chapter 19

Hearing this, Alex was initially confused, but he collected his thoughts. "Look, Ayelet, I don't have that much money with me right now. I understand if it's someone important to you, but I can't afford it."

"Don't worry, sir. If you ask the manager, she will be able to add her with me. You see, a few days ago, she fractured her right hand very badly, so she is only 700 coppers now."

"But why don't they fix her fracture?"

Hearing this, Ayelet's eyes welled up, and her hands started shaking. She grabbed her left hand with her right hand and took a deep breath.

"She can be fixed, but according to the rules, serious injuries are only treated if she got injured due to work in the market or someone from the market injured her. But she got injured during play, and if we don't consult within 10 days, she will lose her arm. Then she will have to leave the market and compensate with 500 coins."

Listening to this, he got emotional thinking about the girl the same age as him. "I will ask the manager. If they agree, then we could take her. But if they don't agree, I cannot do anything."

After some time, they got out. "Excuse me, what could I do with the remaining amount?"

"Sir, according to the rules, you can take another slave by paying the remaining amount or get 25% of the remaining money."

Hearing this, Ayelet got excited. "Okay, I heard the injured slaves are on discount."

"Yes, sir, they are on discount, but there is no refund. Even if they die today, there will be no refund."

"Okay then," she said, "that her friend is also in there. Could you escort us there?"

In a room painted white, a red-haired girl was looking at the flowers in her left hand while she had a very light shade of green in her eyes. She was happy for her friend when she heard that someone was interested in her, but the tears in her eyes didn't stop, thinking about her future. In a few days, she will have to leave this place. She didn't know how she would live.

Suddenly, the door opened, and she saw her friend walking towards her with four more people.

She was happy that her friend had come to meet her. They hugged each other and started talking.

Meanwhile, both brothers took Alex into a corner.

"Alex, why are you buying her? She has a broken hand. She will need at least 500 copper coins to fix it," Sam said.

"Yes, Alex, we agree that she is beautiful, but that..." Roy got stopped by Alex.

"Don't worry. I just have to sell that sword, and we will get the money."

Sam and Roy didn't say anything more. Looking into his eyes, they knew that it would be impossible to change anything.

On the other side, "Congratulations, Ayelet. Now you have a master. Which one is he?"

"From now on, the one in the blue outfit is our master."

At first, Pia didn't understand, but when her mind clicked on 'our,' she looked at her friend, not knowing what to ask.

"Sorry, Pia. I asked the master for this condition without knowing how you would feel."

"Ayelet, you know that after three days, the chances of my arm recovering have become very low. Now, pus is also starting to form in my hand. What is his profit in this?"

"Relax, Pia. He didn't add any extra conditions."

"Okay, but if the operation fails, then what?"

"Pia, don't worry too much. Just think positive."

After some more talking, Alex went towards the bed. He looked at Pia. She was also beautiful. Then he called the slave, "Excuse me, can you call a doctor?"

"Sir, if the treatment is unsuccessful, there will be no refund." Saying this, the slave got out.

Then Alex walked towards Sam and Roy.

"Hey, what are you two talking about?" Alex asked.

"Nothing, just that you got two slaves in one day. So, we were deciding what hotel to go to for emptying your pocket."

After some time, the doctor came. He examined Pia. Then, after cleaning the pus, he used healing magic on her arm. Noticing the reaction, he said, "Okay, no nerves got too damaged. If she is lucky, she will be able to recover in one month of plaster."

He then plastered her arm and left. Then the slave came and took out two papers. "Okay, now that everything is settled, sir, can we start the process?"

"Okay," he said. After that, he gave one paper to both the girls. "If you have any conditions, you can write them here and then drop your blood on it."

The girls didn't write anything on the paper. They both knew that if they added more conditions, they would look ungrateful. They just dropped their blood on the paper.

"Now, sir, you can also drop blood on the papers."

When the process was completed, Pia and Ayelet both felt their connection with Alex deepen. They knew they were embarking on a new chapter of their lives, uncertain yet hopeful.

Alex looked at them. "You are now under my care. I promise to do my best for both of you,"