her tits to

make her cum for him again.

"Do it!" Rhaella gasped for him. "My ass. Fuck it!"

Well, Robert smiled and pushed his finger into Rhaella's mouth to

get it nice and wet. That finger then edged down between Rhaella's


Robert smiled, the ultimate triumph. He would have the Queen of

Seven Kingdoms in every single way possible. A more succulent

conquest than anything he had ever experienced till now in his life.

Robert saw Rhaella's round ass before him, just begging to be filled.

He edged himself down into her and pushed the tip of his cock

guiding into her hot anus from behind.


Rhaella cried out loud as Robert leaned into her, and guided his cock

down into her anus from behind. Robert leaned in and touched her

all over until she was climaxing for him hard.

She begged for it, and Robert was more than willing to give it to her.

His cock pushed down into her ass, and rocked her a couple more

times. Robert held onto Rhaella tight and kept guiding his length into

her from behind. He edged inside of her, with hammering thrusts

driving his balls down onto her ass. Rhaella screamed even more

from what Robert was doing and buried her head into the sheets to

muffle her mixed shrieks of pain and pleasure.

"I'm the first to enjoy these pleasures. Aren't I? I doubt old Aerys has

the imagination or boldness."

Robert inquired to his partner before pressing down into her

succulent asshole and allowed her to squeeze him. He leaned down

and threaded his cock into her, balls slapping repeatedly against her.

The dark-haired lord leaned down and touched Rhaella in such ways

that made her cry out for him. The pleasure only doubled when his

thrusts went all the way into her. Robert rammed down into her body

and sent her over the tipping point with pleasure. He went down into

her and kept fucking Rhaella until she lost it for him, climaxing

extremely hard in the process.

"Yes! Keep fucking it!" Rhaella moaned. "Bury your virile seed in my


Well, tempting as that was, Robert would enjoy the fruits of her royal

ass for a little while longer. He worked his finger against Rhaella's clit

and made her climax harder than before. Robert pressed down and

ensured her asshole would be filled with multiple tight thrusts, drilling

her on a constant basis.

Maintaining a steady pace, Robert Baratheon kept stuffing Rhaella

Targaryen's tight hole from behind. He could feel her envelope his

cock, hard when he pushed into her. She clamped down tight with

Robert's fingers hitting her. As much as he wanted to hold on, he had

to let go.

Robert crammed down into Rhaella and let her go. He claimed her

ass, the final barrier. And also, he touched every point of her body

one more time while hitting her. Robert bottomed out in Rhaella's

scorching hot rear passageway and drained his balls, with desire

spreading from him.

"You are a real conqueror, Robert," Rhaella panted, basking in the

aftereffects of her own release and pleasure.

Robert pulled Rhaella onto his lap and kissed her passionately on

the lips.

"That I am."

End of Flashback

"I hope that I have lived up the standards set by my lady mother,"

Daenerys stated, feeling both pride and a slight amount of envy after

hearing of the King's past tryst with her departed royal mother. "It's a

shame that she is no longer among the living. Would have been

interesting to measure my bedroom talent against hers."

"Aye, that would have made an interesting contest indeed, my silver

minx," Robert rasped, lustful look clouding his features as he

imagined such an encounter. "And one that still might be possible, if

Lady Melisandre succeeds in her latest task."

The lecherous Baratheon then proceeded to inform his Targaryen

bedmate about the ritual that the Red Priestess was attempting to


"By the Gods, can it truly be done?" Daenerys asked, after the shock

of hearing the King's words wore off.

"The Red Woman has never failed me and I'm confident that she will

not disappoint me this time either," Robert replied confidently and a

bright smile appeared on Daenerys's face.