chapter 8

Chapter 8

My mom woke me up early in the morning. It was cold, but not unbearably so. I got ready for school, and one thing I liked about this world was the uniform. It was plain white with blue and white checks on a warm woolen coat-like material.

We arrived at the school, which resembled a local school on Earth. The school principal was a D-rank adventurer from our village. After meeting him, we went on a tour of the school. Everything looked normal with small classrooms where teachers were instructing students, several courts, and a spacious terrace.

After the tour, my mom left me in the principal's office. Then, a man in his forties took me to my classroom.

"Everyone, this is Alex, and he is joining our class from today," he announced. "Alex, my name is Kale, and I will be teaching you history. You can take a seat anywhere you like."

Since he didn't specify, I chose a seat in the middle, though the ones behind me were empty. "When he said I could sit anywhere, I wanted to sit in the last row, but there were only 21 people in our class, including the teacher."

Kale began with general knowledge, discussing the first king of the Poa Kingdom and more. After an hour, the lecture ended, and he assigned us books for reference before leaving. The next lecture was about the basics of mana theory, which I already knew from Grandma's book. I found it boring since the teacher only reiterated what was in our books, offering nothing extra.

During break time, I sat on my bench when the boy next to me, named Brook, started asking about me. He had brown skin and black hair. He shared some of his food—a fresh bread with slightly crushed tomatoes. I opened my wooden lunch box, which contained roasted rabbit from yesterday and chips. Inspired, I split Brook's bread, filled it with the rabbit and tomatoes, and made my first sandwich in this world. I shared it with Brook, who initially looked confused but then followed suit after seeing me eat my portion.

It was a simple roasted rabbit sandwich without any sauce, but it was satisfying. While eating, I thought about how cheese would have made it even better. Brook enjoyed it so much that he forgot about his chips until he heard their crisp sound. He added some to his sandwich, which made me realize why I hadn't thought of it earlier.

Afterward, we had basic archery and math classes. Nobody in the class knew how to use a bow, which reminded me that I hadn't made friends in my seven years. I only knew some people outside my family and didn't know anyone my age.

Pushing that thought aside, I continued with my classes. After school, I walked home with my mom and Brook, who was from a nearby village. He stayed with his uncle, who taught him blacksmithing. He shared that his uncle had shown him the route to the smithy from school.

We parted ways with Brook and continued our walk home.