chapter 1

chapter 1

7 july 2034

in a small appartment sam was reparing phone 'hi my name is sam graduate from a avarage college working in a phone reparing shop, dating ,24 '"dam this kids now a days drop phone like crazy looking at the phone "'is it necessary to bring the phone at the bathroom the company claims water resistance not water proof'

In 2024 a big company introduced VR set which at start worked like charm but when people started using it on the daily basis

people started imagning screens without waring it .The government reaserched it and it got banned then everyone again switched to phones and laptops .some people complained but ban still continues

In the wall of the room the TV showing news but sam was working on repairing the phone while lissning the news:"the weather at City x is very bad roads are block due to over raining and we got the news that 20 people died in a bus accident due to lightning .the lightning falled on a street lamp pole and the pole on the bridge crashed on a bus due to which 20 people died "

hearing this sam looked at the tv 'this heavy rain will kill more people' standing up he walked to his balcony while walking he slipped due to wet floor of his balcony.

With quick response he gripped the railling on his balcony. Looking down he was thanking the god but a suddenly a lightening struck him in his balcony. For few seconds he felt unimaginable pain through out his body and then he's sight became dark


Sam felt light very light every thing around him was blank. He felt like he was floating ,in that dark space he started thinking about his family. He had family of four ,his parents and a brother. His father has a good buisness thinking about them and how will they react to his death devastated him but the thought 'at least his brother is with them' reassured him but this does not lessened his pain

He thought of his girlfriend and his pain ,emotions got more sad.'we were not ideal but pooja always understood me. she wanted to open a bakery but I told her no because I thought that both full time working parents might be too much for our kids in our future.

That time we quarrel like there was no tommarow but in the end we dicided that she can open the backery after our kids turn 8 that was insensitive of me .But thinking of my mother who was also housewife ,I didnt back down because while I was a kid my mother was our first friend. me and my brother used to fight to sleep beside her in vacations in noon we used to play with our mother thinking of those days I still laugh

'Pooja how is she ,she will definatly cry her eyes out,will she forget me 'but thinking that it is best that she moved on from my death

one by one I thought about every thing that happened in my life


How much time had passed I didnt know ,my mind is cleared now and now I am wating for how much time before my death. I still have all my memories now what

I tried to move in this dark space but I felt nothing in dark

suddenly I saw a light in very dim. I tried to reach it ,then I felt something is pulling me and I started panicking. I thaught will they take trial of me or they will torture me because I am not vegan ,but i am still a virgin ,me and pooja only kissed nothing deep

Thinking this I closed my eyes then I felt like I was hanging upside down and then I felt a sting on my left butt thinking the the god of trial was torturing me, I felt my eyes wet then some words fell in my ears that I didn't understand 'god of different language how will I Defend my self I cant understand ' I thought and it came back this time with sound in my other buttcheek with more force 'slap' due to pain I tried to speak but only mummers came from my mouth. I opned my eyes and I saw a lady on bed was stretching out her hands towards me

then I felt something soft wraping my body I streached my hands they are small and a white soft cloth is wrapped on my arms no no no my full body is in this white cloth then the lady who smacked my butt put me in the arms of the lady who was streaching her hands .she took me closer to her face and started rubbing her face against mine and then gave me a peck on my forhead then the other lady on the side said somthing and she put me down beside her and I thought of an possibility 'did i just reincarnated